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Study and examination


Master of Science

Aerospace Engineering (Aeronautics and Astronautics)


Study and examination regulations 15/2018

1st Amendment Statute 14/2019

2nd Amendment Statute 05/2022

Access and admission regulations 10/2016

Original source: Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt der Technischen Universität Berlin (AMBl),

I. Legal and administrative provisions

Study and Examination Regulations for the Master's (2) The study and examination regulations for the Master's
Degree Program in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the degree program in Aerospace Engineering of December 19,
Faculty V - Transportation and Mechanical Systems at the 2007 (AMBl. TU 8/2008, p. 139) shall expire three semesters
Technical University of Berlin after the entry into force of these regulations. Students who
have not completed their studies by the time these regulations
from 17 January expire in accordance with sentence 1 shall continue their
2018 studies in accordance with these regulations.
(3) Students who were enrolled in the Aerospace Engineering
On January 17, 2018, the Faculty Council of Faculty V -
program at the Technische Universität Berlin prior to the entry
Transportation and Mechanical Systems of the Technische
into force of these study and examination regulations shall
Universität Berlin passed a resolution in accordance with
decide within three semesters after the entry into force of these
Section 18 (1) No. 1 of the Basic Regulations of the
regulations according to which regulations they wish to
Technische Universität Berlin, Section 71 (1) No. 1 of the Law
continue their studies. This decision is irrevocable and must be
on Higher Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berlin
documented at the corresponding central office of the
Higher Education Act - BerlHG) in the version of July 26,
university administration.
2011 (GVBl. p. 378), last amended by Article 17 of the Act of
19. December 2017 (GVBl. S. 695), adopted the following
study and examination regulations for the Master's degree
II. Goals and design of the study
program in Aeronautics and Astronautics:*)
§ 3 - Qualification goals, contents and professional fields of
Qualification and training goals
I. General part
The Master's degree program in Aerospace Engineering
§ 1 - Scope (Aero- nautics and Astronautics) at Faculty V prepares
§ 2 - Entry into force/expiry students for a professional field of activity in the aerospace
II. Goals and design of the study The master's degree in aerospace engineering confirms that
graduates have
§ 3 - Qualification goals, contents and professional fields of
• have in-depth and extensive knowledge in the field of
activity aerospace,
§ 4 - Start of study, standard period of study and scope of study,
§ 5 - Structure of the study program • have an understanding of the interrelationships in the
aerospace industry that goes beyond
III. Request and execution of tests technical/professional specialization,
• be able to develop this knowledge in the field of
§ 6 - Purpose of the Master's examination aerospace in a scientifically and methodologically sound
§ 7 - Master degree manner,
§ 8 - Scope of the Master's examination, formation of the final grade • Incorporating knowledge from other fields, possess
§ 9 - Master thesis specialized problem-solving skills that lead to new
§ 10 - Forms of examination and registration for examinations insights and developments,
• are characterized by strategic thinking and action with
IV. Attachments regard to social responsibility and sustainable
• are able to apply methods of scientific problem solving
I. General part
in order to be able to successfully analyze and process
new types of problems in an increasingly complex
§ 1 - Scope
technical environment.
These study and examination regulations govern the objectives • see their field in an overall societal context and be able
and structure of the study program as well as the requirements to assume their responsibility in such a context. This
and conduct of the examinations in the master's degree enables them to understand and influence technological
program in Aeronautics and Astronautics. They supplement the change in research, development and application.
regulations governing the general study and examination Graduates have learned to work responsibly and in a team-
procedure of the Technische Universität Berlin (AllgStu- PO) oriented manner and to critically review and evaluate their
with provisions specific to the study program. own and other work results. With a view to future
interdisciplinary professional tasks, the ability to
§ 2 - Entry into force/expiry communicate professional knowledge to others is trained.

(1) These regulations come into force on the day after their
publication and apply to students enrolled from the winter
semester 2018/19 onwards.

*) Confirmed by the Presidential Board of the TU Berlin on April 9, 2018.


