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CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) 9. roy tie aba pd msds (B) caesium {C) rubidium = (D) radium. 10. fe hs Marlene’ pros wth properties of deren are pedis arcton abe: (80,203) (A) Volume B) Densities (C) Atomie number (D) Atomic masses 111. Transition elements in 4 poriod +s (BGK, 2011) : (a) 18 () 10 (98 os 12. Position of isotopes in the pesodic table wes explained by: (MLN, 2010) (A) Newland (8) Mendeleeve {C) Lother Meyer (D) Moseley 18. In poitodic table a. the nor-motals are placed under which of the blocks? (ESD, 2034: GUM, 2019) (aye Bd (Cip ©)s 14. Which one is an incomplete peri od Mee 205, ‘WE, BHP, 2036) aa* Bs" (Cyee , di pete csi ta tenet oimome arcaiee (ays ()32 (8 (Dy 10 16. The numbers of elements classified by Newlands in the periodic table are: (BH, 2012) (a) 38 (B) 62 («92 (D) oS 17. The elements of group IIA are called. (ESL, 2008) (A) Alkali metals (B) Alkaline earth metals (€) Coinage metals (D)_ metalloids (B) Mendeleove (C) Moseley (©) Dobereiner 20. Who gave the law of wiads in 1829? (aux, 2036) (B) Mosely (C) Newlarid (0) Mendeleev 21. Elements of Group IIA are called? (ESR, BHP. 2014) (A) Alkali metals (B} Alkaline easth metals (C) Coinage metels (D) Halogens 22. In modem periodic table 6" period contains elements? (LHR, 2014) ws B18 (C10 (0)32 23. Which of the following are alkaline earth metals? (uit, 201 (A) Be, Mg, Ca (B) Li, Na, K omen (0)B,AlGa 24. Neer of eemarts intl iat pacod ofthe pasate (te. 2006) (A)2 (B)8 ‘c) £0) 18 POSITION OF HYDROGEN, Acecapioies TONIC RADIUS 25. Hycrogen can be placed with elements of group IVA because both: (LLIR, 2008) A) Act as sirong reducing agent (phi eng oaibacyeont (©) Form neutral cnides {D) Possess the property of calcinations 26. Hyérogen can be placed with the elements of group IV A because both: (LHR, 2008) (A) Actas strong oxidizing agent (B) Actas strong reducing agent (C) Possess the property of eatenation _ (D) Form neutral oxides 27.500, +C-+ Sa + COsin this reaction carbon sets 0s (MLN, 2005) (A) reducing agent Bhenidna come (0 dtu set {(D) none of these 28. Hydrogen resembles iin properties with groups. (RWB, 201 (A) LA, V-A, VILA elements: (8) LA, IV-A, VILA cements: O CaLAL IEA, VIIA cements (D} LA, ll-A, VIL-A elements 129, Mark the comect statement. (GU, 2009, 2014 PGK, 2014, 2016, BHP, 2009, 2010, 2014: LHR, 2014, 2015, RWP, SWL. 2017) (A) Nat is. smaller than Ne atom (B) Na* is larger than Na atom, (C) Na® is s mailer than Cl atom (D) CP jon) and Ci (atom) are equal in size 30. Most of the elements are: (LHR, 2020) (A) Crystalloids. (B) Metals. ~—_(C) Metalloids {D} non- Metals ‘31. The decrease in aiomic sizes is not much prominent across rows containing elements of: (LAIR, 2011) (A) Block (B)p-Block —_(C)d-Block —_(D) f Block 32. The decrease in atomic sizes is not much prominent across rows containing clements of: (LHR, 2011) (A) #Block (B) p-Block (C) d-Bllock (D) f Block ‘33. Keeping in view the size of atoms, which order is the correct one? (ESD, 2002. 2031: LHR, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2017: MLN, 2011, 2015, 20:7: GIif; 2013, 2015, 2017: SGD, 2013, 2015: RMP, 2017) (A) Mg >Sr (B) Ba > Mg (C) Lu > Ce (D)Cl >I ‘34. Mack the comect statement (GUJ, 2014) (A) cl ieamaller than C1 atom (8) c1* (lon) and c: (atom) are equal in size {C) Na* is smaller than Na atom {D) Na* is larger than Na alom CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2"! YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) (@) The hydration energies of the lons are in the following order: Al®*> Mg!