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1002.) 0.i a ccr~oin .sfrdch of track, tr01ns run oi 60mph. Ho.,.

for boc\<. of' o stopped lroin should o warning torpodo bo plocod

to i;ignol on on coming troin? .A.ssumo thdt tho brokes oro ap- •·
plied at once ~ retard ihc lroin· ol the uniform role; of 2n por soc -
(}ivon: . I.

Vo~ 60mph f-vo' • 20s Vo .. 60 x s 2so ~ eeft/~ec

0 Q -2fl/so=-"
-SI/ = -2(.2)S
n or
.s .. 1936
1003·) /\ sfono· is thrown xcdicolfy Upwor-d ~ returns f0 Oorth
o.36G7 mi .
- I(\

1osoc. Whof was i~s initial volocity 'I.._ how high did if go?
t=1osoc . y(vo col
-Vo c -9.Q1 (10) = 99.1 mis
-vo" -;32.11+(10) "' 321.7+ fl/s I
Choptcr 10 I
S co Viz gt~= ~(.9:g1)(10)'1 c 4-90 .S m. or

Roctilineor lronsloiion s U ¥129+~ D ~ (3.2,174)( 10) 2

dropped From the top of o tower oo
/\ boll is high of the
C 1609-7 ft,
n !
some instant thot o second boll ·,s thrown upward frorn tho ground l
with on inihol vo\oci~ of -40 fl/soc . Whon t+.._ Whore cb H~y pass,
'ii<... wi\h what ro lotivo veloc1~y ? . 1
!I !

~ ' vo.l t ~gt2 "!Ot - ~(M.:i)t.

• - .. -©
80-h ~ y~ (3.2.2)l ~
h ~ eo-16.1t' - ·· -@
substitute 2 to 1
80-~ .. 4-0t - Y12~
t: 12SOC .
hs Qo - 16 .1(2) 2 ~ . 15. 6 from tho botlom
s' = 80-15.6 - G-+.-4- from the top 11
Vf1 -Yot : ot
Yf1 2 -.0-32. 2(2)
Yf, • 312. ~ OZ) e

- 24-4fl/GOG
ft/soc ~II

i~ fOoe.) ~ th~ ground
r·p· 1CtJ5,) /\ sfono Ir; droppOd
ar ~ splat;tl -. . heOl"d-
~ 1llfOI "" .5SOC iofor Ibo 60~
1r lhG «>loc.ily of sound ~ mo n ~GO(; ,
stone is thrown vorlicolly upwon:l from
o velocity o.f +e .::1 fl por sec. Ono soc.end lotor orothcr .stono ·,9

what ic; tho <k;plh a the~? thrown 'V'ortic.olly upword wif.h o volocity of 96.6 fl per soc_ How
for obovo from tho ground w i ll .stono bo ot tho .some lovol ?
Vo, • +B ..3 n/soc
'115 c t'100/soc
v~ • 96.6 ft/soc subst. 1 to !l
t. "" time b- hslorio lo drCJfPOd
f.... -'1 • i'ilne IOr-i1hc;5GQOd iobG hGotvJ:;(Or-60Urld " d c"sl
t " t ime for tho 1st -stono 4S:st -~." 129.~ l ·- ~ -112.7
tor ihc.stono d-= -'i~ ct• 1t20(.s-t,..)-6) t -1 ~ timo ta- lhc 2nd Gtono 112. 7 "' 80.!! t
d • ~(M_t')t.,S --·@ for tho 1"t .sfono t • 1. -+ sec .
h ~ 46.3 t - Yll (.3::<>.2) t' h" +9·3 (1.+) - 16.1 (1.4):2
subsfifulc; t lo ~
·I tl
'IHI0(-5-l,..) = 16-1
h"40.3t - 16.1lll - .. -<!) h =36.064 n .
' l.

