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ELSEVIER Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

Cooling of the Earth in the Archaean: Consequences

of pressure-release melting in a hotter mantle
N.J. Vlaar, P.E. van Keken, A.P. van den Berg
Department of Theoretical Geophysics, Institute of Earth Sciences, PO Box 80. 021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
(Received June 29, 1993;revision accepted October 12, 1993)


A model is presented to describe the cooling of the Earth in the Archaean. At the higher Archaean mantle
temperatures pressure-release melting starts deeper and generates a thicker basaltic or komatiitic crust and depleted
harzburgite layer compared with the present-day situation. Intrinsic compositional stability and lack of mechanical
coherency renders the mechanism of plate tectonics ineffective. It is proposed that the Archaean continents
stabilised early on top of a compositionally stratified root. In the Archaean oceanic lithosphere, hydrated upper crust
can founder and recycle through its high-pressure phase eclogite. Eclogite remelting and new pressure-release
melting generates new crustal material. Migration of magma and latent heat release by solidification at the surface
provides an efficient mechanism to cool the mantle by several hundreds of degrees during the Archaean. This can
satisfactorily explain the occurrence of high extrusion temperature komatiites and lower extrusion temperature
basalts in greenstone belts as being derived from the same source by different mechanisms.

1. Introduction tie temperatures. Some have taken this an indi-

cating the average mantle temperatures [1-3].
Others assume the average mantle temperature
There is still considerable controversy over the to have been only 200-300 K higher than at
mantle temperature during the Archaean (ca. present [4-6] and take the occurrence of komati-
3.5-2.7 Gyr B.P.). On the one hand, high mantle ites to be the consequence of hotspot activity. A
temperatures are inferred from the occurrence of third group proposes even lower temperatures for
very magnesian komatiitic lavas that are the Archaean [7]. On the other hand, however,
widespread in most Archaean greenstone belts, temperatures down to the 50 km depth in the
but rarely found after the Archaean-Proterozoic Archaean continents, as have been derived from
transition at 2.7 Gyr. These komatiites indicate high-grade terrains, indicate conditions that have
high extrusion temperatures and melting temper- not been very different from the present-day situ-
atures some 400-500 K in excess of today's man- ation. This 'Archaean paradox' has led many
investigators to models in which cooling of the
hotter Earth took place through rapid convection
[vdV] beneath the oceans. In most of these model stud-

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SSDI 0012-821X(93)E0193-N
2 N.J. Vlaar et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

ies it is implicitly assumed that mantle convection Table 1

models can simulate present-day plate-tectonic Notation and nominal values

processes, and that plate tectonics has been oper- Parameter Definition Value
ative in the Archaean [4,8-10]. However, the
present-day tectonic plate forces of slab pull and g gravitational acceleration 9.8 ms -z

ridge push [64] are strongly dependent on litho- ct thermal expansivity 3 x 10-5 K
spheric age and hence on lithospheric recycling thermal diffusivity 10--6 m2s-1
rate and mantle temperature. A uniformitarian D Depth of convection layer 2.8 × 106 m
extrapolation of present conditions to the Ar- v kinematic viscosity
chaean may not be valid [3,11] and therefore a rl dynamic viscosity
different approach must be adopted. v0 Minimum kinematic viscosity 2. 21 x 107 m2s -1
We will first consider some previously pub- A Activation temperature (YTm) 5.6 x 104 K
lished thermal cooling models of the Earth which
k thermal conductivity 4. 2 Wm-IK -1
have been used to constrain Archaean mantle
pcp volumetric specific heat 4. 2 x 106 Jm-aK -~
temperatures. Next, the influence of higher tem-
Rc core radius 3.471 x 106 m
peratures on the pressure-release melting of
mantle diapirs, and the related changes in upper Rm mantle outer radius 6. 271 x 106 m

mantle dynamics, are considered. Finally, we will Rac critical Rayleigh number 1100

present a model for the dynamics of the oceanic Ts surface temperature 273 K
lithosphere and discuss its applicability to the 15 power law exponent 0.3
cooling of the Earth in the Archaean.

selt number N u can be defined as the ratio of the

2. Cooling models for the Earth based on param- total heat flux to the conductive heat flux out of
eterised convection the mantle:
U u = (qcond + qconv)/qcond = q D / k A T (2)
Several authors have studied thermal histories where AT is the temperature difference across
of the Earth using parameterised mantle convec- the mantle. The relation between the Nusselt
tion models. This section discusses some of the number and the vigour of convection in the man-
approaches and approximations that have been tle, which has been exploited in parameterised
used. Our discussion of this is not meant to be convection models, is
complete or to add new insights. In the studies
N u = ( R a / R a c ) t3 (3)
mentioned the change of average mantle temper-
ature with time follows from the energy balance where R a is the mantle Rayleigh number and
equation: R a c is the critical Rayleigh number, R a c -~ 10 3.
47r dT For a mantle heated entirely from below R a is
3 pcp(R3m-R3c) dt defined by

4re ag(T- Ts)D 3

= -47rqR2m + ---f-Q(R3m - R 3) (1) Ra = Ra E = (4)

where q is the average heat flux out of the This definition has been used by [13] to study
Earth's surface and Q is the average heat pro- the loss of primordial heat, initially stored in the
duction in the mantle. The definition of the other core, through mantle convection. For a mantle
parameters is given in Table 1. The heat flux heated entirely from within, R a is defined by
from the core into the base of the lower mantle agQ( R m -Rc) 5
has been assumed to be small [12] and is disre- Ra = Ra I = (5)
garded by most authors. For the mantle the Nus-
N.J. Vlaar et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18 3