The master's degree in aerospace engineering enables work. By imparting general skills and teaching content,
graduates to work at the current level of the respective understanding the overall systems in aerospace and
technology and to develop future technologies. A close link emphasizing the methodological aspects, graduates are also
between research and teaching ensures the transfer of new given the opportunity to find a variety of fields of activity
developments in aerospace into the courses. This enables outside of aerospace technology, such as in general
graduates to implement the latest research results in mechanical engineering, vehicle construction or electrical
engineering applications. engineering.
The master's degree program in Aerospace Engineering Examples of areas of work include:
(Aero- nautics and Astronautics) sets the stage for lifelong • Design, development and manufacture of vehicles
learning throughout a student's professional life. and aerospace systems,
• Evaluation and integration of new technologies,
Description of the study program
• Planning, development and management of
The master's degree program in aerospace engineering deals complex networked aerospace systems,
with the design, development, production, and operation of
• Preparation of plans and studies for air traffic systems,
aerospace vehicles, their subsystems, and the associated
transportation systems. These systems are characterized by • Develop guidelines for the use, operation, and
their complexity and their continuous technological monitoring of aerospace vehicles, aerospace systems,
development. For this, the TU Berlin with its complete and infrastructures,
coverage of all subfields of aerospace engineering has the • Planning of air traffic infrastructures (airfields, handling
necessary overall system capability. facilities and air traffic control facilities),
Students are enabled to solve challenging problems • Investigations into the safety and environmental
scientifically and are prepared to hold leading positions in compatibility of aerospace systems and associated
industry and science. To this end, the courses offered in the infrastructures,
master's program in aerospace engineering comprise a wide • application-oriented basic research.
range of modules with a strong methodological focus and a
deep understanding of the overall systems in aerospace § 4 - Start of studies, standard period of study and scope of
(vehicles, infrastructures and operations). As a result, studies
students develop a strong system design competence.
The curriculum of the Aeronautics and Astronautics master's (1) The program begins in the winter and summer semesters.
program includes all areas related to the construction and (2) The standard period of study, including the preparation
operation of aircraft and space systems. Examples of these of the master's thesis, comprises four semesters.
areas include: Design, Computation, Construction,
(3) The scope of study of the master's program is 120 credit
Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Flight Control, Air Traffic, and
Planning. The teaching in the Master's program in Aerospace
Engineering is composed of theoretical and experimental (4) The teaching program as well as the entire examination
parts, in which both application-oriented content related to procedure are designed and organized in such a way that the
the professional practice of engineers and in-depth degree program can be completed within the standard period
engineering methods are taught. In project and team-oriented of study.
courses, creative collaboration in interdisciplinary groups is
encouraged. § 5 - Structure of the study program
The specialist focus of the master's degree program and the
(1) Students have the right to organize their course of study
breadth of the options guarantee an individual specialist and
individually. However, they are obliged to comply with the
professional profile. Due to the international as well as
requirements of these study and examination regulations. The
economic, legal and political character of aerospace,
sequence of modules is recommended by the exemplary study
knowledge of the English language as well as communication
plan as Appendix 2 of these regulations.
and teamwork skills are of elementary importance. For this
reason, students can freely choose a large number of modules (2) A total of 120 credit points must be earned, of which 96 LP
and strengthen their personal educational profile. Thus, in modules, 6 LP in the internship and 18 LP in the Master's
economic and social science study contents enable students to thesis.
recognize macroeconomic and social contexts and to take
them into account in their professional work. (3) The compulsory elective area has a scope of 72 LP and is
divided into
Professional fields of activity
1. the engineering methods area in the scope of
In the Master's program in Aerospace Engineering (Aero- 12-18 LP,
nautics and Astronautics), students are taught in-depth
knowledge and skills, depending on their interests, which which serves to deepen methods that can be
enable graduates to work in relevant companies, government applied across the board and advanced
agencies and scientific institutions in the aerospace sector. fundamentals based on mathematics and physics,
2. the core area to the extent of 24-42 LP,
which contains the modules essential for the
respective specialization and
3. the profile area in the scope of 18-36 LP,
which comprises the subject-specific and/or in-
depth modules of the respective specialization.

The modules and elective rules assigned to each of the sub- Grades excluded from the calculation of the final grade are
areas of the elective area can be found in the module list marked on the final certificate. The grades of all modules are
(Appendix 1). listed on the final certificate.
(4) In the elective area, modules amounting to 24 LP must be § 9 - Master thesis
completed. Elective modules serve the acquisition of additional
subject-specific, interdisciplinary and professional skills and (1) The Master's thesis, which is written as a final thesis
can be selected from the entire range of subjects offered by the according to the basic principles in § 46 AllgStuPO, has a
Technische Universität Berlin, other universities and scope of 18 LP. Its processing time is 4 months. If there is an
equivalent universities within the scope of the Higher important reason for which the student is not responsible, the
Education Framework Act as well as at universities and examination board will grant an extension for the duration of
universities abroad recognized as equivalent. The modules that the reason. The total possible extension is a maximum of 4
can be selected also include modules for learning foreign months. If the total number of extensions exceeds the
languages. maximum extension, the student may withdraw from the
It is recommended to choose courses of interdisciplinary examination.
studies that complement the subject-related studies in a It is recommended that the master's thesis be completed from
meaningful and coherent way. These supplements can serve, the 3rd semester onwards, in order to be able to acquire
for example, to strengthen leadership, communication and beforehand the competences necessary for successful
conflict management skills, to deepen economic and scientific completion beyond the bachelor's knowledge to the extent of
skills and/or in the area of foreign languages, to learn technical approximately 60 LP.
terms, to publish in foreign languages and to prepare for
studies abroad. The courses also serve to prepare students for (2) The topic of the Master's thesis can be returned once, but
study visits abroad. only within the first 2 months after it has been handed out by
the responsible office of the Central University Administration.
(5) Module-related competencies to be taught, requirements
for module examinations, and any admission requirements are (3) The examination board ensures that the topics are
updated annually in the form of course-specific module equivalent and that the master's thesis can be completed within
catalogs in accordance with § 33 Para. 6 AllgStuPO and are the deadline. Blocking notes and other regulations on secrecy
publicly announced in the Official Bulletin of the TU Berlin at that go beyond the usual duties of confidentiality and due
the beginning of the winter semester in October and at the diligence are not permitted.
beginning of the summer semester in April.
(4) The procedures for the application for admission as well as
(6) A specialized internship of 6 LP must be completed. for the evaluation of theses are regulated in the currently valid
Further details are regulated by the internship guideline. version of the AllgStuPO.
(5) Persons experienced in practice and education can be
III. Request and execution of tests appointed as examiners for Master's theses, provided that a
full-time university lecturer of the TU Berlin is appointed as
§ 6 - Purpose of the Master's examination the first examiner.

