Jue-75c Lrit Upgrade

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rei ‘This document deseribes the updating procedure for JUE-75C LRIT correspondence software. 1OReediaanene a) CCU ROM (7DESCO014) ._..“25C MAIN” is printed on the label. b) DTE ROM for NDZ-127C-7, NDZ-127C7A type DTE (TDESCO015) “NDZ-127C7A" is printed on the label. ©) DTE ROM for NDZ-127C7B type DTE (7DESC0016) “NDZ-127C7B" is printed on the label. @) LRIT seal (MPNN45403). i ©) JUE-75C LRIT kit upgrade propedure (7ZPSC0279, this document) 1) JUE-75C LRIT Quick Operation Guide (7ZPSC0281) a) Cross-slot screwdriver 21_Procedare overview Upgrade the LRIT corresponding software with following procedure. 1) Saving cach setting parameter 2) CCU ROM replacement Prepare a cross-slot screwdriver to open the IME bottom panel, for ROM replacement. 3) DTE ROM replacement Prepare a cross-slot screwdriver to open the DTE rear panel, for ROM replacement. 4) Version confirmation 5) Restoring each setting parameter © Setting of [Land id registration for polling] 7) Operation check 8) LRIT seal attachment Notes Execute following works before starting CCU ROM replacement. 1. Record the original setting parameters of JUE-7SC into the attached format in the end of this document, before starting CCU ROM replacement work, and restore the original parameter again when ROM replacement is completed (especially do not forget restore SSAS setting parameter); Because [Memory clear] should be executed after CCU ROM replacement, and it deletes all parameters for each setting 2. About received message, EGC message and alarm history, save them into a file or print out. [Memory clear] deletes these data in JUE-75C. 3. Notify the customers to re-download the DNID from service provider, when JUE-75C has DNID in the memory. Because [Memory clear] deletes DNID as the same as setting parameters or messages. 3:2_Procedure details 1) Saving each setting parameter (i) Preparation Sheets of paper* for recording the parameters are used, because JUE-75C has no function for parameter saving. * Use the format attached in the end of this document, (ii) Saving procedure for [Set up] screen's parameter (1) Press “Alt + U" keys from DTE main menu to open [Set up] sereen, 2) Record the parameters of [Scheduled transmission]*, [Land id registration for polling], [Closed network id selection], and (Peripheral function] from [Set up] screen, respectively. To in_ [Scheduled transmi sereen with connecting SSAS button, 2 (GRE) Japan Radio Co, Ltd. (ii) Saving procedure for Address books of TELEX, Facsimile, and Data (PSDN) (1) Select [Transmit] from DTE main menu. (2) Select [Telex] from [Transmit] screen. ) Select [Destination] from [Telex] screen. (4) Press “F2” key on [Destination] screen (address book of TELEX is displayed). (5) Record the contents of address book, (©) Select [Facsimile] from [Transmit] screen, and execute the same procedure of (3) to (5). (7) Select {Data(PSDN)} from [Transmit] screen, and execute the same procedure of (3) to (5) . (iv) Saving procedure for details of selecting reception in EGC sereen (1) Select [EGC] from DTE main mnenu, - (2) Record the parameters of [Navarea], [Fixed area}, [Reception type], [Navtex coverage area], and (Naviex message], respectively. 2)CCU ROM replapmnget: 5 : (Preparation © . CCU ROM(7DESC0014) and the label printed as “75C MAIN” are used. tis used to Gi) ROM replacement procedure (1) Tum off the power source switch of ROP (printer). (Q) Tum off the power Switch of IME, When you started this procedure from Login status, wait ‘until power-supply is turned off automatically after Logout processing is completed. 