In (1) the lower boundary of the mantle is power law index n in comparison to the Newto-
explicitly assumed to be insulated, and the second nian fluid, an effect that has been disregarded by
definition of the Rayleigh number, Ra~, should several authors [9,18]. To include the effect of
be used. However, several authors have used the volatiles an effective A as a function of volatile
first definition [10,14-16], based on the claim content has been defined through the melting
made in [10] that this was justified if T in (4) temperature Tm [15,18].
represents the characteristic temperature of the The general form of the heat production is
convecting region.
A temperature-dependent rheology of the form Q = Q0 e x p ( - A t ) (7)

u = uo exp(A/T) (6) where A is the decay rate of the radioactive

material and Q0 is the heat production at t = 0.
has been used in the models. The parameter A Jackson and Pollack [15] have used an effective A
can be interpreted as an activation temperature. to describe a mixture of several isotopes with
Several formulations have been used to deter- different decay rates. Q0 is not well known and in
mine A, either using Weertman and Weertman's most calculations it has been used as a free
formulation based on homologous temperature parameter; Q0 was varied to constrain the pre-
(A = y T m, 7 = 30) [17], using activation energy sent-day heat flux at 70 mW m -2, based on the
( A = E / R ) , or both activation energy and volume estimate of oceanic heat loss [19]. In contrast to
( A = ( E + p V ) / R ) . Determination of the value this, Sleep [20] and Stacey [21] used the abun-
of A to be used in (6) from the formulations dance of atmospheric 4°Ar to constrain absolute
mentioned above is correct only for Newtonian values of the concentration of 4 ° K and from that
fluids. In non-Newtonian fluids the activation the concentrations of the other heat-producing
temperature decreases by a factor equal to the elements.

3000 I I I I I I I

.o. E
2500 300 l

E 2250

2000 t"-


I I I I 0 I I J I
4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0
Time [Gyr BP] Time [ G y r B P ]
Fig. 1. Example of evolution of internal mantle temperature and surface heat flow, based on parameterised mantle convection
modelling (see text). Heat production is given by Q(t) = Qo e x p ( - A t ) , where the decay constant A = 4.48- 10 -1° yr -1 is for a
chondritic composition [1980]. The initial heat production Q0 is used as a free parameter. Q0 = 220 m W • m -3 yields a present-day
heat flow of 70 m W . m -~.
4 N.J. Vlaaret al./Earth and Hanetary ScienceLetters 121 (1994) 1-18

Substitution of (2)-(4), (6) and (7) into (1) [27,28], who essentially indicates the importance
gives of the rheology of the upper boundary layer in
controlling the cooling of the Earth. As the sur-
a g ( T - Ts)D 3 ]~ face temperature is assumed to have varied very
dT - 3 Ra¢Kv o e x p ( A / T ) ] k ( T - T s ) R 2 m little over geological time, the upper boundary
- - =

layer may well have a rheology that is largely

dt Dpco( R3m - R3c)
independent of the internal temperature. A con-
Oo sequence could be that the Nusselt number Nu
+ - exp(-At) (8) would become independent of the Rayleigh num-
ber and heat flux would be constant throughout
This non-linear differential equation can be most of the Earth's history. As will be shown
solved numerically. A typical result is shown in later, this effect might be less important for high
Fig. 1, which displays the averaged mantle tem- Rayleigh number (Ra < 108) convection, for
perature and mantle heat flow as a function of which the heat flow would become a function of
age. A fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme with a Ra again, even for strongly temperature-depen-
constant step size of 10 Myr has been used to dent viscosity [60]. However, it is not clear if
solve (8). The nominal values shown in Table 1 these high Rayleigh number convection results
and a decay rate of A = 4.48 X 10 -1° yr -1 have apply to the Earth, even in its early history.
been used. This decay rate corresponds to the In addition to this, Vlaar [3,11] and Vlaar and
time-averaged decay constant for a chondritic Van den Berg [29] have shown that the thicker
composition [10]. The initial condition is T = basaltic and underlying depleted harzburgitic
3000°C. The model run with Q0 = 220 mW m -3 layer, that are created at higher mantle tempera-
(bold line) yields a present-day heat flow of 70 tures [20], constitute a compositional boundary
mW m 2. Other models include different distri- layer with a strong stabilizing influence that might
butions of radioactive heat sources [e.g., 14], effectively prohibit plate tectonics from operating
volatile-dependent rheology and the de/regassing in the way that it does today. This effect has been
history of the Earth [16,18]. In general, the results thus far disregarded.
show the strong self-regulating effect of the tem- In order to study the thermal evolution of the
perature- and volatile-dependent theology on the Earth since the early Archaean, it is essential to
dynamic cooling and a temperature decrease of incorporate these rheological and compositional
200-300 K since the Archaean. A lower estimate properties of the upper thermal boundary layer.
of the amount of cooling is made by Davies [9], In the present paper we will assume that the
who derives from isoviscous models that the Earth cooling of the Earth is completely governed by
cannot have cooled by more than 100-150 K the dynamics of the upper boundary layer. Any
since the early Archaean. sinking material is passively replaced by adiabati-
The assumptions and simplifications that have cally upwelling mantle. This approach is similar
been used to make this analysis possible make it to that of Sleep [20], who used analytical half-
difficult to judge the applicability of these models space cooling models, combined with estimates of
to the evolution of the Earth. One point of criti- the average age of the oceanic lithosphere, to
cism applies to the Nusselt-Rayleigh number re- study the thermal evolution.
lation employed, which in general does not take
into account the effects of large aspect ratio
convection [22], viscous dissipation [23], and depth 3. Pressure-release melting
variations in rheological [24] and thermodynamic
properties [25,26].
Another shortcoming of the models concerns The process of pressure-release melting of un-
the implementation of temperature-dependent depleted mantle peridotitie plays an important
rheology, as has been pointed out by Christensen role in the Earth. It is held to be the cause of the
N.J. Vlaar et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18 5