..5600- ttmt, ~,,._1 tl for lhc 2nd stone

h~ oo.6(t.-1)- 16.1 ( t - 1):l
By~ fq- you gi;t t, = +..a45 liOC-
d= t(S..1 (+.QH5)S - 3.53 -'31 ff-
h" 96.(; t -96'.6 - 16.1 t. ~ t 32.:2t - 16.1
h .. - 1.:;.H ll - 112.1 _ .. - @
0)6) Rapoot Prob - tooS if tho sound of tho splosh i& ~ ofter
. Y'· .
"fSX:- 1000.) /\ boll Is shof vcrtic.olly ·,nfo tho o;f' ot a vo loci t y of 193.2
fhc souod for- tho .stone 0 per sec-_ After :- sec, arothc,r ball is shat vort1cally ·,nto tho air.
d .. fl2I0(41-~)"---@ 0"' '12~' = ~(3£2)t,.r --- @ ~hot ind1al vcloody muGt t ho 2nd ball havo il'I ordor to moot tho
&ubsfilule 1 lo~~- . fir~t bo ll 386: 4 fl frorn tho ground f'
Vo, • 193. :2 ft I9GC
1120(+-t..) ' c 16-1 ~ ~
• h ~ 386. 4 fl . .second ball
+t80- tt20fp ~ 16... t.
P, ~i°G fq..t_= -b :!:J_b_*~--
40--C t • l'1mo for the 1st boll 386'. 4 • Vo (9.~+ - 4) - 16.1 ( 9."64-4) 2
I t!O t-+ " limo tet' the 2nd boll Vo " 1!09. 69 n /soc .
d"' ·1'-1(3.793)
231.'3 fl_ ..s .. vot - Yi.>q!~
1007..) A Sto.nci. droppc;di from o cvpflvG balloon of on elevotioo of 396.+· 193.:2 ~ - 16.1 t2
100QI a ~ ~ ~ llailcr of'Olho:-.,sbio CG ~oafad vcri;colDy up- Bt ~uodroHc E~ t ~ 9.41-G+soc s,.....
'f<Ofd fioro> tho 9'0 nd w ith ...,doolly of He fl per .«c. If 9 ·l'i 3'2 t • :2.S36 -sco
R per scx;Z. ~ 11>:-~ 'lllflll the 6blGs pciis& ecdl ofhcr ~ I'\ ~10.) storic 'rs thrown vc;rlicolly up frol'l'l fho ground wifh 0 velo -

"'s flefl/soc,
h: 1~ fl_ 'IOCO-n = h (~)l L
city of 300 fl/soc . How long mus~ one wo'it boforc dry;>pplng 0 Gee
s1onc f rorn •he bp of 0 600 n low~r ·.( fhc two ~fones o ro •o pos~
..9 =3~ Sl/scc 1 tr 1ooo.-16 l~ - · - - @ co ch othor ~co fl fri:Jm the fop the fow er .'7 or
t - tt.Ar.c ~ lhG 1!s[ ~ '1-He(l-2)- '1~ (::n)l(l - 2)~ 1-sl ·s tono 2nd Gtorio

l~-L~ fer t1hG. f'._.j~ h ~ 2-tel:-~ -116!.~ tEftt - 64 --·- © .S '" Vot t Y~gl:z 200 .. )[z@a.<2) (11.100 - t')"
SJ1il6f'itiuille 1 fo 2
• I
-400 ~ 300t - 1i;.11,? :200 • 1 G.1 [(t1.1ee)'J - ~(17.1 BB. l') _ t' 'JJ
n . tooo-~~- 21-St -~ -.u-V t *I.: - G+ By~uodrotic · t ~ 1 7. 1ss soc. 200"' 'l-7.S6.30 - 5.S3.4's t ' -+16.1i,'z
11!JGQJ~· 15400 =312 l i..__ 0-= .;sSG, 38- SS3.45t'11 6 .11.•!l

I • I
t".S SCC- :.h: f()0() - 14i(li)~ : 600fl. _ _ __ _ _t __
< 1.44 &cc
__ _ ~Y_ '""
*":__u_a_d ro11c
• · you 90 \ • t : 13,1;~ i;cc.

