Physical States in Quantum Liouville Theory Shinobu Hosono

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Physics Letters B 285 (1992) 35-41


Physical states in quantum Liouville theory

Shinobu Hosono
Department of Physics, Universityof Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan

Received 9 April 1992

General procedures to write down all physical states in two-dimensional (2D) gravity, coupled to a conformal matter theory
with 0~<c< 1, are arranged. Then it is found that the physical states corresponding to the microscopic loops (Seiberg states) are
described by the b-ghosts and those corresponding to the macroscopic loops (anti-Seiberg states) are described by the c-ghosts
only. If we restrict our attention to the pure Liouville theory, which couples to the c=0 matter theory, we can derive partly a
general formula for the physical states.

1. Introduction explains quite well the spectrum of the matrix model.

However, one of the characteristics of the BRS co-
homology which we note in contrast to conventional
These three years there has been great progress in
gauge theories [ 15,16 ] is that there appear infinitely
the theory of 2D gravity through the discovery of the
many physical states with non-vanishing ghost num-
double scaling limit in the matrix model [ 1 ]. Within
bers. To study the role of these ghosts appearing in
this approach of the matrix model, the spectrum of
the physical states is our main topic in this letter.
the theory and their correlation functions are well
understood via the string equation [ 2 - 4 ] and, sur-
prisingly enough, the topological field theory over the
moduli space of the punctured Riemann surfaces [ 5- 2. BRS cohomology
7 ]. Despite these remarkable successes in the matrix
model, we must say that our present status toward Here we summarize notations and the results by
the complete understanding of the 2D gravity based Lian and Zuckerman, and subsequent authors [ 17 ].
on the continuum approach (the Liouville theory) is Let us consider the Liouville theory coupled to a con-
still unsatisfactory. In fact, there are several works [ 8- formal matter theory with the central charge and the
10] attempting to construct the quantum theory of conformal weight equal to
the Liouville field following the pioneering works by
Knizhnik, Polyakov and Zamolodchikov ( K P Z ) cpq= 1 - 6 - - , p<q, g c d ( p , q ) = l , (2.1)
[ 11 ], David, Distler and Kawai ( D D K ) [ 12 ] as well Pq
as those done at a quite early stage [ 13 ]. (pr-qs)2-(p-q) 2
In this letter we shall be concerned with the BRS ZJr, S ~
cohomology of the Liouville theory which deter-
mines the spectrum of the physical states in the the- 1 <~r<q, 1 <~s<p, p r > q s , (2.2)
ory. The general properties o f the cohomology have
respectively. Under the limit of the vanishing cos-
been revealed in an excellent work by Lian and Zuck-
mological constant, the stress-tensor for the Liouville
erman [14]. N o w it is known that the cohomology
theory can be expressed as a free conformal theory:
~ Work supported in part by Soryuushi Shogakukai. K ( z ) = - ½ : 0 ~ c ( z ) 0q~L(z): + i Q c 0 2 0 c ( z ) , (2.3)
Address after 1 April 1992: Department of Mathematics,
Toyama University, Toyama 930, Japan. where we chose a convention (0c(z)0,(w))=

0370-2693/92/$ 05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 35
Volume 285, number 1,2 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 July 1992

--log(z--W). The mode expansion of the stress-ten- for what values of Pc the non-trivial cohomology ele-
sor K(z), ments exist. To present their results, let us denote the
conformal dimensions of the singular vectors of the
K.=½ ~ 1 ) Q L a n(rl_}.
.",+,n"~(L),,~(L). tL)_m , (2.4)
m~Z Virasoro Verma modulus M (Cpu, Jr.~) by

satisfies the Virasoro algebra with the central charge ( 2pqt + pr + qs)2_ ( p _ q ) 2
at = 4pq
CL= 1 -- 12Q~. We denote the Fock space built on the
vacuum state JPL) with the ground state m o m e n t u m
(2pqt_pr+qs)2_ (p_q)2
PC by ~L (Pc)" According to the conventional analysis b,= , te~, (2.10)
of the gauge theory [ 16 ], we introduce the spin (2,
- 1 ) be-ghost. Then the BRS operator is defined to and define a set E~,(p, q ) - t l ' - a , , 1 - b , lt~Z}. For
be each value of JeE~.~(p, q) we write
QB = Z c_.(K.+L~) d(J)=-12t+l[, irA= l - a , ,
n6; v