The Master's examination determines whether a candidate has § 10 - Forms of examination and registration for examinations
achieved the qualification goals according to § 3 of these
regulations. (1) Forms of examination as well as the procedure for
registering for module examinations is regulated in the
§ 7 - Master degree currently valid version of the AllgStuPO.
(2) When conducting portfolio examinations, the
Based on the successful completion of the Master's compensation principle must be observed. Passing an
examination, the Technische Universität Berlin awards the individual performance must not be considered a necessary
academic degree "Master of Sci- ence" (M. Sc.) through the condition for passing the overall performance.
Faculty V - Traffic and Machine Systems.
(3) For the modules of other faculties or universities taken in
§ 8 - Scope of the Master's examination, formation of the the elective or free elective area, the examination forms
final grade specified in the module descriptions apply in each case.

(1) The Master's examination consists of the module

examinations listed in the module list (Annex 1) and the IV.Attachments
Master's thesis according to § 9.
Appendix 1: Module list
(2) The overall grade is calculated according to the principles Appendix 2: Exemplary study plan for the winter and summer
of § 47 All- gStuPO from the module examinations marked in semester
the module list as graded and included in the overall grade and
the grade of the Master's thesis.
(3) At least 75% of the overall study performance (including
the Master's thesis), i.e. module grades totaling at least 90 LP,
are used to calculate the overall grade. Only complete modules
are taken into account. The internship, ungraded modules and
modules with the lowest grades of a maximum of 25% of the
total study performance (maximum 30 LP) are not taken into
account. In the case of study achievements of equal rank, the
modules taken last are not taken into account.

Appendix 1: Module list1

Weighting in
Module LP Form of Grading
overall grade2
1. engineering methods 12-18

1.1 General and in-depth engineering methods

Stochastics for computer scientists 6 in writing yes 1.0

Development and management of digital product creation processes
6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Technologies of Virtual Product Creation II 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Applied Data Science for Quality Engineering 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Analysis III for engineers 6 in writing yes 1.0
Measurement and sensor technology 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Numerical Mathematics for Engineering II (6 LP) 6 verbal yes 1.0
Inertial Sensor Fusion 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Basics of traffic system planning and traffic informatics 6 in writing yes 1.0
Modeling and simulation of traffic 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Basics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Combustion basics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Basics of quality management 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Applied Data Science for Reliability Engineering 6 in writing yes 1.0

1.2 Mechanics

Strength and durability 6 verbal yes 1.0

Designing for stress 6 verbal yes 1.0
Introduction to the Finite Element Method 6 verbal yes 1.0
Introduction to the nonlinear finite element method 6 verbal yes 1.0
Simulation of mechatronic systems 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Fundamentals Continuum Theory I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Analytical mechanics and fundamentals of multibody dynamics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Structural Dynamics 6 verbal yes 1.0

1.3 Acoustics

Fundamentals of flow acoustics 6 verbal yes 1.0

Numerical thermodynamics and fluid dynamics -basics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Numerical thermodynamics and fluid dynamics -depths 6 verbal yes 1.0

1.4 Control engineering, electronics and software engineering

Digital regulations 6 in writing yes 1.0

Discrete-time control systems 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Structure and parameter identification 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Mechatronics and system dynamics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Robust regulation 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

The module descriptions are published annually at the beginning of the winter semester in October and at the beginning of the summer semester in April in
the Amtliches
The version published in the TU Berlin's official gazette will be made public. The version published there then applies (see § 33 para. 6 AllgStuPO).

Weighting in
Module LP Form of Grading
overall grade2
Signals and systems 6 in writing yes 1.0
Introduction to automotive electronics 6 in writing yes 1.0
Automation technology 6 in writing yes 1.0
Multivariable control in the time domain 6 in writing yes 1.0

1.5 Psychology and work science

Industrial and organizational psychology 6 in writing yes 1.0

Fundamentals of human-machine systems 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Human-machine interaction in complex systems 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Soft skills for engineers 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Aviation Psychology 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
System technical basics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

2. core modules 24-42

2.1 Aircraft engines

Aircraft engine performance and systems 6 verbal yes 1.0

Thermal Fluid Machinery I - Fundamentals 6 verbal yes 1.0

2.2 Aircraft construction and lightweight design

Aircraft Design II 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Lightweight construction I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Lightweight construction II 6 verbal yes 1.0
Composite lightweight construction I 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

2.3 Aerodynamics

Aerodynamics II 6 verbal yes 1.0

Aerothermodynamics I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Gas dynamics I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Gas dynamics II 6 verbal yes 1.0

2.4 Flight guidance and air traffic

Flight operations 6 verbal yes 1.0

Aircraft systems for masters 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Air transport for masters 6 verbal yes 1.0
Flight guidance practice - classic 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

2.5 Flight mechanics

Flight Mechanics 2 (Flight Dynamics) 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Flight mechanics 3 (flight characteristics) 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight control 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

2.6 Space technology

Project space technology 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Space Planning and Operations II 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Space Systems Design 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Weighting in
Module LP Form of Grading
overall grade2
Satellite design 12 Portfolio yes 1.0
Aerospace electronics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

