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Tuguegarao City


First Semester
S.Y. 2020-2021


Computer Fundamentals and Programming

Prepared by:

Ceferino Llamelo


Reviewed by:

Jay Ventura, MIT

Program Chair/Department Head

Recommended by:

Engr. Ronald Villaverde, ME-ECE, PECE

Academic Dean

Approved by:

Dr. Emmanuel James Pattaguan

VP for Academics

School of Engineering Architecture and Information Technology Education

Computer Engineering Department
Curriculum 2019-2020


ICTE 1012 – Computer Fundamentals and Programming

Welcome to the new school year 2020-2021, you are enrolled in the
Correspondence Learning Modality. I am Ceferino Llamelo your teacher for
the subject Computer Fundamentals and Programming. You can expect that
I’ll do my best to impart my knowledge to you, but of course I would expect
you to exert the same effort to learn. Do not hesitate to ask questions in
regards with our topic and inform me of your problems and difficulties
immediately. I will create blogs in LMS every week for you to impart your
knowledge also. Please be guided accordingly.

Facebook Account: Cef Llamelo

Phone: 09355603280
Online hours:

USL expects you to do the following:

 Learning materials like handouts, PowerPoint, scanned books, photos or videos and worksheets will be
uploaded in the Neo-LMS. You are expected to read the lessons before working on the activities or
 You are expected to interact by asking questions or sharing insights through the Discussion Forum.
That is also my way of following up on your progress and of helping you with your difficulties.
 In each lesson, you will be given a worksheet or activity to complete. It is important therefore, that you
read well the materials given before working on any activity.
 Synchronous quiz will be given every week. Low MB usage will be utilized to ensure easy access. Fail-
ure to submit on time requires you to provide written explanation. Allowing you to take another exam is
within the discretion of your instructor. You will be notified of the schedule for quizzes

I wanted to take a moment to post a couple of points as we get started.

This course will have regular weekly assignments due, weekly online discussions forums, as well as readings
and course materials. It's important that you keep on top of the weekly reading and assignments! Lessons will
be uploaded every Monday, and submission will be every Thursday of the week.

Each of you must manage your own time each week to know when assignments, and any other weekly course
obligations, are due. This will involve regularly logging into your LMS accounts to check discussion forums and
communications, and virtually interacting with classmates, team members, instructors, and course materials.


Expect to do a lot of reading and writing. Varied assessments or activities will be given. At the outset, I am
strictly warning you against plagiarism specially for essay type activities. Plagscan is used to verify authenticity
of your work. Any plagiarized material will be automatically given zero. (this includes copy paste from internet
and from your classmates)

I hope you find this flexible approach helpful. Continue to learn amidst this pandemic. Stay safe while learning.

Included in this 1st week module are the following:

I. Syllabus

DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: Computer Fundamentals and Programming

CREDIT UNITS: 3 (6 hours Laboratory 1 hour Lecture)

The lecture portion deals with introduction to computer concepts and computing, such as the history,
applications, limitations, capabilities, and components of the computer systems, namely: hardware, software,
people, data and information, procedures and communications. It will also include discussion on number systems
and topics on telecommunication technology such as data transmission and networking. The course also includes
basic and application concepts of programming using C++, essential ideas of C++ programming and the breadth
of discipline of computing. It commences with the basic constructs and syntax of the C++ language.

The laboratory requirement accompanying the lecture session of the course Computer Fundamentals and
Programming which deals with fundamentals of the computer system. The laboratory portion of the course
introduces the use of the common software productivity tools such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentation
software, surfing the internet and C++ Programming.

