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CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2"! YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) Generally E.A. oolues increases from left to right In a pertod except Groupe II-A, V-A, & VIIL-A. Bibs because, groupo TA ord VITA elements have completely ted orblias,éierefore, incoming eecrons wil have to go to higher ‘energy erbiils, reuling in the decrease of EA. values. The elemens of group VA have holffiled orbltah. The tepublons ‘between the incoming elecron andthe electrons present in the hat filed erbital resus in the decrease of EA. values Meials have tenciency fo give electrons, form positive fons and also form basic oxides which dissolve in water to form bases. eg. NaxO + H,0 + 2NaOH These are good conductors of heat and elacriciy ‘Non-metals have tendency to gain electrons, form negative ions and also form acidic oxides which dissolve ‘inwater to form acids. e.g. SO, + H,0 —- H,S0, + Grester the atomic size, areater the ablity to ave lecions. Hence metalic cherecter i eater and vice vera. CTE ‘Along Period ‘Metallic character decreases from left to ight while non-metallic character increases in a period due to decrease in atomic size + Thus elements of group VIIA (Haiogens) have least metalic character. tn A Geoup ¢—EneE O10. Wi lc crater heewss rom ep tion nag up of tak? ‘Mesallc character increases from top to bottom due to increase in alomic size. Thus, ease of removal of electron Increases and hence metalic character increases. The non-metallic character decreases clown the group, e.g. in halogens metallic character increases from top to bottom. Thus F is most non-metallic This trend is also found in group V A and VIA. Thus N and are pure non-metal while Bi and Po has fainly ‘metallic nature Note: + Na, K are not used as metals in every day life, But they are pure metals because they can easily give ‘electrons to for +ve ions, and their oxides are also basic. ‘Metals are present on the L_H.S,, in the centre and at the bottom of the periodic table. [Non-metals are present in upper right comer of periodic able ‘Mettng and boiling points tals about the strength of binding forees between atoms and molecules ‘Along Period (@ 11. Explcin the variation ia melting points clong the short periods. In short periods, melting points increases up to middle with increase in valence electrons and then decreases up to nobie gases. Thus, + Group A have lowest melting points, because they provide one electron per atom for binding + Group IIA have slightly hicher m.p, becatise they provide two electrons per atom for binding ‘+ Carbon in group IV A provides maximum number of binding electrons (four). Thus it has bishest mp. + Meling points decreases from group IV A to noble cases. It is ‘24 single, amell covalent malecules. These have weal: intermelecular forees. Thus their melting points aro low. Generaity, Elements which exist as gient covalent structures or have crystel lattice, have high melting points and elements ‘which exis as sinale molecules have low melting points. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2" YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) Exercise Q 8: Why ionization energy decreases down the group and increases along a peried? PNM Bt In A Group f + LE. decreases down the aroup due to increases in number of shel. “4 Moreover Atomic radius & Shielding effect of inner electrons also increases. Hence LE, decreases. Thus itis easior to remove electron from Cs than Li aiom. ‘+The decrease is rapid up to 4* period and slight for 6th & 7" period. ‘Along Period ‘LE increases along the period from leftto right Its because; along the period positive charge on the nucleus increases de to Increase in atomic number but number of shells remains same. This high positive charge on nucleus powerfully attracts electron inward resulting in the decrease of IE + Ina period Noble gases have hichest LE, because they have complete outermost chell. Thus itis very dificult to remove electrons ‘rom them. TE, decreases from group IIA to HA. Tn group HA the outer cleciron is fr orbital while inlA, the outer electron iin np orbitals. ‘Since penetrating power of p-electron i less than electron, therefore itis eay to rerrove and hence LE. decreases 1, irereases from group IA to VA, and then decreases in Vi A sroun Group V A elements nove sable hailed cuter p-orticals (ene, ng! np, while in group VIA, one of te three orbitals is cormpetcly filled ins, ny! np.). The to electrons in the same orbital nee! each other making # easier remove one. Thus LE. decreases from group V Ato WA. LE. then creases for group VIA wo Ul A ERTNIN The electron affinity of an atom fs the amount of energy released when an electron is added In an tsolated goseous atom ta form an anion. It is expressed as kJ mol. First EA. is indicated by negative figure. eg Fyote —> Py EA = -337 ki mol [Exeretse @9: Whyte second vole of elecron any ofa cement & usucy shown ih a postive stn? ‘When a first electron is added in a neutral atom then energy is released due to attraction beween nucleus and incoming electron. It is shown by negative figure, When a second election is added in a uni-negatve ion, the incoming electron is repelled by the negative ion and so, the energy is absorbed in the process. I is indicated by positive figare. Example: O,+e —>.0 EA, = -141 kd mot" Ogte —> OF EA, = +7801d mol" + Electron affinity de atoms on nucleus, shielding effect ei + Smaller atoms with one or two vacancies in outermost shell show larae positive values of electron affinities. Along Pe Generally EA. value increases from left to right in a period except Groups ILA, V-A, & VIIA. Ina Group EA values decreases down the group. The representative elemen's of each group ie; Li, Be, B.C, N,O& F (Second period) have very low E.A, values due to their smaller size. The kn the ability of an aor to gain or lose electron. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more, CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2" YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) Exercloe Q 7: Why the ioe rol of negative tons ane lange than the sizeof thelr parent lows? nis w ‘+ Anatom gains one or more electrons to form anion, + Negative ion is always laraer in size than the neutral alom from which itis formed. ‘© tis due to two reasons In nogative ions, number of electrons is increased but pesitive charge on nucleus remains same. ‘Therefore hold of nucleus on outer electrons decreases resulting in the increase of ionic radius, In negative ions, the electron-eleciron repulsions increase due to increase in number of electrons ia the valence shell. So, ionic radius increases. ‘¢ The ionic radius cf negative ions increases with the increase in negative chaige on the ion, ‘Atom Atomic Radius (pm) Negative ion tonic radius (pr) F 2 e 136 oO 6 oF 140 ‘Group, Ionic radii of similar charged ion increased down the group Along Period Tote radi of isoelectronic positive ions decrease from left right. Similerly ionic rei of isoelectronic negative ions also decwease iosn lft to tight. ‘Isoelectronic Species: The species which have sorne number of electrons and hence have same electronic carfiguraticn are called isoelectronic species. OF, F', Ne, Na", Ma. Al these species have 10 electrons each, However, number of poten ‘ore different intheir nucle. Amana isocletronic species, general, ‘+ grecer the nogetive charge, larger the sige and vice verse 1+ eeter the postive charge, smolor the ste and vice versa. ‘Hence the order of efor cbove examplo's CF > F> Ne> Na*> Maf* TAROT The ionlzatton energy of an element Is the mintmum energy required £0 remove the outermost electron from {is isolated goscous atom In its ground state to form « positive ton. {ts sometimes called 2s lonization Potential eg: Nag > Nagtte 1= 4.496 ted mot! ‘When firs eecion is xemoved fom an atom, ionization energy is known as fist LE. When secon or third lectons are removed, these are called Second LE. or Third LE. respectively and so cn. Fist, second & third LE. value increases in the folowing order. Fret IE. < Second LE. < Third LE. Itis because, due to remove of electron, hold ofthe nucleus on the rériaining elections increases. Hence they are difficult to remove and thus LE. incxeases oa, May —> May'+ © Mga” —> Mag?" + e* UES (0) Magnitude of Nuclear charge. Greater the positive charge on the nucleus, hiaher willbe the LE, & vice versa (i) Atomic raat Greater the distance of electron from nucleus, lower will be the LE. and vice versa, (iti) Shielding effect Greater the shielding effect of inner shell electrons lower willbe the LE. & vico versa =4738 kJ mol" +1451 kJ mol* - CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) Exercise Q 7: Why the ionic radi of negatioe ions are longer than the se of their parent lors? B TE ‘i i '* Anatom gains one or more electrons to form anion, + Negative fon is always lamer in size than the neutral alom from which itis formed + Ieis due to two reasons In negative ions, number of electrons is increased but positive charge on nucleus remains same, ‘Therefore hold of nucleus on outer electrons decreases resulting in the increase of ionic radius, In negative ions, the electron-electron repulsions increase due to increase in number of electrons in the valence shell. So, ionic radius increases. + The ianiczadius of negative ions increases with the increase in negative charae on the ion Examples ‘Atom Atomic Radius (pm) Negative ion [onic radius (pm) J ¥ 136 6 Oo 140 Lorca of onlecronic native one dares hom eo it ‘Similarly ionic radi of isoelectronic negative ions also decrease from left to right. TIsoelectronle Species: The species which have sare numberof electrons and hence have same electronic configuration are F'> Ne> Na> Me ee PXTENENETS The fontzation energy of an element is the minimum energy required £0 remove the outermost electron from {ts tsolated gaseous atom in lis ground state to form a positive ton. ‘tis sometimes called as lonization Potential Its expressed kJ mot eg: Nay => Nayt+ 1=+496 kel mol! en first electron is removed from an atom, ionization energy is known as first .E. When second or third are removed, these are called Second |.E. or Third LE. respectively and so on. First, second & third |.E. value increases in the following order. Pre. < Second ff © Third LE It is because, due to removal of electron, hold of the nucleus on the remaining electrons increases. Hence they are difficult to remove and thus LE. increases. Mg, ——> Mg,*+e 1,=+738 kJ mot" Mg” —> Mgy?*+ &° Te epete a Nuclor charge SS PR == ace

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