= [2tl, ifJ=l-b,. (2.11)

- ~1 E ( n - m ) : c _ , , c .... b,+,,:, (2.5)
Finally let 0 (Pk) =- sign (i (Pc-- QL) )-
which acts on the space
Theorem 1 (Lian-Zuckerman [14]).
C~bs -- "~L(Pc) ®Vir(Cpq, Jr.,) ®A;c, (2.6)
(a) Hr*¢L('~L(PL) ® Vir(6,q, J,...~) ® A~,¢.) # 0 iff
where L, and Vir(cpq, Ar,s) represent the matter &(pe)~L~(p, q).
Virasoro operator and its irreducible module, respec- (b) For the value of PL s.t. JL(PL)sE~,~(P, q),
tively, and A;~ means the ghost Fock space with the dim Hrnel(,~L(PL) @ Vir(cpq, &.,) ® Abc) =
ghost number • . Under the anomaly cancellation (~n,q(pL )d( d(pL ) ) "
condition (C) H*b~(-~L(PL) ® Vir(cpu, Jr,s) ® Abe) =
H~*I(,~-L(PL) ® Vir(cpq, &,,) ® A~,.) ®
C L Ji-dpq =26, (2.7)
coH(.-l)(,~e(Pe)®Vir(cpq, Jr.,)®Ab,.).
the operator QB becomes nilpotent and defines the
absolute BRS cohomology over the space Ca*u~. The proof of the above theorem can be found in a
From rather technical reasons, let us consider a recent paper by Bouwknegt et al. [ 17 ].
• --/ *
C~, = tveC~u~ [b0v=0, {QB, bo}v=0},
3. G e n e r a l t h e o r y
on which the BRS operator acts effectively by
Q-B= Z c _ . ( K . + L ~ ) Here we will arrange a general procedure to write
n#O down the cohomology elements with non-trivial ghost
1 numbers. Let us first replace the irreducible module
E (n-m)c ~c .... b~+,,. (2.8)
n,m¢O,n+m~sO Vir (Cpq,J,.,) by the zeroth cohomology of Felder's free
field resolution [ 18 ],
This subcomplex is known as the relative BRS com-
plex with coefficients in .Ne(Pc)®Vir(Cpq, J,.~). We
shall denote its cohomology as H*,I (gTe(Pc)®Vir(Cpq, Vir(ct) q, J,.~)=H°( ~ .TM(p,(r, s)), d ) , (3.1)
\ /,
Ar.~)®Ab~). In this way, the relative BRS cohomol-
ogy is defined for each value of the Liouville momen- where P2, = C~r.~_2,p and P2,+ ~(r, s) = c~. . . . z,p with
tum PL which explains the conformal dimension of ~ k T ½--
( 1 - k ) c ~ _ + ½ ( 1 - l ) c ~ + . . (c~+= 2 ~ p , c~ =
the state IPL ) : - x/2p/q). As will be discussed later there is another
choice of the resolution in which the momenta p, (r,
d e ( P c ) -----½Pc(Pc - - 2 Q L ) . (2.9)
s) are replaced by 2QM--Pt(r, s). The Virasoro op-
The successful results by Lian and Zuckerman tell us erator L,, will be represented as

Volume 285, number 1,2 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 July 1992