CLO – Course Learning Outcome
ILO – Intended Learning Outcome
TLA – Teaching and Learning Activities
TF – Time Frame


Explain and INTRODUCTI Modular Week Module Proactive

delineate the ON OF USL’s learning 1 Evaluation
relationship of VISION
Proactive Item Test
Mission, CPE
313, and CPE Learning Social Media Evaluation
Course. platform
CLO1: Apply Discuss the Information Modular Week Module Proactive
the basic five parts of an Technology, learning 1 Evaluation
information information The Internet,
technology system: And You
Proactive Item Test
concepts to People,
the fields of Procedures, Learning Social Media Evaluation
engineering Software, platform
Hardware, and
CLO2: Data.
Diagnose how
and share
throughout the
CLO2: Assess the Software Modular Week Module Proactive
Diagnose how common learning 2, 3, 4 Evaluation
computer features of Basic
communicate most software Application
Proactive Item Test
and share applications. Software
resources learning Electronic Evaluation
among Differentiate Specialized References
themselves system Application Open- Summative
and software from Software response Social Media Assessment
throughout the application questions/ platform (presentation
internet software. System
Discussion on the topic
CLO3: Use Classify the via LMS Video presented)
computer as a basic Presentation
tool to create, functions,
edit and format features, and
documents in categories of
engineering operating
CLO1: Apply Describe the Hardware Modular Week Module Proactive
the basic four basic learning 4, 5, 6 Evaluation
information types of System Unit
technology system units
Proactive Item Test
concepts to and each Input and
the fields of major system Output learning Electronic Evaluation
engineering unit References
components. Open- Summative
response Social Media Assessment
Identify the questions/ platform (presentation
different parts
Discussion on the topic
of the system
unit, given a via LMS Video presented)
picture. Presentation
Determine Presentatio
whether a n and Blogs
device is an
input device or
an output
PRELIM EXAM (1.5 hours)

CLO2: Compare Communicati Modular Week Module Proactive

Diagnose how physical and on And learning 7, 8 Evaluation
computer wireless Networks
communicate connections.
Proactive Item Test
and share
resources Evaluate learning Electronic Evaluation
among network References
themselves architectures, Open- Summative
and given the
response Blog Assessment
throughout the connections
questions/ (presentation
Discussion Video on the topic
via LMS Presentation presented)

Video Formative
Presentatio Assessment
n and Blogs
CLO1: Apply Construe the Number Problem Week Module Problem Set
the basic type of System Solving 9, 10,
information language the
11, 12 LMS Proactive
technology computer Decimal to Modular Evaluation
concepts to understands.
Binary, Octal, learning Electronic
the fields of
Hexadecimal References Item Test
engineering Convert
decimal Proactive Evaluation
CLO4: Apply numbers to Binary to learning Blogs
logical thinking other bases. Decimal, Octal,
to create Hexadecimal Open- Video
solutions to Solve the
mathematical arithmetic response Presentation
Octal to questions/
problems operations for
using C++ binary and Decimal, Discussion
Programming other bases, Binary, via LMS
given prior Hexadecimal
Binary, and
other base
MIDTERM EXAM (1.5 hours)
CLO1: Apply Create algorithms Algorithms Problem Week Module Proactive
the basic and flowcharts for a and
given problem or
Solving 13, Evaluation
information Flowcharts
scenario. 14, 15 LMS (Computer
Modular Programming)
concepts to
the fields of learning Electronic
engineering References Item Test
Proactive Evaluation
CLO4: Apply learning Social Media
logical thinking platform Problem Set
to create
solutions to
mathematical response Video Performance
problems questions/ Presentation Tasks
using C++ Discussion
via LMS Blogs
CLO4: Apply Create conditions C++ Drill and Week Module Proactive
logical thinking to execute the right Programming
block of
Practice 16, Evaluation
to create
statements. 17, 18 LMS (Computer
solutions to Conditional
Code Programming)
mathematical Statements
problems Analysis Electronic
using C++ Generate loops to Looping References Item Test
read sequence of
Mechanisms Code Evaluation
Debugging Social Media
platform Problem Set
Solving Video Performance
Presentation Tasks
learning Blogs
FINAL EXAM (1.5 hours)

II. Grading System

This will be your grading system for the three (3) terms:

