Clean Install Procedure

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Imaging Services Software Options

Document No: DD+DIS300.12E

NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800
Type 4406/303

Clean Installation Procedure

► Purpose of this Document

This document describes the installation of a NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 workstation

starting from scratch.
It also covers the software upgrade starting from NX 1.0, NX 2.0 or NX 2008.

► Document History

Edition. Release Changes

Revision Date
1.2 03-2014  Improved clean installation procedure for
Windows XP with RAID1.
 Added following steps for clean installation of Onyx
Zeus 197E:
o USB keyboad required to be connected to
USB 2.0 connector.
o Formatting required during Windows 7 restore

► Referenced Documents

Depending on the system, following documentation is needed on site:

Document Title
DD+DIS300.12E NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Manual
DD+DIS012.06E Licensing Service Documentation
DD+DIS124.09E ID Scanner Service Manual


The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2
03-2014 printed in Germany Document Node ID: 39101315
Agfa Company Confidential Copyright © 2014 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

► Manufacturer
Agfa HealthCare N.V.

Published by
Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH
Tegernseer Landstraße 161
D - 81539 München
Copyright  2014 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
All rights reserved.
Technical modifications reserved.
Agfa and the Agfa rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium, or its
All other trademarks mentioned in this document are held by Agfa HealthCare N.V. or
the respective owners and are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of
Nothing contained in this legal notice nor in any text in this document shall be
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any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names or logos appearing in this document
without the express prior written consent of their respective owner.

Improper operation or service activities may cause damage or injuries.

1. Read the "Generic Safety Directions" prior to attempting any operation, repair or
maintenance task on the equipment.
Refer to Document ID 11849633, Agfa Intranet / Agfa Portal via Internet.

2. Strictly observe all safety directions within the "Generic Safety Directions" and on
the product.

The installation and service of the product(s) described herein is to be performed
by qualified personnel who are employed by Agfa HealthCare N.V or one of its affiliates
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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure


1 OVERVIEW OF THE CLEAN INSTALL PROCEDURE............................................................6

1.1 Purpose of the Clean Installation Procedure ............................................................................6

1.2 Clean Installation Overview ......................................................................................................7

1.3 Required Time for the Clean Installation Procedure.................................................................8

2 PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................9
2.1 If Clean Installation is used to perform a Software Upgrade: Collecting Information to prepare
the Upgrade ..............................................................................................................................9

2.2 Downloading / ordering the Clean Install Kit (if not available yet) ..........................................10

2.3 Obtaining additionally needed Tools, Documentation and Software ......................................11

2.3.1 External Hard Disk for keeping Images (for Backup Purposes) .............................................11

2.3.2 USB Keyboard required for restoring Windows 7 on the Onyx All-in-One PC .......................11

2.3.3 Documentation for a Clean Installation Procedure .................................................................11

2.3.4 Software for a Clean Installation Procedure ...........................................................................12

2.4 Obtaining the Application License File (if required) ................................................................16

3 INSTALLING SOFTWARE .....................................................................................................16

3.1 Checking Prerequisites ...........................................................................................................16

3.2 Collecting Information about Network Settings.......................................................................17

3.3 Collecting Information about configured Users.......................................................................18

3.4 Collecting Information about Security Settings .......................................................................20

3.5 Collecting Information about NX User Role Settings ..............................................................21

3.6 Exporting Images (if required), Dose and Configuration Data................................................22

3.7 Adjusting BIOS Settings..........................................................................................................22

3.7.1 Adjusting BIOS Settings for DELL PCs (Windows XP)...........................................................23

3.7.2 Adjusting BIOS Settings for HP PCs (Windows XP)...............................................................24

3.7.3 Adjusting BIOS Settings for HP 8000, 8200 and 8300 Elite PCs (Windows 7) ......................28

3.7.4 Adjusting BIOS Settings for the Onyx PC (Windows 7)..........................................................30

3.8 Installing the Operating System (OS) .....................................................................................31

3.8.1 Installing Windows XP Professional .......................................................................................31

3.8.2 Installing Windows 7 ...............................................................................................................35


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

3.9 Performing additional Partitioning (Windows XP only) ...........................................................38

3.10 Installing the latest available Hotfixes.....................................................................................42

3.11 Configuring Basic Operating System Settings........................................................................43

3.11.1 Adapting Password Settings for Windows 7 ...........................................................................43

3.11.2 Adjusting Screen Resolution...................................................................................................45

3.11.3 Adjusting Date & Time ............................................................................................................45

3.11.4 Adjusting Regional and Language Options at Windows XP...................................................47

3.11.5 Adjusting Regional and Language Options at Windows 7......................................................50

3.11.6 Adjusting Hard Disk Properties for SCSI Hard Disks..............................................................53

3.12 Configuring Network ...............................................................................................................53

3.12.1 Changing TCP/IP Settings of Local Area Connection (LAN)..................................................54

3.12.2 Configuring the wireless Network Connection for the wireless ICU Workflow .......................56

3.12.3 Changing the Hostname and/or Workgroup/Domain of the Operating System......................56

3.13 Installing NX Software and Documentation ............................................................................58

3.13.1 Installing NX Software.............................................................................................................59

3.13.2 Installing NX Software Update (SU) .......................................................................................60

3.13.3 Loading additional Installers ...................................................................................................61

3.13.4 Installing NX Online Help ........................................................................................................61

3.14 Installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ..................................................................62

3.15 Installing TWAIN Digitizer Software (ASAP)...........................................................................63

3.16 Installing FUSE Software ........................................................................................................64

4 LOADING LICENSES AND ACTIVATING THE INSTALLATION...........................................64

4.1 Loading Licenses (ALF) ..........................................................................................................64

4.2 Activating the NX ....................................................................................................................66

5 PERFORMING OPERATING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ..................................................69

5.1 Editing Security Settings according to Hospital Guidelines ....................................................69

5.2 Adding Windows Users...........................................................................................................69

5.2.1 Adding Users in a Domain Environment.................................................................................70

5.2.2 Adding Users in a Workgroup Environment............................................................................70

5.3 Adjusting the Laptop Power Settings......................................................................................71

6 INSTALLING ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE FOR NX ................................................................72


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

6.1 Installing Monitor Software and performing Monitor Calibration.............................................72

6.2 Upgrading ID Tablet Firmware................................................................................................72

6.3 Installing the ID Scanner Drivers ............................................................................................73


8 NX CONFIGURATION VIA CONFIGURATION TOOL...........................................................74
9 IMPORTING IMAGES AND DOSE STATISTICS...................................................................75
10 COMPLETING INSTALLATION .............................................................................................75
10.1 Removing the Altiris Client (Windows 7 only) .........................................................................75

10.2 Activating RAID (Windows XP only) .......................................................................................76

10.3 For DX-M Mammography Systems only: Checking whether IP Gain Calibration Files are
present ....................................................................................................................................80

10.4 Finalizing the Installation.........................................................................................................82

11 VERIFICATION OF THE SOFTWARE CLEAN INSTALLATION ...........................................82


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

1 Overview of the Clean Install Procedure

1.1 Purpose of the Clean Installation Procedure

This procedure is used to install the software from scratch. Following table shows the
use cases:

Re-install the same SW Perform a software

(Operating system and NX upgrade to NX 2.0.8800 /
software) 3.0.8800, starting from NX
1.0, NX 2.0 or NX 2008.

Use the same hardware  

Use new hardware (e.g.
new PC, new hard disk  

 The clean installation procedure differs in details depending on following
o Operating system (Windows 7 / XP)
o Use case (see table above)
Exceptions for each step are described in this document.

 The clean installation procedure could also be used to perform a software

upgrade to NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 starting from ≥ NX 2.0.8000 / 3.0.8000.

For this case the software upgrade procedure is much faster however.

The software upgrade procedure starting from ≥ NX 2.0.8000 / 3.0.8000 is

described in chapter 7, Upgrade Installation, of the NX Service Manual.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

1.2 Clean Installation Overview

The following table shows the main steps of the clean installation procedure:

# Step Main taks

1 Prepare the clean  Organize license file.
 Organize additional software.
2 Install software  Save images.
 Adjust BIOS settings.
 Install operating system and hotfixes.
 Install NX software.
3 Activate the  Load license.
 Activate NX.
4 Perform additional  Edit security settings.
operating system
configuration  Add users.