Ln= l E "t'/(M),~(M)
•- , + . . . . . . . : - ( n + 1 )QMa,~M) (3.2) appropriate choice of Felder's resolution, and thus the
tn~2~ spectral sequence degenerates at the Ez-term:
with Cpq= 1 - 12Q 2 and QM = 1 (O~+ +O¢_ ).
Because Felder's coboundary operator ~ and our
BRS operator (~B commute, we can consider the dou-
ble complex ( ~ C % D) defining (3.7)
where p,=p,(r, s) or p,(r, s). Precisely the appropri-
Ci'J=- ['~L(PL)®.~M(pj(r, S) ) ®A},c]re,, (3.3) ate choice of the momenta turns out to be
and the coboundary operator D-= ~+ ( - 1 )J(~u,
p,=p,(r, s), i f r / ( p L ) > 0 , ,JL(PL), q) +
D: ~. C ;,j--, y, C;4. (3.4)
i+j=n i+j=n+ I or r/(pL ) < 0, AL(PL) ~ F','s(P, q) - ,

Since each Fock space has natural grading (confor- =j0,(r,s), ifrl(PL)>O, 3L(PL)eFzr~(p, q)_
mal dimension of states), it is easily deduced that
or q(PL) <0, 3L (PL)EF,r,(p, q) +,
dim Z ; + j = , C ; . J < m for a fixed PL. TO proceed fur-
ther, we quote one of the fundamental results in ref.
[ 17 ] setting the notation with F-r,(P, q)+ - {1 - a , , 1 - b , _ l I teY>_,o} a n d Ers(P,
q) _ -= { 1 - a , , 1 - b _ , _ l[ teY<o}. The same reasoning
1 n+l can be applied to another spectral sequence whose
P+(n)- ~ (PM-T-ipL)-- ~ - (QMTiQL). (3.5)
E'~-term is Felder's complex. In this way we arrive at
an important result:
Theorem 2 (see theorem 3.3 in ref. [17] ). If either H" rel('~*oL(PL)@Vlr(Cpq,
- ' Ars)®Ab,,)

the condition P+ (k) ~ 0 for all k~Z, k ~ 0 or the con-

dition P_ (k) ~ 0 for all keT, k ¢ 0 are fulfilled, then

H n ('~L (PL ) ® '~M (PM ) ® Abc, (~B)

=CIPL)®[PM)®Cl 10)gh, if n = 0 , ~nb.(nrel,(~B(n
o •L(PL)® E, J~M(Pt)®mbc)) •
= 0, otherwise,
where [0 ) gh represents the SL (2, C) invariant vac-
This isomorphism is the starting point of our general
uum for the ghost. The cocycle IPL) ® [PM ) ® C~[0 ) ~h
construction to write the cohomology elements with
survives in HrOI(._~L(PL) ® ._~M(PM)NAbc, 013) if
non-vanishing ghost numbers. We know the form of
additionally the "on-shell condition" AL(PL)+
the cocycles in HaHrel,OB
" o as IPL)® IP,)®c~ [0)gh. So
AM(PM) -- 1 = 0 is satisfied.
the problem is to construct the corresponding cocy-
cles in H 5 and finally the cocycles m " Hr<o.Ha. n ~ 0

Now let us consider the spectral sequence, associ-

ated with the double complex (3.3) with a choice of Case I (when n > 0). Let us consider, in general, a
D-cocycle ~,= E;+j= n ~',,j(~';,je C";):
PL such that d L(PL) ~ F'r,s(P, q), whose El-term is

E]'J=HreLOs(/TL(PL)®'~M(Pj(r,s))®A~c) • (3.6) v/= qG+;,-; + ~¢-+;- I,-;+ 1 +-.. + ~,,o +... + ~'o,,,

For the values of the momenta p,(r, s) used in Feld- +..- + ~-k,~- - (3.10)
er's resolution or their reversed momenta/~_,(r, s) Then due to the fact that both ~-cohomology and QB-
=-2 QM--P, (r, s) in another choice of the resolution, cohomology vanish except for n = 0, we can show that
in which the order o f the sequences of the Fock mod- q/is D-cohomologous to both of the following states:
ules are reversed, we can easily verify that the condi-
tions in theorem 2 are satisfied. Therefore we know
that theorem 2 can be applied to the El-term with an