present-day generation of basaltic oceanic crust pressure that is exerted by the already formed
at mid-ocean ridges. It is generally agreed that in basaltic crust. This will lead to considerably re-
a hotter mantle the melting of a rising diapir duced production of basaltic crust upon pressure-
starts at a deeper level and a larger volume of release melting [29].
basaltic m a g m a is formed [11,20,30,31,61]. Mc- Fig. 2a illustrates the effect of higher mantle
Kenzie and Bickle [32] derive the thickness of the temperature on the melting of an adiabatically
formed basaltic crust as a function of the poten- rising diapir, using the formalism developed by
tial temperature of the mantle, which is defined McKenzie [30], corrected for the crustal pressure
as the temperature obtained when a material effect [29]. Shown are the solidus and liquidus of
volume in the mantle is decompressed under mantle peridotite, each given as a third-order
isentropic and metastable conditions to the pres- polynomial fit to the data of Takahashi [31], T ( p )
sure at the Earth's surface. Estimates for the = a o + a ~ p ~ + a 2 P 2 + a 3 P 3. The coefficients can
present-day potential temperature range from be written as a vector a. These are given, with
1280 to 1400°C [20,28,30,33]. This range indicates pressure in G P a and temperature in °C, by a =
the uncertainties in the eruption temperatures of (1136, 134.2, -6.581, 0.1054) r for the solidus,
basaltic magmas, the temperature drop as a con- and a = (1762, 57.46, -3.487, 0.0769) r for the
sequence of the latent heat consumption, and liquidus. In the calculations a small correction is
possible lateral variations in potential tempera- made to account for the fact that Takahashi [31]
ture [61]. An important effect that has not been used a slightly depleted mantle peridotite in his
implemented by McKenzie and Bickle [32] is that experiments. The dotted lines indicate lines of
the amount of melting will be influenced by the equal melting for 15 and 50% melting, based on

I J I I I I 0 r I

15% ,,50 % "C

Soli6~ ",. Liquidus

Tpot = 1750" C " ~
C9 E
•~ 6 T~t= 1330" C 200
a_ 8
10 300

a) b)
I i I I ~ ~ 400 I j
000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 3300 3350 3400 3450
Temperature [° C ] Density [kg/m 3]
Fig. 2. (a) The effect of higher mantle temperatures on the pressure-release melting of an adiabatically rising diapir. The solidus
and liquidus of mantle peridotite are shown as a third-order polynomial fit (see text). Lines of equal melting for 15 and 50% melt
fractions are shown, based on the data of Jaques and Green [34]. The heavy solid lines schematically indicate the (T,p) paths of a
rising diapir at potential temperatures Tpot = 1330, 1600 and 1750°C, based on [30]. In the calculations we have corrected for the
crustal pressure effect [29] (see text). (b) Compositional density in harzburgite and lherzolite. Density increases with depth, as a
consequence of the lower degree of depletion.
6 N.J. Vlaar et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

data from Jaques and Green [34]. For the entropy surface [5,31,37]. In time, this is followed by the
of melting, we used AS = 300 J- kg -~ K -1, which more basaltic outflows from the diapir, caused by
is approximately equivalent to 1 R J • mol(atom)-1 pressure-release melting and, consequently, much
K -1 [35,36]. The bold lines indicate the ( T , p ) lower extrusion temperatures. This can explain
paths for rising diapirs at three different poten- the occurrence of high-temperature komatiites as
tial temperatures, Tpot = 1330, 1600 and 1750°C. the first extrusion product in greenstone belt
The present-day situation, with a crustal thick- formation, followed by outflows of less MgO-rich
ness of 7 km, is simulated with Tpot = 1330°C. The basaltic lavas [38].
extrusion temperature here is Textr = 1240°C. At In the following section we will discuss the
Tpot = 1600°C, 29 km of basaltic crust is generated consequences of the aforementioned effects for
with Textr= 1420°C. At the highest potential tem- the dynamics of the lithosphere in a hotter man-
perature shown, Tpot = 1750°C, melting of a rising tle.
diapir generates 50 km of basaltic crust with
Textr = 1520°C. In general, it is stated that the
decrease in temperature indicates heat loss by 4. Consequences for upper mantle dynamics
the consumption of latent heat. Strictly speaking,
however, this is not correct. Pressure-release
melting occurs in adiabatically rising mantle ma- Vlaar [3,11] presented qualitative constraints
terial and no heat is lost from the system. The on Archaean global dynamics; these are sum-
temperature decreases to account for the entropy marised as follows:
increase of the melt fraction. Only when the melt (i) The mantle was originally molten shortly af-
reaches the surface and solidifies is heat lost by ter accretion [39].
the entropy decrease. However, we will assume (ii) Rapid solidification started at the bottom of
that the amount of heat lost by the melt fraction the mantle and progressed upward [36] until
at the surface equals the heat necessary to melt the whole mantle was at or below the solidus
the peridotite at depth. temperature.
Note the strong effect of the consumption of (iii) At high mantle temperatures, pressure-re-
latent heat on the extrusion temperatures. Al- lease melting of rising diapirs generates a
though the potential temperatures differ by 420°C, thick basaltic layer on top of a very thick
the temperatures at the 50 km depth differ by harzburgitic layer [11,20,32].
only 280°C. This important effect should be taken (iv) Compositional stability [40-42] and lack of
into account when using estimates of extrusion mechanical coherency of this upper bound-
temperature to constrain the potential mantle ary layer [43] renders modern-style plate tec-
temperature. tonics ineffective [3,11].
Fig. 2b shows the density in the underlying (v) Continents stabilised on top of strong chemi-
depleted harzburgitic residue for the three cases cal zonation in the harzburgitic root and the
with different potential temperature. The density generation of radiogenic heat in the conti-
of the harzburgite increases with depth as a con- nental crust blankets the surface cooling [11].
sequence of the decreasing amount of depletion. (vi) After formation of stable basalt-harzburgite
As has been shown by Vlaar [11] and Vlaar and layering, recycling of basaltic material can
Van den Berg [29], this compositional basalt- occur through its denser phases (garnet-
harzburgite stratification has a large effect on the granulite and eclogite). The recycling of
stability of the oceanic lithosphere. eclogite allows for new generation of basaltic
In this scenario, komatiite might be the melt magma.
generated at considerable depth ( > 150 km) and In the following section we will consider the
at low degrees of partial melting in a rising di- consequences of these assumptions and con-
apir. At depth, the komatiitic magma separates straints on the evolution of the lithosphere and
from the matrix and rises adiabatically to the upper mantle in a hotter Earth.
N.J. Vlaaret al./ Earth and PlanetaryScienceLetters121 (1994)1-18 7