5 Install additional  Install software for monitor.

6 In case of a DR  Install DR detector
system: DR system
setup  Perform DR detector calibration

7 Configure NX  Load previous configuration or perform new

8 Import data  Import image and dose statistics data.
9 Complete installation  Remove Altiris client.
 Activate RAID.
 Perform NX acceptance test.
10 Verification  Perform CR or DR system specific
acceptance test.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

1.3 Required Time for the Clean Installation Procedure

Maximum required time: 9 hours

o 0,5 hours: Preparation
o 2 hours: Saving images
o 2 hours: Installing software
o 0,5 hours: Configuration
o 2 hours: Importing images
o 2 hours: Activating RAID


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

2 Preparation

2.1 If Clean Installation is used to perform a Software Upgrade: Collecting

Information to prepare the Upgrade

Purpose: Information about the current system hardware and software is required:
 To generate the Application License File. This can be performed off-site by the
NSO or on-line via ELMS.
 To organize compatible software for a digitizer connected via FireWire (TWAIN)
 To organize a USB hard disk with sufficient disk space, in case the customer does
not archive the images (Image data backup is done for safety reasons only.
Images are preserved during the software upgrade)
Skip this step if you use the clean installation procedure to re-install software on the
same PC.

(1) Collect the following information about the old system on site via system database
in the NSO, remote log in or telephone call and keep it for further steps:

Original software version: NX 1.0.2405 GenRad

(1) Go to the NX main menu. NX 1.0.3203 (SUx) GenRad
(2) Click About. NX 2.0.1703 Mammo
(3) Obtain the NX version from the NX 2.0.6805 (SUx) GenRad
NX splash screen.
NX 2.0.6805 (SUx) Mammo
NX 2.0.6805 (SUx) CMS
NX 2008 InRoom
NX 2008 CMS
AGFA serial number:
Written on the AGFA label attached to
the product hardware.
(Needed for creating the license file)

Workstation is connected to a No Yes

TWAIN digitizer (CR 30-X, DX-S,
DX-G with SW < NIM_2XXX):
(See section 3.15)

Secure Communication is used: No Yes

(See section


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

(2) Collect the following information about the new ordered software:

Sales Order (SO) number:

Only required if additional licenses are
ordered (e.g. NX 3.0 Features License).

Identification of the new software

Version of NX to be installed: NX 2.0.8800 NX 3.0.8800
(Needed to create the license file)

Update to latest Service Update No Yes Version:

(Needed to create the license file)

Optional license packages:

Refer to Chapter 1 “Product Description” to
find a complete list of licenses and
(Needed to create the license file)

Customer requires to keep Yes, approx. __________ images

existing images:

2.2 Downloading / ordering the Clean Install Kit (if not available yet)

Purpose: The clean installation kit (DVD1 / DVD2) is shipped which each NX workstation.
The up-to-date clean installation kit is available via FTP server or via order code.
Ordering the upgrade material instead of downloading the files from the FTP server
can be required due to commercial reasons.

4.68 l-1l-22.5m0.21 20 m72.5s.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

2.3 Obtaining additionally needed Tools, Documentation and Software

Purpose: Obtaining additional tools, documentation and software before installation is required
for an efficient clean installation procedure on site.

2.3.1 External Hard Disk for keeping Images (for Backup Purposes)

If the clean installation procedure is used for a software upgrade of a system with
software NX 1.0, NX 2.0 or NX 2008, all images get erased.
If the customer wants to keep the images, an external hard disk is required to
intermediately store the images.
 As the intended use of the NX workstation is not an archive, saving data for
backup purposes during the upgrade is a business opportunity. It is up to the
national sales organization to decide about billing the time for keeping images. The
time required per image is approximately 10 to 30 seconds (depending on the PC
For 500 images this means approx. 1,5 to 4 hours.
 For storing the images for backup purposes an external USB hard disk is
recommended. Required size: The average image size is approx. 20 MB.
For 500 images this means approx. 10 GB.

2.3.2 USB Keyboard required for restoring Windows 7 on the Onyx All-in-One PC

To be able to enter the required keystrokes during restore of Windows 7 via Onyx
restore DVD, a USB keyboard is required.

2.3.3 Documentation for a Clean Installation Procedure

Take the following documentation on site:

NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Manual, DD+DIS300.12E
If the NX workstation is part of a Mammography or DR system: The corresponding
system service manual.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

2.3.4 Software for a Clean Installation Procedure

In addition to the clean installation kit (mentioned in section 2.2 of this document)
following software is required for a clean installation procedure:

# Software Reference
1 Service updates or patches
2 HP / Onyx Restore DVD (for Windows 7 only)
3 Mobile Retrofit Box Manager
4 Additional installers (XRDI, soft console etc.)
5 TWAIN digitizer software (if applicable)
6 Latest Hotfix
7 Configuration XML File
8 NX personal certificate for secure communication
9 Monitor model files, if available Downloading the latest Patches or Software Updates

(1) Check whether service updates or patches are available on the Agfa Healthcare
Library or the global secure FTP server for NX 2.0.8800 / NX 3.0.8800
(Computed Radiography > CR Workstation Software > NX 2.0.8800 - 3.0.8800).
(2) Download the available service updates / patches.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure Downloading the HP / Onyx Restore DVD (for Windows 7 only)

The previously installed operating system has
to be installed with the clean installation
The operating system is indicated via license
sticker on the PC.
The Windows 7 restore DVD is part of
delivery. If it is not available at the time of
restore it can be downloaded from the Agfa
HealthCare Library.

Figure 1

(1) Download the PC model dependent HP or Onyx Restore DVD* from the Agfa
HealthCare Library and burn it on DVD.
*depending on the PC model the restore DVD set comprises 1 or 2 DVDs. Downloading the DX-D Mobile Retrofit Box Manager

The “DX-D Mobile Retrofit Box Manager” is required only if a DX-D Mobile Retrofit Box
is available on site. At NX as part of the “DX-D Mobile Retrofit System” coming from
production, the “DX-D Mobile Retrofit Box Manager” is pre-installed.

(1) Download the “DX-D Mobile Retrofit Box Manager” from the Agfa HealthCare


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure Downloading additional Installers

If the NX is part of a DR system, additional software may be required.


(1) Check the “Simplified ELMS DR Subproduct Interoperability Matrix”, Document

ID 35878296, or release bulletin of the DR system for the appropriate version
(e.g. XRDI 15).

(2) Download these installers from the Agfa HealthCare Library.

The NX DVD1 contains all additional required software installers, which were released
at the time of the corresponding NX software release. These installers are copied to the
PC when installing the NX application software, and automatically picked up during
activation. Downloading TWAIN Digitizer Device Software (ASAP)

If the NX Workstation is connected to a TWAIN digitizer (DX-S, CR 30-X or

DX-G ASAP *), the compatible device software has to be downloaded from
the Agfa HealthCare Library and installed on the workstation.
* DX-G is a DICOM digitizer as of SW version  NIM_2xxx.
Be aware, that DX-G Twain is not supported for Windows 7 systems.

(1) To find the compatible version number(s) refer to CR/DR Interoperability Matrix,
Document ID 31333326 (Intranet Link / Extranet Link).

(2) Go to the Agfa HealthCare Library to download the device software packages:
Computed Radiography  CR Digitizers  <Digitizer name>  Software


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure Downloading the latest Hotfixes

Run the FUSE updater on the Service PC to receive the latest available hotfixes.

For instructions to obtain and install the Fast Update Service (FUSE) software refer to
the Service Manual FUSE - Fast Update Service (Automatic Software Update),
Document ID 23977509 (Intranet Link / Extranet Link).
The latest Hotfix versions on release date of NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 are available on
the NX Starter Kit DVD 2. Organizing the Configuration XML File for the NX Workstation

To simplify the configuration of the NX workstation either use a backup of the previous
configuration or organize the CR or DR system specific default configuration XML file of
the NX workstation of the region or country. NX Personal Certificate for Secure Communication

If Secure Communication is used, the certificates have to be reconfigured.

Make sure to have the files available containing the NX personal certificate trusted
certificates for all devices connected through secure communication. Downloading Monitor Model Files

Download the additional available monitor model files for NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 from
the Agfa HealthCare Library > Computed Radiography > CR Workstation Software >
NX 2.0.8800 - 3.0.8800.

