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1903 traced the Nigerian frontier from the Niger to Lake

Sonklar, Die Oetzthaler Gebirgsgruppe (1860), and Die

a considerable fleet of United States revenue cutters which

city-states which maintained their internal independence

contest between the Egyptians and the Turks in 1832. After the

interrupted by the Spartan intrigues for the restoration of

frequent destructions the town has undergone. The wall,

a fixed point in the heavens; variation of latitude, however,

existence. Phalaris, who is said to have roasted his enemies

count of Saldana, and the feats of their son Bernardo del

march. The battle of Mantinea (362), in which Agesilaus took

Vulfran, erected in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. The

development of commerce is retarded by lack of communications;

PUBLICATIONS.---Vues illustratives de quelques phenomenes

verisimilitude?'' And again: ``The characteristic of the

See W. Wattenbach, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen,

1899. Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities combine to return

wheat, and in five minutes after touching the standing grain

Cal., 1903); An Ancient Mexican Codex, special publications

crucifix and lights, before the doors of the iconostasis;

bishop: -- ``If you demand my person, I am ready to submit:

turnips, clover and rye. grass, began to be alternated

I. CYANOPHYCEAE, or Blue-green Algae.

H. Toy compares Barnebo, ``son of Nebo''; of which he regards

Turnip, root, 17 tons 38,080 3126 218 61 15.2 108.6

Kiretchhane and Yilderim are on the left bank of the Maritza,

the decisions in the arising contests were left to reasonable

particularly well made, and are frequently used to contain milk.

dl-1, the value of K occurring in V being a function of

place-names and other scanty records of the dialect are collected

to conciliate the people. This policy appears really

attempt to help them, and their possessions in America were

of Brazil, running from south to north for a distance of

were known with a proportionap degree of absorption; but R.

Afridis commenced immediately after the annexation of the Peshawar

Cardiff and 160 from London by rail. It has a station on the

happened, a fifth was added, this was placed on the breast

Fielden, Schwab and Neebe, by Governor Altgeld. The reasons

d'Itajuba (Brazil). The first meetinhof the tribunal took

change of position necessarily uncovered one of these

delay the whole procedure must be gone through again. (E. O.*)

of the Royal Society in 1854, and received a Royal medal in

on standing, gradually becomes crystalline. It is soluble in

1128. Of all the claims Alost possesses to fame perhaps the

prostration (proskynesis), urged in the spring of 327, and

Massachusetts, on the 19th of April 1773, and was virtually ended

trade; and the English factory, though several times set up,

Benedictine monastery at Winchester under AEthelwold, who


and a wide range in time by collation of the earlier Theraean

Meantime the conclusion of the 1898 convention had left both

1890 values, and an increase of 9.6% over those of 1880. The

polyzoa, only emerging for the formation of the reproductive

Hubert. The hotel de ville is established in a mansion

struggled in the branches, and as though this were not enough,

northwards it is not unknown in Yorkshire. On the other

and probably is, prior in origin to the ``Asianic''; and it

which they successively serve in ships in full commission, are

treated as a part of elementary algebra; but it is more

were being rapidly drained and converted into rich alluvial

proficient in science as known in his time. He spent two

the medical arrangements in connexion with the British army

in a ``neutralizing-well,'' made of acid-proof material and

of ores and the methods of their treatment. His thorough

50%). If, therefore, for two colours, a and b, fa =

any, Of the nitrogenous. Thus, then, alike for maintenance, for

dealing with the administrations of Presidents Jefferson and

root-pulpers. The reaping-machine, invented in 1812 by John

than an ideal sketch. Alfred's care for the administration

common occurrence, and from the totals for Great Britain

AMBERG, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria,

approaches are exceedingly dangerous, the land rising

development of the different countries in civilization. In

did much for the restoration of discipline in the monasteries

interesting amongst recent alloys is Conrad Heusler's alloy

contains little of interest, but is an important military

very severe; snow lies for six months on the higher peaks of

al-Mahdi, and after him Harun al-Rashid, interceded for

coal and stores at home and abroad, and examines the store

Afghan War (1881); Sir H. M. Durand, The First Afghan War

conflict. The life which they knew was wholesome, regular,

from 192 outbreaks in Great Britain in 1891 the total fell

coast of Asia Minor, opposite the island of Mitylene. Pop.

was killed in the action. General Greene, standing next

French governments. A critical situation ensued. Neither

Narva. At this period the preceptors of the tsarevich had

in the Babylonian Adapa (or Adamu?) myth.

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