5. D y n a m i c m o d e l l i n g boundary is kept at constant temperature T = 0°C.

At the lower boundary a constant, adiabatic tem-
5.1. Model description perature gradient is maintained.
To describe the rheology of the lithosphere
We have employed a two-dimensional thermo- and mantle we have used linearised ductile creep
chemical model of the cooling of the lithosphere laws, following [43]. The general form of the
and u p p e r mantle (to a depth of 400 km), both in creep law is given by
an oceanic and continental setting. This is
schematically indicated in Fig. 3. In the continen- = ( g / B ) 1/" e x p ( E / n R T ) (9)
tal model (Fig. 3a) a crust of 50 km in thickness
where o- is differential stress (MPa), 4 the strain
(consisting of a 10 km thick granitic upper crust
rate ( s - l ) , n the power law index, E the activa-
on top of a 40 km thick more tonalitic or gran-
tion energy (J mo1-1 K - l ) , R the gas constant
ulitic lower crust) overlies a thick harzburgitic
(8.314 J mol-1), T the absolute temperature (K),
root. The radioactive heat production is indicated
and B a constitutive parameter. Note that ~r here
too in Fig. 3a. The value of the upper crust is
is specified in MPa. From this we can derive an
based on the estimate for the heat production of
effective viscosity r / = o ' / 2 ~ (MPa" s), which can
a young surface shield [44], corrected for the
be expressed as
assumed 3 × higher productivity in the early
Earth. The lower crust is assumed to have a ~1 = C exp( E / n R T ) (10)
10 × lower heat production. The oceanic litho-
s p h e r e / upper mantle (Fig. 3b) comprises the lay- where
ering formed through decompression melting of
rising diapirs, with basalt (B) on top of depleted 10 6 [ ~Bn ] 1/n
C=-- • - - (Pa's) (11)
peridotite (harzburgite, Hz), overlying the unde- 2
pleted mantle peridotite (lherzolite, Lh). The
harzburgite layer has a density gradient as a The numerical values for diabase have been
consequence of the varying degree of depletion used to model basalt and eclogite, the values for
by partial melting with depth. The properties of peridotite have been used to model harzburgite
the layering are strongly dependent on potential and lherzolite. Table 2 gives the values for B, n
mantle temperature. and E from [43] and the value of C for i = 10-15
The stability of these models against cooling s - 1. Fig. 4 shows the effective viscosity of diabase
from the top is considered. The free-slip upper and peridotite as a function of temperature.

(a) Continental lithosphere (b) Oceanic lithosphere

10 km upper crust A=7500 nW/m a

basalt p=3.0 g/cm 3
40 km lower crust A=750 nW/m 3 30-50 km
p=3.315 g/cm 3 p=3.315 g/cm 3

harzburgite harzburgite

p=3.416 g/cm 3 p=3.416 g/cm 3

~0km 250 km

Iherzolite p=3.416 g/cm 3 Iherzolite p=3.416 g/cm3

Fig. 3. Schematic overviewof the compositional layering for the (a) continental and (b) oceanic lithosphere-upper mantle in a "hot
Earth", with potential temperatures Tpot > 1600°C.
8 N.J. Vlaaret aL/Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

Table 2
= 1 0 -~5 s-~
Parameters used in the theological description (I1)
o I

r ~-
Rock log B (MPa--as-l ) n E (kJmo1-1) C (Pa. s)
~g . ++.++ +
Diabase -2.5 3.3 268 81 x l0 ~s
Peridotite 4.5 3.6 535 19 x 10t+

~ ep... /,, -- Diabase

....... Peridotite
T h e e q u a t i o n s g o v e r n i n g t h e m o d e l s a r e the
Stokes e q u a t i o n t o g e t h e r with the i n c o m p r e s s i b i l - g
ity c o n s t r a i n t , t h e a d v e c t i o n - d i f f u s i o n e q u a t i o n N I J
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
for t e m p e r a t u r e a n d t h e a d v e c t i o n e q u a t i o n for log q [Pas]
t h e c o m p o s i t i o n [e.g., 46,47]. T h e e q u a t i o n s a r e Fig. 4. Effective viscosity of diabase (used to model basalt and
solved n u m e r i c a l l y by f i n i t e - e l e m e n t m e t h o d s . eclogite) and peridotite (used to model harzburgite and lher-
T h e S t o k e s e q u a t i o n is solved in t h e s t r e a m func- zolite) as a function of temperature. Rheological parameters
tion f o r m u l a t i o n , using a n o n - c o n f o r m i n g type o f are defined in Table 2.
e l e m e n t [22,45,46]. T h e t i m e - d e p e n d e n t h e a t
e q u a t i o n is solved using l i n e a r t r i a n g l e s a n d a
p r e d i c t o r - c o r r e c t o r m e t h o d . T h e Boussinesq ap- c h a i n m e t h o d [e.g., 46,47]. T h e d e n s i t y g r a d i e n t
p r o x i m a t i o n is u s e d a n d the a d i a b a t i c t e m p e r a - in the h a r z b u r g i t e is m o d e l l e d using a field ap-
ture i n c r e a s e with d e p t h has no i n f l u e n c e on the p r o a c h . T h e time s t e p in the p r e d i c t o r - c o r r e c t o r
d y n a m i c s of t h e m o d e l . In the n u m e r i c a l m o d e l m e t h o d was t a k e n as 50% o f the C o u r a n t time
this a d i a b a t i c t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e is sub- step with an u p p e r limit of 1 Myr.
t r a c t e d from the a b s o l u t e t e m p e r a t u r e . T h e abso-
lute t e m p e r a t u r e is used in the c a l c u l a t i o n o f 5.2. Resul~
viscosity a n d for o u t p u t p u r p o s e s . F o r t h e advec-
tion e q u a t i o n for the c o m p o s i t i o n we have u s e d a Continental lithosphere, potential temperature
mixed approach. The discontinuous density 1750°C
j u m p s , as for e x a m p l e b e t w e e n t h e b a s a l t a n d T h e evolution of the c o n t i n e n t a l l i t h o s p h e r e is
h a r z b u r g i t e (Fig. 2b) a r e m o d e l l e d using a m a r k e r shown in Fig. 5. T h e lower crust is slightly t h i c k e r

