21 Irrefeutable Laws of Ledership by John Maxwell

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Assignment Topic:

Book Review of

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell

Submitted by:
Noshaba Maqsood

Muhammad Awais

Khadija Parvaiz

Course Instructor:

Mr. Ali Owais

Course Title:

Management Thought and Philosophy

Course Code



MPhil 1st

Submitted Date: 01-02-23

Department of Management & Administrative Sciences

Book Review

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell

"Administration capacity is the top that decides an individual's degree of viability," expresses
Maxwell in characterizing the Law of the LID. The roof on an individual's true capacity is
bringing down the less skilled he is at driving. Certain individuals find this idea disrupting on the
grounds that it suggests that, notwithstanding your longing to be a 10 on the initiative scale, there
is a roof to your gifts relying upon various factors. Your relational abilities, hierarchical abilities,
vision, obligation to accomplishment, and past execution are a couple of these components.
Truly there aren't a large number on the planet, yet in the event that you utilize the law of the top
to assess your own administration, you'll get a reasonable image of what they resemble.
The good news is that there is leeway within the law of the lid. It is foolish to believe that your
current leadership abilities are the best they will ever be. Every leader can develop, but doing so
requires commitment and a desire to put in the effort.
According to Maxwell, "the fundamental measure of leadership is influence, nothing more,
nothing less" is how to define the Law of Influence. Of course, this is among John Maxwell's
most well-known phrases, known all around the world (and on the internet). It's a beautiful
saying, but how frequently do you stop to consider who you are influencing?
Perhaps a more important topic for us to consider is what kind of impact we are providing to
people who adhere to us. Insecure leaders frequently have a negative impact on others in order to
maintain their own status as the group's leader. It's unfortunate. The most effective leaders are
those who understand that leadership is always about helping others reach their full potential.
The best leaders understand that, even if it eventually results in their being better leaders than
themselves, leadership is always about helping others reach their full potential.
Having a title is not a determining factor in leadership. No matter what position you hold—CEO,
Director, Superintendent, or Principal—if others do not follow your example, you are not a
leader. According to Maxwell, "True leadership cannot be given, allocated, or appointed. It only
results from influence, which cannot be ordered. You have to earn it. He continues, "Don't heed
to the statements of the individual claiming to be the leader when it comes to selecting a real
leader. Don't check his credentials, please. Do not look up his title. Look into his influence.
Demonstrating leadership is the followers are where the proof of leadership can be found. He
closes the chapter with the adage, "He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only
Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day is the subtitle for this chapter. This suggests that by
observing a person's daily routine and priorities, you may predict where they will end up. It
implies that having a personal growth plan is a requirement for leaders. "What can you notice
when you look at a person's daily agenda?" asks Maxwell; Priorities, skills, interests,
connections, disposition, self-disciplines, influence, and vision. The destination you will reach
later in your life journey is affected by all of those factors. Therefore, if you don't initially decide
which route you should take to get there, it doesn't really matter where you hope to end up.
Additionally, the law of processes is as we set out to lead others, the law of process also enters
the picture. "Just as you need a growth plan to progress, so do those who work for you," advises
Maxwell. This implies that in order to effectively lead others, we must also chart their course for
The law of procedure is immediately preceding this one. The next step is being able to steer your
business or organization through difficulties and hurdles to success once you have figured out
how to get personally where you want to go. Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch is quoted
by Maxwell as saying, "A successful leader remains focused... Being in control of your course is
preferable to being under its control.
Where leadership sets itself apart from other voices trying to be heard is in the Law of
Navigation. Leaders reflect on their earlier encounters, achievements, and painful failures. They
use the lessons they've learned and use them to look ahead to potential conflict and challenges.
Leaders shall anticipate these issues and take appropriate action in accordance with as they go
toward the objective with all of these in mind, leaders will anticipate the challenges and respond
accordingly. This goes beyond simply casting visions. Finding out what it will take to realize the
vision is this. Anyone may steer the ship, but it takes a leader to set the path, as Maxwell puts it.
Simply put, according to the Law of Addition, "leaders add value by assisting others." According