* > Na* : Why? (MLN, 2017) . Hydration energy of an ion depends upon the charge and the size of ion. It is directly proportional to ionic charge and inversely proportional to its size. Al"*, Mg”* and Na” ions are iso-electronic. The size of Al is smaller and its charge is higher than Mg**and the size of Mg? is smaller and charge is higher than Na*. Therefore, hydration energy of Al°* will be maximum among these ions and the hydration energy of Na* will be minimum. Hence order of hydration eneray of these ions is Al** > Mg** > Nat @ Tonic character of halides decreases from left to the right in a period. (MLN, 2019: BHP, 201) onic character of halides depends upon the difference of electro negativity between halogen atom and the other atom forming halide. Along a period, difference of electro negativity decreases due to which lonic character of halides decreases. For example, in 3rd period. NaCI and MgCl, are ionic AICKis polymeric and SiCl,, PCly, SyCl, are covalent in nature. (q) Alkali metals give tonic hydrides. (OGK 2008: LHR. 2015. 2016 SGD. 2017, 2019: SWL 2026, Alkali metals are highly electropasitive elements due to bigger size. Due to bigger size, they have low ionization energies and lose electron easily. When these element reacts with hydrogen they lose one electron and hydrogen accept one electron and from hydride ion. Thiese metal ions and hydride ion combine to from ionic hydrides. M + M +le Htle — om MH MH (h) Although both sodium and phosphorus are present in the same period of the Pertodic table yet their oxides are different in nature, Na,O is basic while P/O, is acidic in character. (ous, 2012: (ESD, 2044: pip, 2017) Metal forms basic oxides while non-metal form ackiic oxides ‘Since sodium has tendency to lose electrons and is a metal so it will form basic oxide. i.e. NagO. When this oxide is dissolved in water, it forms NaOH and solution becomes basic. Na,O+H,O — 2NaOH Phosphorus has less tendency to lose electrons and is a non-metal so it will form acidic oxide i.e. PaO. When this oxide is dissolved in water, it produces HsPO,, and solution becomes acidic. P,0, + 3H,O — 2H,PO, HELLO! Mr. Question here! Multiple Choice ee from PAST P. PERIODIC TABLE The number of elements is fourth period of periodic table is (GIA 2013) (aysz 6)18 (10 Os 2. How many elements are present in 5* period of the periodic table: (LHR, 2012) (ay 32 Bs ()18 (0)28 3. Elements of periodic table are classified into blocks 4. (A)Four (B)Three - (C) Five (0) Six The bests of mote periodic law is (GUE, 2012: BGK. LHR, 2014) (A) electiin affinity (B) Atomic mass (C) Atomic number {D) Ionization e Jin modem periodic table, clements are arranged the ascending order of (ESD, 201 (A) Atomic Masses (B) Velency —_(C) Valence Electron {D) Atomic Number 6. Memorable contribution in the classification of elements were made by: (SGD, 2005) (A) AFRazi (B)Dobereiner * (C) Newland (0) All of them: . The an Be as (o)4* 8. The numberof groups present in modem periodic table are: (ESD, 213) ae. BH? Ge OS Qo Q10. Qu. Q12. Qs. Qs CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2" YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) See Section 1.4.2 (page 8) Why lonization energy decreases down the group and increases along a period? (BHP 2010: $GD 2015 DGK 2010: SGD, 2016: LHR, 2012: MLN, 2012) ‘See Section 1.4.3 (page 9) Why the second value of electron affinity of an element is usually shown with a positive sign? See Section 1.4.4 (page 9) Why metallic character increases from top to bottom In a group of metals? (DGK 2008 MLN 201% LHI 2014, 2035: BHP, 2036) See Section 1.4.5 (page 10) Explain the variation in melting points along the short periods. ‘See Section 1.4.6 (page 10) Why the oxidation state of noble gases is usually zero? See Section 1.4.7 (page 12) Why diamond is « non-conductor and graphite is fairly a good conductor? (MLN 2010, 2013 BSD, 2010, 2014 (ie, 2013: we, 2016: BGK 2016) See Section 1.4.8 (page 12) Give brief reason for the following. (@) d and f-Block elements are called transition elements. (GK, 2016: BWP, 2012) and f lock elements are in between s- and p-block elements. The properties of d- and f-block elements lie between s- and p-block elements and vary from Jeft to right. It means that their properties show & transition from s-block to p-block elements, $0 they are called transition elements, Transition elements are defined as those elements, which have partially filled d- or f-orbitals. (6) Lanthanide contraction controls the atomic sizes of elements of 6* and 7* pertods. (MLN, 20:9 The gradual decrease in atomic and ionic radi