12th Clas Chemestry Notes

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CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2"! YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) sLOCK * The elements in which valence electron is present in f-orbital, form tHblock * This includes Lanthanides and Actinides. Block classification helps to understand elements and thei area arr On the basis of metallic character, elements are divided into three groups ETALS © These have tendency to form positive ions by loosing electrons. * These are good conductor of heat and electricity. © These are present on L.H.S. of periodic table * These form basic oxides, which on dissolving in water form bases. Na,O+H,O —» 2NaOH camples: Na, K, Zn, Cd etc . ON-METALS: * These have tendency to form neaative ions by gaining electrons © These are bad conductor of heat and electricity © These are present in upper right side of periodic table © These form acidic oxides, which on dissolving in water form acids. - $O,+H,O -——-+H,SO, camples: C, N, O ete ETALLOIDS / SEMIMETALS These show properties of both metals and non-metals. «These form amphoteric oxides which show properties of both acidic and basic oxides. ‘* These include lower members of Group Ill A to V A, which are present just under the stepped line periodic table. camples: Si, As, Te ete Hydrogen has certain sifateties with alkall mictais, halogens, & group IVA — elements. Due to this, it can aced above on any one of these groups. But it, also shows certain differences with these groups. Therefore, it is difficult to decide its position in tl riodlc table. However it is generally plac ve alkali metals in the periodic tabie. Let us discuss its position in the periodic table. MILARITIES Like Alkali metals hydrogen has only one electron in its outermost s-orbital. Like Alkali metals, hydrogen can loose its one electron from outermost Is* orbital to form H” ion Both hydrogen and alkali metals have strong tendency to combine with halogens to form halides. . Like alkali metals, ioni nds of hi n ionize in water to give H’ ion. During elecholysis of HzO, hydrogen is obiained at cathode. Similarly during electrolysis of fused salt alkali metals. these are obtained at cathode. gy pone CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) el ft (89) actinides. the bottom of periodic table under Lanthanides. These are also called rare earth elements. © The elements after uranium are called trans-uranic elements. The vertical pase tn the perio table are called rou il 4 a «in petiodl table there ate sich arauas indole by Rouen aarabans | toUA, * The elements of long periods have been divided into two subgroups, ‘A’ & ‘B’. * The nomal elements are placed in subcroup ‘A’ & transition elements in subgroup “3° pirat Due to similarities in properties, many families of elements are present in periodic table. e.g. Typical elements, Transition élements, Lanthanides, Actinides ete. Many groups also have common names e.g; ALKALI METALS + Elements of group IA are’called alkali metals. It is derived from Arabic word ‘alkali’ means ‘ash’. * These fom strong alkalies (water soluble bases) with water. 2Na + 2H,0 —>' 2NaOH + H, These incide Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr ALKALINE EARTH METALS * Elements of group IIA are called alkaline earth metals: It is because these are common in earth cust and Far alkaline property. «These include Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra HALOGENS: + Elements of group VIIA are called Halogens. I is because these form salts. Halogens mean “Salt Producer” © These include F, Cé, Br, I, At NOBLE GASES/INERT GASES © Elements of group VIIA are called noble gases. It is because these are least reactive. *' Generally these do not show valency, therefore, these are also called zero aroup. + These include He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn BORON FaMiLy:* Elements of group IIIA are called Boron family. These include B, Al, Ga,In, Te Arnon Famaty: Elements of group IVA are called Carbon family. "These include C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb NrmRoen Fammy: Elements of group V A are called nitrogen family. These include N , P, As, Sb , Bi OxyGEN Famity: Elements of group VIA are called oxygen family. These include O , S , Se , Te , Po Exercise @.5,_ How the classification of elements indifferent blacks helps in understanding their cheinisry? ERNE Modern periodic table is divided into four blocks ori