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Marketing Aspect

A. Target Market

 Our target customers are the farmers in order for them to increase
and improve their access to the markets. They can be sub
segmented as micro farmers, small farmers, emerging farmers, and
commercial farmers.

B. Marketing Strategies

 We are able to reach our customers through many ways such as

making a page about our business and encourage people to join the
page. Also, by making a blog about it and ask people for referrals
and reviews. Our strategy to make this work is to offer loyal
customers an exclusive preview. Use a special introductory offer or
having giveaways for them. And lastly, offer a complimentary
upgrade and allow trade-ins
 Our most effective marketing and promotional strategies are
content marketing and social marketing. Since technology is very
rampant nowadays, it is the most influencing way that could help
us promote our business for larger engagement. It will help us
connect to our customers and build connection to know their needs
and their preferences as well.

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