t=50 Myr t=150 Myr t=250 Myr

0 0 ~ + ~- 0

100 100 100

~_, 2 0 0 200 200

300 300 300

400 i I i 400 i i I 400 ~ i

0 1 O0 200 300 400 0 1 O0 200 300 400 0 1 O0 200 300 400
X [kin]
Fig. 5. Evolution of a cooling continental lithosphere. The compositional stratification and distribution of heat-producing elements
are defined in Fig. 3. Retarded by the crustal heat production, the cooling progresses slowly to deeper levels. As a consequence of
the density gradient in the harzburgitic root, the lithosphere remains stably stratified.
N.J. I/laar et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18



0- Bottom of crust at
mpot = 1 7 5 0 ° C

Tpot = 1 6 0 0 ° C

0 t.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
T e m p e r a t u r e [o C]
Fig. 6. Phase diagram for basalt [48].

on one side of the model, to avoid the model on the (T, p) path of a rising diapir. The crustal
remaining artificially stably stratified. The first heat production balances ('blankets') only par-
frame shows the initial temperature profile, based tially the heat loss through the top and the cool-

CI \\

150 I I I
0 500 1000 1500
Temperature ° C]
Fig. 7. Evolution of the horizontally averaged temperature in the oceanic lithosphere generated at T = 1750°C. Convection in the
basalt generates an asthenosphere and relatively cool temperatures in the lower crust.
10 N.J. Vlaar et al. / E a r t h and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

ing progresses slowly to larger depths. As is shown as the underlying harzburgite. The cooler garnet-
in Fig. 5, the continental lithosphere is stable to granulite may have a density that is high enough
at least 250 Myr. After this, the cooling pro- to recycle into the mantle, although the density
gresses into the undepleted peridotitic layer. In difference with the underlying harzburgite is not
some simulations this creates an instability in the very large. A more efficient way of recycling the
lower parts of the model, which can recycle the basaltic crust is through its high-density phase
lower most parts of the (now thermally defined) eclogite. This is considered in the following para-
continental root. However, the most important graphs.
result of these simulations is that the proposed Just after it forms the brittle layer is thin and
layering is intrinsically stable to cooling. This weak [43], and can probably not resist sinking into
leads to a firm basis for the suggestion that the the hot ductile lower crust. Through this mecha-
early protocontinents were able to resist recycling nism of crustal, or 'mini'-subduction, a relatively
on top of a chemically zoned root, and that the cool (T < 1000°C) and hydrated basaltic layer can
present thickness of the continental cratons (ca. be formed on top of the harzburgite. Under these
200 km) has been maintained throughout geologi- conditions, the transformation from gabbro to
cal history. eclogite is fast, with time scales of the order of 1
Myr [49]. Once eclogite is f o r m e d , recycling of
Oceanic lithosphere, potential temperature 1750°C crustal material into the harzburgitic layer is fast.
The oceanic lithosphere, formed a t Tpo t = Fig. 8 illustrates this for a layering formed at
1750°C, is stably stratified in a fashion similar to potential temperature Tpot = 1750°C. The eclogite
that of the continental lithosphere discussed layer is 10 km thick and within 5 Myr most of the
above. Recycling of the basaltic crust and under- eclogite is recycled into the underlying harzbur-
lying harzburgite can only be achieved in this gite.
environment through the formation of the denser
phases of gabbroic basalt: garnet-granulite (GG, Oceanic lithosphere, potential temperature 1600°C
p =3.3 g - c m -3) and eclogite (E, p = 3.6 g. At lower potential temperature, the recycling
cm-3). Fig. 6 shows a phase diagram for basalt of eclogite will become less efficient, and eventu-
taken from [48]. The horizontal lines indicate the ally cease. The viscosity of the lower basaltic crust
pressures at the base of the crust, formed at and harzburgite increases, the recycling of hy-
Tpo t = 1750, 1600 and 1330°C respectively. At Tpo t drated crust will become less efficient and eclogi-
= 1750°C, the crust is approximately 50 km thick tisation is less rapid. The less efficient eclogitisa-
and solid-state convection can occur in the tion of the lower crust is the main factor deter-
basaltic layer (assuming that the upper brittle mining the lower speed of the mechanism. The
crust has negligible influence on the dynamics). increase in viscosity and thinning of the eclogite
Fig. 7 shows the evolution of the horizontally layer have only a minor effect, as is illustrated in
averaged temperature in the oceanic lithosphere. Fig. 9, where the recycling of a now 5 km thick
The initial temperature profile beneath the basalt eclogitic layer is shown in a model based on a
layer is taken from Fig. 2a. It is assumed that basalt-harzburgite layering formed at Tpot =
after formation the basaltic crust solidified very 1600°C. The basaltic crust has a total thickness of
rapidly and that the basalt is at its solidus tem- 29 km. Initial temperature and compositional
perature, except for the thin boundary layer on density are given for the harzburgite/lherzolite
top. The grey area indicates the garnet-granulite in Fig. 2a and b. Recycling of the eclogite layer is
stability field, taken from Fig. 6. Cooling pro- now approximately 2 × slower.
gresses rapidly through the efficient heat loss by At even lower temperatures the crust will be-
the combined effects of conduction and low come too thin and the brittle upper crust too
Rayleigh number convection. After 10 Myr, the strong for crustal subduction to take place and
lower part of the crust is in the garnet-granulite pressures at the bottom of the crust may be too
stability field. Garnet-granulite is nearly as dense low for eclogite to be formed, although it is not
N.J. Vlaar et a l . / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18 11

o t = 0 Myr t = 2 Myr 0 t=4 Myr

[ I 0 E I I r



Ioo 100

E2oo 200 200


300 300 300


4O0 I I I 400 L I 400 • i I

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
X [km]
Fig. 8. The recycling of eclogite into the upper mantle. Original oceanic lithosphere generated at 1750°C.