3) Tum off the power switch of External power supply’ unit (Ext PSU, NBD-577A), and then remove the power cable between IME and Ext PSU. (4) Remove the connecters of 4904 DTE, 1906 ROP, 3908 OPTION, and EME, which are ‘connected with IME. (5) Remove the two screws on lower side of IME rear panel, with sliding the cover of IME lower part to backward (refer to Fig.1). [e KXSXNSSASSASA ! — Fig.l CCU board (IME lower part) (6) Remove [CCU MAIN ROM] on CCU board and replace prepared CCU ROM, 7DESC0014 (refer to Fig.2), Fig2 CCU board (IME lower part) (7) Attach the cover of IME lower part by the two screws that are removed at [procedure (5)] (8) Connect the 1904 DTE connecter only that is removed at [procedure (4)], and power cable between IME and Ext. PSU, that is removed at [procedure (3)} (9) Tum on the power switch of Ext. PSU. (10) Tur on the power switch of IME. (11) Press “Ctrl + Fn +” keys on DTE main menu, to exit the operation software, then MS-DOS screen is displayed. (GRE) Japan Radio Co, Lid. (12) Enter [MEMCLR] into MS-DOS screen and then press ter” key (refer to Fig.3). eres a Fig3 MS-DOS sereen of DTE (1) (13) When the confirmation message of Memory clear, [Do you want to clear the memory (type Y or N then press Enter) is displayed, press “Y” key after “?” and then press Enter (refer to Fig) ae Perret eer er eceer event Sie a forte Preeti Pe Figd MS-DOS sereen of DTE (2) (14) After few minutes from (13) is executed, the message prompts the IME power supply OFF-ON as below figure, tum off the IME power-supply switch. Drees Poem te teers ear Cree eee tet teers ees ere ca enter mest rmetiioss “8 ce eran Ste ec eee Menory clear conpleted. Tura off and an the INE FigS MS-DOS screen of DTE (3) (15) Connect the connector of 1906 ROP, 1908 OPTION, and EME (16) Turn on the power switch of IME. (GRE) Japan Radio Co, Ltd. 3) DTE ROM replacement (Preparation aL DTEROM Note that the new ROM type for replacement differs from the DTE model name. Confirm the DTE model name by reading the seal, which is put on the upper part of DTE (Fig.6 is upper part of NDZ-127C-). * DTE ROM for NDZ-127C-7, NDZ-127C7A (7DESCO015) “NDZ-127C7A" is printed on the label ‘© DTE ROM for NDZ-127C7B (7DESC0016) “NDZ-127C7B" is printed on the label Fig.6 DTE upper panel b).Cross slot screwdriver It is used to open the DTE rear panel to replace the DTE ROM. (i) ROM replacement procedure (1) Tum OFF the power supply switch of Power Supply Unit (2) Disconnect the cables, which are connected to DTE (power source, keyboard, serial, printer, FDD cable, etc) (3) Remove the 6 screws from DTE rear panel (refer to Fig.7). Fig.7 DTE rear panel 6 (GRE) Japan Radio Co, Ltd. (4) Open the DTE rear panel and remove the connecter between LCD and board cable, (5) Replace the existed ROM2 to new ROM, to prepared TDESC0015 or TDESCOO16 (refer to Fig). Fig.8 Inner board of DTE (© Connect the cable between LCD and the board, which has been removed at above step (4). (7) Fix the rear panel by the 6 screws which have been removed at above step (3). (8) Connect the cables which have been removed at above step (2). (9) Power ON and check the operation. Checking method differs from the model name of DTE. (a) NDZ-127C-7, NDZ-127C7A type DTE Check whether the DTE is normally activated or not. When power supply is tumed ON, ‘operation is interrupted at MS-DOS screen when improper ROM is replaced, 7 Gapan Radio Co, Lid. (©) NDZ-127C7B type DTE (b.1) Select [Edit] on the main menu bar ( Mes /tes-into yer duane receive-tode hase Sitkatds Fig.9 DTE display screen ({Edit] window display) (b.2) Select [edit Ascii file] (Fig, 10 is displayed). Fig.10 DTE display screen ({Edit ascii file] window display) (6.3) Enter appropriate file name (newly created, like [A.TXT]) from keyboard and then press “Enter” key. (b.4) Check that the file editing screen is correctly displayed after above procedure. ‘When improper ROM is replaced, [Fait] window is not displayed and the DTE is automatically rebooted. (URC) Gapan Radio Co, Lid. © 4) Version confirmation (1) Press “Alt +A" keys from DTE main menu (Fig.11 is displayed), Ds TegPQD + Goodie eSeks 129-39 Courses codes Speed Jivenenit reed-Out Edit cell-log Distress Wes/les—info receivefede o4C 1 Te select EOC service type. down the Shift lay and prose Pi to Fig.l DTE display screen ({Diagnostics] window display) (2) Select [rom/floppy diskette Version] (Fig.12 is displayed). Pe + Gone ST Tet aTOy fests: 1129754 CoursesBedaey Speed: 00.0ne ERT Rin coe eld down the Shift hey and press PL to display NELP-infornation Fig.12. DTE display screen ({Software Version] window display) (3) Check the displayed version, “10.0 for Main CPU, and “20.0” for DTE. 5) Restoring each setting parameter (1) Restore the parameters, which are saved at 1}- Saving procedure for Set up parameter, (2) Restore the address books, which are saved at_1)-(ili) Saving procedure for Address book of TELEX, Facsimile, Data (PSDN), (3) Restore the parameters, which are saved at 1)-(iv) Saving procedure for setting parameter OLEGC reception selecting. (4) Tum on the power switch of ROP (printer). 