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This passage discusses the reality of God and how it is demonstrated in human

experience. God is described as the source of truth in the mind, primal reality in
the spirit world, and the center of eternal reality. God is also recognized as a
personality to all created intelligences and the First Source and Center of the

The passage also clarifies that God is not merely a concept or an idealization of
reality, but a transcendent reality that can be experienced through human
consciousness. The existence of God is not provable by scientific experimentation
or logical deduction but can only be realized through personal experience.

The three experiential phenomena that reveal the indwelling of the divine presence
in the human mind are God-consciousness, the spiritual urge to find God, and the
personality craving to be like God. Those who have experienced the presence of God
can offer positive proof of God's existence to others, but this contact between the
God-consciousness and the Thought Adjuster is the only means by which the existence
of God can be demonstrated.

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