162 163
~40 " Yf ( t1 th) 8y ~uodrotic fonnulo you 90\ vf "' 2-40 ,H/i;
1011.) / , ship boing lounohcd GlidoG down the ways v./1lh o consiont t 1 ~i'.1.tts:-+1 ~ vf= ee H/s
occ.olorotion . She takos B soc to .slido tho first foot . How IMq .,...·,11 t1 d2 E 41 - tg tJso or 90+ 00 fU,
Bfl fi {s x a~e. 'x mph .
sho ~al<o to s lide down the woyio 'if thC.r length ·1s 62.5 f\ .' Q'40 • vf (-41 - ta) 1~ n

,Sc G!l~f'\ ~61-0 = vf(41-:!j-)

s • 1 ft when t a soc .

..s • V12~t:l • Y2a~:l i c Qoo.sec or .3min , 2osoc. 2G-40 = 41 Vf - n_•

1 c Y2 a (e)Q

Cl - o.031~.5 n/sec,• VJ..' 1016.) An oufomobi le. mo¥1ng at a conG\ant '<'elocity of -+5 ft por
?J'v\013.) /\n automobi le starting from rest s peeds up to -40 fl persa:. s;ec .paGGos o gaool1ne -station . Two GOCCnciS IC\ter, onoH·lO". outo-
w1\h o constant occolcratlon of -+ft per soc-2, runs o t th'1s Gpcod for • rn0bile leoves the 9o"°line stotion 1*.._ oooolcratcs at the c:Onstanl
0 time, k. finally c.omcc: to rest w'1\h a dccelorotian or ~n por sc<? · retie of 6fl porsoc 2 • How .soon wi ll the sc.c.ond o utomobile over-
If the total disfonco f rovclc.d is 1000 fl , find the ~o\ol time r0qd · to~c the first' ?
£0\'n : . .. Given : V1 • +.s fi/s Q>l'n : . Y=d/t - 4 i; t .. d ~©
6 ivon: Vo=O
d - Y2 .o (t - 2) 2
a•-tf'Vi;'.I. y s '\ONs. o•- sfU
o ~ 6H/s 2 -©
Yf = -+efl/G ~
0=4-r+/s" ~ ~eq'd : time ~t c ' Viz (<O) (tl1-+tt+)
1st · t 2 - +t-t+
a -~n/s• Vf·Vo • at1 ·
d = ~ooon . 40 "'4 t1 - t1 • 106CC 19t "! 12 t 4

Req'd : total Time .G. • Y.i (-+X 10) 2

• ~ooH . t 12 -1 9 t ++ ~ o ~ ~uodrotic

·' V" S~ 2 - S2 • "!Ct" t • 10.79 soc

Vf-Vo • -ota t ' = 1s. 79 - e =1s.79 sea .
1he motion of o pariicle- is g ivon by the equation s • ~t+ - t.
t!I - is :: 8-sec
- -1-0 ~ - s
.s~ =-tole) - 'Y2 (J!,)(s)'.I. = 1GoH.
~tSo.tS3 e10CI'.)
t Qt~ whores Is iri foot 1t..., t inGCXX>nd6 . Compute tho values of v
when t • 2600.
. 'o'
/ ei"' - t.}ti; t Ql~
'Jl>OtSt+1"0s~OOO --s2=6+on $.von: .s .
b'"IO =-+ot2 -"" t2: 16 Gee . t• fGOC.
Tt ~ t 1 tt'.I. +t,, - 10~ 16 ta ~ .3-+soc . Roqa : vlr..,a
101+.) A train trovolc; bctwoon fwo etotions Y2 mile apor~ in. o
rri1n'1mum timo o(4160C · If the troin acoe\o,.,atos ~ doocloratosot
8 fl per J;oc/l, stort from rest at the 1st Gtation ~ coming to o s top Q - 24(1l)
- tip- t + = 98 n;s~
at tho Qnd .stat;on , who! iG ·,fa mo11i~urn -spoed ;n mph 7 How long 1~0) /\ porhclo mo-.-es In Q 6froighl- line occordln9 to the low
doc:>G ·,t trovol ot th'1Gtop Gpcocl ? G = ta - 40t whero ihc s Ii; in f1 g,.._ t in GC.COnd6 . (o) Whon l = '51SOCS,

