Poem Carts

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Marie Angel Serohejos CARTS

12 - St. Odilia


In the Philippines, a land of art,

Contemporary artists play a vital part.
Their works reflect our history,
Our culture, our identity.

From traditional to modern forms,

They create art that constantly transforms.
Their pieces evoke our deepest emotions,
And speak to us in varied expressions.

They paint, they sculpt, they dance and sing,

They create beauty in everything.
Their art reflects our diverse culture,
And inspires us to nurture.

May they continue to create and innovate,

And share their talents to educate,
The young and old, and everyone in between,
Their art, a testament to our country's scene.
Marie Angel Serohejos
12 - St. Odilia

By Pablo Baens Santos

Filipino Art Tendencies observed in this artwork:

Multiple Focal Points
There are two different scenes that can be seen in the painting. One are the
struggling people in white shirts pulling ropes, and two are the two men in suits, sitting at
the top of struggling people, who are happy holding a lot of money. These scenes depicts
the societal differences between the Filipino people and the politicians, which the artist
was trying to convey that Filipino people were oppressed by the politicians who ruled at
that time.

As you can see in his painting, almost all of the spaces in the canvas were
occupied with all of the subjects in the painting which shows maximalism tendency.
Pablo filled up the spaces by enlarging the main subjects intentionally so as to emphasize
and give expression to the painting. Enlarged subjects such as the two men in suits
represent that they are superior and ruling to the Filipino people.

Highly Expressive
According to the book, this tendency is carried over through the colorful artworks.
Although Santos’ Comprador artwork is not colorful, I can say it still has this tendency
observed in the painting because of how the dark colors used expresses a very strong yet
negative emotion which for me is highly expressive.

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