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that is dedicated to the sale of cars, it also has, With

Gildemeister's support, experience and reliability, Hyundai Empresas was born. Its

objective is to provide customized mobility solutions to companies from all

economic sectors of the country, generating "BUSINESSES THAT MOVE

BUSINESSES". The impact that the Hyundai company gave in my town was very

profitable since it gave work to many of the people who are around the company

and also professionals from the city so far there are two stores in my city, the

success of the brand in my city is because the cars they sell are of quality, with a

guarantee, they also provide excellent service quality.

Kola Real is a private company, owned by the Añaños family, established in 1988
in the city of Ayacucho, launching soft drinks and table
water on the market. The experience is transmitted with great
modesty and humility, hoping to contribute to the
entrepreneurial culture of the country. The changes that it has
caused is that humble people can replace Coca Cola soda
with a real Kola. The impact that it has caused in my city is
very important because it has given income to many young people from my city,
also with a good salary, around here. In my city, the Kola Real brand is in all the
small stores and at a very affordable price.

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