6iven: d· 'le m 'i le o • &fl/," Soln: vr -v/,·ot. - vr - st, (X)rflpu~c fhc veloc'.ity .(b) find rhc ave. veloo.•ty dur:n9 the 4th

t1. 41 soc Yf • !;;11/i11 - G"OCOnds . (s;) 'NrY:ri the pci0t iole ago in comes to re~;t, what is 'its oc-.
Req<:l : tnO.)C. ¥pcocl in mph -'If= - 6t& cc.loro Hon ?
,.,__ disti'nce trove. I ot G3 .; Yf ta - 12 1') ts2 61von : s - t 3- +ot Rcq'd : a 1 ve-1. b ~ avo. vel. !!o...
S1 tS.itSa • o,e mi le. c~ occclc.-ot ion .
thl6 top .speed
26+o • ~ + Yfh +Vft1 - ~

' I >~~
' .p

..,.. t • c = fq / .sa;e- • ton-sf

solh: .a§
"'v " 3l
.+o -
;; (s) 2 - +o .. ss ft/s
- Bl\ I~., ~ ~ l -~ t 11- c
c~ .
- b)
.t = In ..tsa-n t ~J
. 1-a- -3 J
c .) Y =a.l 2 - -to Y£•S-t-9
o = atll-40 ..SL =(v'--g)2
·- 4-0=:3t.'2. 1
v 2- 9
t =3. 6.S1 sec
et; "" J(v"-'9)
t 9
·• --- 3

1022.) Checl-. tho answers tc Tilus. Prob. 1018 by t he followlng mo- £,'/J>I = cJt;
'fhod: Wr• ~e on C:><prcssion rototinq -x ~ y, ~ by· -succossivo di; dt

d ifforontiotion -Ghow tha,t Ye= -XY/\/JTi<ttr->J '!,..__ ae. = J(0.11Ah11tl<~ t IOU.) Tho volooii'Y of o porhGlc; ~ olonq tho -X ollits is do-
hllY"/~. Compute Ve 'II,.,, o a from these relations. by Y = )t•- -f-)l2 i- 4'X where v is ~
feiof por;d "-. ;ic; l.s ill
fGOt- Cocnpuio fho vol.Jic of tho occobrotm ~ ~=· dt _
Tan e- = -Ye_/...;" s ince Ve is downwo!"d 6iwon: ..., ... -r.3 -~...,.s;x S:>Bn.7 "~ £2'f' - '4{1l)2- .. 1>( 2) I
z Ya = -v.... tan& ~=2 'ti= •ff/sco I
xll +hci-= z.2 i L ~~ + h-y @
cli tfcronf1a~c 1
Retfd : o 'lcN = odht
a: Vdo/<JJI'.
O"' '%? ( xo. +h 2 ) -'12 (2x dx) - _Qy
dt ctt d'YdJt "'"3~~-8Jt +6
;~A 1
=Va j o~f°" Oe ~=VA ~~"'Ya · d"'/ci'1- =~
0 = 4(2}= 8 ft/80C~
. VB = XVA(x 1 + h e)~YQ . . . 102.5.) Tho moi1on of O llJllllfiiCb j 5 iroHaliiorii a •-4.t
diGf'm;r;cji b y -jhG
dVa = Oe =d;c VA( 2tl'2 + xcJVA (x-zth 2fYll -Y~xYA..(x 2 +'ri~)-;f(~y.) *here o is in ft per GCG/z ..._ t in Is ~ - ·u .s=1fl ~ ilho~
cH Cit I at ~t.
2 1 1 2 2 ""' v= ~{per soc -11:ion. t - 1 -soc- De\onrilfl(; ·llOO rc.DofiorlS ~ i
Qe=V.AQ. +l<OJ\ -x'1.VA'2. = ')(CV, -tYA (x th )-11 YA
'<l"'-.t • .s1...t.,., ~6 -
~ :.pz+n;z Ux'-111"-)3 '1~'"'+h2 ( -..G"'th•}s !I
&Von : o~"'i-t
2 ]l
Qe"" XOA . -j. h VA2 s~ 1 'l-.2 t-1
--.!X•th 2 ~(x 2 th~}'!> Reqa : v-t, .i;-t, v-~ 3S'='£(%)3 t11
v'a [9 (10'?]/.[9•-1 1? -= 6 f!,4
35 "" ;r,(.:(v)3 't 1!
Solh : d'l'/dl: 4t
. as= [9(•0}(]9<-1.,e 4 tr1rlll(10~:µ1~9•t12 2)
3 2
.; (;,<:,7 f'f/s ~...rr
'/-=~ i-C =.2i~t-C
The roctilinoar motion of o particle> Is g1:Vcri by s~v -9
. 2
1M.3.) c=o;;f i.-1 3s =4..F'f t 1· .
whcro 5 i.s 1n foct ~ v in foci- por GCCOnd. Vv'.hcn t "0, S"O~ v•3
ft per sec· find the s -t,v -t, 'ii<., o-t relo t iol'\-5·
""°:ztL - t
(3s- 1)« "'~-k
dt&/dt = d~
Gi...on" .s-= v g_-9 f:.ol 'n'- St9=v2- - ""'~ "Q£. -S = ~t

