Dominico TAREA

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Global warming is a situation that we must stop immediately or the destruction of the planet
will be irreversible.

What are the consequences of global warming?

1. Warmer temperatures

The accumulation of polluting gases causes temperatures to rise more and more

2. More intense storms

The fact that the temperatures are higher makes the rains less frequent, but more intense;
therefore, the level of flooding and its severity will also increase.

3.Propagación de enfermedades

Un cambio de temperatura de varios grados puede hacer que la zona templada se haga más
acogedora a la propagación de determinadas enfermedades

4. Stronger heat waves

Global warming of the planet produced by the accelerated burning of exhaustible fossil fuels
has been very intense at the North Pole.

5. Melting glaciers

Oceans with higher temperatures are oceans that melt the ice from the polar caps: this means
that the sea level rises.


The effects of the global reach will include substantial changes in the availability of water for
drinking and irrigation, as well as a rise in sea level, changes in the patterns of water circulation
in the oceans and the threat to the survival of flora and fauna species. fauna. fauna that
survives in these ecosystems.

If we do nothing to solve this problem, we will suffer all the consequences mentioned above
and many more, because at the end of the day, climate change is occurring on our planet, on
which we live.

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