to Maxwell, when we genuinely value others and deliberately work to make ourselves valuable
to them, we add value to them. According to him, "90% of all people who provide value to
others do so on purpose." The best approach to accomplish this is to genuinely get to know the
people we are in charge of, learn about their priorities, objectives, hopes, and dreams, and then
determine what we can do to help them achieve their objectives. According to Maxwell,
inexperienced leaders rush into taking charge before fully understanding the people they are
supposed to guide. However, wise leaders first listen, take in, and then act.
Trust is the cornerstone of leadership, as stated by Maxwell in his definition of The Law of Solid
Ground. The biggest problem facing leaders in the twenty-first century may be this. Due to the
excessive misuse of power by self-serving leaders, too many people have lost faith in leadership.
Therefore, the most crucial component of leadership is trust. You have nothing to offer if you
lack trust.
According to Maxwell, we may increase trust by "consistently exemplifying skill, connection,
and character" and by "treasuring trust as our most precious asset." How can leaders gain
respect? he asks in a later essay. By making wise choices, owning up to their errors, and
prioritizing the interests of their followers and the organization over their own personal agendas.
Due to the fact that "no leader can break trust this is because, as we well know, "leadership is
influence, nothing more. No leader can undermine trust with his people and expect to continue
influencing them.
The importance of respect is comparable to the high requirement of trust. People "naturally
follow leaders stronger than themselves," the Law of Respect informs us. According to Maxwell,
one of the biggest potential hazards for naturally talented leaders is relying solely on talent;
effective leaders depend on respect. They recognize that all leadership is voluntarily exercised.
People admire you, he claims, "When they respect you as a person. They adore you when they
value you as a friend. They will follow you if they believe in you as a leader. The inverse is also
accurate. As soon as people stop respecting you, you will no longer have any power over them.
LAW #8 Law of Intuition:
Law of Intuition is associated with understand things more quickly than other because, Leader
looks things differently than others do. This law has subjective nature. Intuitiveness that:
“Who you are, determines what you see”
In other words, if I’m a leader then I see things with leadership eye. For example Paul sees the
nature beauty and John said, I can’t see these because Paul is nature lover.
According to Law of Navigation is that, “You’re intuitive in the area of your giftedness” so,
whatever you gifted in your intuitive in, leader are reader because, they read the situation why
because, they have leaning, Intuitiveness and giftedness in the area of leadership. They could see
everything with lens of leadership so, they have ability to identify these people but also where
they are. The leader knows that, Why they did this or why they said that or why they went there
that many times, they will give a read of how they can see thing (they know the thing pattern of
their followers) and if they give a read of how they can see thing they will begin to tech you to
see those same things.
For Example, John C. Maxwell said that, once I was going in leadership conference with my
wife Margaret. I was focused on the speech of person which is more interesting and after end of
conference we came home. After came to home my wife said that do you remember the person
with gray sweater even, I don’t remember who wears gray sweater. They remember the
individual with clothes color because, she is very color conscious but I am not because my
focused is different from her.
For Example, John C. Maxwell said that, “people are intuitive in their area of strength” my
intuitive in the area of giftedness is in leadership so, I can’t be confused or nervous while give
lecture in conferencing because, it’s my passion.
According to John C. Maxwell, Law of Intuition will be stand on 8 rules that,
a) Leader can read and sense the people that Why did this or why they said that or why they
went there that many times, they will give a read of how they can see thing and if they give a
read of how they can see thing they will begin to tech you to see those same things.
b) Leader can reader and sense the coming opportunities.
c) Leader should read and sense the environment that, what happening them in the
environment around and they can feel things.
d) The reader of timing is aware of the ups and downs of timing and knows when to take
advantage of opportunities as best they can and when to let them pass.
e) Leader are not only read and sense the person but also knows the motive that, Why they do
f) The leader can sense to assess the Future, they sense that what’s coming around the corner
and what approaching and what is ups in front of them.
g) The leader have the sense to Placement of People because, they knows this person have this
type of giftedness and they put these people to gain the maximize output in their positions.
h) The leader are readers of processes, they takes less time to understand the process of thing
and realize people how they so far from becoming leader.