Volume 285, number 1,2 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 July 1992

responds the following (non-trivial) cocycle in

~,,.o-~,..o+ Z (-s)%+,-, n ~ O.
+ Z (-s)J~',,-,.,, (3.11) C~o~(pL,p,,)=(--S)n¢~(pL, p,), if n > 0 ,
=(-S) (~(PL,Pn), ifn~<0, (3.16)

with S = ( - 1 )/QB6- ~, S ' = ( - 1 ) J O g ~6 and with the
k--n choice 3( - S ' )-"g~(PL, P,) = 0 for n~<0.
+ ~ (-S)J~/_/.,,+/, (3.12)
When we inspect the way of the operations ( - S ) n
where we define S - ( - 1 )J0B6-i and S--_ ( - 1 )J × or ( - S ' ) - " on C:~(pL, p,,), the following can be
~0~'. deduced.
Case II (when n < 0). In this case, we must be a little
careful in applying the above reasoning. What we can Proposition 2. The cocycles (:0~ (PL, Pn) in HrekOsHan
say is that the ~ is D-cohomologous to ~, are written in the form of
~[=~[O,n'~-~[_l.n+ "[- .., -[- ~ben+ 1. _ 1 "~- ~n,0 , (3.13)
(o~(PL, P , , ) = P ( { L .... }, {C.... }) IPL)
with definitions
@ Ip0)@Cl I 0)gh, if n > 0 ,
(U..o=~U..o+ /=l
Z -Sy~u,,_,.,, = P ( { K .... },{L .... }, {b_,,}) [pL)

n+l (~) I p 0 ) @ C 1 [ O ) g h , ifn~<0,

(Uo,,-~Uo.,+ Z -S)~g6 ...... (3.14)
i=1 where P({ }, ) means some polynomial of the argu-
It can be shown easily that the map q:~q),,o ments { } andpo=Po(r, s) or 2QM--po(r, s) depend-
(~U~o,,) constitute the isomorphism HreLD ing on the value PL.
H~L0~Ha (Hrel,D~-H~H~.O_B). Case I is the standard
isomorphism we see, for example, in ref. [ 19]. In The above two propositions are among our main
contrast to this, case II belongs to one of the charac- results in this letter. In the next section, we will apply
teristic properties in the semi-infinite cohomology our general construction to the case of c = 0, the pure
theory [ 20 ]. Liouville theory.
Now we are ready to state our construction. Let
us consider the cocycle (:a(Pe, P,,)~ I P L ) ® IP,,)®
C[ } 0 ) g h in HaHr~LOB.
, o . If n > 0 , then this cocycle can 4. Physical states in the Liouville theory
be a cocycle in H~LD at the same time. Therefore we
can apply case I above to obtain the corresponding Here we restrict our attention to the (pure) Liou-
cocycle C:O~(PL, P,,) in
" H~I,o.H~.
, , o On the other hand, ville theory which couples to the c = 0 matter. To be-
if n ~<0 then we can construct the corresponding D- gin with, let us recall some results on Felder's free field
resolution and the structure of the Fock space ffL(PL)
cocycle C'o(PL, P,) as
as a Virasoro module. In our case of c = 0 , whose
(:'D(pL, p,,)= [ I + ( - S ' ) + ( - S ' ) z detailed data are (p, q) = (2, 3), (r, s) = ( 1, 1 ) and
QM = 1/2x/3 , Felder's resolution has a quite simple
+ . , . + ( - S ' )-"1 (:~(PL, P,,), (3.15)
form; its complicated coboundary operator can be
with S ' -= ( - 1 ) : 0 ~ ~~ and 3 ( - S ' ) - " ~ (PL, P , ) = O. expressed via single contour integration:
Summarizing, we can state the following.
6 = f dz :exp(ix/3 ¢~M): , (4.1)
Proposition 1. To each (non-trivial) cocycle ~:6(PL,
p,,)=[pL)@lp,,)@cl[O)gh i n H ~,, H 0r~l.O.,
, there cor- and the conformal weights of the singular vectors are