-t C
l"O; s~o ;vc3 __Q§__""' dt a i;ec, 2.& ,;e- dt a-
..fGt" ~ 9+9ton~ 1 = 2 (1)" tC
Req~ : s-t, v- t, ~o-t 3
s= aton'l7- "' :::ise0"-e- de- 3"' !l + ac
d<> ~ aGeG1-e- de- 3 sec &- c" 1/a

"1033.) From the v-t curvo in Fig. P-1033, determine the distanco
10£6.) The mOtion of a particle i4" governed by the equation o = - ~,
tr-ovelcd in 4 Gee~ olso in 6scc. /\lso sketch the o-t ~ s.-i
-tihcro o ·;s in f eyt per .soc~ 1J.., s le In feet · 'Nhon t "1.scc., s • + fi "-._
v=2ft perecc. Pet ermino tho relation bot woon v..._t,.s1to..,t , v,s.
.curves approximately to ..scolc.
'l(t1'') . Y· -'o/a(t-4)
Given : Q • - 0/5 2 V • ~ .. dG
$" dt Yi c - 1ct+ 60
t=1, G·+,-v:ct
S2" - 1ot/t t 60t t C2
R~q'd: v-t, s-t, v-!;, 4dt ~ .rs ds
.+t ~Sa/IZ tC
S1 •.G.,• 4IO t·+
.solh : ods "VdV e
- 3 -- 40 " -.s(4) 1 +60(+) +c~
YdV -%~ ds·
3 + ,. 2/3 ( +) 3/11. tC
Ca " - 120
v/f. "' -as-1 +c c = -+/~ 2
aH6" S1 = -5t t60t.-i.u>
- 1
+t ~ 2/3 .s ;lfiz t (- 4./3)
V Q = 1' S- tC
12t = ~GWct _ +
S• 'h(+)(t O) •-40ff #I) - - .sc...• ::'.!.2.!.~t-120
"if S ~ "'f 'ro..V•2 .; C =O 112' t c £ (t%e) 3 /z -4
al 6.seG ~~ :
Vil."" 1~/s S .. Ya (')(10) = 600. 51•2.&t. :
12t = 126 - 4 -.0 I
s = 16,NQ yr I

ll "
2 I
1027.) The rnot ;on of .o roriiclc givon by a " G v " where a le; Inn
'10 I I

per- &'OV;z ""v ic; in fl per "'OC · When t Is zero, ~"6 t..., v •O. find thb
relot s"Qn.s botwccn v ~ t , s 'I.., t, v ~ s .
G 1Ve'1 '. 0 • GvVe. d%~ ~ 9t.~
Vi •!It
·~ ·.stj1a i C1

