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Oral 1

*- DiscussioM!a Summary J!a Presentation J! * ! Ü !J!

1. Task appropriateness

2. Liquidity

3. Repertoire

New technologies allows people to make contacts.


New technologies allows people to make contacts.

v - QI ü°*I av
Establish contacts
3. Grammatical correctness
4. Pronunciation and intonation

Sprachllcha Angernsaasnlraft (atI- TaJl-)

8' I SSi- St H 5 0
3 k0 k f -O\^0 0
1 ( , jn r'u! ect r Rac* flq- ri! 0
• ArTSpr uChe er I-or'Jhom 0
rv i 5q*!Sorr ' rr **. J .' fi*u r'k te

Tips for exam preparation - T e l c

https://www.telc.net/fileadmin/user upload/deu high tips for exam preparation.pdf
Oral 2
Oral 4 y m ' presentation J! g!s
:-! J Presentation J!
1. Introduction

2. Main part

3. Close

WelcomeJ - /!'**

Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to my presentation.

Arouse interest and name topic u Introduction -

First, let me ask you the following question: Have you ever thought about ... (topic / question)?
Have you also ever noticed ...? Did you actually already know that ...? In my presentation today,
I would like to bring to light (this topic / the previous questions / the previous points).
Participant A

Tell 1A Presentation (3 minutes)


In a culturevere n you are to give a short presentation (approx. 3 mint'ten). Choose one of the topics. You can take notes
(style words, not a coherent text). Also, think of an E instruction (example, own experience, ...) and a conclusion or
eln razit. Your presentation should be well structured and present the topic clearly and in detail. You will be asked
questions afterwards.


• How can architecture shape the appearance of cities?

• Which occupational group do you consider particularly rv chtig* Reasons Sle Itire M einung.

First, let me ask you the t'ol following questions: Have you ever thought about wcl''hc öcriif'spriip a'' l'iir
the G''sc1ls''hafi ani wicli tigst''n? lst you also ever aut'get'allen w:is '1ic Aiil'pa1acn tlicsct 8ci the i it ppm' s
incl? Did you actually know '1ass it ctw:i
10.00 ßcritl'spt tip cn Lil)t'/ !n my presentation today I would like to bring to light the previous
questions t "ürdern
About the content of my presentation: First (First) I would like to explain to you, what should be
the criteria of the most important profession? Then I would like to give examples of the most important
professions. Then I will give a short overview of my opinion. At the end you can of course ask
Oral 3

1. Introduction
2. Main part

3. Close

Highlight important points

@ Now I start with ... ...

lx "
@ Now I come [to the (next / last / most important) point / to my personal
Experiences / on the situation in my home country / on the advantages and disadvantages ...]

@ So far we have talked about ... -now we come [to the question / to the (next / last /
most important) point / to my personal experiences / to the situation in my home
country / to the advantages and disadvantages ...].

@ Another point is also the question of whether ...?

@ In this context, I would like to briefly discuss ... ...

Examples / Experiences / Opinions

My own experience has shown me that ... / The last time I ... , I experienced the following:
... / I have had the experience that ...

plays (a major role / no role) in my home country.

In my [view / opinion) . / I hold the (view / opinion) that . /I

hold the opinion that .

To be honest, I am divided opinion. On the one hand .. On the other hand.

An apt example of this is ...

A groundbreaking study in . found that . According to

estimates by [experts / scientists), . According to a

[study / survey) conducted in .

el hmar/In A

Part tA Prgsantation {3 minutes)

In e'nm eultunra a lahmSle etn xunrsferet (es. 3 minvt¥'i) ha'tt". wMh'sn lake one of the Themn Good. je know
skh notes mechen(Stkh words, none iussmmnMnding text). Remember a 6inlelhing.
{Belsptel, an experience, ...} un4 an eJnan Schlu or eln Gazn. Ikr lecture should be well gaglIede+t se+n um\d the
thams clearly and detatIIlsrt da+Italia. Afterwards, you will be guested by 5re$sn.