Volume 285, number 1,2 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 July 1992

given by the so-called Euler pentagon numbers, ~O~(PL,P,) =P( {C-m} ) IPL )
a,=(2t+l)(3t+l), b,=t(6t+l), t~Z. (4.2) @ l P o ) ® q IO)gh, for q(pL) >0,
The Liouville Fock space belongs to type III+ ( + ) or =P({K-m}, {b_m })IPL )
III+ ( - ), according to the classification in ref. [ 21 ],
® ]Po)®Cl [0)gh, for q(pL) <0,
depending on q(PL)<0 and q(PL)> 0, respectively.
Thus the Seiberg condition [22 ], which is equivalent (4.4)
to q(PL) < 0, determines the type of the Fock module.
with Po = 0 or 2QM depending on the value ofpL.
The embedding structures of the Virasoro module
The case of q(pz)> 0 "anti-Seiberg states". In this
III+ ( _+ ) are drawn in fig. 1, where the degrees of the
case all physical states are described by the polyno-
(co-)singular vectors are given by l - a , or l - b ,
mials P({c_ m} ). Therefore the physical states live in
the subspace IPL) ® IPo) ® Ac where A c -
According to theorem 1, the physical states exist
E{........ k} CO-hi ...C-nk (el [ 0 ) g h ) . Since the BRS oper-
for each of the values of the Liouville momentum PL
ator turns out to act in this subspace effectively as an
satisfying the on-shell condition AL(PL)= 1--at or
1 -- b,. Solving this equation, we determine the values

of PL(t) as d=-~ ~ (n-m)c_,c_,,b,+m, (4.5)

5-T- 112t+51
pL(2t+ 1)~ = - - i 2X/~ , the cohomology is naturally embedded into a simpler
cohomology H*(A,, d). One should note that the co-
for the choice of at, homology H*(A,., d) is nothing but the standard Lie
5-T- 112t+ 11 algebra cohomology [ 23 ] H* (A~+, C) with trivial
pL(2t) z = --i 2X/~ , coefficient C. Here 50+ means a subalgebra, spanned
by the generators with positive conformal dimen-
for the choice of b_,, (4.3) sions of the Virasoro algebra Y = ~+ ~ % ~ e _ . The
with the - sign for r/(pL)< 0 and the + sign for embedding is in fact an isomorphism.
q (PL) > 0. The cocycles 60. (PL, P,) in proposition 2
further simplify their form as Proposition 3. All physical states with Y/(PL) > 0 (anti-
Seiberg states), are described by H*(A~+, C), i.e.,

H*(~L(PL(t) + ) ®C®Ah,, (~B)

III+ (-) III+ (+) t~2 ~

/1 T",, -~ H*(ALP+, C ) .

The problem to calculate the cohomology H*(A~+,


TxT lxl C) was first posed by I.M. Gel'fand at the 1970 math-
ematical congress, at the early stage of the represen-
tation theory of the Virasoro algebra, and subse-
quently it was solved by Goncharova [24] and
Gel'fand, Feigin and Fuchs [25]. To describe their
results, let us define the coherent state representation
for a state ] ~ ) =Ea(nt, ..., n~)c_,,...c_,s(q [0)gh)
TxT lxl with a fixed ghost number s by
~(z~ .... , Zs)
\1 T/ =- ~0'( ~o ~ 7~b,, ) ...( ~~ z~"~b,s ), ~) ,
t/ ns=0
Fig. 1. Structure of the Fock module for the Liouville part.