clear at which crustal thickness this will occur. some evidence exists for the formation of eclogite
The phase diagram for basalt shown in Fig. 6 from hydrated basalt at the shallower levels [49].
indicates that eclogite cannot be formed at crustal The driving forces of the present-day form of
thicknesses of less than ca. 25 km. However, plate tectonics will become increasingly impor-

t = 0 Myr t = 2.5 M y r t = 5 Myr

0 ~B ~E ~ o

100 Hz !00 100

200 200 200

300 300 300


400 I I I 400 t I ~ 400 I I I

50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
x [km]
Fig. 9. The recycling of eclogite into the upper mantle. Original oceanic lithosphere generated at 1600°C.
12 N.J. Vlaar et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

tant and in a certain temperature range a gradual by new basalt which is either generated by eclog-
transition from the proposed mechanism and ite remelting or pressue-release melting of harz-
plate tectonics may occur. We tentatively place burgite. Using this simplifying description, we
this transition at a potential 'blocking' tempera- propose that this mechanism of recycling of
ture of Tpot = T 0 = 1475°C, at which 15 km of basaltic crust through mini-subduction, rapid
crust is produced. eclogitisation at the bottom of the crust, recycling
of the eclogite into the upper mantle and forma-
Consequences o f eclogite recycling tion of new crust is responsible for the initial
The models presented above indicate the time cooling of the hot Earth, after solidification of
the eclogite can reside in the lower crust and an the mantle, but will grow less efficient in the
eclogite recycling rate can be estimated. Once the cooling Earth. We take the rate of eclogite recy-
eclogite starts sinking into the underlying cling, that can be estimated from the model re-
harzburgite, several processes can be envisaged. sults presented above, to be the factor governing
Firstly, the eclogite will heat up (see Fig. 7) and the rate of cooling induced by the present sce-
will melt once its temperature is above the solidus, nario. Both the formation of eclogite from hy-
leading to new creation of basalt and tonalite. drated basaltic crust and remelting of the eclogite
Secondly, the uppermost parts of the harzburgitic are assumed to occur at shorter time scales.
layer will be entrained by the sinking eclogite,
which will lead to passive upwelling of the
harzburgite, and, if the top of the harzburgite is 6. A thermal model for the early Earth
still hot enough, some new basalt can be formed
by pressure-release melting. If this process con- We will now turn to the consequences of the
tinues for some time, further depletion of the presented dynamic model for the thermal history
harzburgitic layer might result: depleted harzbur- of the Earth. Our approach to this problem is
gite is recycled into the underlying less depleted necessarily conjectural, due to the lack of de-
layers, which eventually may lead to homogenisa- tailed knowledge of the interaction between the
tion of part of the harzburgitic layer in which different processes and the variability of the pa-
thermal convection can lead to rapid cooling. rameters governing the dynamic behaviour.
This in turn may trigger an overturn of the We assume that the cooling of the Earth's
basalt-harzburgite system, generating renewed mantle is entirely caused by heat loss through the
pressure-release melting. Lastly, thinning of the oceanic lithosphere. This is presently estimated at
eclogite and mixing into the harzburgite may lead 3 × 1013 W, predominantly ( > 90%) by the con-
to enrichment of the harzburgite, but the reaction ductive cooling of the continuously recycling
time is expected to be long, and the volumes lithosphere [19]. The consumption of latent heat
involved relatively small. Implicitly, this scenario at mid-oceanic ridges is only a fraction of this
assumes that when the mantle temperature is [31]. However, in a hotter mantle, the amount of
constant the thickness of the basaltic crust re- melt generated is much larger and the dissipation
mains constant. Thinning of the basaltic crust is of heat by solidification of extruding magma may
assumed to occur only when the potential mantle be the dominant form of cooling of the Earth
temperature decreases. [31,50]. We will use this and estimate the amount
Because of the different time scales and the of cooling in our models by (i) advection of magma
complex interaction between the mechanisms the to the surface, (ii) consumption of latent heat by
interaction between them is extremely difficult to solidification of magma and remelting of eclogite,
model. We choose to simplify the model descrip- and (iii) conductive cooling of the basaltic crust.
tion by assuming that we can describe the pro- The key parameter is the rate of recycling of
cesses above by a continuous model in which it is basaltic crust through the eclogite phase. We will
assumed that the eclogite layer is recycled in the make some simplifying assumptions regarding the
mantle and completely replaced at crustal levels recycling process. Recycling of the eclogitic layer
N.Z Vlaar et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18 13

will result in at least partial remelting of the 1600 ! I

eclogite in the underlying mantle. Suppose a frac-
tion b of the eclogite remelts. The melting of this
eclogite will consume an amount of latent heat
bpLV. We can only guess at the numerical value 1500

of this fraction b, which depends on details of the /

eclogite recycling process and the ambient tem- /
perature. We tentatively put this value at b = 0.5.
~~ 1400
/ Y
The formed melt migrates through the harzbur-
I-- /
gite and forms new crust. At the same time, the //