Status 01-2014: One additional model file for the Onyx DX-D Mobile Retrofit PC (ONYX
ZEUS-197E 1280x1024.xml) is available.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

2.4 Obtaining the Application License File (if required)

Purpose: The available Application License File (ALF) can only be re-used for the use case
"Re-install the same software on the same hardware".
For all other use cases (new PC / software upgrade) a new license file is required.

(1) Organize a new license as described in the Licensing Service Manual, Document
ID 24522499 (Intranet Link / Extranet Link).
Exception: If the same software version is re-installed on the same hardware, no
new license file is required.

3 Installing Software

3.1 Checking Prerequisites

Purpose: Checking the prerequisites before installation is a last check to confirm that the
software installation can be started.

Check the following items before starting the installation:

 Use the correct set of the Installation DVDs:

o PC model dependent HP Restore DVD* (required for Windows 7 Systems only)
*depending on the PC model the restore DVD set comprises 1 or 2 DVDs.

o NX Starterkit DVD 1
o NX Starterkit DVD 2

 Make sure a network is connected:

o When installing, the NX PC must have a network connection.
The minimum is a connection to a hub so the system can recognize a network
connection and another PC on the network.
o The system can be connected to a larger network like the hospital or company
network. In this case, if other NX systems are installed at the same time, an IP
conflict can occur.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

3.2 Collecting Information about Network Settings

Purpose: The network settings are set back to default with a clean installation. Therefore its
recommended to check and write down the network setting before.
This step is not required when installing a new PC where NX has not been installed
yet (Swap PCs coming from spare parts stock or exchange PCs from DELL / HP /

(1) Log in using the crservice account.

(2) Open a command prompt window (Start > Programs > Accessories >
Command prompt)

(3) Type: ipconfig /all

(4) Write down:

 Host name
 DHCP enabled yes/no
 If DHCP is disabled: IPv4 Address (in Windows XP this is named "IP

(5) Following steps are required only if the current software is ≥ NX 2.0.8700 /
3.0.8700: Start the NX Configuration Tool.

(6) Go to: General Settings > Workstation Settings > Advanced

(7) Check whether an IP address is set. If yes, write down the selected IP address.


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

3.3 Collecting Information about configured Users

Purpose: The configured users are all deleted with a clean installation. Therefore its
recommended to check and write down the configured users before.
This step is not required when installing a new PC where NX has not been installed yet
(Swap PCs coming from spare parts stock or exchange PCs from DELL / HP / Onyx).

(1) Log in using the crservice account.

(2) Go to the desktop and right-click Computer.

(3) Select the Manage option.

(4) Select System Tools  Local Users and Groups  Users.

(5) Check, which users have been added, except the default users.

Figure 2


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

(6) For each user write down:

 User name
 Password settings (if required, ask
the users)

Figure 3

(7) Select the “Member of” tab to see, if

the user has been added to a user

Figure 4


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

3.4 Collecting Information about Security Settings

The configured settings are all deleted with a clean installation. Therefore its
recommended to check and write down the configured security settings before.
This step is not required when installing a new PC where NX has not been installed yet
(Swap PCs coming from spare parts stock or exchange PCs from DELL / HP / Onyx).

By re-installation of the operating system the security settings (e.g. password

complexity enabled/disabled) are lost. If the security settings have been previously
changed, they need to be adapted again after installation of the operating system.

 Go to the Local Security Menu as described in 03-2014 Service Manual

chapter 4 Installation and Configuration Appendices DD+DIS300.12E, section
Editing Security Settings according to Hospital Guidelines.

 Write down the security policy deviations (the manual describes the defaults) or
take a screenshot settings.

 Write down the screensaver settings (On resume password protect enabled /


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DD+DIS300.12E Software Options - Clean Installation Procedure

3.5 Collecting Information about NX User Role Settings

Purpose: The configured NX user role settings are all deleted with a clean installation. Therefore
its recommended to check the configured user role settings before.
This step is not required when installing a new PC where NX has not been installed yet
(Swap PCs coming from spare parts stock or exchange PCs from DELL / HP / Onyx).

Approximately 5 minutes

The NX user role settings of NX < NX 2.0.8000 / 3.0.8000 are not part of the
configuration data that are backed in section 3.6.

(1) Double-click the NX Configurator on the desktop.

(2) Select ”Load active configuration”.

(3) Select: Security > Manage Users

(4) Write down the configured users

(5) Select each single user and click on <Manage roles>

(6) Write down the allowed operations or take a screenshot (and save the
screenshot on USB flash drive).


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3.6 Exporting Images (if required), Dose and Configuration Data

Purpose: All images, dose and configuration data are deleted with a clean installation. Therefore
its required to save these data before. Saving image data can be skipped, if the
customer is archiving the images and he agrees not to import the images after clean
This step is not required when installing a new PC where NX has not been installed yet
(Swap PCs coming from spare parts stock or exchange PCs from DELL / HP / Onyx).

Refer to chapter 4, Installation and Configuration Appendices, section “Data Export for
Clean Installation and Upgrade Installation” for following instructions:

 Exporting Configuration Data

 Exporting Dose Monitoring Statistics
 Exporting Image Data

3.7 Adjusting BIOS Settings

Purpose: Adjusting the BIOS settings is required:

 To adapt a PC coming from the PC manufacturer to the BIOS settings which are
required for the specific NX hardware
 For Windows XP systems with two hard disks in RAID1 configuration (Redundant
Array of Independent Disks; 1 stands for mirroring): To initiate a formatting of all
hard disks and partitions of the PC, in case the hard disk needs to be wiped out
completely (e.g. due to file corruption or a virus).

The BIOS setting depends on the type of PC and operating system:

# Software Reference
1 BIOS settings on DELL PCs (Windows XP) 3.7.1
2 BIOS settings on HP PCs (Windows XP) 3.7.2
3 BIOS settings on HP PCs (Windows 7) 3.7.3
4 BIOS settings on the Onyx PC (Windows 7) 3.7.4


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3.7.1 Adjusting BIOS Settings for DELL PCs (Windows XP)

(1) Enter the BIOS setup by pressing <F2> during booting.

(2) Make sure that the boot sequence is set as follows: First hard drive (HD), then
CD/DVD drive.

(3) Set ATA/SATA mode:

For machines that use serial ATA drives find a BIOS option to set the ATA mode.
Normal or combined can be chosen here. Make sure to set this setting to
For Dell 745: SATA operation to be set to: Legacy
For Dell 755: SATA operation to be set to: RAID/Autodetect/ATA
For Dell 960: SATA operation to be set to: RAID/Autodetect/ATA

(4) Activate SMART Reporting: Set Drives\SMART Reporting to <ON>.

(5) Deactivate Hyper-threading (not applicable for multiple core CPUs):

Select Performance\Hyper-Threading and set it to <Off>.

(6) For multiple core CPUs (e.g. Dell D830, Dell Optiplex 755 and Dell Optiplex 960):
Activate Multiple CPU core:
Set Multiple CPU core to <ON>.

(7) Save changes and exit BIOS:

On a Dell 960: Press <Apply> to confirm all changes and press <Exit> to leave
the BIOS settings
On other Dell PCs: Exit with <ESC> and save the changes.


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3.7.2 Adjusting BIOS Settings for HP PCs (Windows XP)

The BIOS setup is split up in two steps:

# Hard disk mirror type Reference
1 For HP PC with RAID1 (HP7800, HP7900, HP8000)
2 BIOS setup (HP7800, HP7900, HP8000, HP Laptop) Resetting RAID configuration for HP PCs with RAID1 (Windows XP)

Purpose: On Windows XP, it is required to reset the RAID configuration before reinstallation of
the operating system on systems with two hard disks.
This is also required to initiate a formatting of all hard disks and partitions of the PC, in
case the hard disk needs to be wiped out completely (e.g. due to file corruption or a
Skip this step for HP Laptops: They do not have a 2nd hard disk drive installed.

(1) Switch on the PC.

(2) Press <Enter> on the message Press any key for option ROM messages

(3) Press <CTRL-i> during system boot, when the screen is displaying the Intel
Matrix Storage Manager RAID overview.


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(4) Choose option 2 to Delete RAID Volume and press <DEL>.

Confirm deletion by <Y>.

Figure 5

(5) Choose option 1 to Create RAID Volume and press <ENTER>.