III. Program Learning Outcome


CPEO1 Apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to solve complex engineering problems
CPEO2 Develop and conduct appropriate approximate experimentation, analyze and interpret data
CPEO3 Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such
as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
sustainability, in accordance with standards
CPEO4 Function effectively on multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams that establish goals, plan tasks,
and meet deadlines
CPEO5 Identify, formulate and solve complex problems in computer engineering
CPEO6 Apply ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering practice
CPEO7 Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
CPEO8 Analyze the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal
CPEO9 Recognize the need for additional knowledge and engage in lifelong learning
CPEO10 Articulate and discuss latest developments in the field of computer engineering
CPEO11 Apply techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for computer engineering
CPEO12 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a
member and/or leader in a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments
CPEO13 Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage
CPEO14 Practice Christian values in both professional and personal endeavors in the service of the
church and country, and for the advancement of CICM mission

IV. Course Learning Outcome


After completion of the course, the students a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
should be able to:
CLO1: Apply the basic information technology I I E I D
concepts to the fields of engineering
CLO2: Diagnose how computer communicate and I I E I D
share resources among themselves and
throughout the internet
CLO3: Use computer as a tool to create, edit and I I E I D
format documents in engineering
CLO4: Apply logical thinking to create solutions I I E I D
to mathematical problems using C++

V. The USL Vision-Mission and Values, Program Outcomes, Course Learning Outcomes

USL is a global learning community recognized for science and technology across all disciplines, strong
research, and responsive community engagement grounded on the CICM mission and identity for a
distinctive student experience.

USL sustains a Catholic academic community that nurtures persons for community, church and society
anchored on CICM’s Missio et Excellentia.


The University of Saint Louis upholds the philosophy that education is for building of self and persons
for the Church and the Society. Wisdom builds. To these ends, the following are University of Saint
Louis’s core values integral in the formation of every member of the Louisian community.

a. Christian Living. We are witnesses to the Gospel values as taught and lived by Christ thus making
God’s love known and experienced by all.
b. Excellence. We seek and maintain uncompromising standard of quality in teaching, learning,
service, and stewardship of school resources.
c. Professional Responsibility. We are committed to efficiently and responsibly apply the learned
principles, values and skills in the chosen field of discipline, taking initiative and command
responsibility in one’s professional advancement.
d. Social Awareness and Involvement. We engage ourselves with society by listening to the
prevailing issues and concerns in the society, thereby initiating and participating in constructive and
relevant social activities for the promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation and for people’s
wellness and development consistent with the CICM charism.
e. Innovation, Creativity and Agility. We keep ourselves relevant and responsive to the changing
needs of our stakeholders by being flexible, solution oriented, and having cutting-edge decisions
and practices.

This Weeks’ Time Table: (August 17-21, 2020)

For this week, August 17-21, 2020 of this grading period, the following shall be your guide for the different
lessons and tasks that you need to accomplish. Be patient, read it carefully before proceeding to the tasks
expected of you.

Date Topics Activities or Tasks

August 17 Orientation/Setting of Expectations Read the lessons on The Vision, Mission,
The USL-Vision-Mission-Values Educational Philosophy, And Core Values
of the University, Parts of Information
Parts of Information System System, System Software and Application
System Software and Application Software
August 19 Types of Computer Read the lessons on Types of Computer,
Microcomputer Hardware and Data
Microcomputer hardware

August 21 Learning Task Comply with the learning task in the
Evaluation and Application


ICTE 1012 – Computer Fundamentals and Programming
AY 2020-2021

Lesson 1: Information Technology, the Internet and You

Topic: Parts of Information System

System Software and Application Software
Types of Computer
Microcomputer hardware

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Define Information System
2. Explain the five parts of an information system: people, procedures, software, hardware, and
3. Distinguish between system and application software.
4. Discuss the three kinds of system software programs.
5. Distinguish between basic and specialized application software.
6. Identify the four types of computers and the six types of microcomputers.
7. Describe the different types of computer hardware including the system unit, input, output,
storage, and communication devices.
8. Define data and describe document, worksheet, database, and presentation files.