3. profile modules 18-36

3.1 Aircraft engines

Fundamentals of thermal and turbomachinery acoustics 9 verbal yes 1.0

Turbomachinery design 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aeronautical propulsion deepening 6 verbal yes 1.0
Thermal Fluid Machinery II - Design of Turboma-
machines 6 verbal yes 1.0

Environmental impacts of aviation engines 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Rotor dynamics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Materials for high and ultra-high temperature applications 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aircraft engine performance and systems 6 verbal yes 1.0
Thermal Fluid Machinery I - Fundamentals 6 verbal yes 1.0

3.2 Aircraft construction and lightweight design

Selected chapters of aircraft design 6 verbal yes 1.0

Operational strength of lightweight structures made of metallic and
Fiber composite materials 6 verbal yes 1.0

Composite lightweight construction 2 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

UAV Lab: Technology, Design and Testing 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aircraft Design II 6 verbal yes 1.0
Lightweight construction I 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Lightweight construction II 6 Written yes 1.0
Composite lightweight construction I 6 verbal yes 1.0

3.3 Aerodynamics

Aerothermodynamics II 9 Portfolio yes 1.0

Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics I
(Project Aerodynamics I) 6 verbal yes 1.0
Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics II (Projektaerodyna- mik
9 Portfolio yes 1.0
Gliding 6 verbal yes 1.0
Turbulence and flow control I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Turbulence and flow control II 6 verbal yes 1.0
Wind energy - basics 6 in writing yes 1.0
Wind energy - project/depth 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Aerodynamics II 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aerothermodynamics I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Gas dynamics I 6 verbal yes 1.0
Gas dynamics II 6 verbal yes 1.0

3.4 Air traffic

Aviation Security 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Airport planning 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

Weighting in
Module LP Form of Grading
overall grade2
Aviation medicine/ cockpit design 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight route planning 6 verbal yes 1.0
Flight simulation technology 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aircraft Maintenance 6 verbal yes 1.0
Air law 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Locating and navigation 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight guidance practice - modern 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project management in aviation 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Knowledge management in aviation 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight operations 6 verbal yes 1.0
Aircraft systems for masters 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Air transport for masters 6 verbal yes 1.0
Flight guidance practice - classic 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

3.5 Flight mechanics

Aeroelasticity and multibody dynamics in aeronautics 6 verbal yes 1.0

Aeroelastic practical course 3 verbal yes 1.0
Experimental flight mechanics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Aircraft accident analysis - to increase safety in aviation 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight test internship 3 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project Avionics Software 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight Mechanics 2 (Flight Dynamics) 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight mechanics 3 (flight characteristics) 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Flight control 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

3.6 Space technology

Manned space flight: technical and psychological basics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Spacecraft attitude control 6 verbal yes 1.0
Planetary exploration and space robotics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project Space Systems I 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project Space Systems II 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project Space Robotics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Space Propulsion 6 verbal yes 1.0
Space Flight Mechanics 6 verbal yes 1.0
Space Sensors 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Project space technology 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Space Planning and Operations II 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Space Systems Design 6 Portfolio yes 1.0
Satellite design 12 Portfolio yes 1.0
Aerospace electronics 6 Portfolio yes 1.0

4. free elective modules 24


Weighting in
Module LP Form of Grading
overall grade2
5. master thesis

Master thesis aerospace engineering 18 Thesis yes 1.0

5. specialized internship

Technical Internship Master Aerospace Engineering 6 No test no 0

∑ 120

Appendix 2: Exemplary study plan for the winter and summer semester 3 4

LP 1 2 3 4
3 Engineering method
Core Profile Free elective
6 LP
4 module module module 6
6 LP 6 LP LP
9 Engineering method
Core Profile Free elective
6 LP
10 module module module 6
6 LP 6 LP LP
Engineering method or
15 Core Profile Core or profile module
16 module module 6 LP
6 LP 6 LP
Engineering method or
21 Core Core or profile module Free elective Master thesis
22 module 6 LP module 6 18 LP
Engineering method or
27 Core or profile module Internship Free elective
28 6 LP 6 LP module 6

3 Study abroad is possible in any semester, but it must be carefully coordinated with the overall study plan to be planned.
4 The degree program can be completed as a part-time program. The advisor will help you to draw up an individual study plan.

semesters after the effective date of these regulations. Students

First Amendment to the Study and Examination who have continued their studies until the date of expiration
Regulations for the M aster Program in Aeronautical according to
and Rau mfahrt Engineering at the Faculty V -
Transport and M aschinensyste m at the Technical
University of Berlin
from February 12 2019
On February 12, 2019, the Faculty Council of Faculty V -
Transportation and M achine Systems of the Technische
Universität Berlin, in accordance with Section 18 (1)
No. 1 of the Basic Regulations of the Technische
Universität Berlin, Section 71 (1) No. 1 of the Law on Higher
Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berlin
Higher Education Law - BerlH G) in the version of July 26,
2011 (GVBl. p. 378), as last amended by Article 6 of the Law of
February 2, 2018 (GVBl. S 160), adopted the following amendment
to the Study and Examination Regulations of the M aster
Degree Program in Aerospace Engineering dated January 17,
2018 (A M Bl. 15/2018).*)

Article I
§ Section 2 (2) and (3) of the Study and Examination
Regulations shall be reworded as follows:
(2) The Study and Examination Regulations for the M
aster Program in Aerospace Engineering of 19 December 2007
(A M Bl. TU 8/2008, p. 139) shall expire four semesters after
the entry into force of these Regulations. Students who have not
completed their studies by the time of the expiry according
to sentence 1 shall continue their studies according to
the present regulations.
(3) Students who were matriculated in the Aerospace Engineering
program at the Technische Universität Berlin prior to the
entry into force of these study and examination regulations
shall decide within four semesters after the entry into force
of these regulations according to which regulations they
wish to continue their studies. This decision is
irrevocable and must be documented with the corresponding
central office of the university administration.