Confirm creation by <Y>.

Figure 6


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(6) Ensure the disks are configured in RAID1 as shown in following figure:

Figure 7

(7) Choose option 3 to Reset RAID Volume and press <ENTER>.

Figure 8


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(8) Select both Member Disks with <Space> and press <Enter> to complete.
Press <Y> to confirm the Warning dialog:

Figure 9

(9) Reboot and enter the BIOS-setup by pressing <F10>.

(10) Continue with BIOS setup as described in section Adjusting BIOS Settings for all HP models with Operating System Windows XP

(1) Enter the BIOS setup by pressing <F10> during booting.

(2) Make sure that the boot sequence is set as follows: First the hard drive (HD),
then the CD/DVD drive.

On HP 8530p and HP 8540p laptops the CD/DVD drive is referred to as "Notebook
Upgrade bay".

(3) Set Storage Options:

For HP PCs without RAID1 (single hard disk) set: SATA emulation to IDE
For HP PCs with RAID1 (dual hard disk) set: SATA emulation to RAID
For HP 8530p and HP 8540p laptops set: SATA device mode to ATA/IDE


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Also check if a SCSI hard disk is installed. If yes, additional configurations need to be
performed later in section 3.11.

(4) For HP 8000 Elite: Set Power > OS Power Management > Idle Power Savings to
(5) Go to File  Save Changes & Exit, press <Enter> and accept with <F10>.

After changing the BIOS settings on HP desktop PCs, an additional screen is displayed
that informs about updated configuration options.
Confirm the changes by pressing <F1>.

3.7.3 Adjusting BIOS Settings for HP 8000, 8200 and 8300 Elite PCs (Windows 7)

At the HP 6200 / HP 6300 Pro PC (Windows 7), HP EliteBook 8560p / 8570p notebook
(Windows 7) and HP rp5800 PC the BIOS settings do not have to be changed.
They are required only for HP 8000, 8200 and 8300 Elite PCs (Windows 7) coming
from spare parts stock or the manufacturer (repaired PCs).

(1) Enter the BIOS setup by pressing <F10> during boot up.

(2) Select the BIOS language (= English).

(3) Make sure that the Storage options

are set as follows:
 Removable media boot: Enable
 eSATA Port: None
 SATA Emulation: RAID

Figure 10


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(4) Use the Up () and Down () keys for navigation. Use the Left () and right ()
arrow key for changes.

(5) For HP 8000 Elite: Set Power > OS Power Management > Idle Power Savings to
For HP 8200 Elite and 8300 Elite: Set Power > OS Power Management > Idle
Power Savings to Extended (= default).

(6) Select <File --> Save Changes and Exit>

(7) Again press <F10> during boot up.

(8) Immediately press <CRTL - I> when following screen appears:

Figure 11


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(9) Ensure the disks are configured in RAID1 as shown in following figure:

Figure 12

(10) If required select <1. Create RAID Volume> and make following settings:
 Leave default name for the RAID volume (may differ from Name shown in
screenshot above, can also be e.g. Volume0)
 Select RAID Level: RAID1 (Mirror)
 Accept all further default settings
(11) Ensure that both drives are member of the mirrored volume (In screenshot
above: Both drives are of type Member Disk(0).

(12) Select 4. Exit

3.7.4 Adjusting BIOS Settings for the Onyx PC (Windows 7)

At the Onyx Zeus 197-E PC the BIOS settings do not have to be changed.


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3.8 Installing the Operating System (OS)

Purpose: “Clean installation” means, that the PC is installed from scratch, including operating
Installing the Operating System leads to a removal of all available data on the complete
hard disk, including all existing partitions!

The installation procedure depends on the operating system which has to be installed:

# Operating System Reference

1 Windows XP Professional Section 3.8.1
2 Windows 7 Section 3.8.2

3.8.1 Installing Windows XP Professional

(1) Insert the NX Starterkit DVD 2.

(2) Reboot the PC and

On a HP PC: Press <F9> during the boot sequence (custom boot).
On a DELL PC: Press <F12> during the boot sequence (custom boot).

(3) Select to boot from CD-ROM and press <Enter>.

(4) Confirm the installation by pressing <Y>.

! AGFA NX System !
! Multi Language !
! !
! New Installation. !
! !
! (Y) Installation !
! (N) Exit !

Figure 13


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(5) Confirm the installation once more by pressing <Y>. Be aware that as soon as
<Y> is pressed, the (re-)installation is starting, and all data will be erased.
! AGFA NX on XP !
! Multi Language !
! !
! Installation will erase all current systems !
! !
! (Y) This machine will be totally reinstalled !
! (N) Exit to Operating system !

Figure 14

(6) After approximately 5 minutes, the RAID BIOS setting instruction is displayed.
Remove the DVD from the drive and press <CTRL+ALT+DEL> to reboot.

Figure 15

Perform the next three steps only on an HP DC7800, HP DC7900, HP 8000 and
HP8530p / HP8540p system. On DELL systems continue with step (10).

(7) Enter the BIOS setup by pressing <F10> during booting.

(8) Set Storage Options/SATA emulation to: RAID

 On HP Elitebook 8540p: Set “SATA device mode” to: AHCI
 On HP EliteBook 8530p: Do not activate the storage option RAID

(9) Save changes and exit the BIOS.

After changing the BIOS settings on HP desktop PCs, an additional screen is displayed
that informs about updated configuration options.
Confirm the changes by pressing <F1>.


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Perform the next steps (10) to (13) only on a DELL 755 or DELL 960 system. Also
perform them if installing a DELL 755 or DELL 960 system without RAID!

(10) Enter the BIOS setup by pressing <F2> during booting.

(11) Set ATA/SATA mode to: RAID ON

On DELL830: Do not modify the BIOS options.

(12) Save changes and exit the BIOS.

(13) Directly after reboot an extra screen is displayed showing automatically updated
configurations. Save the changes by pressing <F1>.

(14) Form now on the Operating System installs automatically: Wait until the login
screen appears. See also the IMPORTANT notes next page.

The RAID setting is applied for consistency between all hardware types and has no
effect on the functionality of a system without RAID hardware.

On RAID systems, the installation may be interrupted by a failure of the system to boot
after an automatic reboot.
This can be solved by changing the boot order of the hard disks:
On an HP PC:
 Press <F10> during booting to enter the BIOS setup.
 Go to Storage and select Boot Order.
 Set the other hard disk as primary boot media.
 Press <F10> to accept changes.
 Select Save Changes and Exit and press <F10> to accept.
 During booting press <F12> to enter the BIOS setup.
 Select the other hard disk as primary boot media.

Result After changing the boot order, the installation will continue.


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Don’t click anything until the log on screen appears.
Key strokes might interrupt the installation.
The automatic installation consists of the Norton Ghost Restore Procedure, the
Windows Setup and post-installation customization.
Norton Ghost Restore Procedure:
A progress bar indicates the progress of the restore procedure. The PC will
automatically reboot afterwards.
Windows Setup:
During the installation a lot of screens of the Windows Setup are displayed.
The installation runs in the background.
Post-installation customization:
Automatic scripts run once the Windows Setup process has completed. Wait until the
log on screen appears. Do not interrupt these scripts.

Result The Windows XP Professional installation is finished. It is now necessary to perform

additional hard disk partitioning. Continue with section 3.9.


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3.8.2 Installing Windows 7

This section is divided in two sub-sections:

 Installing Windows 7 on a HP PC. Refer to section
 Installing Windows 7 on the Onyx All-in-One PC. Refer to section Installing Windows 7 on a HP PC

Each HP / Onyx PC model has its own
Windows 7 restore DVD (or DVD set).
Before inserting the DVD compare the label
on the DVD with the model.

Figure 16: Example for HP model name

(1) Switch on the PC.

(2) Open the DVD drive to insert the HP model dependent Restore Disk.

(3) Switch off the PC, wait a few seconds and switch it on again.

(4) Press <F9> during the boot sequence (custom boot).

(5) Select to boot from CD-ROM / Notebook Upgrade Bay and press <Enter>.

(6) After approximately 1 to 2 minutes a

restore screen appears.
Follow the restore wizard.

Figure 17


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(7) If the DVD set comprises 2 DVDs*: Insert the 2nd DVD when prompted.
*depending on the PC model the restore DVD set comprises 1 or 2 DVDs.

