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Professional Ethics (PFE701)-Semester III

1. Obeying the law of the home country is a business's __________.

a. Right
b. Choice
c. economic responsibility
d. legal responsibility
2. Ethical dilemmas in the form of __________ may occur where a manager takes a
bribe or kickback or extraordinary gift in return for making the decision favourable
to the gift giver.
a. Discrimination
b. Sexual harassment
c. Conflicts of interest.
d. Customer confidence.
3. Ethical philosophy is involving?
a. Systemizing the concepts of right or wrong
b. Defending concepts of right or wrong
c. Both
d. None
4. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Ethics is a science of character
b. Ethics is not a practical science
c. Ethics is not an art
d. Above all
5. Deontology is the word come from?
a. Latin word
b. Greek word
c. Indian word
d. Portuguese word
6. Utilitarianism is theory:
a. Which advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and  opposes
actions that cause unhappiness or harm.
b. Which does not advocate actions that foster happiness or pleasure and opposes
actions that cause unhappiness or harm.
c. Which advocates actions that foster sadness or non-pleasure and opposes
actions that cause unhappiness or harm.
d. Which does not advocate actions that foster sadness or non- pleasure and
opposes actions that cause unhappiness or harm.
7. What are morals?
a. Moral values are relative values that does not protect life and are respectful of
the dual life value of self and others.
b. Moral values are relative values that protect life and are non- respectful of the
dual life value of self and others.
c. Moral values are relative values that protect life and are  respectful of the
dual life value of self and others.
d. None
8. Which of the following statement is correct regarding values?
a. They form a personal foundation that influences a particular person’s behaviour.
b. They form an individual foundation that influences a particular person’s
c. They form a personal foundation that non-influences a particular person’s
d. Both a and b
9. What are moral issues?
a. Any issue with the potential to help or harm anyone, not including oneself
b. Any issue with the potential to help or harm anyone, including  oneself
c. Any issue with the non-potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself
d. None
10. What are dilemmas?
a. Dilemmas are certain kind of situations in which a difficult choice  has to be
b. Dilemmas are certain kind of situations in which a non-difficult choice has to be
c. Both
d. None
11. Which of the following statement is correct regarding principle of respect for
a. Addresses the concept of dependence
b. Addresses the concept of independence
c. Addresses the concept of inter-dependence
d. None
12. Which of the following statement is correct regarding principle of respect for
a. We must take positive steps to prevent harm
b. We must take negative steps to prevent harm
c. We must not take any steps
d. None
13. Contemporary philosophy is dealing with:
a. Philosophers from the late 19th century through to  the 21st
b. Philosophers from the late 18th century through to the 21st
c. Philosophers from the late 17th century through to the 21st
d. None
14. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ethics of contemporary
a. It can look descriptively at moral behaviour and  judgements
b. It cannot look descriptively at moral behaviour and judgements
c. It cannot look descriptively at moral behaviour and judgements
d. None
15. What are the links between philosophy and Ethics?

a. Ethical ideals are founded in the moral order of the universe. Being a

normative science, ethics details ethical ideals. These ethical ideals are
founded in the moral order of the universe. Thus, their study takes ethics
into the field of philosophy.
b. Ethical ideals are based upon the nature of objects. Ethical judgments are
categorical imperatives. They are themselves based upon the nature of
objects for which ethics must go to philosophy.
c. Both
d. None
16. Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. The three self-evident postulates of ethics arc God,   freedom of will and the
immortality of the soul
b. The three self-evident postulates of ethics arc God, dependence of will and the
immortality of the soul
c. The three self-evident postulates of ethics arc God, freedom of will and the
mortality of the soul
d. None

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