• Me can 4rchI'ektUr of avsscl-sn v0-i S'¥dten pr¥g "y Gaeen Nr Bebpl+'e.

• Walcha professional group hard you f0r basonaars wIchtIg7 Begrtindan Ale lhra opinion.

*-main part J!
Now I will start with the criteria of the most important profession. In my opinion, this
profession should be very useful for the economy of the country. It should also serve all strata
of society.
According to a 2011 survey, most citizens in America consider doctors the most valuable
profession because they cure diseases and ensure a healthy society. In contrast, many people
in Switzerland consider economists to be the most important profession because they
contribute directly to the country's economy.
In this context, I would like to briefly discuss the situation in my home country. In my home
country, many people work in the field of tourism and trade. They earn a lot of money and
help to save the hard currencies.
So far we have talked about the criteria of the most important profession and the examples -
now come to my opinion. To be honest, I am divided in my opinion. On the one hand, I see
economists as the most important profession for the economy of a country. On the other
hand, I also consider farmers to be particularly significant, because they have a great
influence on the economy and they provide healthy food for the whole country.

Oral 4

1. Introduction
2. Main part

3. Close

@ In summary, I would like to (say / mention / emphasize) that ...

@ Finally, I would like to (mention / emphasize) once again that. .

@ Finally one can come to the conclusion that .

@ Finally, one can draw the conclusion that ...

@ Thank you for listening

@ Thank you for (your attention / interest)

& I am now at the end of my presentation. Do you have any questions?

Tallnahmer/In A

Part 1A Presentatlon (3 minutes)

In a KuTturver one sle are to give a Hur rreferat fca. 3 minutes). Choose one of the topics. You can take notes

(St''hwoite, do not know any text together). You should also think of an introduction (example, elgene Er fahrring,
...) and a 4 conclusion or a fazlt. lhr Vol trag should be well structured 1 and present the topic clearly and in detail. In the
conclusion s, f|Jnen questions will be asked.


• How can architecture pr agen* Give sea eel games the appearance of cities.
• Which advisory g'up do you think is particularly important? 8round out your opinion.

* Stop ü!
@ Finally, one can come to the conclusion that the main occupational group differs
according to the age and place.
& I am now at the end of my presentation. Do you have any questions?

1. Presentation
2. Summary and questions
3. Discussion (Quote)

.summary and questions 'J! "°**' c'' rd! .presentation 'J! !

So, you have dealt with the subject:...........engaged.

First you went into "the advantages"; they were the following: Advantage 1: ..., Advantage 2: ....,
Advanti|3: ::.

Then you reported "the disadvantages"; they were the following: Disadvantage 1: ..., Disadvantage 2:
.:" Disadvantage 3::.

Finally, you expressed your own opinion ...

I (dis)agree with you / I (dis)agree with you because ... But may I present you a

follow-up question!

htt s: t.me ioinchat rxWt WEFm8Pcw

Oral 6

1. Presentation
2. Summary and questions
3. Discussion (Quote)

.discussion J! *==c '' ri!.summary Ü!a presentation J! !

"The biggest life-changing decisions we can make require changing the way we think"

Explanation: In order to develop (evolve) and make the right decisions, you should change
your way of thinking.
Pro-argument: Thomas Edison tried several times to develop the lamp. He learned from his
mistakes and changed his way of thinking and finally after 1000 attempts he was able to
develop the lamp.
Contra-argument: In order to make a decision, one should not only change one's way of
thinking, but also benefit from the opinions and experiences of other people.
• I think I understood the quote well but I am not sure. Do you know exactly what (this
word/quote) means?

• To understand the quote well, I am missing the word "....". Do you have any idea what it

• What do you think of this quote?

• Have you had (had) your own experience with this?

• Can you please explain to me with an example?

• Do you have any other examples to illustrate the meaning of the quote?

• From your own experience, do you agree or disagree with this quote?
'v , >^' °= 'r u*° > ='- u''a
• I (dis)agree with the author, would you (dis)agree with him too!!!

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