Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching Module 4 - Student Diversity

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Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Module 4 – Student Diversity

Advance Organize
Analysis 1. In what ways are you and your classmates similar? ____________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ______.
2. In what ways are you and your classmates different? __________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ______
3. How does a girl differ from a boy in behavior? _________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ _______
4. In what ways does an American differ from a Filipino? _________________________________________

5. How does life in the province differ from that in the city? _____________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ______
6. Are you glad you have similarities? differences? Explain your answer. _________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ______
7. How can the teacher utilize these similarities and differences in teaching you? _______________

Describe/present the concepts on individual differences by means of the following:
(You may choose one only.)
slide presentation
powerpoint presentation
We, You between I
We started to act like a stranger
But then, we’re now together.
We aren’t the same nationality
But we’d felt the great empathy.
We used to stay in one side
But I feel like far apart
We also tried to be near with you
looking forward, and become our best friend too.
What type of learner are you? What’s your style? Answer the Learning Style
Inventory below, and find out!
V1. If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I:
(V) Watch someone show me how.
(A) Hear someone to tell how.
(K) Try to do it myself.

V2. When I read, I often find that I:

(V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind’s eye.
(A) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head.
(K) Fidget and try to “feel” the content.

K3. When asked to give directions, I:

(V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or I prefer to draw them.
(A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally.
(K) Have to point or move my body as I give them.

K4.If I am unsure how to spell a word, I:

(V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right.
(A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right.
(K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right.

A5. When I write, I:

(V) Am concerned how neat and well-spaced my letters and words appear.
(A) Often say the letters and words to myself.
(K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the words or letters asI form them.

A6. If I had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if I:

(V) Wrote them down.
(A) Said them over and over to myself.
(K) Moved around and used my fingers to name each item.

K7.I prefer teachers who:

(V) Use the board or overhead projector while they lecture.
(A) Talk with a lot of expression.
(K) Use hands-on activities.

V8. When trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when:

(V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room.
(A) There is a lot of noise in the room.
(K) I have to sit still for any length of time.
V9. When solving a problem, I:

(V) Write or draw diagrams to see it.

(A) Talk myself through it.
(K) Use my entire body or move objects to help me think.

V10. When given written instructions on how to build something, I:

(V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together.
(A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the parts together.
(K) Try to put the parts together first and read later.

K11. To keep occupied while waiting, I:

(V) Look around, stare and read.
(A) Talk or listen to others.
(K) Walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I sit.
K 12. If I had to verbally describe something to another person, I would:
(V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length.
(A) Go into great detail because I like to talk.
(K) Gesture and move around while talking.
V13. If someone were verbally describing something to me, I would:
(V) Try to visualize what she was saying.
(A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself.
(K) Become bored if her description gets too long and detailed.
V14. When trying to recall names, I remember:
(V) Faces but forget names.
(A) Names, but forget faces.
(K) The situation that I met the person other than the person’s name or face.
Scoring Instructions: Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total
below. The area with the highest number of responses is your primary mode of
Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
V= ___7____ A= ____2__ K= ____5___

1. Choose a topic from your field of specialization.
2. Think of at least ten learning activities relevant to the topic you picked.
3. Indicate the thinking/learning styles and multiple intelligences that each learning
activitiy can address. Remember, a learning activity may address both
thinking/learning style and multiple intelligences.
Topic Learning Activity Learning Style/Multiple Intelligence