About the Lesson

Good day to all, before starting the lesson I would

like to clarify some terms and information about
the topic.
Information systems are involved in many of the
things we encounter each day. Examples are the
applications and machines we use every day; a
concrete example is your computer.
Microcomputers are common in all areas of life
and there are several types of computer. New
forms of learning online provide alternatives for
people to become educated without attending a physical class. In which
these alternatives are common in the 21st century learner but some of which have difficulties in
participating due to internet speed, gadgets and other variety of reason. But do take note that
everything is possible if you really want to learn.
The Web provides new ways to communicate, to find people with similar interests, and to purchase
As the topic and information unveils in the succeeding pages, we will learn the basic of computers.
The information we needed and the things we must learn.

Lesson Proper:

Elements of Information System

An information system is a combination of people, procedures, software, hardware and data for
collecting, storing, processing, and communicating information…. Some students may think of a system as
pertaining to just the hardware ------ Remind them that a microcomputer is part of an information system. Also,
almost all of today’s computer systems add an additional part, communication/connectivity. To be a competent
end user, one must understand the essentials of IT. Note that IT stands for information technology

People is the most important part of any
system, it controls any computer and create
instruction(software) for them to do task. Our lives are
touched everyday by computers- many time the
contact is direct and obvious, such as creating
documents using a word processing program or when
connecting to the internet. Other times, it isn’t as
obvious and is much more indirect as shown in a
couple of the pictures. Below are common computer
uses, as a learner what are the computer applications
you use every day, and which category of “computer
uses” does it belong to. Also if you are wondering, --
ML BangBang, Dota, PubG and other games falls
under entertainment. Some of you may say, “Sir, ML BangBang is a game from cellphones”, and I will say,
Cellphones are considered Handheld Computer which is under microcomputer.

 Entertainment
 Business
 Medicine
 Education
Some examples of computer Application you may have encounter:
 Instant messaging
 Personal Web site
 Virus protection
 TV tuners and video clips
 Digital photography
 Music


Software is another name for programs and programs are instructions that tell the computer how to
process data into the form you want. Take note that there are two categories of software which is System
software and Application Software. The difference between these types of software will be discuss in the
succeeding topic of prelims, but to give you an idea, application software are the software that is being used by
end user, while system software are programs that holds these application software.
 System software
o Operating system
o Utilities
o Device drivers
 Application software
o Basic applications or General-purpose
o Specialized applications

System Software

System software are collection of programs, system software includes the following
 Operating Systems
 Utilities
 Device Drivers
A system software also enables application software to interact with the computer hardware, it also
helps manage resources, one concrete example is the Operating System, below are the ways how an
operating system works:
 Coordinates computer resources
 Provides the user interface
 Runs applications

System is not a single program; it is a collection of programs. System software includes

 Operating systems
o Windows
o Mac OS
 Utilities
o Service programs such as Windows Disk Defragmenter
o Performs tasks related to managing computer resources
 Device drivers
o Programs that enable and input or output device to communicate with the rest of the

Application Software

These are considered as end-user software

 “End-user” software – these are the types of programs you have to know to be considered
computer competent
o An example of a basic application is a browser to navigate, explore and find information
on the Internet
 Two major categories
o Basic applications - general purpose or “off-the-shelf” programs, such as Web browsers,
and word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software
o Specialized application – narrow focus on specific disciplines and occupations, such as
graphics, audio, video, Web authoring, and cell phone apps

Types of Computers

There are four types of computers which includes the following;

Type Specifications
Supercomputers It is an extremely fast computer, which can execute
hundreds of millions of instructions per second.
Mainframe computers It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting
hundreds of users simultaneously. Software technology is
different from minicomputer.
Minicomputers It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting
hundreds of users simultaneously. Also known as midrange
computers, are refrigerator sized machines used in medium
sized companies or departments in large companies
Microcomputers It is a single user computer system and the least powerful
but most widely used and fastest-growing type of computers

Types of Micromputers
Type Specifications
Desktop Computers Small enough to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet too big to carry
Media Center System It blurs the line between desktop computers and dedicated
Unit entertainment device.
Notebook Computers Also known as laptop computers. Are portable, lightweight, and fit into most

Netbooks Similar to notebook computers, but smaller lighter and less expensive.
It has also lower specification than that of Notebook Computers
Tablet Pc In Addition to a keyboard, a tablet PC allows you to enter data and
select commands using a pen stylus. Handwritten data is digitalized.
Newer tablet referred to as a slate computer. Examples include Apple
iPad, Motorola’s Zoon
Handheld Computers Smallest computing Device. Combine pen input, writing recognition,
personal organization tools and communication. Handheld computers
include; (a)Personal digital assistants (PDA), (b)Smartphones.