harzburgitic root will move upward to fill in the

gap left by the removed eclogite. We will assume 1300
that the combined effect of remelting of eclogite
and renewed pressure-release melting leads to a
complete replacement of the removed eclogite by
1200 i i
new basaltic crust. The amount of latent heat 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
released upon solidification of this new basaltic Tpot [° C]
crust is equal to to pLI), where p = 3000 kg. m -3 Fig. 10. Dependence of extrusion temperature Textr on the
is the density, L = 6 x 105 J kg l the latent heat potential temperature Tpot. Points indicate the calculations
made using the formalism of McKenzie [5], corrected for the
of basalt melt [51], and I/ the rate of eclogite
crustal pressure effect [29]. The solid line indicates the first-
recycling (in m 3 . s t). The maximum total heat
order approximation Texlr = 2 / 3 × (Tpo t - 1330) + 1240°C.
consumption through latent heat effects is thus
(1 + b)pLl 2. The basaltic magma is generated at a
specific extrusion temperature Textr. Percolation
of m a g m a to the surface will continue until the we can convert this to an effective rate
temperature in the basaltic layer is below the Vmax = (5km . M y r - ' ) × (0.7 × 5 × 10Skm 2)
solidus temperature, leading to additional heat
loss, estimated a t p c p V ( T e x t r - TsB) , where cp = = 1.8 × 109km3Myr - I (12a)
1.3 x 10 3 J kg -1 K -1 is the specific heat and with corresponding
TsB = 1200°C tis he solidus temperature of basalt
(assumed constant here). This simple linear rela- amax = 6.4 × 106km3Myr IK 1 (12b)
tionship is chosen because of a lack of knowledge The extrusion temperature T~×tr depends on
of better parameterisation. Furthermore, we will the potential temperature as well. In a first-order
assume that the process of eclogite recycling is approximation this dependence is given by (Fig.
continuous and that this process leads to a con- 10):
tinuous decrease in mantle temperature. The
rextr = 2 / 3 × (rpo , - 1330) + 1240°C (13)
amount of crustal recycling is strongly dependent
on potential temperature, through the processes In this model, we can only guess at the rate of
described above. We will parameterise this influ- cooling through conductive heat loss. The dy-
ence as a linear function 1/= a(Tpo, - To) , where namic models presented above indicate only the
T0 is the previously defined blocking tempera- efficiency of eclogite recycling, once it is formed.
ture. The p a r a m e t e r a depends on the rates of The model in Eq. (11) does not provide us with
crustal subduction, eclogite formation and eclog- information on the processes controlling melt
ite recycling. The maximum combined rate is segregration, melt migration and the temperature
determined by the recycling rate of eclogite, which distribution in the lithospheric column as has
can be estimated from the results above to be been described above. We estimate that, com-
approximatly 5 km • Myr ~ at Tvot= 1750°C. As- pared to heat loss by melt migration and solidifi-
suming that 70% of the Earth's surface is oceanic, cation, conductive cooling makes only a minor
14 N.J. Vlaar et al./ Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

contribution to the total heat loss in the hotter Sleep's estimates of the absolute mantle abun-
Earth. For all practical purposes we assume that dance of K, U and Th from the amount of 4°Ar
the conductive heat loss has not varied through [20]. Fig. 11 shows the evolution of the model,
geological time, and fix it at the present-day value initially with Tpot _ 1750°C for initial crustal recy-
of cling rates of 0.5Vm, x, 0.2I)m,x and 0.11)max. Note
that the dimensional time shown on the horizon-
4rrqR2m= 3 × 1013W (14a)
tal axis indicates the time that has elapsed since
In comparison, at the highest estimated recy- the calculation started. It does not necessarily
cling rate Vmax, the cooling through melt solidifi- coincide with the age of the Earth. Shown are,
cation, assumed equal to the latent heat con- from left to right, the potential temperature Tpot
sumption, contributes (°C) and latent heat consumption and heat ad-
vected by migrating melt (both in 1012 W). At
pLl)'ma x = 2 X 1014W (14b)
potential temperature T o = 1475°C, it is assumed
and the melt migration contributes (Toot = that the mechanism becomes inefficient and heat
1750oO loss is governed by conductive heat loss (14a)
only. At the highest recycling rate shown the
pcp(T~xtr - TSB) I)m a x = 1.5 X 1014W (14c)
Earth cools by more than 200 K within 200 Myr.
We can now model the thermal evolution of At t = 0.5 Gyr, the blocking t e m p e r a t u r e T 0 is
the Earth using an extension to (1), given reached. At the lower recycling rates the cooling
4~- dT progresses slower, but still a large drop in tem-
3 OC°(R m--R c) dt perature is observed in 1 Gyr. These results
should be considered with proper caution as they
4rr are based on a rather speculative quantification
= -4~qR2m + ~-Q(R 3-R3c)
and error margins are large. Most likely the con-
ductive heat loss has been larger than modelled
-pcoI)(T~xtr- TSB) -- (1 + b)pLl) (15)
here, leading to more efficient cooling. The esti-
The t e m p e r a t u r e T is the mean mantle tem- mates for the radiogenic heat production [20] are
perature, which is assumed to be the t e m p e r a t u r e rather low compared to others. Increasing the
at a depth of 1500 km. The relationship with the heat production by a factor of 2 leads to much
potential t e m p e r a t u r e is given as T = Toot + 750, longer cooling times. However, it is not entirely
assuming a constant adiabatic gradient of 0.5 unreasonable to assume that, after the proposed
K . k m - 1 . H e a t production Q is modelled using mechanism has been active at some time in the

1800 I I I 75 I 1 I I 75 I I I I

m 1700
0.1 50 ~- 50
E 04
--~ 1500 ~ 25 0.2

0.2 O.
o 1400

I I I I i J I I I I I
0.0 0.5 t.o 1.5 o.o 0.5 1 .o 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Time [Gyr] T i m e [Gyr] T i m e [Gyr]

Fig. 11. Influence of the latent heat loss and melt migration on the internal temperature of the Earth (15). Numbers indicate the
crustal recycling rate at the arbitrary starting point, put at t = 0, relative to the proposed maximum Vmax (12a).
N.J. Vlaaret al. / Earth and Planetary ScienceLetters 121 (1994) 1-18 15