(8) Wait until the Windows 7 desktop screen appears. User "crservice" is logged in
In case the crservice login appears, enter the corresponding password to log-in.

Result The Windows 7 installation is finished. It is now necessary to to load the latest
Windows hotfixes and to perform system configuration steps.
Continue with section 3.10.

The operating system is in following state now:
 Language: English
 Keyboard: English (US)
 Time zone: UTC+1.00 (Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris) or UTC-08:00
Pacific Time (US & Canada), depending on the PC model
 User: crservice
 Partitions: C: (System) with 60 GB and D: (Data) with remaining disk size Installing Windows 7 on the Onyx All-in-One PC

IMPORTANT: Connect USB keyboard to USB 2.0

To be able to enter two times “Y” during the Isolated Gigabit
restore procedure, a USB keyboard is 4 x USB 2.0
LAN x 2

required. This needs to be connected to a PCI Express[ x16] Isolated

COM port
USB 2.0 connector. Line out

Do not use one of the USB 3.0 connectors,

as the required USB 3.0 driver is not
loaded from the restore DVD.
Mic in Display Port Isolated
DC Input USB 2.0

2 x USB 3.0

Figure 18: Onyx All-in-One PC – bottom view

(1) Switch on the PC.

(2) Open the DVD drive to insert the Onyx PC Restore Disk.


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(3) Switch off the PC, wait a few seconds and switch it on again.

(4) Press <DEL> during the boot sequence

(5) Select to boot from CD-ROM / Notebook Upgrade Bay and press <Enter>.

(6) After approximately 1 to 2 minutes a

restore screen appears.
 Enter “Y” at question Are you
sure you want to continue
 Enter “Y” at question Do you
want to format all your
Figure 19
hard disk drives [Y/N]?

(7) No more user input is required. Wait until the Windows 7 desktop screen
appears. User "crservice" is logged in automatically.

Result The Windows 7 installation is finished. It is now necessary to load the latest Windows
hotfixes and to perform system configuration steps. Continue with section 3.10.

The operating system is in following state now:
 Language: English
 Keyboard: English (US)
 Time zone: UTC-08:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada)
 User: crservice
 Partitions: C: (Local Disk) with 60 GB and D: (Local Disk) with remaining disk


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3.9 Performing additional Partitioning (Windows XP only)

Purpose: By reinstallation of Windows XP the operating system has been installed on the
System & Configuration partition (drive letter C:). For NX one more partition (Data &
Backup partition) has to be defined with the following parameters:
Drive letter: D:
Volume Label: DATA
Size: Complete Remaining rest of disk-space

RAID Systems contain a second hard disk for RAID mirroring. On RAID systems
create both partitions on disk 0 (see next steps).

To create a new partition, perform the following steps:

(1) Right-click My Computer and select


Figure 20

(2) In the Computer Management window, select Disk Management:


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(3) Right-click an unallocated disk partition on disk 0.

Figure 21: Example – The disk sizes may differ.

Note, that disk 1 is available only on systems with two hard disks (for RAID1).

(4) Select ”New Partition".

(5) Click <Next> in the welcome window.

Figure 22


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(6) Select Primary Partition and click


Figure 23

(7) Leave the default maximum disk space

as partition size for the new partition
click <Next>.


Figure 24 – Example

(8) Choose the drive letter D and click


Figure 25


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(9) Enter the following settings:

 Choose the partition formatting.
 Fill in the appropriate Volume Label
 Check: Perform a quick format
 Uncheck: Enable file and folder

Figure 26

(10) Click <Next>.

(11) Click <Finish> in the summary

window to create the partition:

Result: The new partition and the

remaining unpartitioned space is
displayed in the computer
management window.

Figure 27

Close the window Computer Management.


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3.10 Installing the latest available Hotfixes

Purpose:  By installation of the latest hotfixes, the MS Windows operating system is

up-to-date again concerning security and performance issues. In case of an
outdated hotfix status, the NX software installation may fail.
 When loading the latest hotfix it is also guaranteed, that the automatic startup of
pcAynwhere is disabled (part of hotfix 3.0.59 for Windows XP and 7.0.018 for
Windows 7). See also:
o NX 2.0.8600 / 3.0.8600 SB 12, Document ID 35941691 (Intranet Link /
Extranet Link), pcAnywhere Security Issue: Software Tool available to disable
o NX 2.0.8600 / 3.0.8600 SB 16, Document ID 37215435 (Intranet Link /
Extranet Link), pcAnywhere Security Issue: Updating pcAnywhere to Version
12.5 with latest Service Pack

For Windows 7 PCs: Do not use hotfix 7.0.022 (if available on your PC) but 7.0.022a.
Hotfix gives error message “985603” on the HP PCs HP8300 / HP6300 /
HP8570p. This error is caused by the fact, that hotfix is part of the operating
system already.

(1) Copy all the hotfixes from starterkit DVD2 directory XP\Hotfix or WIN7\Hotfix
(depending on the available operating system) to NX (e.g. D:\ drive).
OR, preferably
(2) Copy all the hotfixes from the Service PC to the NX workstation.
The hotfixes are available in following directory on the service PC:
C:\Agfa\HealthCare\FUSE Updater\Patches.

(3) Install the latest available hotfixes, starting with the lowest revision number.
In any case, use hotfix 3.0.45 (SP3 for Windows XP) or 7.0.22A (SP1 for
Windows 7) as baseline.
Installation of these hotfixes takes approx.:
 Hotfix 7.0.22A for Windows 7: 45 minutes (30 min. installation; 15 min.
automatic Windows configuration after reboot)
 Hotfix 3.0.45 for XP: 1,5 hours

It is not required to make a reboot after each hotfix: A final reboot is sufficient.
Exception: After Windows XP hotfix 3.0.45 there is no other choice than reboot.


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3.11 Configuring Basic Operating System Settings

Purpose: By configuring the basic operating system settings, the operating system is adapted to
the NX requirements.

3.11.1 Adapting Password Settings for Windows 7

This step is required for Windows 7 systems only.

(1) Type netplwiz in the search


(2) Click: netplwiz

Figure 28


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(3) Enable the checkbox “User must enter

a user name and password to use this

Figure 29

(4) Select the <Advanced> tab.

(5) Go to: Advanced > Users

and double-click user CRService.

(6) Check both checkboxes:

 User cannot change password
 Password never expires

Figure 30

(7) Select "OK".

(8) Reboot the PC.


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3.11.2 Adjusting Screen Resolution

(1)  For Windows XP: Go to Start  Settings  Control Panel. If the Control
Panel is in Category View click Switch to classic view.
 For Windows 7: Go to Start  Control Panel. Select View by: Small icons

(2) Select Display.

(3) Adjust the screen resolution as follows:

 Monitors for desktop PCs: Set the resolution to the recommended
resolution (Windows 7) or maximum resolution (Windows XP) for the
attached monitor. Minimum it must be set to 1280 x 1024 pixels.
 Dell D830 and HP 8530p laptop PCs: 1680 x 1050 pixels.
 HP 8540p, HP 8560p and HP 8570p laptop PC: 1600 x 900 pixels
 Onyx Zeus 197E: 1280 x 1024 pixles

3.11.3 Adjusting Date & Time

(1) In the control panel double-click

Date & Time and adjust the Date
and Time Properties.

Figure 31: Date and time adjustment for

Windows XP


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(2)  For Windows XP: Open the

tab Time Zone.
 For Windows 7: Select button
Change time zone ...

Figure 32: Time Zone adjustment for

Windows XP

(3) Select the correct time zone and check the checkbox: Automatically adjust for
daylight saving changes

(4) Click <OK>.


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3.11.4 Adjusting Regional and Language Options at Windows XP

The settings described in this section are for Windows XP only. For Windows 7 refer to
section 3.11.5.

(1) In the Control Panel and choose Regional & Language Settings.

(2) In the tab Formats ensure that the

language is set to English (default

(3) NOTE:
The language setting in the
Format tab defines the
language for user "crservice".
This has to be set to English.

Figure 33


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(4) Go to the tab Languages and click


Figure 34

(5) If the correct keyboard is not listed

under Installed services, click

Figure 35


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(6) Select the input language and

keyboard layout and click
2 times <OK>.