t•O, 9='1 , V·•O ,,. G" 9t
---a- t C S,•01;...l•O:.c, · O
Roqo : v-t , s- t, v-s ' "if"s .. c;'k..,.t"" o ••• C " 6
3 3 .S1 ••/t
sotn: d%1; - Gv"e s = 93 1; .,. 6 = 3t +6
10a+.) Thc ' rnotion of o porticlc .Gtorfinq from rest' jc; 9ovcrnod
. d'0;.(v ~ dt ' ,'
by the o-t curve shown in fig. P-1034. S t<ofch the v-t &:. s-t
dV(v)·Y: • Gdt. I 5 ".:s("o/3)a +~
s "'~ v ~<Z t b
CUfVcd. Dofcrmlno the cl1splacemont ot t • g soc.
'.2.Vve = 6t +c '
-SI (9) o (ft/s•) Os·B • ·+/3(t -o)
i f t . 0 '-. v - 0 ••• c .. o .
'l V
• Gt
12 /.O'l · - 4,(,t. t to C12 ~ -60
8 Y2 = -2./a t 2 t wt - 60
v"e ".3t II
• - o/..3(0) 2 t 2o(g) -60
v = 9te I
t: -iv"~ ' .9
V2 ·"'°His ....0
V(fl/') ~ ~
1028.) The motion of o parf 1olc
governed by the r elation a "4!2,
'1G " -- - :--it~ -:--
v, . 6
2/li't t t Vt
'(«~ I
where a ~,G ~ t '1s in GOC · When t 11> :zero, v • 2 ft/s· """s • +foot .
in· 0/s 2

if V1 •O Jo...t•o :. C, • O 3' - - «-- - - I

fsnd the valuoio of v li.._S whon t = 2 sec .
G1von : o -+t £ {l. ~ ~ +c ~ c • £ .•. v " +ta t 2
v, • t :r. = ' 2 • 36 nIs " .t
\ "\ I
3 3 Ot = -4./3t t 2.0
t•O, V• ~,5".f V"' 4-}.$ (a) H' = 1~.67 f"-1/B
Vt • -+/, t t !lot tC.t. Vt· t"
Reqa : v ~s when t .. ~ dS/dt "+t.,% t 2 ••. s =4t.~1Z t .et t4
H' v-ll. -v, =9
""- t • 6 Si; t.'/a tC,;lf s, •o Jrr. t·o:. c,·o
Solh : d%t • +t 2 s = +t).(1Z +et t c £ =+(2)/'.12 t 2(tZ) ++
36 • -+/,(<.)tt20(6)tC2 &1:: ttls =(6°th - 7Z. n.
v"' +t~ +c -,r t·o~s = + ; c=4 s =1:a.:a3 rL

104-4.) f.lfl elevofor weighing 3220 lb st~ls from resl t..,. ocquircs
Yt .. -f/,gf1 t ~ot - '° an upward velo01ty of 6000 per min in o distonco of 2of1. lf 1ho
.!;1. = -1./g t3 t z({'d - '7Gt t C1. oc.cclerot1on ·, s conslont . Whol ii;; \ho \cns1on in lhe olcvotor ooble?
.G1. • G1 _- 72. I!.-. t ~ 6
( ~60)2
2 Given: 1
72. • ~. :Z/g (') 3 ~ 10 (6) - 60(.~) t C1.
w= 3220 = 2CJ(00)
c~_; 120
~.2. = -o/0 t • t 1ot~ - "ot t 120
~ = -1/g l9) 3 t 10(9) 2 - l>O(~) t120
Y -= 600 ft/min
5· 200 .
RoqCl: w
I '/
T-W ~
a • 2.5 ft/s<1

T - 3220
wh (a)
" 52!2%.v2 ( 2.-5)
s;,. - 220 n T = .34-70 lb
1040.) /\n objoct attains o veloc"ity of 16 fl por ~ by mo"lnq
104.s.) A mon weighi ng 1b1 \b is in on olevafot"' 'rnoving upward w/
in a siroi9h\ N'ie wi\h oh occc!Gro\ion 'Hhich vo..;oi; un-1fonnly
from :zero to 6 fl por GCG2 In 65CC- Cornputo its ·101\ial "°'ocity"'
on occolcrotio n of 8 pcrsc.C~- (0) Whof prossuro docs he O)(ori