Article II - Entry into force

This amendment shall enter into force on the day following
its publication in the A mtlichen M itteilungsblatt of the
TU Berlin.

First Amendment of the Study and Examination

Regulations for the M aster Program Planning and
Operation i n Transport at the Faculty V -
Transport and M aschinensyste me at the Technical
University of Berlin
from February 12 2019
On February 12, 2019, the Faculty Council of Faculty V -
Transportation and M achine Systems of the Technische
Universität Berlin, in accordance with Section 18 (1)
No. 1 of the Basic Regulations of the Technische
Universität Berlin, Section 71 (1) No. 1 of the Law on Higher
Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher
Education Law - BerlH G) in the version of July 26, 2011
(GVBl. p. 378), as last amended by Article 6 of the Law of
February 2, 2018 (GVBl. S 160), adopted the following amendment
to the Study and Examination Regulations of the M
aster Degree Program Planning and Operations in
Transportation dated July 12, 2017 (A M Bl. 12/2019).*)

Article I
§ Section 2 (2) and (3) of the Study and Examination
Regulations shall be reworded as follows:
(2) The Study and Examination Regulations for the M
aster Program in Planning and Operations in
Transportation dated
July 15, 2009 (A M Bl. TU 15/2010 p. 207) shall expire four

sentence 1 have not completed, shall continue their
studies in accordance with these regulations. from February 12 2019
(3) Students who were ma- triculated in the degree The Faculty Council of Faculty V - Traffic and M achine
program Planning and Operations in Systems of the Technical University of Berlin on February 12
Transportation at the Technische Universität Berlin
before these study and examination regulations came
into force shall decide within four semesters after these
regulations come into force according to which
regulations they wish to continue their studies.
This decision is irrevocable and must be documented
with the corresponding central office of the university

Article II - Entry into force

This amendment shall enter into force on the day
following its publication in the A mtlichen M
itteilungsblatt of the TU Berlin.

First Amendment of the Study and Examination

Regulations for the M aster Program Ship and M eer
Engineering at the Faculty V - Transport and M
aschinensyste m at the Technical University of
from February 12 2019
On February 12, 2019, the Faculty Council of Faculty V
- Transportation and M achine Systems of the Technische
Universität Berlin, in accordance with Section 18
(1) No. 1 of the Basic Regulations of the
Technische Universität Berlin, Section 71 (1) No. 1 of the
Law on Higher Education Institutions in the State of
Berlin (Berlin Higher Education Law - BerlH G) in the
version of July 26, 2011 (GVBl. p. 378), as last amended by
Article 6 of the Law of
2. February 2018 (GVBl. S 160), adopted the following
amendment to the Study and Examination Regulations
of the M aster Studies Program Ship and M eer
Engineering of July 12, 2017 (A M Bl. 04/2018).*)

Article I
§ Section 2 (2) and (3) of the Study and Examination
Regulations shall be reworded as follows:
(2) The Study and Examination Regulations for the
Master's Degree Program in Ship and Marine Engineering
of 19 December 2007 (A M Bl. TU 9/2008 p. 182)
shall expire four semesters after the entry into
force of these regulations. Students who have not completed
their studies by the time of the expiry according to
sentence 1 shall continue their studies according to
these regulations.
(3) Students who were matriculated in the Ship and
Marine Engineering program at the Technische Universität
Berlin before these study and examination regulations
came into force must decide within four semesters after these
regulations come into force which regulations they wish
to continue their studies under. This decision is
irrevocable and must be documented at the
corresponding central office of the university

Article II - Entry into force

This amendment shall enter into force on the day
following its publication in the A mtlichen M
itteilungsblatt of the TU Berlin.

First Amendment of the Study and Examination

Regulations for the M aster Program Computational
Engineering Science (Infor mationstechnik i m M
aschinenwesen) at the Faculty V - Verkehrs- und M
aschinensyste me at the Technische Universität