6) Setting of [Land id registration for polling] If a trouble occurred after your JUE-75C started LRIT operation, this setting is necessary to confirm the JUE-75C status by polling from JRC. (1) Press “Alt + U” keys from DTE main menu (Fig.13 is displayed), TaN aio SS Reese Bi9ats syeeasoo.ont™™ Boda Frananie_roud-Out_E&ie cellos Distress _fee/law-infe receive Tod Tranenie 42-06 woezicuTo> Bet? Rain none or reed-Out Tete 8 tie eS? mate Teste antelation” sati-tos + To tapi fehsdated Crancnas ion Distres + To eit Nes/les-inte + To dtapi| receive-tede + Te selec onc ‘telat HOC service type. old down the Shift kay and prose Pi to display HELP-infornat fon Iteve the cursor co thm item pou want with 1-1 haps then prews Eater? Fig.13 DTE display screen ({Set up] window) (2) Select [Land id registration for polling] (Fig. 14 is displayed). Panty, 4 BeGSPOM +, Spndits ii PRE rie Trane ol tet, Hn mata Fig.ld DTE display screen ({Land id registration for polling] window) {G) Set the two items of Telex No. of IRC, as Fig 15. eration for, polio ore-2822%81 S72-2460009 Destination Subscriber’ = = Fig.15 DTE display screen ([Land id registration for polling] window) (4) Press “F10” key. 10 [URC] Japan Radio Co, Ltd. 7) Operation check (Communication function confirmation test Confirm the correct operation by performance verification test or folding back test. Gi) DNID memory confirmation test Confirm operating of writing/reading functions of memory area where DNID is to be registered. Execute temporary setting of schedule transmission, and then confirm that the temporary setting can be referred. Delete the temporary setting after confirmation. ‘When you restored the setting of Scheduled transmission at [5) Restoring procedure for each setting parameter], only execute below (1) to (3), and then confirm that the restored setting can be referred, only. (1) Press “Alt + U” keys from DTE main menu (Fig.16 is displayed). Fig.16 DTE display sereen ({Set up] window) Q) Select [Scheduled transmission] (Fig.17 is displayed). rove the cursor fo the item you vant with Ti heye then prest CEnter> Fig.17 DTE display screen ([Scheduled transmission] window) " [URC] Gapar Radio Co, Ltd. (3) Select [Scheduled transmission #1] (4) Record the contents of [Scheduled transmission #1]. (5) Execute temporary setting of the parameter as Fig.18. questing Interval Es tuork t: : Psiw cre) call-los jstination code & Distress 422459957 Daca, Nes/les-info receive-tode receive only. ese Fl0:Previeus Hold down the Shift key and press Fi to display WELP-information Move the cursor to the iten you want with 1.3 keys then press Fig.18 DTE display screen ([Scheduled transmission #1] window) (© Press “F10” twice. (7) Repeat above procedure, (1) to (3), and then confirm the parameter which you temporary set are displayed (if a problem is occurred, contact JRC), (8) Revert the temporary parameter to the original parameter, recorded at procedure (4). (9) Press “F10™ twice. (10) Repeat above procedure, (1) to (3), and then confirm that the data is replaced to original one. 2 [URC] Japan Radio Co, Ltd. 8) LRIT seal attachment (Preparation LRIT seal (MPNN45403, refer to Fig.19) LRIT Fig.19 LRIT seal (ii) LRIT seal attaching position ‘Attach the LRIT seal to IME (refer to Fig.20). Fig.20_LRIT seal attaching position (IME) 3 Gapan Radio Co, Ltd. Set UPMENU (Alt U) Backup SetUp | Scheduled [#1 transmission ‘Starting date and time ‘Requesting Interval LES ‘Network type Destination code Subscriber number & ‘Character code aS 7 Tad _7 Data On 7 Of data type qth ds 172 7 Both 7 None File name ‘Tansmission, On_/ Of Security Alet’_@i ‘On/Off Starting date and time ‘Requesting Interval LES ‘Network type ‘Destination _ code Subscriber number & ‘Character code ‘data type ath. ra Sony et @l ‘Starting date and time ‘Requesting Interval LES Network type. ‘Destination code & ‘Subscriber number ‘Character code data type qh ds File name ‘Transmission. Security Alert @ co ‘Starting date and time ‘Requesting Interval LES [Network type Destination _ code ‘Subscriber number. & (Character code TaS_7 ita? 7 Data data type ath ‘On 7 Off és 1727 Both 7 None File name ‘Transmission Security Alen _@I On _7 OF [@i: Displayed solr iin the case of a "SSAS" mode. ‘Land id ‘Destination code & registration for ‘subscribers polling, ‘LES 2 Destination code & subscribers Les 3 Destination code & subscribers: ‘LES 4 ‘Destination code & subscribers ‘LES s ‘Destination code & subscribers a LES ‘When “Land ID* is input more than six, please fill out an attached sheet. Closed 1 Name(text) network select DNID . 2 [Name(text) DNID a ‘Name(text) . ‘Name(text) DNID 5 ‘Name(text) DNID ‘When "DNID" is input more than six, please fill out an attached sheet. Caution: DNID cannot input fro DTE. DNID applies to a LES and has to download it again. Peripheral | Message print out On/Off Functions Printer which received message is |IME_/ DTE / Both @ ‘outed to All / Inm-C&EGC / EGC Only ‘Nav. equipment connected with [None / Ext / Int mes JRC / NMEA 0182 / NMEA 0183 Buzzer sound duration for message received(0-10) Sec ‘Data port main ‘None/Dte/ ds dAta port #1 None / Dte/ ds daTa port #2 None /Dte /ds @2: Initial value of a printer is an IME. Printer port setting might not be correct ifthe printer alarm "PRINTER NOT READ CONFIRM THE PAPER AND ON-LINE” was occurred and unable to clear. Then set the printer port according to following procedures. EGC Setting EGC Tavares Navaread [Enable / Disable [Navarea9 | Enable Navareal [Enable / Disable _|Navarea10 | Enable Navarea2 [Enable / Disable |Navareall | Enable Navarea3 [Enable / Disable _|Navarea12 | Enable Navarea4 [Enable / Disable _[Navareal3 | Enable NavareaS [Enable / Disable |Navareal4 | Enable Navarea6 [Enable / Disable |NavarealS | Enable Navarea7 [Enable / Disable _|Navareal6 | Enable Navarea8 | Enable / Disable FixedArea | _ | 0000000 - 0000000 ‘Reception type | charT correction service Enable / Disable Chart correction service for fixed areas Enable / Disable Download group identity Enable / Disable General call Enable / Disable Group call. Enable / Disable ‘Naviex A Enable_/ Disable N Enable / Disable coverage area Enable / Disable ° Enable_/ Disable € Enable / Disable P Enable _/ Disable D Enable / Disable Q Enable / Disable E Enable / Disable R Enable _/, Disable F Enable / Disable s Enable / Disable ¢ Enable / Disable T Enable / Disable a Enable / Disable U Enable _/ Disable I Enable / Disable Vv Enable _/ Disable Z Enable / Disable w Enable _/ Disable K Enable / Disable x Enable _/ Disable L Enable / Disable ¥ Enable / Disable M Enable / Disable Zz Enable _/ Disable Naviex Decca message Enable 7 Disable ee Electronic navaid message | Enable / Disable Tce report Enable_/ Disable Liran message Enable _/ Disable Meteorological forecast Enable / Disable (Omega message Enable _/ Disable Pilot service Enable _/ Disable Satnav message Enable _/ Disable ‘Gru (oo message on hand) [Enable / Disable ‘Address Book Telex 7 ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No “Answerback z ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No “Answerback 3 Name Subscriber's No “Answerback 4 Name ‘Subscriber's No “Answerback 5 ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No “Answerback “TELEX Address Book " is input more than six, please fill out an attached sheet, Data(PSTN) T Name ‘Subscriber's No 2 ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No 3 Name ‘Subscriber's No 4 Name ‘Subscriber's No 5 ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No ™ Facsimile Address Book " is input more than six, please fill out an attached sheet, Data(PSDN) T ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No 2 Name ‘Subscriber's No 3 ‘Name ‘Subscriber's No 4 ‘Name Subscriber's No 5 Name ‘Subscriber's No ™ Data(PSDN) Address Book” is input more than six, please fill out an attached sheet.

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