of lanthanides with increase in atomic number is called Janthanide contraction. Lanthanides are present in 6 period. In lanthanides, the last electron enters in the inner 4 subshell. The f-orbital has poor shielding effect. So, it forms @ poor shield between nucleus and outer 65 electrons. Hence, effective nuclear charge on outer 6s electrons increases and therefore size decreases. Due to this effect, the elements after Lanthanides in 6" period show greater decrease in size than expected. ¢.g. »Hi a heavier element has so much reduced size (156 pm) that it is very dose to the lighter 492r (159 pm). Similar effect may be observed in. 7® period. (©) The melting and boiling points of the elements increase from left to the right upto the middle of and p-block elements and decrease onward. In short periods, melting points increases up to middle with increase in valence electrons and then decreases up to noble gases. Thus, Group A have lowest mekting points, because they provide one electron per atom for binding Group IIA have slightly higher m.p. because they provide two electrons pet atom for binding Carbon in group IV A provides maximum number of binding electrons (four). So. it has highest m.p. Melting points decreases from group IV A to noble gases. It is because members of the last groups, ‘exists as single, small covalent molecules. These have weak intermolecular forces. Thus their melting Points are low. (d) The oxidation states vary in a period but remain almost constant in @ group. (ESD, 2008 Gtis, 2011: SGD, 2018: LHR 2016: RWP, 2017: BHP, 2019) Oxidation states of elements depend upon the ‘electronic configuration of elements. In periods of periodic table, the electronic configuration change but in a group electronic configuration remains constant. Due to same electronic configuration in a group, the elements of the same group have same aon ales iach. Revo: sernie Cones perk the elements of the same Period have different oxidation states. 7, CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) (vl) Mark the correct statement {a) The ionization energy of calcium is lower than that of barium. (b) The ionization energy of calcium is lower than that of magnesium (c) The ionization energy of calcium Is higher than that of beryllium, (d) The ionization energy of calcium is lower than that of strontium, (olf) Mark the correct statement: (2) Electron affinity is measure of energy required to remove the electron. (b) Electron affinity is a measure of energy released by adding an electron. (c) Electron affinity is measure of energy required to excite an electron. (q) Electron affinity is measure of energy released by removing an electron. (vill) Mark the correct statement. (2) Metallic character increases down the group. (b) Metallic character increases from left to right. (c) Metallic character remains same from left to right. (4) Metallic character remains the same down the group. (ix) Mark the correct statement: (a) Meting points of halogens decrease down the group. (b) Meting points of halogens increase down the group. {c) Meting points of halogens remain the same throughout the group. (4) Meting points of halogens first increase the then decrease down the group. (%) Mark the correct statement: (a) Covalent character of metal halides increases form left to right in a period. (&) Boiling points of Group IVA hydrides decrease down the group. (6) onic character of hydrides increases from left to right in a period. (d) The basicity of group 11A oxides decreases on descending the group. ANSWERS TO MULTPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ‘atomic number of barium ie greater than magnesium, size of atom increases by increasing atomic number. formed. Due to the loss of electron, the remaining electrons ore attracted by nucleus, Therefore, that size of positive ion mae halogens and noble gases are present In-group VII and VI] Metals form basic oxides while nor-metals form acidic oxides. A, respectively, while lanthanides pre present in sixth period. Sal at all alkali metals are present in one group which is LA. onization energy decreases down