tho c;hat'lgo In dlGplocomcnt durinq the 6 sex; imCN"ol . Solve

on tho fl oor orthe ol<5volol"' ?(b) What will tho pros.suro bo ·,f lho
c lovolol"' ·," dcsoonding w ith the some accclorol ion ?
t>y uGlng rnot1on curve<: "' ohcck. by calcµlw;.
Gi-.en: Soln :
q Wm= 161 lb a~ 'T- W .. W/g (a)
8 ,45 "' v(tsd1) .. AQrOO.H • t,.
o • 8f!/s 2 T - 161 • 16%2.~ (a)
"' -'1>("·-o) t(&l')/~]('~·')
Rcqo : a -) prossuro ho 6i<Ori T c 201 lb .
0 1::.$ =D
b~ pros&urc ·,f' elcvofor b.) T -w "' - (o) w19
T - 161 "-(1'Ya2.~(e)
iG doscc.ndin9 · v'<f lho somo
01 2 6
v ·"'11d tC. ·:· acoolcl"Ofion T "' 121 lb.
V* 16 \.., t =b 10<1e) The blovk In f ig - p - 1 0~ roaohos o vclocdy of 40 f{ per sco In
16 ., eM.(r,) 2 t C 1oofl,.siorlinq from t"'CGi- Compufc tho oooffiOient of 1<-1noiic fricA 1on I
c" -8 between the blook. ~ the ground . q
v = Skzt.. - s
6iven: Goin: ~ I

'1f \I cYo \.., t =O
11 ·
Vo· - efl/i;
11>'t1· Tho oc.c- of on
~ -100 1! . ~
ob'p:;f dcO'GOGCS uniformly lll)Trl iHl W scc;.7.
to 7.0r'O In 6 ~ ot w/v h"rnc a, . .~ty i{; 10 fl pei-~- Bnd thv in-
P.eq<:J: Coeff1c'1eol of l'-ine-tiC ye. • ~as - "° 2
= Qo(100)
frloi1on a-= 8 ff/s~
itiol vclx1~y k._ tho chongo it'l d:splocoi:ncnl during tho 6 !>CG-
in\orvol . fulvo by ui;'1nq rno\ion cuNCh ~ ~ by ca\culvs -
p - F =mo - 60-161 (f-) "1'~2 .2 (e) I
0 · v = ~ Wl'".tet - 14
. /"- :0,12422 I.
. o~ -ei6lt.·6) Delcrm1no . tho force P thOi w i ll gi-lc iho body in fig- P - 1647 on
if v ·'4 "- t • o

Yo • ;+fl/f'
occoler-of1011 of' 6fi pcr ooc,<. The coofflciont of Nriohc friclion 1s o2. l
t 0 ;ven : o "' c0n/6e. f"M .sol'n = F• (:a22-Py)o.2
A~ =v(t1.- l 1) t Aroa A.-t • h
RcqCI : force P "(3Q2 -% P) oQ II
0. - 41.3t t0 = -)4(" - o) t 6/i. (• )(1/.5 • ' )
+~ P - (:3Q~ - % P)o.t. = a~2.~ (6)
" =- 2/a t :2 t et t (, /:;.f, " 12fl - t
4/~P - 64.+ t O· ~/.s P ~ 60
i fv~10S...tc6
p .: 135,22. lb -
thorc fore ,C· -1~

o+s.) A rnognclic porllclc .•.•~;ighing a., gr<irns is pullod through a ,subef if ufo 3 lo 1
.OOloroid with an accc\crof1on 6 moto~ per GCGe · Compufo the fO~
or 200-1;a7lj .. 200/3fM! 0 - .. +
in ~c acting on tho particlo . Nole : 1 lb ·"'\&t9rom' ""-1.n .=2,f>tOTl. from 2 , Jfl " 100 t 1ooh 2 .2 a ·
6ivon : Gotn : GUb6f1tuto. 2 lo +
W•:a,cr;g • 7; t;1Z%J( I0-3 lb F· ma = 7.~9sx10-"'(19.69) 200 - 1,37(100 t .3.110) = 6.Q1 a
a - 6 m/s ~.3,.~ irl(s
4 • 2
• 19·"9 ti/sit 200 - 131 - 4,2,1CI "G.210
Flcqo : f()((Xl f " o. Oo+85 lb . 0 • (Q,OQ f!/ scoll >
1051 ,) Two blockb A '-8 arc roloosocl frow rost on a '30° 1nohno w
10.5.+.) Two bodies / \!1;, B in f ig . P- 1os + are s eparated by a opn n9 .
fhoy orol?!Ofl afXlri. Tho oocffioic.n ~ ot friclion urdor the uppor blodlt\ Tholr motion down tho ·1nolino is resiG'foci by a force P " 200 lb. the
Is o,Q ~that under tho lower blool<.. 8 '6 O·f. Cornpuf o tho olapGc.d rooff1c1ent of t<.inoh·c frlcf1on '1s o.:so under A If...,, 0.10 undor- 8 . De -
time until tho blocl<s; touoh . , tcrm·mc the fof'CO In the &pr1ng .
Gr~en : -fl- ~ 30• G1¥on :
~ = O.'J.. "-fa= o.+ P•2001b
Roq'd: Timo to elapGcxl unt'tl 5,...
tho blool<-6 \ouch .solution : 8Ginao• - OA-8<:.06.90. 0
~.2 as J8. 0.10
Qa =4.% fi/s ~
j\Ginao· - o-Q /\ c,$'30. - ')/g~~ a,., 0 t /\ ., - 200 t % (..oo)- 4h(4<)())(o.a) ts t 4'?l£Ma
a,.. 3 O/s 2 '° 1 2~ a --Q)
- .s6 l .5