Figure 36

(7) Click <OK> if a screenshot appears:

"Changes to the UI Language will not
take affect until you logoff and logon
Figure 37

(8) Confirm that the files already installed

on the hard disk can be used
(Only if a dialog is displayed asking
for a decision).

(9) Go to the tab Advanced and select

the language to match the language
version of non-unicode programs.

(10) Check the checkbox Apply all settings

to the current user account and to the
default user profile.

Figure 38

(11) Click <OK> if the "Change Default

User Settings" window appears.

Figure 39

(12) Reboot the system if it is requested by the system.


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3.11.5 Adjusting Regional and Language Options at Windows 7

(1) In the Control Panel choose Region & Language.

(2) In the tab Formats ensure that the

language is set to English (default

The language setting in the
Format tab defines the
language for user
"crservice". This has to be
set to English.

Figure 40

(3) Go to the tab Keyboards and

Languages and click <Change

Figure 41


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(4) If the correct keyboard is not listed

under Installed services, click
<Add...>, select the keyboard layout
and click <OK>.

(5) Select in the Default Input Language

dropdown list the correct input

(6) Click <Apply>.

(7) Click <OK>.

Figure 42

(8) Go to the tab Administrative and select

Change system locale.... to match the
language version of non-unicode
programs with the required language.

Figure 43

(9) Select the language to use for

programs that do not support Unicode.

(10) Click <OK>.

Figure 44


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(11) In the tab "Administrative" click on

<Copy Settings>

Figure 45

(12) Select checkboxes "Welcome screen

and system accounts" as well as "New
user accounts".

(13) Click: <OK> (2 times).

Figure 46

(14) Reboot the PC if the system asks to.


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3.11.6 Adjusting Hard Disk Properties for SCSI Hard Disks

The following steps are only applicable for PCs with SCSI disk, not for SATA or IDE
disks. Only DELL 670 PCs are equipped with SCSI hard disks.

(1) On the desktop, click right on My Computer and select Properties.

(2) Go to tab Hardware and click Device Manager.
(3) Select the disk drive, click right and select Properties.
(4) In the tab Policies check Enable write caching
on the disk.
(5) Click <OK>.
(6) Repeat the steps from step (1) if the system
contains more than one SCSI disk.

Figure 47

3.12 Configuring Network

Purpose: The network settings are set back to default after operating system installation. The
following actions need to be performed to configure the Windows network settings.

Actions See section:

1. Changing TCP/IP Settings 3.12.1

Configuring the wireless Network Connection for the 3.12.2

wireless ICU Workflow

Changing the Hostname and/or Workgroup/Domain of the 3.12.3

Operating System


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3.12.1 Changing TCP/IP Settings of Local Area Connection (LAN)

If the wireless Intensive Care Unit (ICU) feature will be used on this NX workstation,
do not perform the steps described here (in section 3.12.1). Continue with section

(1) Log in using crservice account.

(2)  For Windows XP: Go to Start  Settings  Control Panel. If Control Panel is
in Category View, switch to Classic View and select Network Connections.
 For Windows 7: Go to Start  Control Panel. If Control Panel is in Category
View, select View by: Small icons and select Network and Sharing Center.

Figure 48: Network Connections window for Windows XP

(3)  For Windows XP: Right-click Local Area Connection and go to Properties.
The window Local Area Connection Properties opens.
 For Windows 7: Select Connections: Local Area Connection: The Local Area
Connection Status opens. Select Properties. The window Local Area
Connection Properties opens.


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(4)  For Windows XP: Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

 For Windows 7: Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

Figure 49: Local Area Connection Properties Window for Windows XP

(5) Click <Properties>.

The window Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties opens.

(6) Change the values according to the customers needs:

Figure 50

(7) Click <OK> (on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog).

(8) Click <OK> (Windows XP) or <close> (Windows 7) to exit.


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3.12.2 Configuring the wireless Network Connection for the wireless ICU Workflow

Only one operating mode is possible, either wireless or fixed network.
The wireless NX must only be used for GenRad applications.
The images on the wireless NX are not available for Central Monitoring.

(1)  For Windows XP: Go to: Start  Settings  Control Panel  Network
 For Windows 7: Go to Start  Control Panel  Network and Sharing
Do not disable the Local Area Connection.

(2)  For Windows XP: Right-click Wireless Network Connection and choose
 For Windows 7: Select Setup a new connection or network
(3)  For Windows XP: Configure the wireless network connection according to
the settings of the wireless network on site.
 For Windows 7: Select Set up a new network. Follow the installation wizard.

3.12.3 Changing the Hostname and/or Workgroup/Domain of the Operating System

Gather information about network environment in the hospital (Domain or Workgroup)
or refer to the information collected during Installation Planning.

To change the hostname and or the workgroup of the NX PC, perform following steps:

(1)  For Windows XP: Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and
select Properties.
 For Windows 7: Go to Start  Control Panel  System. In section
Computer name, domain and workgroup settings select Change settings.


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(2) Select the tab Computer Name:

Figure 51

(3) Click <Change…>. The window Computer Name Changes opens.

(4) Enter the new parameters:

 Computer name (Host Name)
 And/or the Workgroup or the

Figure 52

(5) Click <OK>.


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(6) If the Workgroup or Domain has been

changed the following welcome
message is displayed:

Figure 53

(7) Click <OK>. A message appears asking to reboot.

(8) Click <OK> (on the Computer Name Changes dialog box).

(9) Click <OK> (on the System Properties dialog box).

(10) Reboot the PC.

3.13 Installing NX Software and Documentation

Purpose: The following actions need to be performed to install the NX application and online help
Successful OS installation & partitioning (C and D)

Checkpoints: See section:

1. Installing Application 3.13.1

2. Installing NX Software Update (if available) 3.13.2

3. Loading additional installers 3.13.3

4. Installing NX Online Help 3.13.4


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3.13.1 Installing NX Software

Before continuing, make sure the partition D (DATA) was created on disk 0 as
described in section 3.9.
Do not disconnect the network during installation of the NX software, otherwise the
installation will fail!

(1) Log in using crservice account.

(2) Insert the NX Starterkit DVD 1.

(3) Browse in the CD-drive to the folder:

Service Software  NX Application NX X.0.8800.

(4) Double-click the file: NX X.0.8800 (Build.8.X.XXXX).exe

(5) The installation is guided by a setup wizard. Read carefully the messages and
instructions displayed in the wizard screens.

(6) Reboot the workstation after finishing the installation wizard.

(7) Log in using the crservice account.

The logging information of the process application installation can be found in the log
file: C:\Agfa\Healthcare\Log\ NX X.0.8800 Install.log

After first reboot of the system, Windows may detect the USB dongle as 'new
hardware' and the installation wizard pops up. Follow the instructions of the wizard to
install the WIBU drivers.


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3.13.2 Installing NX Software Update (SU)

This is the moment when available NX software updates are installed. Check the NX
2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Bulletins to see if there is a SU released for NX 2.0.8800 /
3.0.8800. The most recent SU should be installed.
The software is available on NX Starterkit DVD 1 or on the Agfa HealthCare Library.

Make sure that the ALF file to be activated, matches the version of the software which
is installed (including SU)!

(1) Select folder Service Software on Starterkit DVD1 to find the respective
installation package OR
Use the latest SU downloaded from the Agfa HealthCare Library.

(2) Stop the NX application (Shortcut: Stop NX)

(3) Run the SU installer.

(4) Restart the NX application (Shortcut: Restart NX Completely).


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3.13.3 Loading additional Installers

(1) Copy the required installers, which

were identified in to
lers in the appropriate
subdirectories. See Figure 54.

Figure 54

3.13.4 Installing NX Online Help

Approximately 5 minutes

(1) Insert the NX Starterkit DVD 1.

Internet Explorer is automatically started, showing the Documentation CD
Navigation screen. If the Internet Explorer is not automatically started, browse to
the CD drive and double click index.htm.


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(2) Click Install Online Help.

Three messages can pop up:
Internet Explorer message “Active content in html …”: Click <Yes>.
File download security warning: Click <Run>.
Internet Explorer security warning “Publisher could not be verified …”:
Click <Run>.

(3) Click <Next>.

(4) The Online Help installer will guide through the Online Help installation
on the system. Choose one of the options.

(5) Click <Install>.

(6) Click <Finish> to end the installation procedure.

(7) Remove the NX Starterkit DVD 1.

(8) After finishing the upgrade inform the user representative about the usage of the
NX Online Help.

