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NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: _____________________________

Directions: This test covers your weeks 1 and 2 lessons. Carefully read and analyze each given statement. Shade the letter that represents the
BEST answer. Use the zipgrade answer sheet at the back.

1. The ___________ of a gas refers to the average kinetic energy of the particles of a gas.
a. Pressure b. Temperature c. Volume d. All of the above
2. Charles’ Law states the relationship of volume and temperature can be observed if ____________ is constant.
a. Pressure b. Temperature c. Volume d. None of the above
3. According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, how do gas particles move?
a. Continuously in random straight lines c. Intermittent in exact straight lines
b. Continuously in random curved paths d. Intermittent in exact curved paths
4. Why do gases diffuse easily?
a. Bonds between compounds are ionic c. Intermolecular forces of attraction are too weak
b. Bonds between compounds are covalent d. Intermolecular forces of attraction are too strong
5. A gas in a container decreased its volume from 2 L to 1 L after the pressure was increased. Why did this happen?
a. Volume and pressure have cubic relations c. Volume and pressure have exponential relations
b. Volume and pressure have direct relations d. Volume and pressure have indirect relations
6. Explain why a container partially-full plastic bottle will shrink and be deformed if it was placed inside a freezer.
a. Volume decreases as temperature remains constant c. Volume increases as temperature decreases
b. Volume decreases as temperature decreases d. Volume increases as temperature remains constant
7. A gas sample confined in a chamber has a volume of 10 L at 1 atmosphere. Find its new volume if it is subjected to 4
atmospheres of pressure.
a. 2.5 L b. 5.0 L c. 7.5 L d. 10 L
8. Based on the graph below, describe the relationship of volume to pressure.
a. Volume decreases as temperature remains constant
b. Volume decreases as temperature decreases
c. Volume increases as temperature increases
d. Volume increases as temperature remains constant

9. What will be the temperature required to expand a gas sample at constant

pressure that has a volume of 2 L to about 5 L if the initial temperature is at 300
a. 600 K b. 650 K c. 700 K d. 750 K
10. Which of the following is TRUE for a gas at STP?
a. One mole of it can occupy a volume of 22.4 L c. It is under 2 atmospheres of pressure
b. Its temperature is at 0 Kelvin d. All of the above
11. The following are applications of Charles’ Law EXCEPT:
a. Baking fluffy bread b. Breathing / Respiration c. Hot air balloon d. Wheels deflating in the cold
12. Evaluate the process of storing propane gas in tanks with the use of Boyle’s Law.
a. A gas like propane will be impossible to store in tanks due to the incompressible nature of all gases.
b. A gas’ volume will not be a factor to be considered as it is independent of gas pressure and temperature
c. At a certain pressure propane is heated and expanded so it will be able to fit inside the metal tanks for storage
d. At a certain temperature propane is compressed at high pressures to reduce its volume to be stored in tanks
13. On an unusually night, Arturo accidentally left his bicycle outside their home. The following morning he saw that the tires were
partially deflated. What could have happened to the tires?
a. The cold temperature decreased the volume of gas in the tires and deflating it partially.
b. The cold temperature increased the volume of gas in the tires letting it escape
c. The cold temperature is not involved in the deflation of the wheels that happened
d. This would have happened during the daytime and not at night
14. Maricel went hiking with her friends up a very tall mountain. In one of her bags are puffy packs of chips. What will happen to
them when see reaches the summit of the mountain?
a. The packs will remain intact inside her bag as pressure only affects the temperature of gases and not its volume
b. The packs will shrink as the increased pressure at high altitudes will compress the packs and the gas inside them
c. The packs will burst as the decreased pressure outside the packs of chips will increase the volume of the gas inside
d. Nothing of consequence will happen to the bags of chips
15. Rodel was on a hot air balloon ride with his parents. What will happen if the operator increases the flame of the balloon’s
a. The air in the balloon will contract and will make it rise
b. The air in the balloon will expand and will make it rise
c. The air will contract and the balloon will sink
d. The air will expand and the balloon will sink

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: _____________________________

Directions: This test covers your weeks 3 and 4 lessons for the fourth quarter. Carefully read and analyze each given statement. Shade the letter
that represents the BEST answer. Use the zipgrade answer sheet at the back.
1. Carbon-containing compounds which are essential to life are known as biomolecules. Which of the following is NOT considered
a biomolecule?
A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. nucleic acids D. none of the above
2. Which of the following elements is NOT present in carbohydrates?
A. carbon B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. hydrogen
3. When two or more simple sugars combine, which of the following is formed?
A. monosaccharides B. disaccharides C. polysaccharides D. acids & bases
4. Which of the following groups are all classified as polysaccharide?
A. sucrose, glucose and fructose C. glycogen, sucrose and maltose
B. maltose, lactose and fructose D. glycogen, cellulose and starch
5. Angela has curly hairs which she inherited from her father. Which biomolecule is responsible for this?
A. DNA B. RNA C. Lipid D. Protein
.6. Given the structural formula at the right, how would you classify the said
A. Proteins
B. Lipids
C. Nucleic acids
D. Carbohydrates
7. Which of the following correctly describes the difference of lipids with the other types of biomolecules?
A. Lipids are water-insoluble biomolecules. C. Lipids can either be saturated or unsaturated
B. Lipids are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. D. All of the above
8. The following are comparisons between DNA and RNA. Which of them is INCORRECT?
A. DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell while RNA is found at the cytoplasm.
B. DNA is double-stranded while RNA is single-stranded.
C. DNA has ribose sugar while RNA has deoxyribose sugar.
D. DNA’s nitrogenous bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) while RNA has adenine (A), uracil (U),
cytosine (C) and guanine (G).
9. Considering the molecular structure, proteins differ with other biomolecules in one specific composition. Which one is it?
A. nitrogen B. carbon C. oxygen D. hydrogen
10. Anna conducted a carbohydrate test using a tincture of iodine. Minutes after dropping iodine into a small piece of Fita biscuit, a
color change from yellow to blue was observed. How will you interpret Anna’s observation?
A. Fita biscuit contains sugar. C. Fita biscuit contains protein.
B. Fita biscuit contains starch. D. Fita biscuit contains nucleic acid.
11. A sugar test was conducted by Benjo, using a Benedict’s solution to a bread sample. A yellow to orange color change was
after several minutes. Which of the following interpretations is accurate?
A. The bread contains a very small amount of reducing sugar.
B. The bread contains a higher amount of reducing sugar.
C. The bread contains a highest amount of reducing sugar.
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following could be a manifestation that a person lacks protein in his or her diet?
A. Lack of energy B. Bloating C. Infertility D. Brittle hair and nails
13. Calorie intake plays an important role in one’s health. A person’s calories in must be balance with his or her calories out. Which
the following is an ideal way to meet the purpose?
A. take 8-10 glasses of water a day. C. exercise at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily.
B. have 8 hours of sleep. D. have at least 3 meals daily.
14. If you are to design a high-protein meal plan for a weight-lifter, which of the following foods must be included in the list?
A. mashed potato, boiled sweet potatoes and sandwiches
B. pasta Bolognese, lasagna, overload pizza
C. buttered mixed veggies, blanched kangkong with bagoong, broccoli in tofu and oyster sauce
D. boiled eggs, beef steak, chicken breast in mushroom sauce
15. Maddy has been experiencing the feeling of being extra tired and having a low energy after several days of dieting. Which of the
following could be the probable reason?
A. Low-protein diet C. Low-lipid diet
B. Low-carbohydrate diet D. Low-fat diet

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