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Name and surname_________________________________________ Grade ___________

Group 1 Unit 4

Недоволно Минимално Делумно совладано Во голем дел Одлично!

совладано совладано совладано Материјалот е целосно
Very bad Bad Good Very good совладан (со минимални
0 - 12 13- 19 20- 27 28- 35 36- 40

Total 40/_______
1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

2. Put in the correct verb forms.

a) I ________________ (be) happy if I ____________(pass) my exam.
b) If you ________________________ (leave) now, you _______________ (catch) the train.
c) John says he____________ (work) as a taxi driver if he ________________ (need) money.
d) If I ___________________ (not be) free tomorrow evening, I _______________ (see) you on Friday.
e) I ____________________ (drive) you to the station If I ______________ (can) find my car keys.
f) If he ____________________ (marry) her, he _____________________ (not have) a happy life.
g) ____________________ (you/stop) smoking if the doctor ____________ (tell) you that you must?
h) If we ____________________ (talk) to the boss very politely, ________________ (he / listen) to us?

Imagine you’re going to spend a month abroad. What will be like? What are your worries? What
and who will you miss? Write your ideas!
I’m going to spend a month in ..._______________________________________________________


















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