Installing the Online Help (any language) will also install a special Thai font on the NX
Workstation that is required to read the Thai Online Help. This implies that browsing
Thai Online Help directly from the CD will not work before the Online Help is actually
installed on the Workstation.

3.14 Installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Purpose: If an UPS is connected to the NX, the UPS control software needs to be installed on
the NX.

For the UPS installation and configuration procedure refer to NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800
Service Manual chapter 4 Installation and Configuration Appendices.


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3.15 Installing TWAIN Digitizer Software (ASAP)

Purpose: TWAIN digitizers (CR 30-X or DX-S or DX-G with SW < NIM_2XXX) do not operate
independently, but require installation of a control software on NX.
This is only required if a TWAIN digitizer is connected to the NX workstation.

(1) Install the digitizer software of the TWAIN digitizer (CR 30-X or DX-S or DX-G with
SW < NIM_2XXX*) as described in the installation instructions enclosed to the
*Installing the DX-G Service Client on Windows 7 is not supported.

When the configuration of the NX workstation is finished, and the digitizer is switched
on, it is possible, that the following error messages are displayed in the digitizer error
viewer on the NX workstation:

Symptom 1 Error indicating, that the registration of the serial number failed.
Reason Restore not performed: NX workstation does not recognize the serial
number of the connected device.
Solution Step 1: Switch off digitizer. Step 2: Restore the latest digitizer backup.
Step 3: Re-boot control PC. Step 4: Switch on digitizer.
Alternative solution:
Fill in site specific data (Digitizer service client menu Configuration – Site
specific data). When done, select buttons <update site specific
data> and <configure site with new EMS serial number>.
Symptom 2 Error indicating, that software versions loaded onto machine and
installed on PC are not identical.
Reason Software mismatch between digitizer software loaded on digitizer and
installed on NX workstation.
Solution Perform software upload to the digitizer as described in the instructions
in the digitizer device software package. If the software version on the
digitizer is higher than on the workstation, install the corresponding
digitizer software version on the workstation.


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3.16 Installing FUSE Software

Purpose: Via FUSE (Fast update service) hotfixes for the operating system as well as NX
software updates are automatically loaded to NX.
First discuss with the hospital system administrator:
 Whether it is allowed to install and activate FUSE (Internet connection
 At which date and time the weekly check for hotfixes shall be performed.

For instructions to obtain and install the Fast Update Service (FUSE) software refer to
the FUSE Service Manual FUSE - Fast Update Service (Automatic Software Update)
DD+DIS134.08E (Intranet Link / Extranet Link).

4 Loading Licenses and Activating the Installation

4.1 Loading Licenses (ALF)

Purpose: A license file needs to be loaded to NX to allow activation of the NX. Via activation the
NX features are loaded depending on the license file.

Due to wrong date & time and time zone settings license may become invalid.
Before activating a license key file, make sure the correct time zone, date and time
have been configured! For details refer to section 3.11.

 If the installation wizard for the license dongle
has not appeared yet, unplug the dongle and
reconnect it. The wizard will pop up. Click
through it using the default settings.
 The logging information of the Licensing
process can be found in the log file:

Figure 55


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Procedure to load a license file on the system:

(1) Copy the License File to: C:\Agfa\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\Licensing

(2) Start up the license manager tool from

the desktop or select:
For Windows XP: Start  AGFA 
Service  License manager.
For Windows 7: Start  All
Programs  AGFA  Service 
License manager.

Figure 56
(3) Click: <Add license>

(4) Browse to the folder C:\AGFA\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\Licensing.

(5) Select the license file.

(6) Ignore the warning about the license file containing wrong version numbers for the
base license and continue loading the file.

(7) Wait approx. 15 seconds until the

message appears:
The licenses have been updated.

(8) Reboot the workstation.

Figure 57


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4.2 Activating the NX

Purpose: Via activation the NX features are loaded depending on the license file.

Activation will fail if the network is unplugged during activation of the NX Software.

(1) Log out and in again using the crservice account.

(2) Start the NX Activation Utility using the shortcut on the desktop, or
start it via
Start Menu  Agfa  NX  Service  Install Tools.
Figure 58

(3) Click <Next> on the message that a fresh NX will be activated.

(4) Choose the values for:
 Available Dose Type: Logarithm Median (LGM) values or Exposure Index (EI).
Refer to table next page.
Recommendation: Use EI if the digitizer supports it. See table next page.
 Digitizer Type: Twain Digitizer (= connection via FireWire) or none (this
means, that no digitizer or a DICOM digitizer is connected)
Note, that if a CMS is installed, all connected NX in-room workstations must have
the same dose type setting like the CMS.

Figure 59


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Digitizer Available Dose Types

Exposure Index (EI) Logarithmic Median (LGM)
ADC Compact  
ADC Solo  
Compact Plus  
CR 10-X / CR 12-X  
CR 25  
CR 30-X  
CR 30-X 2nd  
CR 30-X SCF (Speed Class
 
CR 30-Xm  
CR 35  
CR 75  
CR 85  
DX-G  
DX-M  
DX-S  

(5) Click <Next>.

(6) Select the language for the NX workstation and click <Next>.
Note, that this language setting will only be used for users who haven’t logged on
yet on this NX system

(7) Check the overview of specified selections: To change options, click <Back>. To
cancel the activation, click <Cancel>. If all selections are correct, click
<Activate>. The activation starts.
(8) In case the Activation Helper finds an
installer which is compatible with the
license the corresponding installation
wizard starts. See also NOTE below.
Click through the screens until it is

Figure 60


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The “Activation Helper” compares the
license with the available compatible
additional installers in directory:
\Installers\<installer DIR>

Figure 61

(9) Click the Close button when the

message appears “Click the close
button below to continue with
the Activation”.

Figure 62

The Activation Utility Helper reports following warnings when applicable:
 Activation was performed while there was a version mismatch for the base
 Activation was performed while there was no base license loaded. (this is only
possible when using lab or demo dongle)
 License found for <SW>, but no compatible installer found !
 License found for <SW>, but no compatible installer selected by user !
 <SW Installer> returns code <ExitCode> (if installation was NOT successful)


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(10) Click <Next> after the activation has completed. This may take several minutes.

(11) Choose Reboot now and click <Finish>.

 After boot-up the NX will show an error message, as the configuration is missing.
This will be solved later on.
 The logging information of the process NX activation can be found in the log file:

5 Performing Operating System Configuration

5.1 Editing Security Settings according to Hospital Guidelines

Purpose: By re-installation of the operating system the security settings are lost. If the security
settings has been previously changed, adapt them again.

For instructions refer to the NX Service Manual chapter 4 Installation and Configuration
Appendices DD+DIS300.12E, section Editing Security Settings according to Hospital

5.2 Adding Windows Users

Purpose: By re-installation of the operating system the user settings are lost.
The NX workstation comes with service user "crservice" preconfigured. User
"crservice" has Windows administrator rights.
This section describes how to create additional users on operating system level.
Note, that these users also need to be assigned to NX roles to use the NX application..
This is done after activation.


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5.2.1 Adding Users in a Domain Environment

During the installation planning phase the hospital domain administrator should have
either created a domain account for AGFA Servicing that also has administrator rights
on the local machine or should now be present to grant access.

5.2.2 Adding Users in a Workgroup Environment

(1) Go to the desktop and right-click Computer.

(2) Select the Manage option.

(3) Select System Tools  Local Users

and Groups  Users.

Figure 63

(4) Select Action  new user in the menu


Figure 64


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(5) Enter the user name and password to


Figure 65

(6) Click <Create> followed by <Close>.

(7) Create additional users if required.

(8) Log-off the current user and log-in the new user.

(9) Adjust the screen resolution as follows:

 Monitors for desktop PCs: Set the resolution to the recommended
resolution (Windows 7) or maximum resolution (Windows XP) for the
attached monitor. Minimum it must be set to 1280 x 1024 pixels.
 Dell D830 and HP 8530p laptop PCs: 1680 x 1050 pixels.
 HP 8540p and HP 8560p laptop PC: 1600 x 900 pixels

(10) Repeat the previous three steps for each newly created user.

5.3 Adjusting the Laptop Power Settings

Purpose: This step is required for laptops only. It is required to avoid that the laptop goes in
sleep mode or switches off the monitor after a certain time.

