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BEFORE YOU READ DDSCUSSION A, Read the first paragraph of the passage and discuss ‘these questions witha partner. 4. Can you name any other places onthe UNES i Hentage sites lit? 2. Why do you tink man places and areas need protection ‘Skim the other paragraphs. What do you think the treading is mainly about? Cie a 6, oF ¢. Then read the passage to check your answer 2. the mast famous UNESCO World Hertage ses important cutual tradition hanged since it fist Eowte eed ee el os LIVING TREASURES 1 The Tower of Pisa, Machu Pice-u. The Taj Mahal. You probably know them as famous UNESCO! Werld Heritage sitesstrucures and monuments of great cultural value, But what about tre Mediterranean diet? The Bejing opera? Or the art of pizza-makingin Naples? What do these have in common? 8: Traditions like these are knovn 35 “intangible cultural heritage” In contrast to UNESCO World Heritage sites, intangible heritage does not include buildings like palaces and temples. Intea, it includes traditional art forms, such as masc, dance, and eraft- ‘making—Lving traditions that ze an important pat of place's culture. © UNESCO began to ientiy cultural traditions in 2008. Among the frst on their ist were the Puppet ‘Theater of Sicily and Mevico's Day ofthe Dead festival. By 2017, UNESCO had approved more than ‘300 diverse practices, These inlide cultural events like the Chinese Dragon Boat Fostival: performing arts inclading Spanish flamenco; martial arts sue ‘as Bazin capoeira and Korean Tackkyeon and handicrafts ike Japanese washpaper-making In 2010, UNESCO also began to include important regional cuisine, starting with French ane! Mexican food, Several other types of food and drink have since been added, such as Korean kimchi and Croatian gingerbread. Arabic coffe was included in 2015.The sharing of coffee has been an important aspect of ‘Arab hospitality fr centuries, according to UNESCO, and is “a symbol of generosity.” Srna maton work inp in thels evabon, nitan 55 Protecting Cultural Roots Cultural situa re an important par of the UNESCO list. An example isthe Tlemncen ritual in Algeria The ritual begins in the bride's parents! home, where friends and female relatives help the bride prepare fr the “The brie is fist dressed in a golden silk dress. Symbolic henna designs are appli to her hands. 'efore leaving the house fr the ceremony, he aces ina golden sil ve Later, during the wedding feast, the bride removes her veil ready to be marred The tradition has pased from one generation tothe next and marks the community cult Some of the cultural tems on the ist are dying out and in neod of protection. An ‘example is Al Sad—tradtional weaving in the United Arab Emirates. The tration ‘was once widely practiced by communities of desert Bedouin women. However, ‘many Bedouin have now moved to cites, and so the practice has begun to disappear. “Taday, Al Sad is mostly practiced by older women whose numbers are deciing “The main goal of UNESCO isto peace through respect for the world’s fe cd ean Hes oe Important gh sec Dele fUNESCO "Tenor garde tnd Smee wedding Punvose erence rurose scannns A. Choose the best answer for each question, 1. Whats the purpose of paragraph 8? 2. 10 deserbe the most famaus Worl Heritage sites to provide detals about the history of UNESCO tage a definition of “intangible cultural hertage™ 2, Which of the folowing was one of the fist items added to the intangible cultural heritage list? in Algerian bride dances with her 2. Arabic coffee relatives during her wedding party Korean kimehi Siclian Puppet Theater 3. Which ofthe folowing could NOT be added to the ntangive cultural heritage lst? 2, flute music from Peru 1. abistoic rig in Paris an ish poet festival 4, Which ofthe follwing is ue about a Tlemcen wedding? 2. The main ceremony takes place inthe brides parents’ home. Female family members hep the bide prepare forthe went The bride takes off her vel before leaving the house. 5. Wy does the author mention Al au? 2. to show that traitional weaving i stil popular in Bedoun culture ». togie an example ofan intangible item that could soon disappear to show how the UNESCO list is already achieving success B. Scan the reading for each of the intangible cultural items listed below (1-7) Match each one with the corect category (0-d). 2. Regional food and drink b. Performing arts c. Handicrafts, Cultural events 4. AlSalu 5. Meera de 2. Arabiccoffee 6, Tlemcen wen val 3. Dragon Boat Festival, Washi. 4. Famenco Unitan 57 Dealing with Unfamiliar Vocabulary (1}—Using Context, a wer pace in totic untamaryou maybe able to understand its mearing from the contest. Look atthe words around it and try to guess the meaning, Are there any examples that help you understand what it means? In some cases, the meaning may be explained in he text. Definitions ‘xe often set of by commas, a dash (—), or dashes ‘An exam is Al Sacki—rdlional weaving inthe Urited Arab Emirates. The writer may alo explain the mesning wsing words or hase Hike meons, i cad, or known as. At other times, a word may be defined ina glossary ora footnote, SCANIUNG A. These words and phrases appear in the reading passage. Find and circle them ‘cuisine martial art ritual roots veil ritual roots veil aroun B, Use the context to help you identity the meaning of each word or phrase. Then match each word with its definition (2-e) A. cuisine +. a fited set of actions, atten reiting to religion 2. mania an « +b. the place or culture that a person comes from Bria + a peceof thin material worn ever the face A ots + 6, amethod of fighting or selt-deense Sv +. the style of cooking common ina certain pace GEISINNIEEIEES > Work with partner. List some examples of intangible cultural heritage fom your country Note atleast one idea for each category (eatin rertorming ane [Grate cunarar events] >> Imagine you can select only one item from your list to be included on UNESCO'S list. Which ‘would you choose? Note your ideas and reasons, and share with a partner. 5B unit an commun |A. Complete the information using the correct form ofthe words in the box One word is extra, approve ceremony site symbol wedding wrap The Wodabe are nomadic African pecple who migrate from place to place throughout the yea. At the end cof September, the Wedaabe come together for an important cultura called the geerewol The rial includes a unique beauty contest Young Wodaabe men paint their faces with makeup, and : their heads in colorul headwear. ‘Some put on beads and shells a5 oftheir wealth, They then perform a dance for young Wdaabe women, fawoman‘ of Wodaabe man dressed male dancer, she may agree to marr him and a makeup forthe eerewol festival 1__ispreparea . Complete the sentences using the words in the box. One word is extra [param eeyTeeccTocoay] 4. The Great Wall of China sa very famous World Heritage 2. UNESCO's intangible heritage st includes ain) ___range of ‘tastional_______ and ather a forms 3, The adion of flamenco san important part of Spain’ cult ‘4. UNESCO’ aim i to___ education, scence, and cuture worldwide © Theprefixpro- can mean “forward” or "toward the front,” a inthe verb promote. Complete the definitions by ciring the correct options 1. Ifyou proceed with something, you make a start on it decide to changeit 2. Ifyou geta promotion, you rset @ higher evel move toa ciferent place 3. Ifyou make progress on something, you decide tod it heve success with it saa 59

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