Digital Electronics - Tutorial #2

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ELET1400 Tutorial #2 (Tuesday/Wednesday March 5 / 6, 2013)

1. For the circuit in Fig. 1, which waveform represents the output at Y?


Fig. 1

2. Which of the circuits in Fig. 2 will produce a Logic 1 for the function
X =A 3 A2 A 1 A 0 ?

Fig. 2
3. For the decoder circuit in Fig. 3 below, which logic state of inputs A and B will turn on the LED #2?

(a) A=0, B=1 (b) A=1, B=0 (c) A=0, B=0 (d) A=1, B=1

Fig. 1.3

4. The circuit in Fig 4 shows a MUX. S0 and S1 are used to select respective inputs as shown. If the
waveforms shown are applied to the data inputs D0, D1, D2, and D3, along with data (S) selections as
shown, which waveform would be observed at the output, Y?

Fig. 4
5. In Fig. 5, if a switch is used to change state from 0 to 1, which is the most likely waveform of the output of
the logic gate?

6. Fig. 1.15 shows a Decimal to BCD encoder circuit. Which BCD output corresponds to the decimal 7 input?

Fig. 1.15

(a) 0111 (b) 0011 (c) 0101 (d) 1011

7. Which of the logic expression shown is correct for the circuit of Fig. 1.16?

(a ) Q=S+ R
(b ) Q=Q+ S
(c ) Q=R+ S +Q
(d ) Q=R . S+Q

Fig. 1.16
8. A 3-input AND gate is used to trigger an alarm when its output is high. The inputs of the AND gate are
driven by sensors with outputs as shown below. When does the alarm activate?

(a) only on the second pulse of sensor 1

(b) every time the output of sensor 3 goes high
(c) on the first, second and third pulse of the output of sensor 2
(d) every time all three sensor output goes high

9. In the circuit of Fig. 1.14 below, which BCD input would cause the number 5 to be displayed?
(a) 0111 (b) 1001 (c) 0101 (d) 1010

Section B

1. Examples of converting 3 and 4 input gates to 2-input gates.

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