English 5A CEFR

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Vocabulary 1 cycling 2. skateboarding 3 photogrophy 4 on 5 fim 6 reading 3B 1 video games 2 eating 3. sports 4 photography 5 axlng 6 reading 7 gardening 8 songs @ 1 music 2. phologrophy 3. sports 4 video 5 on D 1 speaker 2. television 3 clock 4 books 5 table mbbish bin 7 bookshelt 8 solo 3 painting B 1 fost 2 ta 3. popular 4 expensive 5 choop Grammar a 1 is 2 orent 3 om 4’ ore = Somnot 6 isnt B iport i) aimee 2 6 U 5 your 6 their 7 her @ 1 Yes, she hos. 2 No, he hasnt 3. Yes, he hes 4 Yes, ho has 3 Yes, ney nave © No, we hover D 1nd = 20r O but aor Band Une [Lares ee cece cece e ee epa7 Listening Village peccatul; clean; rational; lois of space highest freestanding tower in the word a restaurant crescent moon a 1 2 3 22 is cocessibe fo the public B 1 2 3 4 Vocabulary a 1 leon 2 tow 3 Stow 4 tadiona! 5 boring B POLLUTED ; FASCINATING ; LOUD ; HUGE ; NOISY ‘CROWDED ; BUSY ; LIVELY Grammar a 1 is inere 2 How many 3 Are here How mang 5 weihere 3B | Where 2 Who 9 Whot When How @ 1 older 2 toler 3. smorer more beaut Writing a 1 landmark 2 oiplane 3. hstorea! | cheop 8 popusr B 1. lected in Melako 2 ot restouronts expensive 3 mony interesting paces fo vist & own ne hisiorea bullings 58 populaton of | millon people ony : crowded ; tall buildings ; polluted ; many cars Unit. Listeni Speaking “a 1 can you 2 gostroight a 3 neg & Soong 1 wookend 2 pic hot 5 on yor tt $time 3 Kies i ee + cpposte 3 gutr English 5A Answers 1 com> Scanned with CamScanner B Unit [S++ ++ 2 Komal: (a) ee), Suzy: - (©) (@), Suzy : (6) (¢) (f) stening Speaking a 8 2c aA 1 gotona yong — elephont 3. Food wil be provided Seis 4 eaten of eppacaon soos wig. Jos ered bao 5 come to the gotong-royong their tusks B 1 7:30am. 2 1:30pm Speakin, 3 1:45 p.m. 4 tuition pe: a 5 5:30pm. 6 6:45 p.m, a 1 I'matraid 2 Cant 3 I'msory Reading 4 youcant 6 ofcourse 1 Cantoen Doy B 2 foster 0 beter relationship between pups ond “1 Cont 2 No. Con teachers 1 6 youeon 3 donated to the local orphanage 0 a) OC es 44 burgers ond some refreshments a 5 pouring beverages in the cup as a Vocabulary 1D 28 3c aa 4 B 1 tradtional clothes 2 meal 3. celebration 4 Ingredients ' A 5 caleoaly 6 quoter _ : B 1 music 2 feast 3 fun 3 ce 4% comivel 5 porode Vocabular Grammar a ry a 1 fish 2. momma 1 Does ; he does 2 2 bid a : 3 Do; they don't a 8 reptile et 5 Do: they do B B i oe Aord 1 fost 2 strong = 3 heavy & quick 3 tometimes 4 ever 5 often 6 clways ss Writing 1 heavier; heavist 1 Spore Doy every year 2 more dengerous ; most dangerous 2 ensure pups parelpae in sports 3. larger; argest 3 held at he school fld 4 bole: best 44 headmaster, teachers ond pupils 5 more boring ; most boring 5 speech by the headmaster B $ Sporis competiions 7 ward ceremony 1 between 2 around 3 about 4 around @ are often wel-received @ ‘7 clopped Hands and cheered = 10 funend a happy occasion Scene coleman Writing eri oe a 1 A 28 3A a ae Bc 60 2 . B a c 1 No, tm not 2 Yes, Ihave. 0 D 3 I'm from Malacca. 5 5 (Any acceptable answers) Answers2 English 54 Scanned with CamScanner 1 An eagle catches prey with its talon. 2 An ostrich can outrun many animals with i's speed. 3A kangaroo puts its baby in the pouch '& A shark con smel blood from for away, {5A frog can lve both on land ond in water. 3 1 endangered 2. these animals will be extinct 3 stricter ‘4 imprison them 5 the law 6 monitor the ploces 7. educate since young 8 report fo authorities {discourage people trom hunting animals }0 conserve the forest beeen e epg 28 2 English 3 expermonte numbers B ' A 3 Cc @ 1 False 2 Tue 3 Tue 4 False Speaking a I proctise 2 improve 3 essoy & speck 3B 1 Doyou hove 2 What does 3. What kind 4 How ean 5 What should Rei a 1D 2A ac B 1 one ofthe best inthe world 2. standardised testing 3 fortree 4 few homework Vocabulary a 1 Science 2. Mathematics 3 Music 4 English a 1 study 2 prepared 3 attention 4 ask 5 active 6 socialise 7 early 8 revise Grammar a 1 concentrating 2 revising 3 leaming & teaching English 5A, ~~ 5 boarding © studying 7 evaluating 8 cimbing B 1 isnot sleeping 2 omnot reading 3 arenot riding 4 reno! meeting 5 isnot shouting & oe no! ming 7 arenot relaxing 8 Ierot eating Writing a 1 James enjoys going to schoo! 2. My school has many fies. 3. The pupil listen ttntvey to he teacher. 4 Gur elassroom con 40 pups 8 Tho canteen in my school selis many delicious food 3 ‘Malays, Chinese and Indians ‘ot f00 far from my house by walking ‘Mathematics, Science and Malay longuage weekly meeting the best ‘canteen, schoo! field, schoo! hall and computer club the conteen ‘nasi leak, burgers, fried noodles and sondwiches love my school Saevoasan— ‘To collect money to save endangered animals. To stop the ilagal poachers. To improve the nearby forest environment Bon From: (your email) To: (your friend's email) ‘Subject: Let's go to the Save The Animal Camivall Dear (your trienc's name), T wont to invite you to Save The Animal Carnival ‘There are many activities there. First, we can listen to 0 tok there. The tolk is fo educate us about the importance of endangered ‘animals. Next, there is an exhibition where we can watch presentations about wildife. Findlly, there