the group due to Increase omic number and removal of electron becomes easier je number of calchum is higher than magnasium §0 mens Electron aifinity is the energy released when an electron adds te]in periodic table down the group, metallic character of pn alom elements Increases but not decreases ETE YENI halogens the polarizabilities increases down the group | The covalent character of metal halides increases from left to », ven der Weal's forces increases, so the melting pointsFight in a period. It is because the metallic character of 0 metal p! halogens increnses dow the group lecrenses along a period. Q4. What are the improvements made in the Mendeleev's periodic table? (MLN 2010. SWL 1016) See Section 1.1.2 (page 2) Q5. How the classification of elements in different blocks helps in understanding their chemistry? See Section 1.2 (page 4) Q6. How do you Justify the position of hydrogen at the top of various groups? See Section 1.3 (page 5) CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR 2™ YEAR CLASS (PUNJAB) TU eNOS QL. Fillin the blanks () Mendeleev, in his periodic table, arranged the elements according to their atomic (ii) Vertical cokimns in modem periodic table are called and horizontal rows are called (ui) Members of group VIIA are calléd __ and “alkali metals” is the family name of ___ group members (io) Metals form ___ oxides and non-metalsform__oxides. (e) Hydrogen can be placed above the groups of the periodic table. (oi) Shielding effect is actually the _due to electrons in between the nucleus and the outermost shell (ot) Noble gases have the ___valties of ionization energy due to complete outermost shell (on) When a second electron is added to a unt-neg. t've ion, the incoming electron is_ already present negative charge. (tx) Due to having partly filled d orbitals metals usually show variable valency. (9) ° Melting and boiling points of halogens ___down the group by the een i) groups, periods orn err OP eer he me erent eer eter) eee (ix) transition x) increase Q2. Indicate True and False ’ (In Mendeleev’s table elements Be, Mg, Zn, and Gd are placed in the same group. (i) The second and third periods contain eighteen elements e2ch. (iw) Alkaline earth metals are present in group IIA. (ie) Metals are present in the top right comer of the Periodic table. () Metalloids are present in the lower half.of Group IVA, VA and VIA. (ei) Hydrogen forms uni-negative ion like halogens. (oll) Oxidation state of an element is related to the number of period it belongs, (eitt) Diamond is a good conductor of electricity. (tx) Melting points of halogens decrease down the group. (=) Zinc oxide is an example of amphoteric oxide. eee bc ie ops iv) False (v) True (i) True foe (aed (het Q3. Multiple choice questions. (0 Keeping in view the size of atoms, which order is the correet one? (£SD, 2009. 2011, 201% LH 2002, 2013, 2015 (MUN, 2011, 2045: Gus, 2013, 2025, 2019: SGD, 2013, 2015: MLN, 2018: ESD, 2019) (a)Mg>Sr . (0)Ba>Mg ijlu>Ce = (@)C1>I (WU) Mark the correct statement (G\is 2008 2009, 2014: BHP. 2009, 2010, 2014, 2019 LiIR, 2015. LHR. 2026, 2019: SWL, 2016, 2019- ayNar is smaller than Na atom (b) Na’ is larger than Na atom {c) Cl-'s smaller than Cl atom (2) C1- (lon) and Cl (atom) are equal in size (i) Mark the correet statement (a) All lanthanides are present in the same group. (b) All halogens are present in the same period. (c} All the alkali metals are present in the same group. _(¢) All the noble gases are present in the seme period. (lv) Which statement is incorreet (MLN, 2012: SGD, 2013. 2014. DGK: 2016) {a) All the metals are good conductor af electricity (b) All the metals are good conductor of heat. {c) All the metals form positive ions. (d) All the metals form acidic oxides. (v) Which statement is correct (a) Hydrogen resembles in properties with IA, IVA, and VIIA elements. (b) Hydrogen resembles in properties with IIIA, IVA, and VA elements. () Hydrogen resembles in properties with IIA, IVA, and VIA elements (4) Hydrogen resembles in properties with IIA, IIA, and VIIA elements.

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