First Amendment to the Study and Examination Second Amendment to the Study and Examination
Regulations for the Master's Degree Program in Regulations for the Master's Degree Program in Automotive
Production Engineering at Faculty V - Transportation and Engineering at Faculty V - Transportation and Machine
Machine Systems - of Technische Universität Berlin Systems - of Technische Universität Berlin
from 15 September 2021 from 15 September 2021
On July 7, 2021, the Faculty Council of Faculty V - On July 7, 2021, the Faculty Council of Faculty V -
Transportation and Mechanical Systems - of Technische Transportation and Mechanical Systems - of Technische
Universität Berlin passed the following first amendment to Universität Berlin passed the following amendment to the
the study and examination regulations for the Master's study and examination regulations of the Master's
program in accordance with § 18 Para. 1 No. 1 of the program in accordance with § 18 Para. 1 No. 1 of the
Basic Regulations of Technische Universität Berlin, § 71 Basic Regulations of Technische Universität Berlin, § 71
Para. 1 No. 1 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions in Para. 1 No. 1 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions in
the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher Education Act - BerlHG) in the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher Education Act - BerlHG) in
the version of 26. July 2011 (GVBl. p. 378), last amended the version of 26. July 2011 (GVBl. p. 378), last amended
by the Act of May 4, 2021 (GVBl. p. 435), adopted the by law of May 4, 2021 (GVBl. p. 435), the following Second
following First Amendment to the Study and Examination Amendment to the Study and Examination Regulations of
Regulations of the Master's Degree Program in Production the Master's Degree Program in Automotive Engineering of July
Engineering dated May 9, 2018 (AMBl. 31/2019).*) 12, 2017 (AMBl. 9/2019), last amended on February 12,
2019 (AMBl 14/2019), was adopted.*)
Article I
Article I
In § 2 para. 2, "three semesters" is replaced by "seven
semesters". In § 2 para. 2, "four semesters" is replaced by "eight
In § 2 para. 3 "within three semesters" is replaced by
"within seven semesters" replaced. In § 2 para. 3, "within four semesters" is replaced by
"within eight semesters" replaced.
Article II - Entry into force
Article II - Entry into force
This amendment shall enter into force on the day following
its publication in the Official Gazette of the TU Berlin. This amendment shall enter into force on the day following
its publication in the Official Gazette of the TU Berlin.

Second Amendment to the Study and Examination

Second Amendment to the Study and Examination Regulations for the Master's Degree in Aerospace
Regulations for the Master's Degree Program in Biomedical Engineering at Faculty V - Transportation and Machine
Engineering at the Faculty V - Transportation and Machine Systems - of the Technical University of Berlin
Systems - of the Technical University of Berlin
from 15 September 2021
from 15 September 2021
On July 7, 2021, the Faculty Council of Faculty V -
On July 7, 2021, the Faculty Council of Faculty V - Transportation and Mechanical Systems - of Technische
Transportation and Mechanical Systems - of the Universität Berlin passed the following amendment to the
Technische Universität Berlin, in accordance with § 18 study and examination regulations of the Master's
para. 1 no. 1 of the Basic Regulations of the Technische program in accordance with § 18 Para. 1 No. 1 of the
Universität Berlin, § 71 para. 1 no. 1 of the Law on Higher Basic Regulations of Technische Universität Berlin, § 71
Education Institutions in the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher Para. 1 No. 1 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions in
Education Act - BerlHG) in the version of July 26, 2011 the State of Berlin (Berlin Higher Education Act - BerlHG) in
(GVBl. p. 378), last amended by the law of May 4, 2021 the version of 26. July 2011 (GVBl. p. 378), last amended
(GVBl. p. 435), the following Second Amendment to the by the law of May 4, 2021 (GVBl. p. 435), the following
Study and Examination Regulations of the Master's Degree Second Amendment to the Study and Examination
Program in Biomedical Engineering of Regulations of the Master's Degree Program in Aerospace
January 17, 2018 (AMBl. 7/2019), last amended on. Engineering of January 17, 2018 (AMBl. 15/2018), last
February 12, 2019 (AMBl 14/2019), resolved.*) amended on
February 12, 2019 (AMBl 14/2019), resolved.*)
Article I
In § 2 para. 2, "four semesters" is replaced by "eight Article I
semesters". In section 2, paragraph 2, "four semesters" is replaced by
In § 2 para. 3 "within four semesters" is replaced by "nine semesters".
"within eight semesters" replaced. In § 2 para. 3, "within four semesters" is replaced by
"within nine semesters" replaced.
Article II - Entry into force
This amendment shall enter into force on the day following Article II - Entry into force
its publication in the Official Gazette of the TU Berlin. This amendment shall enter into force on the day following
its publication in the Official Gazette of the TU Berlin.

I. Legal and administrative provisions

Admission Regulations for the Consecutive Master's II. Access
Degree Program in Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty
of Transportation and Mechanical Systems of the § 3 - Access requirements
Technische Universität Berlin
In addition to the general admission requirements according to
From 6 April 2016 §§ 10 to 13 BerlHG, the following admission requirements
must be met
On June 10, 2015, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of 1. A first professional university degree in a field of study
Transportation and Machine Systems at the Technical related to transportation or a related field of study,
University of Berlin resolved in accordance with 2. Proof of subject-specific knowledge and
§ Section 18 para. 1 no. 1 of the Basic Regulations of competencies to the extent of at least:
Technische Universität Berlin, Section 71 para. 1 no. 1 of the i. 75% of the blocks in Appendix I
Law on Higher Education Institutions in the State of Berlin "Fundamentals of Engineering."
(Berlin Higher Education Act - BerlHG) in the version of 26 whereby a block can only be recognized if
July 2011 (GVBl. p. 378) i. V. at least 75% of the designated credit points and a
m. § 10 of the Law on Admission to the Universities of the predominant proportion of the knowledge of the
State of Berlin in the version of June 18, 2005 (GVBL. p. 393), blocks listed in Annex I are demonstrated by the
last amended by Art. I G on the introduction of a sports profile applicants. The decision on the recognition of
quota in the allocation of study places of June 26, 2013 (GVBl. knowledge is made by the selection committee on the
p. 198), the following admission and admission regulations for basis of module descriptions.
the master's degree program in Aerospace Engineering were ii. four of the thirteen blocks in Annex II
adopted:*) "Fundamentals of Aeronautical and
Astronautical Engineering," provided that a block
may be recognized only if a predominant portion of the
Table of contents courses listed in Annex II
listed knowledge of the blocks must be proven by the
I. General part applicants. The decision on the recognition of
§1 - Scope knowledge is made by the selection committee on the
§2 - Entry into force/expiry basis of module descriptions.

