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Aim: To observe how temperature affects the speed of a reaction.

Hypothesis: If the temperature____ is hotter____________ then the rate of

reaction__ will be faster________.


The reaction that will be used in this experiment is the one between hypo
solution (H2O2) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). This reaction produces sulfur, a pale
yellow insoluble solid causing the solution to become opaque. You look through
the solution from above and time how long it takes for the black cross under
your flask takes to disappear. The timer will be started when the hydrochloric
acid is added to the hypo solution and it will be stopped when the black cross
disappears from view.

1. Place 15 mL of hypo solution and 30 mL of water in a large conical flask.

2. Set hot plate to 250 C.
3. Place flask on hot plate covering black cross. Using temperature probe measure
temperature of solution.
4. Add 5mL of hydrochloric acid to conical flask when solution reaches 250 C, swirl and start
5. Observe the black cross by looking through the solution. Stop the timer when the black
cross disappears.
6. Record results.
7. Wash out the conical flask.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 setting the temperature to 35 0 C on the hot plate.
9. Repeat steps 1 to 7 setting the temperature to 45 0 C on the hot plate.
10. Repeat steps 1 to 6 setting the temperature to 50 0 C on the hot plate.
11. Record the results of two other groups in your class
12. Find the average time of reaction at each temperature.

Time taken for H2O2, HCI & H20 mixture to become opaque based on heat levels
Temperature Time (sec)
( C)
Group A Group B Group C Average
25 99 95 105 100
35 115 120 62 99
45 90 94 42 75
50 36 84 28 49

Is there any patterns in your data that you observed?
The reaction was faster towards the end due the liquid heating.

Use the particle model to describe how temperature affects the reaction. You may
want to use a diagram to explain.
At the top the temperature is colder which is were the reaction are much slower
The hotter temperature liquid was consistently faster which proves that the heat
speeds up the temperature.

What issues do you see with the collection of data?

The inconsistency of the human being.

How would you improve the collection of data?

By comparing more than three experiments,
Filming each experiment and creating time stamps,
Getting one person to time all the experements.

State what your results showed and comment if this supports or doesn’t
support your hypothesis
My hypothesis was that the reaction was going to be faster. The testing
supported my hypothesis because of the consistent decrease in time of
the reaction to occur.
Research the effect temperature has on chemical reactions in
a) glow sticks (google “the science behind glowsticks: how does temperature
affect”) hotter water decreases the time for a chemical reaction to occur
which makes the glowstick get brighter and faster.
b) clothes washing liquid (google “the chemistry of clothes washing hot or cold) water
temperature heats cloths over time which forces them to shrink due to tension from rapid temperature

c) food degradation. If food is not kept properly than it will start to

degrade due to the chemical reaction of the enzymes and time, this
process is slower if the food is colder due to the preserving factors of
d) another example
when you put jelly crystals in cold water they sink to the bottom and
do nothing but when you put them in hot water they dissolve which is
caused by the heat in the water.

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