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WFP Sri Lanka

Situation Report

© WFP/ Josh Estey 12 September 2022

In Numbers Highlights
• In September, WFP aims to reach 120,716 people. WFP
3.4 million people are being prioritized to reached 22,000 people with cash assistance in the latest
receive emergency assistance from WFP in 2022 week (5 to 9 September).

• WFP has reached more than 40,000 people so far with cash
6.3 million people faced acute food insecurity and voucher assistance since beginning its emergency
in June response to the current crisis.

• Without assistance, the food security situation is likely to

31,724 people reached by WFP in August deteriorate in the upcoming months, according to the joint
FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment (CFSAM).

Situation Update WFP Response

• WFP’s economic crisis response aims to reach a
• Sri Lanka continues to grapple with its worst
total of 3.4 million people across three main
economic crisis since its independence in 1948.
activities: (1) unconditional food assistance
As prices continue to skyrocket, the food security
through cash or in-kind; (2) school meals; and (3)
situation is likely to deteriorate even further.
nutrition support.
• Nearly one-third of the population – 6.3 million
people – were estimated to be food insecure in
June, according to the joint FAO/WFP Crop and Unconditional Food Assistance
Food Security Assessment mission (CFSAM). The
latest WFP surveys show that acute food insecurity • WFP reached 22,000 people with cash
worsened further in the subsequent months. assistance in the past week (5 to 9 September).

• Without food assistance, the food security • Overall, WFP has reached more than 40,000
situation is expected to deteriorate further, due people with cash and voucher assistance so far
to poor harvest forecasts of staple foods, import for its emergency response. This comes as part of
restrictions, and the ongoing economic crisis. WFP’s scale-up to reach an additional 3.4 million
people in 2022.
• A substantial proportion of markets are
reporting concerns around rising and/or • WFP is disbursing cash assistance through
unstable prices, according to WFP’s recently Samurdhi Bank (for low-income households
released Market Functionality Index (MFI) report for registered with the Government’s social safety net)
August. These high prices threaten to further or Western Union (households not registered as
impact food security, with two in five households part of the safety net). Beneficiaries in Colombo
already spending over 75 percent of their income are receiving assistance through e-vouchers in
on food. partnership with Cargill’s supermarket.

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• WFP is reaching pregnant women with value Supply Chain
vouchers across 11 urban poor communities in
Colombo, namely Bandaranayake Mawatha, • WFP has 24,834 mt of food currently in the
Borella, Forbes Road, Kuppiyawatta, Maligawatta, pipeline, with 1,679 mt of food already in
Modara, Mohideen Musjid, New Bazar, Slave storage, 625 mt of rice undergoing customs
Island, St. Paul’s, and Wasala Road. Each clearance, and 3,900 mt in transit, including rice,
beneficiary received LKR 15,000 (US$40) to cover vegetable oil, and yellow split peas.
their food and nutritional needs, working in close
collaboration with the Colombo Municipal Council.

School Meals Resourcing Update

• To date, WFP has received a total of US$20.35
• WFP has procured 1,475 mt of rice and 755 mt million from the governments of Australia, Italy,
of iron-fortified rice to support 1 million children Japan, New Zealand, Norway, and Switzerland, as
with school meals for three months. The first well as from the UN Central Emergency Response
consignment of rice is now incoming. This Fund, private sector partners, and multilateral
assistance will directly support schoolchildren donors. This represents almost a third of its
through the Government’s national school meals emergency appeal for US$63 million.

• WFP is coordinating with the Government and
donors to provide raw materials (soya beans
and maize) to the Government’s Thriposha1 facility. Funding requirement
The Government is currently producing Thriposha (Jul-Dec 2022)

through its facility, but with limited food stocks.
WFP looks to complement the programme to
ensure continuity of nutrition support. WFP aims *represents emergency response requirement only, not inclusive of the US$10 million
required under the Country Strategic Plan at the beginning of 2022.
to reach 1 million pregnant and lactating women
and children under 5 to help meet their nutrition

WFP has launched a campaign to gather
support from individual donors through
• WFP released its Market Functionality Index (MFI)
its crowdfunding app #ShareTheMeal. WFP
Report for August 2022, which helps to better aims to raise funds equivalent to
understand and assess the changes in market 500,000 shared meals. Thanks to the
generosity of its donors, the campaign
conditions to inform the response. has raised over 100 percent of its target.

• WFP is conducting nationwide monthly telephone

surveys across estate, urban, and rural settings. It only takes a few taps on your phone to start having an
The surveys are gathering data on household food impact. Download ShareTheMeal app on App Store and
security, nutrition, access to food, markets, Google Play.
livelihoods, and debt. Results from the August
round will be released shortly.

Thriposha is an additional nutritious food aimed at minimizing and preventing
maternal and child malnutrition and promoting local agricultural economy. The
product is distributed through the Government’s national nutrition programme.
This figure is a slight edit downwards from the previous situation reports due to
revised calculations

Contact Us:

WFP Country Director: Emergency Coordinator:

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Abdur Rahim Siddiqui: Satyen Tait:

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