Purposive Communication

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Name: Stanley More Y. Villamora Date: April 14, 2023

Course & Year: PED 1


Holy week is the time of the week where we seek, mourn and glorify our God
who saves us from our sins. It is the time were we reflect from our doings both good
and bad it is also observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the
Passion of Jesus Christ. It always starts from Palm Sunday, to Holy Monday, to Holy
Tuesday, to Holy Wednesday, to Maundy Thursday, to Good Friday, to Black/Holy
Saturday up to Easter Sunday.

Every holy week, every Christians go to church to attend the mass, there are
readings, selected apostles, processions as well as blessing in every mass. In the
past week I realized a lot and I reflected. I thought about my doings from the past
and this year also, I reflected and think did it help me? Did I hurt someone’s feeing?
Or did I hurt mine? Did I committed a sin from my family? From myself? And from
God? After all I think I did good from the past, well maybe not that good but I think I
did some good things. I reflected and said sorry from everything I done wrong, from
all the mistakes I committed and from all the pain I gave to everyone because of my
words or maybe even because of my action. Holy week really help me a lot, it helps
me clarifies everything, it made me think of a way to start again and to begin again. It
really gave me a different feeling that made me motivated and even stronger and
better than before, and it made a way for me to get even more closer to him. My faith
in God is stronger and thicker. I know I have him and I know that with him I can do all
things with hard work and passion, and from the past week I noticed a lot of people
cried because maybe of the pain they’ve been feeling and I know all of us go through
phases and all and everything that they have been feeling is valid and
understandable. So I prayed for them to heal, and to believe more in him because if
they will I know that they will heal before they know it, because God work silently and

So to sum up everything that is being stated, holy week is the time where we
reflect and give ourselves a chance to change and start a new, from everything that
is happening starting and accepting everything is the best way and also believing
and keeping our faith stronger will surely lead us to a better life.

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