Earth's history, it has efficiently cooled the man- temperatures, the basaltic crust is still thick
tle by several hundreds of degrees in, say, a 500 enough to resist lithospheric subduction, but is
Myr period, leading to a moderate mantle tem- probably too thin to allow efficient eclogite for-
perature that is perhaps 100-200 K higher than mation and recycling.
the present-day temperature.
Geological constraints on the thermal develop-
ment of the upper mantle are given by the extru- 7. Discussion
sion temperatures of volcanic rocks. Komatiites
indicate the highest mantle temperatures (ca. Tpot In the above, we have illustrated, quantita-
= 1650-1750°C at 3.5 Gyr B.P., and Tpot = 1500- tively, some dynamic effects that can occur in a
1600°C at 2.7 Gyr B.P.). These values are based hotter mantle. Using the results of the dynamic
on the estimates of the extrusion temperatures of modelling we can envisage strong episodic be-
komatiites [e.g., 52] and ad hoc estimates of the haviour of the upper boundary layer, with periods
temperature decrease by the consumption of la- of relative stabilisation and conductive cooling
tent heat necessary to generate komatiitic melt at followed by strong magmatic activity as a conse-
depth, which range from 0°C [5,31] to 100°C [20]. quence of the thermal and compositional instabil-
Other Archaean volcanic rocks, such as green- ity of the lower basaltic crust and underlying
stones, have extrusion temperatures that are dis- harzburgite.
tinctly lower. Abbott et al. [33] concluded that the The interaction between the different mecha-
mean extrusion temperature determined for such nisms has yet to be explored, and at present
rocks has decreased by approximately 150 K since further progress is hampered by technical diffi-
the middle Archaean (3.0 Gyr B.P.). Note that culties: high resolution both in time and space is
this is not at odds with the estimated extrusion necessary to resolve the complex interaction. A
temperatures estimated for komatiites, which are large problem is presented by the different time
generated at depth and ascend adiabatically, in scales at which relevant processes take place, as
contrast to the basaltic outflows found in green- for example the migration of magma compared to
stone belts, which are generated by pressure-re- the deformation of the solid phase. Studying one
lease melting. Taking into account the concomi- of these processes necessitates simplifying as-
tant temperature drop, a decrease in potential sumptions for the other, whereas the two pro-
mantle temperature of some 250 K can be in- cesses are dependent on each other.
ferred from the greenstone extrusion tempera-
tures. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume 7.1. Comments on rheological parameters and
that the mean Archaean mantle temperature has composition of the crustal layer
been some 200-300 K higher than the present-day
temperature. Even higher mantle temperatures The rate of recycling is strongly dependent on
imply conditions that are more favourable for the rheology of the basalt/eclogite and harzbur-
eclogite formation and recycling as a conse- gite. Some field evidence exists that eclogite has a
quence of the thicker basaltic layer, lack of me- lower viscosity than basalt [54]. We have taken
chanical coherency and greater mobility of the this into account in some model calculations but
•crust and upper mantle. The remelting of eclogite no large difference was observed: as harzburgite
upon recycling at moderate depths (50-100 km, is more viscous than both basalt and eclogite at
see Fig. 7) may well have been important in the the ambient temperatures (Fig. 4), it controls the
formation of tonalitic protocontinents in the very speed of the sinking eclogite. In some models we
early Archaean [53]. The middle to late Archaean have included pressure dependence by extending
could have been characterised by some form of the Arrhenius term in (9): o-~ exp [(E +
'flake tectonics' [43] at the transition between hot p V ) / n R T ) ] , where p is the pressure and V the
Earth dynamics and the present-day plate tecton- activation volume, which was assumed constant
ics. At these moderately higher upper mantle (V = 10 cm 3 mol-1). Pressure dependence is rela-
16 N.J. Vlaar et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 121 (1994) 1-18

tively u n i m p o r t a n t in the u p p e r 100 km and, cool the E a r t h in the A r c h a e a n . This m e c h a n i s m

c o n s e q u e n t l y , little influence on the dynamics involves t h e r m a l a n d c o m p o s i t i o n a l a d v e c t i o n in a
could be observed. T h e l i n e a r i s a t i o n of the strongly stratified o c e a n i c l i t h o s p h e r e at high av-
p o w e r - l a w c r e e p law (9) will not be c o r r e c t for e r a g e m a n t l e t e m p e r a t u r e s . T h e b a s a l t i c crust is
strain rates m u c h h i g h e r or lower t h a n ~ = i 0 15 recycled into the m a n t l e t h r o u g h its h i g h - p r e s s u r e
s 1. In the highest t e m p e r a t u r e m o d e l s the recy- p h a s e eclogite, l e a d i n g to r e n e w e d p r e s s u r e - r e -
cling of eclogite t o o k p l a c e at strain r a t e s signifi- lease m e l t i n g a n d basaltic crust f o r m a t i o n . C o n -
cantly h i g h e r t h a n this. T h e n o n - N e w t o n i a n ef- s u m p t i o n of l a t e n t h e a t u p o n solidification of the
fects will help d r a i n the eclogitic layer even faster. melt a n d the advective cooling t h r o u g h m a g m a
T h e crustal layer that is f o r m e d by p r e s s u r e - r e - m i g r a t i o n is sufficient to cool the m a n t l e in the
lease m e l t i n g in a h o t t e r m a n t l e will have a early A r c h a e a n by several h u n d r e d d e g r e e s .
c o m p o s i t i o n t h a t is m o r e k o m a t i i t i c t h a n that of
the p r e s e n t day, a n d will b e slightly denser. This
will h e l p to d e s t a b i l i z e t h e c o m p o s i t i o n a l layering Acknowledgements
e a r l i e r a n d the s c e n a r i o shown above, in which a
b a s a l t i c c o m p o s i t i o n was a s s u m e d for the crust, W e t h a n k the D r Schfirmann F o u n d a t i o n for
can be seen as a ' w o r s t case' scenario. g e n e r o u s financial s u p p o r t . W e also t h a n k Y o u x u e
Z h a n g a n d D a v i d Y u e n for constructive reviews.
7.2. Coupling between upper and lower mantle

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