LAW #9 Law of Magnetism:

According to John C. Maxwell, the law of magnetism says that:
“Who you are is, who you attract”
Let me explain in this way, if I want to write down the top three qualities in people that you
would like attract to your organization. I want to hire those people which have these three
qualities Integrity, Attitude and Leadership abilities. Now that, I list down these three
qualities people, I want to attract. Question that I have to ask myself, do I have these qualities in
myself. Culture and Environment of organization can explain us to which kind of people you
want to attract into your organization.
There is some Key Area of Attractions:
1. Mission can divides the people and attract people. According to mission, you attract some
persons and repel some persons because, mission describe that, what are you trying to
2. Priorities of an organization guide you about attracting people to your organization. These
priorities are general skills, integrity, doing right thing, high character type with that kind of
statement its law of magnetism.
3. Age, research found that, people in organization are build grouped according to their age to a
certain extend. John’s found that, some organization recruit the young people that they are
just kind of going after it as fast as the pause.
4. Values attract some kind of people that adding value to other. For example somebody says,
John! What do you want do in life. And I said that, I want to take people to higher level than
they could ever get on their own.
5. Backgrounds sometimes attract people according to their background that, they grow up in
same area geographical, education and business.
6. Attitude is a factor that organization uses to attract people. While recruiting, two or three
qualities of people that I want attract to my organization, I would make sure that, I have these
qualities also in myself e.g. Wal-Mart
LAW #10 Law of Connection:
According to John C. Maxwell, you touch a person emotionally and relationally before they
will ever begin to do things in a physically sense with you. You have to touch the heart of person
before you ask for their head. This is tough law for leaders because, most of times leader are
action-oriented and not mess with relationship stuff and connection. But I think that,
Relationship is Leadership because, you don’t go to long trip or work for long period with
somebody that you don’t get along him.
Leaders understand that, they have got to connect with the heart before they can ask the hand
going back to law of Influence with permission level that people do things with you because they
like you. “So, you have to begin to become likeable” likeable in sense of face or start with
appearance etc.
How do you connect with people?
1. Connect with yourself, first connect to yourself emotionally and relationally because, if you
can’t love, connect, relate to yourself then, you can’t love and relate to someone else. If
nobody homes internally there will be no home externally connects to you.
2. Shares with openness and sincerity, just best to be open and sincere with people, it
develops a sense of trust.
3. Live your message, leaders can’t ask his people to do something that, leader are unwilling to
do themselves. Remember to be a tour guide not a travel agent. Hearing your words and
seeing your life ought to be same like Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
4. Know your people; you can’t lead people until you know them. There is a only way know to
your people is to spend time with them. You have to understand, what are their strength and
weaknesses, they do well, what they love, buy and what are their values.
5. Communicate on their level, “come down where, they are understand”. For example, put
the cookies on the lower shelf.
6. Give yourself totally to people of the message, buy into the vision and the people both are
7. Believe totally in the people of the message, it’s wonderful that, people believe in the
leaders but it’s more wonderful that when the leader believe in people.
8. Share how the message has touched you, how the vision or the message has touched you
the only way that ever anyone else buy into the lesson of the message the vision of the
mission that you are on the on! I know everybody in it. If you say look here’s what I have
here’s the areas of change. I am bringing in my life to bring this vision to pass always let
them see how it has positively affected you before you ask them to let it positively affect
9. Offer Direction and Hope, leaders are dealer and hope. Herb Kelleher the CEO of
Southwest Airline example.

