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On The Secret of Success

Success is like gold, everyone wants to own it. However, it is hard to meet with

even though somebody thought who had tried the best enough and might be stuck in

finding out which aspects affect the way to success. Thus, this article is going to show

my view of what the secret of success in life is.

First of all, it is a really difficult question for asking what the secret of success in

life is as The Secret of The Alchemist's Success written by Paolo Coelho mentioned

because there is nobody knows you better than yourself. They just come into contact

with part of you and don’t know the deepest of you. Also, nobody has a clear picture

in you intrinsically such as the forte, defect or personality even though your father and

mother. For example, sometimes you have no expression while you are thinking but

someone may think that you are feeling depress. Therefore, the most

acquaintanceships with you are yourself. Recognizing oneself is indispensable for

meeting with success because you can shorten the way to success by strengthen the

forte and improve foible.

On the other hand, environments is one of the external factors correlate with

success, you should notice carefully and take advantage of all the resources that

surround you as the Wise One mentioned. The rich world has prepared for you, then

success or not depends on how much effort you put into. Also, you need to analyze

the information which got from others and determine the credibility through learning

but not copying. Grasping every opportunity of learning and apply what you have

learned. For instance, I read a story titled ‘’The Secret of Success’’ recently and

gained knowledge about the use of rhetorical figure-metaphor from it. There were

some sentences included metaphor: ‘’The tart aromas of the herbs will transport you

to a land of long forgotten memories’’, ’’body was lithe and fluid, his eyes shone’’,

’’mouth-watering tastes’’ (equal to delicious) and ’’the Wise one asked the little boy

pay attention to the drops of oil on his spoon, meanwhile appreciate all there is to be

appreciated’’. These were used with specific things instead of abstract concepts can

easy to remember and more powerful to bring out the message.

In addition, there are internal factors interrelated with success which are personality

and spirit. Forcing yourself to be hard-working and persevere with the goal you set

can make you closer to success. Take a physicist for example. Marie Skłodowska

Curie is the first woman who won Nobel Prize and devised radium. She had faced

countless failures in experiments but she still insist on making a study of chemical

element and learned from the failure then corrected. Even she was diagnosed with

aplastic anemia due to long-term exposure to radiation, she did not give up and try

hard to investigate some methods for isolating radium. This spirit led her closer to

success and she succeeded in it indeed finally, which also stimulated the physical

radiation, cancer treatment and chemical research in future. Thus, never give excuse

to yourself otherwise it just prevent you from moving forward. For my success is to

be a professional nurse and I think insistence is important as a nursing student not

only because we will face the difficulties in nursing program such as loads of

homework and exam, but also have to save patient from death in the future. If we give

up easier, how can we persuade patients to hold on when they suffer from incurable


Last but not least, paying attention to the internal and external as stated above at the

same time is the main point of the secret of success. Managing yourself well and you

can concentrate the outside then. I also tell myself that ‘’I can be what I want to be’’

everyday and it really urge me on.

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