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SCIENCE 7 – Week 2-3

(Competence, Patience, Peace, Perseverance, Prudence, Obedience)

MELC: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds. (S7MT-Ig-h-5) Week 2-3


SUBSTANCE are forms of matter that have definite and unchanging chemical composition.
 Are made up of tiny particles called atoms. Different elements have different atoms. Atoms are the smallest
particles or units of an element that can retain its chemical properties.
 It is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by any chemical process.
 Also known as the building blocks of matter. Though you cannot break them down into simpler substances,
you can combine them to form more complex substances.
 Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are elements that, when combine at a specific ration, can form sugar.
 Table salt is not an element because it is formed from two elements: sodium and chlorine.
 There are more than 100 elements known to people today, 83 of which can be found in natural substances.
The rest of the elements are synthesized by scientist in a laboratory.
 The periodic table of elements show the arrangement of these elements based on their properties.
 Chemists use symbols to represent each element. These symbols are abbreviations of the element’s longer
name and are usually composed of one or two letters. The first letter is written in upper case, whereas the
second letter, if present, is in lower case. The second letter is used to distinguish elements whose names start
with the same letter (ex.: carbon is C, calcium is Ca).
 Some of the elements have symbols based on their Latin of Greek names. The symbol for sodium is Na
because its Latin name is natrium.

 Are made up of molecules. A molecule is a group of two or more atoms chemically combined.
 It is a pure substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined in definite proportions.
 Just like elements, chemical compounds are represented through symbols. These symbols are called the
chemical formula and are representations of the compositions of the compound.
 A chemical formula is written using the symbols of the elements that make up the compound and subscript
numbers showing the relative proportions of these elements. For example, water is two parts hydrogen (H)
and one part oxygen (O); thus the chemical formula for water is H 2O. Likewise, table salt is one part sodium
(Na) and one part chlorine (Cl), so its symbol is NaCl.

ACTIVITY 1: Identify the given example below if it is an element or compound. Write the word ELEMENT if the
sample shows characteristics of an element and COMPOUND if it shows characteristics of compound.

1. Carbon
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Ferrous Sulfate
4. Calcium oxide
5. Iron

ACTIVITY 2: My Own Little Ways to Minimize Wastes: In a One Whole Sheet of paper, list down proposing ways on
how to minimize pollution brought by the food labels in your purok/barangay.

ACTIVITY 3: Identify the elements found in the given set of compounds.


1. Magnesium Hydroxide
2. Calcium Nitrate
3. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
4. Water
5. Table salt

PROJECT: In a long size bond paper, paste at least 3 food label (nutrition facts) of your choice and explain the
importance of reading food labels before buying it. Submit this on October 23, 2020 (Friday).

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