LAW #11 Law of Inner Circle:

This law is developed by John in the age of 40 years and according to this law, if you want to
achieve great things, you have got to bring people around you this is inner circle around you.
These are key players that really make a difference and one of the things that’s so exciting about
team leadership. In your Notes, these executives is one who has sense enough to pick good men
to do what, he want done and self-restraints enough to keep from meddling while they do it
(Teddy Roosevelt). Leaders’ potential is determined by people close to him. Are there assets to
him to liability to him?
According to 17 Laws of Teamwork, the law of significance says that, one is too small of
number to achieve greatness. In other words, you can’t do anything significant by yourself so
you are one of these kinds of people that like being a self-mad man you know. Law of chain
says that, the weakest link determine the strength of your team. If you have got it, you have got
to have a team around you. You have got an inner circle.
5-6 people around me that, they putting value to me or pulling me down. Are they an assets
(water) or they liability (Gasoline) to me. There is key success as a leader, your ability to have a
good inner circle around you and your ability to train them and develop them is absolutely
essential to your success.
Inner Circle Commitments:
1. Team Leadership, whenever you develop an inner circle, they were not compete you; they
are there to complete you.
2. Evaluate your leadership, the inner circle makes you or break you. So, be honest in
evaluation of them (Realistic Accountability). There are evaluation tool (potential value)
those who rise up themselves. You can rise up yourself; you probably raise other up also.
i) Positive value, those who rise up the morale of the organization.
ii) Personal value, those who rise up the leaders. Either is Lifter or Leaner.
iii) Production value, to raise others
iv) Proven value, raise up the people e.g. Sir Awais of financial aid office to empower
their employee.
3. Develop your leadership team, grow your inner circle means grow your business and grow
your people means that grows your company.

LAW #12 Law of Empowerment:

According to John, only the secure leader can gives power to others. The people capacity to
achieve is determined by their leader willingness and ability to empower. In other words, every
year John spends his time with non-profitable organization and travel internationally with
teaches the leader of the world.
In most developing countries, there is a culture to push down to their people even, in USA firm
leaders are also push down to their people. If you push down to others then, you will also goes
down and it’s your downfall. If you rise up to people then, you should also go up.
Reasons why people don’t empower others:
1. Insecurity, insecure leader has never empowered anyone because; they are too insecure they
afraid that somebody gets their jobs. If I empower people they doing best out of me so,
constantly insecurity causes to pushing people down.
2. Job security, I don’t think that, if I train and empower somebody they may take my job
away from me.
3. Bad experience, if I trained somebody and put time, effort, life and hard working on it and it
turned out bad, left the company, hurt you and back stabbed. Then, we never do this again.
4. Ego, most of times we don’t empower everybody because we want all the credits in that.
5. Codependency, you can’t be leader if you need people. If you need people in codependency
way, you will never make the hard decision because you need their approval too much.
To conclusion of my life for empowerment is to adding value to others and other people
success makes you more joyful than your own success. To teach and train someone else to do
that its greater joy. It begins to compound as for as the return begins to instead of to add it
begins to multiply and so.
Adding value to people,
a) You add value to people if you truly value to people. If I don’t value to you as leader, I
manipulate you instead of motivating.
b) Adding value to people if I know and relate to what they value, I have got a no one relate
to what they value because, if I am on a different page. I have known what their interest,
goals, mission and passion.
c) I can only adding value to you and other want to make myself more valuable because,
you can’t give what you do not have. If do I stretch you by stretching myself first.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) of example to stop a child to don’t eat sweet (Gur).
Taking people to a higher level than they would have ever gone on their own. But because you
willed it and gave permission to it you empower them.
LAW #13 Law of Reproduction:
I know, we teach what we know we reproduce what we are. It is cousin law of Magnetism,
who you are, is who you attract. It takes a leader to raise up a leader now, the law of
magnetism is kind of front end. The law magnetism says here is to drawn a potential leader to
you. And the law of reproduction is back end, the law of reproduction says, once you have
drawn these potential leader here’s how you develop these potential leaders. When we are going
to end of leadership law, we realize that we are going to reproduce you.
The first law deals with “how do I develop myself and how do I become” the person I should be.
Then we shift from me as a leader to reproduce other people with in my life. Here’s what I
know we reproduce what we are.
“We teach what we know, we reproduce what we are”
1) It takes a leader to know a leader, the leader can pick out potential leader better than non-
leaders because, they understand of what it’s like to be a leaser so, it take a leader to know a
2) It takes a leader to show leaders, most motivational principle in life is “People do what
people see” if you are leader then, you can teach the leadership to other so, that’s why it is
impossible for non-leader to raise up leaders.
3) It takes a leader to grow a leader, it takes on to grow one how do you grow potential leader
by being on yourself. “People do what people see”
I conduct a survey on (I am a leader because---------.)
5% due to crises, 10% due naturally leadership giftedness and 85% due to another leader
put me under their wing and mentored me According to Law of Reproduction, what we know
we reproduce what we are.
There are only 5% leaders that reproduce leader because there are some reason that leader
can’t reproduce leaders:
1. Insecurity, keeps us from empowering people.
2. They spend too much time with followers, leader are restless, they are sitting you know up
are doing a good job leading but can we hurry it up a little bit more and could we take a
bigger challenge and when are we going to means leaders following leader their main goal is
not thrill you. Their main goal is progress, success they want to get up to the top.
3. Follower are easier to find and lead than leaders, because follower can only follow you they
just king to get in line. Find some body that is already fulfilled in a job that they are doing
with excellence and go after their person who want job you don’t want.
4. They don’t recognize the value of developing leaders; sometimes we can’t develop a leader
because they fail to recognize the value of developing leaders. They have never realized the
compounding value that if you develop leaders you grow your company, your profit, your
bottom line is bigger everything win, when we have a leader in our organization.
5. Leadership has been viewed as competitive effort, not a cooperative one. Leader does things
that followers can’t do so, that the leader can stay a leader.
LAW #14 Law of Buy-In:
According to John, law of buy-in says that, people buy into the leader, then the vision. In
many conference people ask me a question that:
John! What do you think that, my people will buy into my dream?
I said that, lets me ask you a question “have the people bought into you because, if people have
bought into you as a leader. Then there will be a good news that, they will buy into the dream but
if have not bought into you then, they will not buy in the dream. It’s never happened where an
organization as bought into the visionary.
The first thing that you sell does not your dream, not your vision you have first thing to sell is
yourself because when you could connect goes back to the law in connection. When you can
touch them relationally, when they have bought into you emotionally, likes you. They will
bought into you then, bought into your dream.
“Every vision is filter through the messenger”
When I have a dream presented to me as a leader it’s an absolute fact that, every one of these