is a live animal inferaction. We get to see live onimals up close and feed them, That is al from me. Your tend, (your name) eeeeescepger because itis the most appropriate The answer is A becouse ‘ls'is used with a singular ‘noun, The answer is 8 because ‘but’ is used to connect {ideas that contrast. The onswer is B becouse the sentence is comparing between two things, s0 ‘cleaner’ Is the correct comparative form, 5 D The answer is D becouse the sentence is ‘continuous present tense, Answers 3 Scanned with CamScanner & D_ The answor is D becouse it means a nice smell 7 © The answer is C becouse Gary isa singular noun, 80 the verb needs to include 's 8 D The answer is D because ‘in’ is used 10 indicate parts of day such as ‘evening’. FA. The onsweris A becouse the sentence is indicating ‘future, 50 wil is the correct answer. 10D The onswer is D becouse ‘narow’ has the opposite rmeoning as ‘wide’ 11D The answer is D because of the proper use of question morks, 12D. The answer is O because from the picture it can be seen thatthe seting iso playground. 13 C The onswer is C because from the picture it can be seen that Nizar and Shah are playing football 18D The answer is D because ‘ther is used 10 indicote all ofthe children. 15 A The answer is A becouse ‘They’ is plural ond the verb needs tobe in base form. 16 D_ The answer can be found on the tte ofthe poster. 17 © The answer con be found on the poster under ‘Activities’ and ‘Concert is not listed 18 D_ The answer con be found from the first clog “What do you usually do ater school?” 17 B The onswer is B because Ken goes to tulon at 3:00 pm 20 A The answer is A becouse it Is clear from the diclogue that both Jamal and Ken ore outdoor people. Section B 21 (a) 1 like to live in a village. ~ From the picture, it can bbe seen that the git is thinking of a vilage. So, we ccan assume that she prefers to live in a village. (0) [like dolphin. — From the pictur, it can be seen ‘hat the ait is thinking of a dolphin. So, we can ‘ossume that she likes dolphin, (6) No, you can'. ~ From the picture it can be seen that the second boy is showing disapproval look. So, we can assume that he is saying the artefact ‘cannot be touched, (Any acceptable answers) ors] T a 2 (&) He took a photo with a sncke. — The answer can be found from the fourth sentence of the third paragroph, ‘At the end of the zoo, Isaac managed fo take a photo with a snake.” (6) () Tigers (i) Hippopotamus (Any acceptable answers) (d) Yes, it does. It is because children can see real ‘animals when they visit the 200. (Any acceptable ‘onswers) (0) hiis hometown ~ The answer can be deduced from reading the diary (0) 1000 = The answer con be found from the second sentence of the first paragraph, ‘It is a small town with 0 population of 1000 people.” CC) (2) (Library {i Cendot (e) Yes, 1 would. Ethan's hometown seems to be a peaceful place. (Any acceptable answers) 28 (0) (i) True ~ The onswer can be found from the third Answers 4 sentence, ‘Attendance is compulsory (ii) False - The answer can be found from the first diologue,‘Julanne, you missed on ‘onnouncement made by the heocmaster. (ili) True — The answer can be found from the first dialogue, "regarding the gotong-fotong this ‘Soturday. (b) Pupils need to come to school at 8:00 a.m. and register their names to their class monitor. 25 (a) (i) Pick up rubbish. (i) Cleon the doin (Any acceptable answers) {0} Dong’ gotong-royong is important becouse it teaches the pupils to always proctise cleanliness, (Any acceptable answers) (Suggested Answers) Section A 1 tallest building in Malaysia 2 451.9 metres high 3 there is a park 4 goto observation 5 shopping mall atthe bose Section B a) (a) Hori Rayo Aci (0) Deepavali (6) Vesak (Any acceptabie answers) Bq) To: (your friend's nome) Date: (dete) | want fo tell you about Hari Raye Adi. Hori Roya Aidit is celebrated by Muslims in ‘Malaysia and ail over the world. It is celebroted after the fasting month that is based on the Islamic calendar. The Purpose of the celebration is about forgiveness. Its also a ‘doy where family members gather together. ‘That is al from me. From {your name) ‘Section C Question | Halim ond Chuan decide to go for a study session ‘They ike to study inthe Nbrary Because M's quel ond Beocelul. They con study becouse there i no distraction. Inthe library they focus on their revision They revise hat they hod leat in post lesson. They dues toget to help each other understand beter. They enjoy studying together becouse it wos much ‘easier. They look forward to go tothe lorry again. Question 2 It was Sports Day ot Julia's school. She was part of blue teom. During the opening ceremony, she marched with the rest of her team on the field. It wos fun. Julia wos selected for a racing competition. Betore the ‘o0@ storted, she prepared herself by stratohing so that she would not get Injured during the race. When the race Started, Julia began to run fast. Due to her speed, she was leading the race ond won, She received a medal. She wos happy for her ‘occomplishment. All her friends congratulated her for winning. English 5A Scanned with CamScanner

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