II. Access II. Approval

§3 - Access requirements
§4 - Access procedure § 4 - Application for admission

III. Approval The application for admission should be sent to the competent
§5 - Selection committee office of the Central University Administration of the
§6 - Quotas University of Technology. The application must be
§7 - Application for admission accompanied by:
§8 - Selection criteria 1. the documents required in the application form in
§9 - Selection procedure original or officially certified form. The form of the
§ 10 - Admission decision applications is determined by the responsible office of
the Central University Administration.

I. General part 2. A certified copy of the transcript of records for all credits
earned at state-approved institutions of higher
§1 - Scope education, showing the credits earned in each
module (in other appropriate forms, such as a
These admission regulations, in conjunction with the statutes of breakdown of semester hours, for non-modularized
the Technische Universität Berlin on the implementation of curricula),
university selection procedures in admission-restricted degree 3. Evidence of additional requirements according to § 3
programs (AuswahlSa), as amended from time to time, regulate No. 2, as a rule by submitting relevant module
the admission, admission and selection modalities for the descriptions as well as
master's degree program in Aerospace Engineering.
4. relevant evidence of completed vocational
§2 - Entry into force/expiry training, activities as a student assistant or work-study
activities as well as work experience according to § 6 para.
These admission regulations come into force on the day after 3, if available.
their publication in the Official Gazette of the Technische
Universität Berlin. They apply to all application procedures
from winter semester 2016/17 onwards.

*) Confirmed by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science on


§ 5 - Selection criteria g) Voluntary full-time internships in a company as an

aerospace engineer per month = 8 points.
Selection will be based on the following criteria: h) Completed technical vocational training with a
1. the overall grade of the previous study program with a reference to aerospace = flat rate of 75 points
2. Weighting of 75%,
3. additional qualifications acquired in addition to A maximum of 100 points can be achieved. Part-time
university studies with a weighting of 25%. activities will be credited accordingly. The selection
committee may, at its own discretion, recognize further
§ 6 - Selection procedure activities at the applicant's request.

1. The number of participants in the selection process can

be limited by the level of qualification. The decision 4. The selection committee draws up a justified ranking
on limitation is made by the selection committee at the list with the weighted points achieved on the basis of the
beginning of the selection procedure. selection criteria. In a first step, the points achieved
2. As part of the selection process, the selection are weighted for each applicant and criterion
committee will award up to 100 points for the criterion according to § 5. These partial results of all criteria
according to § 5 para.1 no. 1 in accordance with the are finally summed up.
following table:
§7 - Admission decision
Note Points Note Points
1,0 100 2,6 52 (1) The decision on selection is made by the responsible
1,1 97 2,7 49 office of the Central University Administration after the
1,2 94 2,8 46 selection process has been completed, based on the
results achieved in the selection process and the
1,3 91 2,9 43
resulting ranking list.
1,4 88 3,0 40
1,5 85 3,1 37 (2) Selected applicants will immediately receive an
1,6 82 3,2 34 admission notice specifying a deadline for written
1,7 79 3,3 31 acceptance of the study place and for enrollment. If
1,8 76 3,4 28 this deadline is not met, the study place will be
1,9 73 3,5 25 reallocated in accordance with the ranking list pursuant
2,0 70 3,6 22 to § 6 Para. 4 in a move-up procedure.
2,1 67 3,7 19
2,2 64 3,8 16 (3) Applicants who are not admitted will receive a
2,3 61 3,9 13 rejection letter with reasons.
2,4 58 4,0 10
2,5 55

3. As a selection criterion within the meaning of § 5 No. 2, a

completed relevant vocational training, activities as a
student assistant or work-study activities as well as
relevant practical work experience, in each case with
reference to the teaching content and qualification
objectives of the master's degree program in
aerospace engineering. For this purpose, the
selection committee awards up to 100 points
according to the following regulation:

a) Student assistant or working student with an

engineering-related activity for at least 39 h per
month = 1 point
b) Student assistant or working student at an
aerospace institute or institution for at least 39 h
per month = 2 points
c) Full-time work in a company/university as an
engineer per month = 4 points
d) Full-time work at a non-profit organization (e.g.
Engineers Without Borders) as an engineer per
month = 6 points
e) Full-time work in a company/university as an
aerospace engineer per month = 8 points.
f) Voluntary full-time internships in a company as an
engineer per month = 4 points.