the basis of valence shell electronic configuration These are (1) s-block (2) p-block. (3) d-block (4) f-block Lock ‘¢. The elements in which valence electron is present in s-orbital, form s-block ‘* This inclide groups | A, II A and He p-BLOCK : ‘¢ The elemenis in which valence electron is present in p-orbital, for p-block © This include Grouns IIT A to VITA. excent He Eqns Joes , en Periodic; Tableof/ the Elements, =| a + _ Itranges from gsCs to sR. © Itcontains eight typical elements, ten transition elements, fourteen inner transition elements from y4Ce 10 Lu ‘© The fourteen inner transition elements starts (67) and are known as lanthanides or 12 ‘earth elements. These have very similar properties and are placed at the bottom of the periodic table. PERIOD 7 © | Itis the incomplete period. Written/Composed by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-5665666 Website: www,downloadclassnotes.com , E-mail: CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) Mendeleeve left many vacant spaces in his periodic table for unknown elements. * He also predicted the properties of the undiscovered elements. e.g. Mendeleev predicted the discovery of Ge and also predicted its propeities. After the discovery of Ge in 1886, Mendeleev's predictions were found correct. - Exercise Q 4. What are the improvements made in the Mendeleeu's periodic table? I ie sla ae me dg Grier fal ante sins, their chemical properties repeat in 4 periodic manner (2) A Noble anses containing VII group is introchiced at extreme right ofperiodic table. Noble gases were iat discovered in Mendeleev's tme. (3) Mendeleev placed Be, Mg, Ca, Ba and Zn, Cd, Hg in same group. Although their properties are different. Sitar wes the cone Gf may oer element. In modem perc ele ths defect was removed by mana i s Thus Be, Mg, ee Ba are placed in II A group while Zn, Cd, Hg in 11 B, ‘Modem periodic table has been divided into rows called Periods & columns called Groups. ‘ The horizontal rows are called Periods, ‘There are seven periods in the periodic table indicated by Arabic numerals 1 to 7. Penton 1 " ‘The first period contains oriky two elements, hydrogen and helium. Peniops 2 AND 3 * Both these periods contain eight elements each. * These are called short periods. * All the elements of these periods are typical elements Period2 Li BeB C N OF Ne Period 3 NaMgAl Si PS Cl Ar ‘+ In these periods, repetition of properties occur after eight elements Thus Li resemble Na, Be resemble Mg, B resemble Al, C resemble Si etc, "PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS & PERI ODICITY em nteae aen + Se a Et een PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION AND PERIODIC TABLE The arrangement of elements in a systematic manner, in order to correlate they pronaiies te called periodic classification. The resulting table is called periodic table. Periodic table gives the basic framework to shu i ical ies of elements and their compounds. . [aI Different aa used different Ideas to arrange the elements systematically. AL-RAZI CLASSIFICATION Al-Raui first classified elements on the basis of their physical and-chemical properties. He made two. groups of elements, Metals and Non-metals. DOBEREINER’S TRIADS . In 1829, a German chemist, Doberiener arranged elements in groups, containing three elements each with similar properties. Each group was called a “Triad”, He said “Atomic mass of the middle element is the mean of the atomic masses of other two elements of triad.” Example Li=7 Na=(7+39)/2=23 K=39 ete In 1864, an English chemist, Newland arranged elements in’ order of their increasing atomic masses. He arranged 62 elements in this way. He found that “Every eighth element had properties in common with first one.” ‘This classification principle is called law of octaves. Example First two octaves of Newland’s are Li BeBCNOF NaMcAl Si P S Cl . Thus Li reseinbles Na, Be resembles Mg ete. NC TABLE In 1871, a Russia;: chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, discovered a rule for the classification of elements. He arranged all the known elements in order of thei increasing atomic masses and gave first periodic table. Horizontal rows were called periods. Vertical columns were called groups. , Elements with similar properties were present in same group. Mendeleeve periodic law states Uehment re mre I econ ode of the etm manent lanes hing si properties appeared at regular intervals. wanes

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