Microcomputer Hardware

Hardware are the tangible part of information system, these are the parts you can hold and see. There are four
basic categories of equipment/hardware
 System Unit
 Input/Output
 Secondary Storage
 Communications

System Unit is the container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system.
 Two important components
o Microprocessor (CPU – Central Processing Unit)
 Brain of the computer
o Memory
 Holds data currently
being processed
 Holds the processed information before
it is output
 Temporary storage, contents are lost when power is off
Input/Output – Input devices translate data and programs from a form humans understand to a form computer
can process;

Secondary Storage – Unlike memory, secondary storage holds data and programs even after the electrical
power has been turned off—examples of secondary storage include USB drives, hard drives and optical drives.
There are also three main usage of secondary storage, which is; (a)store files permanently, (b) transfer files,
(c)use for back up. Below are different secondary storage.

Secondary Storage Description

Hard disk A rigid non-removable magnetic disk with a large
data storage capacity. Hard disks are typically
used to store programs and data files.
Solid-state storage It has no moving parts and more reliable. It
requires less power and faster in terms of
access of file. Examples are below
o Solid-state drives (SSDs)
o Flash memory cards
o USB drives
Optical disc Optical disks use laser technology and have the
great capacity. Examples are below
o compact discs (CDs)
o digital versatile discs (DVDs)
o high definition (hi def) discs

Communication – one computer communicating with another computer or other computer systems using
communication devices such as a modem
 Communication devices, such as modems, provide microcomputers with the ability to
communicate with other computer systems
 Modems modify information so that it may be sent and received across telephone or cable


Data is raw, unprocessed facts, that can be stored electronically in files.

Computers process data (input) into information (output). Computers carry out
processes using instructions, which are the steps that tell the computer how
to perform a particular task. A collection of related instructions organized for a
common purpose is referred to as software. A computer often holds data,
information, and instructions in storage for future use. Some people refer to
the series of input, process, output, and storage activities as the information
processing cycle. Recently, communications also has become an essential
element of the information processing cycle.

Types of files Description

Document files These files are created by word processors to save memos, term papers, and
Worksheet files These are electronic spreadsheets for analyzing budgets and to predict sales
Database files Electronic database management programs to contain highly structured and
organized data
Presentation files Electronic slide shows, audience handouts, and speaker notes

Document Files
Word processing software, sometimes called a word
processor, allows users to create and manipulate
documents containing mostly text and sometimes graphics
Millions of people use word processing software every day
to develop documents such as letters, memos, reports,
mailing labels, newsletters, and Web pages. A major
advantage of using word processing software is that users
easily can change what they have written. Word processing
software also has many features to make documents look
professional and visually appealing. For example, you can
change the shape, size, and color of characters; apply
special effects such as three-dimensional shadows; and
organize text in newspaper-style columns.

Worksheet Files

Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows

and columns and perform calculations on the data. These
rows and columns collectively are called a worksheet Most
spreadsheet software has basic features to help users
create, edit, and format worksheets. A spreadsheet file is
similar to a notebook that can contain more than 1,000
related individual worksheets. Data is organized vertically in
columns and horizontally in rows on each worksheet. Each
worksheet usually can have more than 16,000 columns and
1 million rows. One or more letters identify each column, and
a number identifies each row. Only a small fraction of these
columns and rows are visible on the screen at one time.
Scrolling through the worksheet displays different parts of it
on the screen.