Appendix I "Fundamentals of Engineering"

ZZO Master's program in aerospace engineering
Subject area Block LP Required knowledge from the modules in the bachelor's program
Basic analysis Sets and mappings, complete induction, number representations, real numbers,
complex numbers, number sequences, convergence, infinite series, power series, limit
and continuity of functions, elementary rational and transcendental functions,
6 differentiation, extreme values, mean value theorem and consequences, higher
derivatives, Taylor polynomial and series, applications of differentiation; definite and
indefinite integral, integration of rational and complex functions, improper integrals,
Fourier series.

In-depth analysis Sets and convergence in n-dimensional space, functions of several variables and
continuity, linear mappings and differentiation, partial derivatives, coordinate systems,

error bounds and approximation, higher derivatives and extreme values, classical
8 differential operators, curve integrals, multidimensional integration, coordinate

transformation, integration on surfaces, integral theorems of Gauss and Stokes.

Linear algebra Gauss algorithm, matrices and linear systems of equations, linear differential equations,
vectors and linear mappings, dimension and linear independence, matrix algebra, vector
6 geometry, determinants, eigenvalues, linear differential equations of nth order.

Advanced mathematics Solution of systems of equations and eigenvalue problems, solution of ordinary and
partial differential equations, error analysis, stability.

Mechanics I Force and moment of force, equilibrium conditions, statics of rigid bodies, center of
gravity, statically determined structures, trusses, sectional loads and stresses,
9 displacements, distortions, Hooke's law, area moment of inertia, bending and torsion of

bars, static stability of elastic systems, friction

Mechanics II Basics of kinematics, force, torque, work, power, energy, momentum, angular
momentum, center of gravity and twist theorem, elastic and non-elastic collisions,
motion of the rigid body, basics of vibration theory, dynamic
Information Technology Computer design, networks, number representation, operating systems, structure

diagrams,Programming language: optionally FORTRAN95 or C or MATLAB or another


6 higher programming language (data types, control structures, functions, fields, file

Construction Technical drawing, CAD drawing creation, basics of construction and design, qualities,
tolerances, fits, surfaces, bearings, connection technology, strength verification

Fluid Mechanics Properties of fluids and gases, hydrostatics, streamline theory (Bernoulli's equations),

frictionless flows (Euler's equations), frictional flows (Navier-Stokes equations), potential

6 flows, hydrostatic lift, kinematics of fluids, boundary layer flows, flow around bodies, flow

of incompressible fluids.

Thermodynamics General principles, energy and the first law of thermodynamics, entropy and the second

law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of gases and liquids, real

substances, quasi-static changes of state and technical processes, exergy, gas

6 mixtures, combustion, humid air.


Block diagrams and signal flow diagrams, system modeling in the time and frequency

Control engineering
domain, Laplace transformation, stability of systems, closed loop control, stability at the

closed loop with the Nyquist criterion, root locus curve method, Bode method

Electrical engineering Electrostatic field, Stationary electric flow field, Stationary magnetic field, Induction,
Simple networks


Annex II "Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering".

ZZO Master's program in aerospace engineering
Subject area Block Required knowledge from the modules in the bachelor's program

- Fundamentals of Space Technology;

Fundamentals of space - Systems and technologies of a spacecraft;
technology - Use of space travel;
- How different drive technologies work.
- Basics of satellite technology;

Satellite technology - Segments of space missions;

- Design of subsystems.
- Fundamentals of Space Planning;
- Space programs of space-faring nations and organizations;
Space planning and - Use of space travel;
operations - Fundamentals of Space Flight Operations;
- Design and function of a mission control center and ground station;
- Tasks of an operating engineer.
- Transformation matrices and coordinate systems;
- Speed kinematics;

- attacking forces on a rigid aircraft;

Flight mechanics
- steady-state flight conditions;

- Flight Range Limits.

- Basic Flight Controls;

- Cockpit instrumentation Basic-T;
Fundamentals of - ISA Standard Atmosphere;
flight guidance and - Structure and operation of air traffic control;
air traffic - aviation organizations (ICAO, EASA, LBA);
- Structure and functioning of air transport companies.

- Legal framework;

- Minimum equipment of aircraft;

- Aircraft systems and system users of the Airbus A319/A320/A321 aircraft type;
- Communication and navigation systems;
Aircraft Systems - Engine and fuel system;
- Pneumatic systems; Hydraulic systems; Electrical systems;
- Display systems;
- Flight control system; autoflight system; flight management system.
- Components of aircraft and their tasks;
Fundamentals of Aircraft - Design and evaluation of aircraft configurations as well as passenger cabins;
Design (Aircraft Design I)
Aircraft design

- Aircraft families;
- Cost-Effectiveness Assessments.

in-depth aircraft - Main design parameters and design aerodynamics of commercial aircraft;
design - Center of gravity locations and limitations in flight operations;
(Aircraft Design II) - Cost-Effectiveness Assessments.
- Design calculations of gliders, airships and rockets;
Introduction to

- Aircraft configuration variations;


Introduction to - Load mechanics of aircraft.


- Application of thermodynamic and gas dynamic knowledge to the

Basics of aviation design methodology for aircraft engines;
Aviation Drives

- Requirements and structure of the systems of drives.
- Determination of the characteristics of system components;
deepened aeronautical - Dimensioning of system components;
- Determination of the pumping limit distance for compressors.
- Design of profiles;

Basics of aerodynamics - Evaluation of the influence of the boundary layers;

- Profilaerodynamics.
- compressible currents;
deepened aerodynamics - Compaction joints.

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