·. cs -~aal aXz ("l-9.S)ill 2

ot B, S/a(600) - s • +ls(60::))(0.1) .. 600,.32.20
/ · ~ts ,= Y2aA tll .. ~ (10.~ate) 31Q -s ~ 18,b.3 0 ~
I .S() f 2,"f'7,5t~ • ,5.2'5t£ from 1 1 G -= 12. 420 i'56
t · = +. 2.3 .sec. ,subi;f tiutc to~
/ 312 - 12420 - ,sc; : 18·6a CA
1os2.) Detcr m1nc 1
the occcbrotron of the bodies In Fig. p-1o.s2 ·,r Q.56 • .g1.asa
tho focccl drum ·, ~:/.smooth """ A ls hoovicr thon 13. a " s.24 f'-l/.s:z

.sub!;t. 2 lo 1 .S ~ 1!2.42(8-24) t.$6 ° 1S8.4 lb.
w,_- T.. w... ( 0 /9) -© -W13 ( 0 /9) :w'.o. (Gl/g) or
W>. - We 1os1.) The cooffici onl !<Jnclro frictior\ under blcx;k. A in Fi<J _P-1os7
1- We ·We ( o/g) -@ ( WA-We)g ~a '1s o.-ao ~under blod<-. B ii: o."20 · f ind ~ho ocx:.olcratiorr of 1hc Gystorn
l " We t Ws(~/~) .._ ~he fcnG'1on if\ covh c.horci .
o\ ..c, :300 -12 "' a(X)4~~a a - ··© .
10:53.) Rorcrring to f\g . f> - 1os2, aGSumc A woighs QOO lb ~ 13 ~el9hs t\t t>, h-11 -!ZOO.s•nao• - am C<J&.30° (o.!l)
100 \b. poi . +he acx::clorotion of the bx:lies ·,r tho cocffidtont of 1<-i'notic -=- ~~.t.a a
frsCtion ;, 0.10 bot the cablo i.... tho fl~od . 1 1.!-11 - 1 ~. ,"I- - , , 210 _ ... ©
w,., ~ 200 lb ) • 0.10 T~fie c e ro- 0 •1 (r) ai A, T, -1a::>G1f'l<J0·- 100Q:>&.'90(o.s) • 1~,q a
we" 100 lb T~/r 0 • e 1, - 7.S·98= ~1.11a - · ·®
..so1n : i,. s 1.z.11e - · ·@ 11 " +".11a
200-T" .,. 2ooh~.12(a) - ·{j) .subSt. 11 to@, 11'!-&-s ·99~~ .1101) -1.31-.<::+ • c.!.11 a
Te - 10 0 • 1ooh.e.~ (o j - .. @ 1~ -210.6~ c 9,o/i'OI - · ·· ©

172 173
T~ " 210.G2 t g,32 a
Sob!.i1luto to 1
300- 210.1;2 t ,9 . s~a : .soo~,a a
ag.3e = 1a64a
a,. ·4.a n4e
11 = t ::1.11(.of..a) d go.01 lb.
1£ ,. t 9.3~ (.;.,a)" 2"5. :3G ft) . >
. i·

Choptcr 11

C urvi linc;or Tronsloi ion


. I


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