dreams and vision is filtered who gives a dream and who share the vision. It will be soon their
vision not only your own vision. Leader finds the dreams then the people that are way it works.
As a leader, I have vision or dream and find some people to fulfill it. Because we can’t do it all
myself because it’s a bigger picture dream I have. In your life you find a leader that have a vision
that is compatible with them. I have got to like them, if I am going to take a journey with them,
relate to them, got to connect with them, like me they have to believe in me they have to relate in
connection with me.
As a leader to sell yourself first and then secondly, to sell your dream. So, selling you and
connecting with people. They connect with the dream again how do I take vision from me-we, the
law of buy-in. it buy into you it will soon be their vision not just your vision.
As a leader ask a question that not only have a clear vision but need to ask, do I love my people,
do I enjoy their company, have good relationship with them, do they like my company, is it a
good time when we are together.
The buy-in Process:
1. People see the problem or need
2. The leader see the problem and potential
3. The leader had a plan who to fix the problem
4. The leader believe in people
5. Leader believe in the future
6. Leader shares this believe with the people
7. People believe in leader believe
8. The people buy-in to the leader
I realized, when you truly have the law of buy-in as a leader, you don’t need to ask the people
they will start coming forth and they will start giving you that but-in. you will know it because
the people will share it.
"Law of victory says leader find a way for the team to win" in other words leader have the ability
to bring victory to the people. John Maxwell exemplify the leader of England Winston
Churchill, during the World War II who refused to allow the Nazis to gain control over them and
in the darkest times spoke greatest word of victory to his people; what is our aim? Victory,
Victory at all cost. Victorious leaders find the alternative to winning unacceptable so they find
out what need to be done to achieve victory and then they go after it with anything at their
disposal. John Maxwell used a sports illustration to understand the law of victory as a classic
example of Michel Jordan a basketball player who had the ability to bring the victory to his team
even when he went over to the Washington team in NBA a team that had been low and almost
made the playoffs because anything less than victory was unacceptable for Michel Jordan.
John said show me a person or a leaders who does this law well and I will show a person that
absolutely hate losing, all great leaders of history excelled in this law, George Washington is an
example of such leaders who freed the country from British rules on stakes of his life, for six
years never go home, stayed out with his soldiers as they are undermanned and underrated to
make sure that they bring this victory home and finally he did. John depicts another example of
Nelson Mandela who was dedicated to bring the democracy in his country and he did even he
spent 27 years of his life in prison. There are three components that are necessary to bring
victory; union of vision, Diversity of skills, Dedication to victory.
Law of Big Mo says, "Momentum is a leader’s best friend", John said it’s a fact with momentum
one can solve problems do easier and could not if you don’t have momentum and with
momentum it takes less energy to solve problems. Many times the only difference between
winning and losing is momentum also the law of momentum sustain the victory longer.
Momentum allows you to be successful for longer period of time. John exhibit the example of Ed
Catmull a person with talent and vision who start from scratches then taking baby steps and took
his work of generating movies with computer later known as animated( a story of Pixar and
Disney) at the level of credibility.
Momentum is a great exaggerator, Momentum makes leaders look better than they are, and it
also makes followers perform better than they are. Positive momentum exaggerates things in
positive way and so negative momentum do in negative way. Momentum of leadership works the
way that getting started is a struggle, but once you are moving forward, you can really start to do
some amazing things. Momentum is a powerful change agent and it’s a leader’s responsibility to
crate momentum. Momentum begins within the individual leader according to Eleanor Doan
"You cannot kindle a fire in other heart until it is burning within your own".
Nothing can stop a leader to move forward if he has momentum the best example of this is an
electric train, and it works the same in organizations, if you have got momentum in your
company you can smash all the problems and hurdles. Momentum will solve your problems but
if you deal with problems you will never get momentum. So if you want to be successful got
momentum because leaders are like thermostats they control the temperature and followers are
like thermometer they record the temperature. For a leader it’s important to understand the value
of momentum and when you feel that your organization is losing momentum call a timeout as a
coach do in the ground when their team losing momentum because that the time to talk upon
issue and solve them. Figure out the motivating factors in your organization; ask your team what
get them set excited, what gives them energy.
Law of priorities says "Leaders understand activity is not necessarily accomplishment." John
says when we are busy, we believe that we are achieving but busyness does not equal
productivity. John gave the example of himself; he said I lived in San Diego which was his
favorite place to live because of comfortable but moved to Atlanta that place because leadership
has nothing to do with comfort and everything to do with progress, as Stephen Covey said " a
leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yell wrong jungle!.
Leaders can’t afford to just think inside the box, "The first responsibility of a leader is to define
reality." That requires the law of priorities. John spend two weeks in December to reevaluate his
priorities and for that purpose he use the guiding principles of Pareto principle; if you focus your
attention on activities that rank in the top 20% in term of importance, you will have an 80%
return on your efforts. The other guidelines he uses to evaluate his priorities are the 3Rs.