Volume 285, n u m b e r 1,2 P H Y S I C S LETTERS B 2 July 1992

where (0l means (cllO)gh)*=(O]b-I. It isan easy where X3 and 24 = 19Z4-- 9 K tZ3 are determined by
task to recover the form of I 5v) from the totally anti- 1 3
z3=K 3+½K_2K_I+TsK~I ,
symmetric function ~(zL ..... z~). Within this repre-
sentation of states Gel'land et al. obtained all the har- z4=K 4 +T~K_3K_I
13 + 3 K 2 - _,
monic cocycles in H*(AS+, C) as Zl...Zq//3 and +~K 2K ~--~+ 3 K 4 _ , . (4.10)
z~...zqH 3 where H q - H , ~ , < j ~ q ( z , - z j ) and q~2~>o.
Using their results, we can express all physical states The states Z3 [Pc( - 2) ) and Z4 IPL( -- 2) ) would con-
by stitute the first two singular vectors which exist in the
~ = [Pc(S) + >®z, ...z,H 3, s>_.O, Virasoro Verma module M ( c = 2 6 , A = - 4 ) . How-
ever, in our Fock module these expressions vanish
=IPL(S)+>®z~...z2-~H[,, S<0. (4.8) identically due to the existence of the co-singular vec-
In table 1, we list some of the observables in the form tors as indicated in fig. 1 (III+ ( + ) ).
of operators using the state and the operator
The case of q(pL) < 0 (Seiberg states). In this case, 5. Discussions
the physical states can exist as local operators and
have a direct relation to the operators in the matrix Here we discuss some physical implications of our
model. So this case is most important for establishing results. Let us consider the Hartle-Hawking-like con-
the relation. In table 1, we present the first few ob- struction of the states through the zero mode approx-
servables obtained through the general formula imation of the Liouville theory. In ref. [22], Seiberg
(3.16). It seems that there exists a combinatorical showed that the anti-Seiberg states cannot be a local
representation for these cocycles like the case of the operator with respect to the quantum metric g~,--
singular vectors (see ref. [26] ). Here it may be in- exp(0c)~/, and describe the macroscopic loops,
structive to see how these physical states satisfy the which constitute a normalizable wavefunction. In
cocycle condition; let us present the results of the ac- contrast, the Seiberg states can be a local operator and
tion 0B on the state, as an example, I ( ~ ) = describe the microscopic loops, which constitute a
[b-2b-l(K-2 + LK2
6 , ) _ ~b-3b 1K l "~- ~ b - 4 b - l -
non-normalizable wavefunction. Our BRS analysis
b - 3 b - 2 ] ] P L ( - 2 ) ) ® l ® c l ] 0)g~,, (proposition 2) tells us that the c-ghosts and the b-
ghosts can be attached only to the macroscopic loops
O~Bl (q, ) = (~3b_,24- 2 b _ 2 z 3 ) [ P c ( - 2 ) ) and microscopic loops, respectively. This result might
® l ® c , [0)gh , (4.9) arise from some fundamental difference in nature be-

Table l
List of the observables. (rt and (~ correspond to the anti-Seiberg states and Seiberg states, respectively• The subscripts indicate the KdV
flow which these operators are assumed to generate under the correspondence to the matrix model.

Anti-Seiberg states Seiberg states

~71= c e x p ( \ / ~ 3 0e) -cexp --7=~OL/"~
-- (.V/3
~ 5
(s =exp(~/.-g~ OLX~c ~)2c
\\,' 3 }
~'v = e x p ( 2 , j 3 0c) c 03C (v=:(bc+~.Y:l) exp( - ~v"3~L):
~ 8
(( it = . . [b(.h/_2
" + g.)f
[ 2 i ) - g d b . ) f I +~02b-Obbc]exp( -.~/3 0L):

(7is = e x p ( 3,,//3 0C ) (C 04C i?C-- -~C03C 06C) • • " ')f ' 1 + 4136
('13='[b('kf~4q-t~4')f-3 ~ 'fir2-2 q_ 6~4 .)~2 2j{ 2 i -1-5~T5'~-1
51. 4 )
17 - Io6 - 2.W-I+~.)~_t
--~0b(,)f-3+~ffTJ(( • 3 '3 ) + ~ 3 2b ( . W . _ 2 + ~iv# [,-~ ~ ) _~)3b,;¢~_1+~04 b
136 " 3 "2
-~Obbc(.h/ 2+~.x_l)-7~fOZbbc.)f_ t - ~ O 3 b b c + ~O-bOtc]
~ "' ~ e x p ( - g\."4.~30L):

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