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Kelas: 2 A,B,C,D

Pelajaran : B.Inggris

1. Answer these questions correctly !

A.Read the text below, and Answer the questions 1-5 (5)

These are Mr.Said and Mr.Harun. they are fisherman. They begin to work at dawn. They
drink coffee and eat rice, fish, and vegetables for breakfast. In the morning, they set off their boat.
They said to the sea to catch fish. By noon, they row back to shore. There, they usually sort out the
fish they have caught.

1. What does Mr.Harun and Mr.Said do?

2. When do they begin to work?
3. What do they usually eat for breakfast?
4. Where do they sail to catch fish?
5. What do they do on the shore at noon?

B.Arrange these words into a good sentence ! (3)

6. Vegetables-sometimes-eat-siska’s family-in the morning

7. Never-comb-her hair-my sister-in the morning
8. Brush-teeth-i and my brothers-always-in the evening
9. Homework-i-do-usually-in the evening
10. At school-the students-have-usually-lunch

C.Complete the passage below using adjective +-est or the most + adjective (5)

There are so many mounts in Indonesia. Some mounts are volcanic, and some mothers are
not. Mount Merapi are volcanic, and some mothers are not. Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta
is___________(dangerous) volcanic mount in Indonesia. It is also___________(active) volcano. In
2010, many people died because of mount Merapi eruption.

However, Mount Merapi is not_________(high) mount is indonesia. __________(high)

mount is mount Carstensz in Papua. Its height is 4,884 meter. It means that it is_________(cold)
mount in Indonesia. The temperatur can reach 3°C at nights. It is also ___________ (hard) mount to

Many people want to climb, hike, or camp in mount. They say that the scenery is beautiful
and the weather is so fresh. They also say that_________(beautiful) mount in Indonesia is Mount
Rinjani in West Nusa Tenggara.

D.Fill the bank with the correctly Answer ! (3)

1. Edi is 33 Kg. Dani is 35 Kg. Dani is___________than Edi

2. Dina is 145 cm tall. Ellie is 142 cm tall. Dina is_________than Ellie
3. English is easy. Mathematic is hard. Mathematic is _________than English
Answer Key:

1. They catch the fish
2. They bein to work at dawn
3. they drink coffee and eat rice, fish and vegetables for breakfast
4. they sail to the sea to catch the fish
5. They row back to shore at noon
1. siska’s family sometimes eat vegetables in the morning
2. my sister never comb her hair in the morning
3. I and my brothers always brush teeth in the evening
4. i usually do homework in the evening
5. The students usually Have lunch at school
1. the most dangerous
2. The most active
3. the highest
4. the highest
5 the coldest
6.the hardest
7. the most beautiful
1. heavier
2. taller
3. harder

Rentang nilai

1-10 1
11-20 2
21-30 3
31-40 4
41-50 5
51-60 6
61-70 7
71-80 8
81-90 9

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