Database Files

A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that

allows access, retrieval, and use of that data. In a manual
database, you might record data on paper and store it in a
filing cabinet. With a computerized database, such as the one
shown in Figure 3-9, the computer stores the data in an
electronic format on a storage medium such as a hard disk.
Database software is application software that allows users to
create, access, and manage a database. Using database
software, you can add, change, and delete data in a database;
sort and retrieve data from the database; and create forms and
reports using the data in the database.
Presentation Files

Presentation software is application software that allows

users to create visual aids for presentations to
communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a
group. The presentations can be viewed as slides,
sometimes called a slide show, that are displayed on a
large monitor or on a projection screen. Presentation
software typically provides a variety of predefined
presentation formats that define complementary colors for
backgrounds, text, and graphical accents on the slides. This
software also provides a variety of layouts for each
individual slide such as a title slide, a two-column slide, and
a slide with clip art, a chart, a table, or a diagram. In
addition, you can enhance any text, charts, and graphical
images on a slide with 3-D, animation, and other special
effects such as shading, shadows, and textures.

*** END of LESSON 1***


Multiple choice: Write your answer on the space provided. Select the best answer that suits the question or

1. Which of the following is not a required part of an information system?

a) Procedures c) People
b) Software d) Internet
2. Which is referred to by the following statement “The rules that people follow when using information systems”?
a) Software c) Procedures
b) Hardware d) protocols
3. What do you refer the physical equipment that processes data in order to create information?
a) Typology c) Hardware
b) Compiler d) software
4. Which of the following is the most important part of any information system?
a) Connectivity c) software
b) people d) hardware
5. Which of the following software is actively utilized by end-users (like Word or PhotoShop)?
a) system software c) application software
b) operating system d) driver
6. Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface between users and the computer, and run
applications are called
a) systems software c) application software
b) operating systems d) device driver
7. Which programs designed to perform specific tasks that is related to managing computer resources?
a) system software c) application software
b) operating system d) utility programs
8. What specialized program is designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of
the computer system?
a) Compilers c) device drivers
b) Interpreters d) OS
9. Which system component controls and manipulates data in order to produce information?
a) Monitor c) keyboard
b) mouse d) microprocessor
10. An electronic slide show is an example of what kind of file?
a) Worksheet c) Database
b) Document d) presentation
11. Which type of file might contain handouts, speaker notes, and electronic slides?
a) Document c) Presentation
b) Worksheet d) database
12. What do you call the capability of your microcomputer to communicate with other computers and share
information with other computers?
a) the wireless revolution c) computer competency
b) system memory d) connectivity
13. People, procedures, software, hardware, and data are parts of a(n).
a) competency system c) information system
b) computer system d) software system
14. Who among the ff. documents and creates manuals/procedures?
a) computer specialists c) service providers
b) end users d) Microsoft
15. Asses the two statements below. Determine which statement is true and which is false
A: End users interact primarily with system software.
B: System software helps the computer manage its internal resources.
a) Both True
b) Both False
c) First Statement is true and the second is false
d) Second Statement is true and the first is false

Identifying Different Application Programs Installed in your computer
 To become familiar with the different application programs installed in the computer.
 To identify the different types of program being installed.
ALLOTED TIME: 45 minutes

1. Identify all the application programs installed.

2. List at least 15 programs and identify the use of such application.
3. Follow the table format below.
4. Save your file as Fcode#_Plab1_Lastname, Firstname M.I. for ladies.
5. Save your file as Mcode#_Plab1_Lastname, Firstname M.I. for gentlemen.

Name of the application Type (Audio, Video, Describe (Functions, Use, etc)
Image, Text, others)

1. Notepad Text Editor Used to encode text for reference

2. Dota 2 Entertainment A MOBA game created for entertainment














O’Leary, T. J. & O’Leary, L. I., (2018). Computing Essentials 2008. : McGraw-Hill International Edition

Other References:
Williams, B. K & Sawyer S. C. (2010). Using Information Technology. A Practical Introduction to computers and
Communication (8th Ed.). : Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Internet Sites

Information Technology, The Internet. Retrieved August 2020 from

Computing Essentials. Retrieved August 2020 from


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