Requirement, Return, and Reward; what is required of me? What gives the greatest return? What
brings the greatest reward? John has top four priorities, Leadership, communication, creating,
networking. Reorder your priorities when it needed and also it is the responsibility of a leader to
make tough decisions based on priorities, John gave the example of Jack Welch chairman and
CEO of General Electric. He knew that the greatest success comes only when you focus your
people on what really matters. Successful leaders live according to the Law of Priorities; Norman
Schwarzkopf, Lance Armstrong, Roald Amundsen are examples of such leaders who put their
priorities into action. One of such great leaders is John Wooden who is an idol for John Maxwell
and he was a former head basketball coach of the UCLA Bruins. Wooden determined a list of
priorities for the team, based on observations from previous season. He was a great leader and
finest person to coach in any sport, because every day he lived by the Law of Priorities. We
should strive to do the same.
Law of Leadership says "A Leader must give up to Go Up". John says an individual step forward
to lead other people for many different reasons; a few do it to survive, some do it to make
money, a few do it to survive, many to build a business and other do it for change the world,
John exemplifies the Martin Luther King Jr. whose leadership ability began to emerge in his
college life and created change in his country. Law of sacrifice demands that the greater the
leader, the more he must give up, and King sacrificed everything he had. The United State has
changed for the better because of his leadership.
Leadership requires sacrifice; the heart of a good leadership is sacrifice. The misperception about
leadership among many people is that it is all about the position, perks, and power but reality is
totally different and to become the best leader one have to be willing to sacrifice to lead well.
Some things that need to know about sacrifice: There is no success without sacrifice as Emerson
said "For everything you gain, you lose something". Leaders are often asked to give up more
than others, when you become a leader, you lose the right to think about yourself. A leader must
keep giving up staying up; sacrifice is an ongoing process, not a one-time payment. There has
always been a cost in moving forward and the higher the level of leadership, the greater the
sacrifice, higher you go in your leadership, the more you gives up.
The law of timing says, “When to lead is as important as what to do and Where to go". John says
it’s a tough law to teach and to learn. Law of timing is more essential to a leader’s success. John
exemplifies the city New Orleans which faced a hurricane named Katrina and the Leader Mayor
Ray Nagin who delayed in deciding evacuations, the city and the people suffered a lot because
the way Katrina was handled showed leadership timing at its worst. Timing is often the
difference between success and failure in an endeavor. Every time a leader makes a move, there
are really only four outcomes: The Wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster, the right
action at the wrong time brings resistance, the wrong action at the right time is a mistake, and the
right action at the right time results in success. Reading a situation and knowing what to do are
not enough to make you succeed in leadership; one must pay attention to timing to become a
successful leader.
According to the Law of Explosive Growth, leaders should multiply rather than add growth. This
distinction is further explained by Maxwell, who claims that "if you grow yourself, you can
enjoy personal success. Your business can expand if you build a strong staff. However, if you
cultivate leaders, your business can see rapid expansion. "You may expand by leading
followers," he continues. But you need to develop leaders if you want to maximize your
leadership and support your organization in reaching its potential. The development of the top
20% of the people around you, rather than spending time catching up with the bottom 20%,
focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, and treating everyone differently rather than acting
as though everyone must be treated equally are just a few examples of the practical advice for
leading leaders. Instead than just spending time together, consider what it takes to genuinely
invest meaningful time into others.
It is undoubtedly more difficult and time-consuming to live by the law of explosive growth, but
when we do, the ripple effect of leaders investing in those below they, and so on, will cause
exponential multiplication. In order to best express this law, Maxwell quotes it as follows:
"Leaders who develop leaders experience an incredible multiplication effect in their
organizations that can be achieved in no other way — not by increasing resources, decreasing
costs, increasing profit margins, improving systems, implementing quality procedures, or doing
anything else."
According to the Law of Legacy" A Leader’s lasting value is measured by Succession". John
wanted to become a pastor in early days of his career, later a communicator, a writer and a leader
so that he could help people. He said his life sentence now is "I want to add value to leaders who
will multiply value to others. What do you want people to say at your funeral? This is the first
question posed in the chapter. Although it may seem strange to ask yourself such a question, it
may be the most significant thing you can do as a leader.
When we are all gone, what will be left behind will be the individuals we leave behind who are
inspired to carry on and the examples we establish with our lives. According to Maxwell, a
leader achieves success when they take on significant personal responsibility. Success happens
when leaders inspire people to take on significant tasks on their behalf. When people set up
leaders to succeed without them, they leave a lasting legacy. "Our abilities as leaders will not be
assessed by the buildings we erected, the institutions we founded, or what our team did during
our stay," he writes at the close of the chapter. How well the people we invested in fared after we
are gone will determine how you and I are perceived. The biggest obstacle to pursuing leadership
for the rest of one's life is also the only one that will ultimately matter.
Maxwell says, “Someday people will summarize your life in a single sentence. My advice: pick
it now! "

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