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Down Syndrome is a genetic condition occurs when an error in cell division results in extra
chromosome 21 .It can affect a person cognitive ability and physical growth ,and there may be a
higher risk of some health problems . A pregnant person at age of 25 has about 1 in 1,250
chance of conceiving a child with Down Syndrome at age of 40 the incidence becomes
approximately in 1 in 100
The Genetic Down Syndrome notes that in parents of a child with Down Syndrome due to
translocation , there may be increased chance of Down Syndrome in future pregnancies if one
of the parents has a genetic rearrangements .
A person with Down Syndrome has a specific pattern of cognitive and behavioral
features .These differ from What is seen in typically developing children and children with other
causes intellectual disability .Sometimes genera health problem can affect organ system orr
bodily function about 40-60 percent of all people with Down Syndrome haves a congenital heart
defect . This activity reviews of evaluation and management of Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome was frist described by an English Physician John Langdown [ 1886] ,but its
association with chromosomes 21 was estbalished almost 100 years later by Jerome Lejuene in

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