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● Identify the different intellectual revolutions that may have defined


The Scientific Revolution refers to the period in European history

between the 16th and 17th centuries when there were significant
developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and other
natural sciences. This period saw the emergence of the scientific
method, a systematic approach to understanding the natural world
through observation, experimentation, and analysis.

The Intellectual Revolution, on the other hand, is a broader term that

refers to a period of profound changes in Western thought and culture
during the 18th century, also known as the Age of Enlightenment. This
period saw a shift away from traditional authority and superstition
towards reason, science, and individualism. Intellectuals during this
time period placed an emphasis on critical thinking, empirical
observation, and rationalism, and rejected the idea of blind faith and

● Identify at least 3 important persons by highlighting their major

discoveries and developments in Science and Technology.

Charles Darwin, Johannes Kepler, and Francis Bacon were all significant
figures in the scientific revolution, which was a period of time when
scientists were challenging traditional beliefs and making
groundbreaking discoveries in various fields of science. Here is a brief
overview of their contributions:

Charles Darwin: Darwin was a naturalist who is best known for his
theory of evolution by natural selection, which revolutionized the field of
biology. Darwin's research and observations led him to propose that
species change over time through a process of natural selection, where
the organisms best suited to their environment survive and reproduce,
passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring. His work had a
profound impact on the way people thought about life on earth and the
origins of species.

Johannes Kepler: Kepler was an astronomer who is known for his laws of
planetary motion. He used detailed observations of the planets and
mathematical calculations to show that the planets move in elliptical
orbits around the sun and that the speed of a planet varies as it moves
around its orbit. Kepler's work helped to disprove the ancient belief in
circular orbits and led to a better understanding of the mechanics of the
solar system.

Francis Bacon: Bacon was a philosopher and statesman who is known

for his contributions to the scientific method. He emphasized the
importance of observation and experimentation in scientific inquiry and
argued that scientific knowledge should be based on empirical evidence
rather than philosophical or religious dogma. Bacon's ideas helped to
establish the scientific method as the standard approach to scientific
investigation, and his influence can be seen in the work of many
scientists and philosophers who followed in his footsteps.

Overall, Darwin, Kepler, and Bacon were all instrumental in shaping the
scientific revolution and advancing our understanding of the natural
world. Their work laid the foundation for many of the scientific
discoveries and breakthroughs that have occurred since their time, and
they continue to be celebrated for their contributions to science and
human knowledge.

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