(1) Adjust the Power settings as described in NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service

Manual chapter 4 Installation and Configuration Appendices section Laptop
Power Settings.


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6 Installing additional Software for NX

6.1 Installing Monitor Software and performing Monitor Calibration

Purpose: Installing calibration or driver software is required for some specific monitors.

(1) To identify and retrieve the required monitor software refer to the “CR/DR
Interoperability Matrix”, Document ID 31333326 (Intranet Link / Extranet Link)
(2) For instructions to install the software and calibrating the monitors, refer to
NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Manual chapter 5 Monitor Options.

6.2 Upgrading ID Tablet Firmware

Purpose: ID tablet firmware version 1.12.07 has several improvements implemented.

If the previous NX version was > NX 1.0, the ID tablet version should already be
If ID tablet firmware version is 1.12.07 or if a mobile ID Scanner is used instead of an
ID tablet this step can be skipped.

For instructions refer to NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Manual chapter 4 Installation

and Configuration Appendices section ‘Upgrading ID tablet firmware’. This section also
describes how to check the ID tablet firmware version.


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6.3 Installing the ID Scanner Drivers

Purpose: For mobile application the ID scanner can be used instead of the ID
tablet. This section is only applicable if the ID Scanner is used.

Figure 66

For detailed instructions refer to the ID Scanner Service Manual chapter 1 Controls,
Connections, and Setup Procedures DD+DIS124.09E (Intranet Link / Extranet Link).
A short overview of the instructions is:
(1) Install the ID Scanner drivers on the NX Workstation.
(2) Adjust the COM Port Properties.

7 In case of a DR System: Perform additional DR system specific


In case one or more DR detectors are connected to the NX:

(1) If the PC is used for mobile retrofit (Onyx 197E): Install the DX-D Mobile Retrofit
Box Manager.

(2) Perform the steps as described in the corresponding DR detector service manual
chapter “Installation” (e.g. installation of the DR detector on NX, DR detector

(3) Install additional tools and software as described in the DR system specific
service manual chapter “Installation” (e.g. installation of DR service toolbox in
case a DX-D Retrofit Box is connected to NX).


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8 NX Configuration via Configuration Tool

Purpose: The configuration of the NX is required to adapt it to the connected hardware (digitizer,
monitor, RIS etc.) and the required applications.

(1) Re-load following data, if they have been saved before installing the operating
 C:\Agfa\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\Authorization (NX roles and
assignment to roles)
 C:\Agfa\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\BitmapFiles (customer bitmaps
associated with print sheets)
 C:\Agfa\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\EDR (Some definitions of Extended
Dose Reporting parameters)
 C:\Agfa\Healthcare\NX\Configuration\SVP (used by protection of service

(2) Perform the "Configuration via Configuration Tool" as described in NX 2.0.8800 /

3.0.8800 Service Manual chapter 4 Installation and Configuration.


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9 Importing Images and Dose Statistics

Purpose: This step is required to reload images or dose statistics if they have been exported
before the clean installation procedure.

For instructions refer to chapter 4, Installation and Configuration Appendices, section

“Data Import for Clean Installation and Upgrade Installation”.

10 Completing Installation

10.1 Removing the Altiris Client (Windows 7 only)

Purpose: The Altiris Client is a piece of software which supports software deployment in
production. It is mandatory to remove the Altiris Client as the hospital might also be
using Altiris for software deployment.

(1) Open a command prompt


Figure 67

(2) Enter following command:

”C:\Program Files\Altiris\AClient\ACLIENT.EXE” -remove


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(3) Select Finish.

Figure 68

(4) Select Yes to reboot.

Figure 69

10.2 Activating RAID (Windows XP only)

Purpose:  This step is required for Windows XP systems only. It mirrors hard disk 1 to hard
disk 2. For Windows 7 systems the mirroring already was done automatically
during the installation of the operating system.
 RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is supported ONLY on hardware
that has been ORIGINALLY delivered as RAID system and equipped with a
second hard disk.
For specification of hardware types supporting RAID refer to NX 2.0.8800 /
3.0.8800 Service Manual chapter 3 Installation Planning.
It is not allowed to install RAID on systems not originally delivered as RAID
system, even if the hardware is compatible with RAID.


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(1) Insert the NX Starterkit DVD 2.

(2) Refer to NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 Service Manual chapter 3 Installation Planning to
find the folder of the respective RAID tool installer, depending on the NX PC that
is used.
(3) Double-click the respective installer file: E.g. R208364.exe or sp44098.exe
(4) A security warning may be displayed. Click <Run>:

Figure 70

(5) Click <Continue> on the next dialog:

Figure 71


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(6) A location is requested where to unzip the files to:

Enter C:\DRV\<Name of the RAID installer file> and then click


Figure 72: Example screenshot

(7) Create the location by clicking <Yes>.

Figure 73

(8) Click <Ok> on the next dialog:

Figure 74

(9) This step is required only, if the “Matrix Storage Manager setup wizard” does not
start automatically: Go to the folder created in step (9), e.g. C:\DRV\R173416
and run the Intel Matrix Storage Manager setup.exe..


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(10) Confirm all screens of the Intel Matrix Storage Manager setup wizard.
Result: The PC will be automatically rebooted:

Figure 75: First dialog of Setup Wizard Figure 76: Last dialog of Setup Wizard

(11) Log in using crservice account.

(12) Click the Start button. Go to All Programs  Intel Matrix Storage Manager  Intel
Matrix Storage Console to launch the Intel Storage Console.
(13) Select: Protect data from a hard drive failure with RAID 1:

Figure 77

(14) Click <Create a RAID 1 volume>.


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(15) Click <Yes> on following message to start migrating:

Figure 78

Result The progress of migration is displayed:

Figure 79

Do not perform a reboot of the system until the migration process has finished
completely! Apart from that the migration process does not interfere with other actions
to be carried out on the PC.

10.3 For DX-M Mammography Systems only: Checking whether IP Gain

Calibration Files are present

Purpose: Mammography cassettes delivered as of Q III / 2011 have an IP Gain Calibration CD

ROM included. This CD ROM is loaded to the NX system in order to use the detector in
the system. On a clean installed NX workstation the information from the IP Gain
Calibration CD ROM(s) is not available anymore.
In a system with two or more NX workstations, where at least one additional workstation
is switched on, the IP Gain Calibration Files are automatically transmitted to the clean
installed NX workstation when the Mammography detector is entered in the ID tablet.

(1) Ensure that all NX workstations in the network are switched on and the NX
application is running.

(2) Enter each Mammography detector in the ID tablet.


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(3) Select menu: Main Menu > Read & Initialize Cassette > Read

(4) Check parameter IP Gain Calibration:

 If it is NO: No further action required
 If it is YES, the IP Gain Calibration file for this detector is transferred now
automatically from another workstation.

If the IP Gain Calibration File is not available on the network (e.g. no other NX
workstation available) or cannot be transferred out of any reason (e.g. other NX
workstations switched off) this is indicated by error message:
“MESS446: Error, no valid image plate gain calibration file found"

For each Mammography Detector where following error message appears:

“MESS446: Error, no valid image plate gain calibration file found":

(5) Insert the CD ROM which was part of detector delivery.

(6) Execute the .exe file located in the root of the CD ROM and follow the further
For this step be sure to have all NX workstations in the network switched on and
the application running.

If the IP Gain Calibration CD ROM is lost, proceed as follows:
(7) Read the “Plate ID” in the read Plate ID on RF Tag Chip Card
cassette menu (Parameter
“Identification”) or on the RF Tag
Chip Card. Example: 302 - 1349TY0001 - 20102102

Figure 80

(8) Download the IP Gain Calibration file for this “Plate ID” from following Agfa
Intranet path: HealthCare ==> Services Info ==> Services Back Up Info


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10.4 Finalizing the Installation

Purpose: By finalizing the installation, the last installation and configuration activities are
performed: Some examples:
 Dose configuration
 Queue configuration
 Anti-virus software installation and set-up
 Fingerpint file creation and upload
 Automatic backup adjustment
 NX Acceptance test
 Connecting additional system components
 Documentation hand-over

(1) Perform all steps described in Service Manual chapter 4, Installation and
Configuration, section "Completing the Installation".

11 Verification of the Software Clean Installation

(1) Perform the acceptance test as defined in the corresponding CR or DR system

Service Manual.


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