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President Ferdinand Marcos Jr's state visit to the United States of America has sparked

controversy and raised questions among various groups, including human rights advocates,

historians, and Filipino-Americans. Marcos Jr's father, the late President Ferdinand Marcos,

was known for his authoritarian rule, corruption, and human rights abuses during his 20-year

regime in the Philippines.

During his state visit, President Marcos Jr met with US government officials and

business leaders to discuss trade and economic cooperation. He also addressed the Filipino-

American community in Los Angeles, where he expressed his vision for a prosperous and

united Philippines.

However, the visit was met with protests and criticism from human rights groups and

Filipino-American activists, who raised concerns about the Marcos family's history of

corruption and human rights violations. While some praise his efforts to strengthen diplomatic

ties, others criticize his human rights record and association with his father's regime. In this

reaction paper, I will discuss five advantages and five disadvantages of his state visit.

1. Marcos Jr's state visit can help strengthen diplomatic ties between the Philippines and

the USA. It provides an opportunity for the two nations to discuss further mutual

concerns and explore more about each other's country.

2. The state visit can amplify economic opportunities for the Philippines. Marcos Jr's

delegation can meet with business leaders and explore investment opportunities, which

can boost the country's economy.

3. The state visit can also promote our Filipino culture in the USA. We can showcase the

country's rich heritage and traditions, which can help promote tourism, industrial,

commercial, and cultural exchange.

4. The state visit can help strengthen security cooperation between the Philippines and the

USA. The two nations can discuss issues related to terrorism, cybersecurity, trafficking,

extra judicial killings, and defense cooperation, which can help improve the security

for both countries.

5. The state visit can advance regional interests, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Philippines can use the visit to express its concerns on regional issues, such as

territorial disputes in the South China Sea and the other neighboring countries that

causes threats to the country.


1. Marcos Jr's human rights record is a concern for many Filipinos and Americans. His

father's regime was accused of human rights violations, including torture,

disappearances, and extrajudicial killings. This may impact the reception of his visit.
2. Marcos Jr's association with his father's regime may also impact the reception of his

visit. Many Filipinos and Americans still hold a negative view of the Marcos regime

and its legacy.

3. The state visit may also fuel political instability in the Philippines. Marcos Jr's critics

may use his visit to criticize his policies and actions, which can create social unrest and

political turmoil.

4. Some critics argue that the state visit can increase the Philippines' economic

dependence on the USA. Marcos Jr's delegation may be tempted to make economic

concessions in exchange for investment opportunities, which can compromise the

country's economic sovereignty.

5. The visit also brought attention to the longstanding issue of the Marcos family's ill-

gotten wealth, which was estimated to be worth billions of dollars. Many Filipinos have

been calling for the return of the stolen wealth to the Philippine government, as a form

of justice and reparations for the victims of the Marcos regime.

Nevertheless, as a student, Marcos Jr.'s visit to the US should not be dismissed outright

as a mere propaganda stunt. It is an opportunity to engage in dialogue and promote greater

understanding between the two nations. While it is too early to tell whether his visit will lead

to concrete results, such as increased trade or military cooperation, it is still a step in the right

direction. Diplomacy is about engaging with other nations, even if we disagree with their

leaders or their policies.

In conclusion, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s state visit to the United States of

America is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to simple black-and-white terms. While we

must remain vigilant in holding him accountable for his father's legacy, we must also recognize

the importance of diplomacy and engagement in building stronger relationships between


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