In your own words, describe the different learning/thinking styles and multiple intelligences.
Visual Learning The learners learned the best through using their sense of sight like in images
and other visual aids. They give focus on the teachers’ body language and are
able to understand situations. Learners like this prefer sitting in front of the class.
Auditory Learning-
 The learners using this style favor processing information through listening and
interpreting. Auditory learners used to read aloud in the classroom.
Kinesthetic Learning-
 This style takes place wherein students learn best when they carryout physical
activities and gain knowledge from interaction with the physical world.
Tactile Learning –
 This type of learners learns best by touching and doing. They prefer touching
things to learn about them and often underline what they need, take notes
during listening and keep their hands busy in many ways.
Individual Learning-
 Individual learners are those people who like privacy and are independent and
introspective. Learners with individual preference often can focus on the issues
well, be aware of their own thinking and analyze in different way what they think
and feel.
Group Learning-
 These individuals are good at communicating well with people both in verbal and
Multiple Intelligences
Verbal – linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
 This intelligence is mainly concerned with the ability to comprehend and
compose language efficaciously both written or spoken. Poets, writers, linguists,
journalists, language teachers, etc. are the example of people who have the
verbal-linguistic intelligence.
Logical/mathematical intelligence (Number/Logic Smart)
 Students who have this type of intelligence are good at exploring patterns and
relationships, problem solving, and reasoning. People who work in the scientific
and mathematical fields are supposed to have this type of intelligence.
Visual/Spatial intelligence (Picture Smart)
 This type of intelligence is described as the ability of perceiving, modifying and
creating images. Artists, designers, architects, sculptors have highly this type of
Musical intelligence (Music Smart)
 This type of intelligence is the ability to identify pitch, rhythm, and emotional
side of sound. It is exemplified by musicians, singers, composers, and people
who are interested in music.
Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence (Body Smart)
 This type of intelligence refers to use the body for expression. Athletes,
professional dancers, mechanics, physical education instructors are in this group.
Intrapersonal intelligence (Self Smart)
 This intelligence requires the ability to have self-knowledge and recognize
people’s similarities and differences among them. It involves the assessment
Tasks ability to understand yourself, and to interpret and appreciate your own
feelings, emotions, desires, strengths, and motivations.
Interpersonal intelligence (People Smart)
 This intelligence suggests that learners learn through interaction with others.
Teachers, therapists, salespersons, political leaders have high interpersonal
intelligence. interpersonal intelligent people are friendly and participate a social
activity. These people prefer cooperative learning, exchanging information, and
studying in groups.
Naturalistic intelligence (Nature Smart)
 This type of intelligence is the ability to live harmony with nature and classify
nature around with people. Some occupations need a well-developed form of this
intelligence, like astronomers, biologists, and zoologists.
Existential intelligence (Spirit Smart)
 This intelligence suggests the ability to question about the existence of human,
death, the meaning of life and the reason for why are we living.

What is/are your thinking/learning style/s? What are your dominant multiple
*As a student, in order to easily process information with the various lessons I
encountered and to comprehend it easily, I usually incorporate my own learning style
which best suits for me. The styles I used to manifest are the tactile and individual
learning wherein I can conclude that it is best for me to learn in these ways the fact
that I somehow like to isolate myself and give solemnity whenever I encouraged myself
to study. I also like to take notes while listening and keeping my hands busy while
learning. These ways made me become more aware that everyone has their own
thinking style in which we shouldn’t judge their ways of learning. Meanwhile, the most
dominant multiple intelligences that I possessed are the musical, visual/spatial and
naturalistic intelligence
3. Choose a particular learning style and multiple intelligence of students. Plan
learning activities that match with the particular learning styles and multiple
intelligences of students.
*Student which are strong in visual learning and spatial intelligence process information
through pictures and images. They have excellent visual skills and excellent fine motor
skills. Students with this style and intelligence use eyes and hands to make artistic or
creatively designed projects. They can build with Legos, read maps, and put together
1000-piece jigsaw puzzles. Below are learning activities that can be integrated in
planning and teaching Spatial/Visual intelligence learners.
 Taking photographs for assignments and classroom newsletters.
 Using clay or play dough to make objects or represent concepts from content-area
 Using pictorial models such as flow charts, visual maps, Venn diagrams, and
timelines to connect new material to known information.
 Taking notes using concept mapping, mind mapping, and clustering.
 Using puppets to act out and reinforce concepts learned in class.
 Illustrating poems for the class poetry book by drawing or using computer
 Using virtual-reality system software

Revise the following sentences to adhere to the people-first language and the
other guidelines given in this Module.
1. The teacher thought of many strategies to teach the mentally challenged.
* The teacher thought of many strategies to teach those with a cognitive
disability diagnosis.
2. Their brother is mentally retarded.
 Their brother has a developmental disability. He has a cognitive disability
3. Their organization is for the autistic.
* Their organization are for those who has autism.
4. He is a polio victim who currently suffers from post-polio syndrome.
He has a post-polio syndrome.
5. There was a blind girl in my psychology class.
There was a girl who is visually impaired in my class.

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