2018 Past Paper Answered

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SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1. (@)_ Scientists, interested in studying the survival of organisms living at high temperatures, identify some microorganisms living in a desert habitat where the average daily temperatures exceed 50°C. They extract an enzyme, protease, that facilitates the digestion of proteins from these organisms, and investigate the effect of temperature on the action of this enzyme. (State TWO precautions that they should take in carrying out this experiment. Aisagpeatarice (ii) The results of their experiment are presented in Table 1. On the grid provided in Figure 1 on page 5, draw a graph to represent the results prsented in Table 1. (4 marks) TABLE 1: RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT INVESTIGATING -THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON ENZYME ACTIVITY ‘Temperature (°C) 5 10/30] 45|50/ 35} 60|65 60 | 60 | 45} 25| 18| 15 | 60 | 60 ‘Time Taken for Protein to Disappear (minutes) : GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i 01207020/F 2018, : a = “FTL EG HAN BRRE TL OTT PRRATE COT _— Crath Ghaand jimall NOIMO “Tp be) s Figure 1. Resuits of experiment. = GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01207020/F 2018 1 = OG EA rT age Gi) From the graph in Figure 1, identify the optimum temperature for the protease activity. 5° (iv) Suggest ONE reason for the shape of the graph at less than 10 °C, TWO reasons for the shape of the graph between 10 and 55 °C, and ONE reason for the shape of the graph at more than 55 °C. Less than 10 °C Jeuprokes. 13, 1. ne (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE () Describe a suitable procedure that the scientists could use to investigate the ef of pH on the activity of the protease enzyme. Gould Sched. ees e292 # GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2018 r * (b) The human skin shown in F gure 2 is an organ wh temperature. late ths th helps humans to Figure 2. Vertical section through human skin (Name the parts labelled 1, Il, III and 1V in Figure 2. (4 GO ON TO THE NEXT P ee ETD Se deny: 01207020/F 2018 sige eel) (ii) Describe how the structures named in (b) (i) help humans to regulate their body De CUS...DUSLN (e...08. dhs... y (marks) PA gies 01207020/F 2018 aeaeni _ ATTEN TE -10- (©) Explain how changes in the epidermal cells of leaves help plants to conserve wate high temperatures, epchiondl..(slle. & the. |eoues, ae a a = GO ON TO THE NEXT PAC HOTU TNR TRIER oe F < Fez? yay Figure 3 shows three different types of cells. A. B and C. GB marks) (i. Name TWO structures that are common to the three types of cell Te... codkein.... dN "@ marks) (ii) State TWO differences between the type of cell labelled A and the type of cell labelled C. *Col.A.has..a..nucleus, .hile...Cell 0 dots... ng: + (eA. dots. & 01207020/F 2018 = 1 | mentee iL i -12- (>) Tissues made up of Type B cells are placed in a container of concentrated sal and left for one hour, Describe THREE changes in the appearance of the cells after one hour in the concent salt solution, and give an explanation to account for these changes. # by GO ONTO THE NEXT PAC =~” 01207020/F 2018 “Be al (6) Tissues made up of Type A cells and Type B cells are placed in a container of distilled water and left for one hour. Describe how the appearance of Type A cells is expected to differ from that of Type B cells and give an explanation for this difference. ) Total 15 marks 01207020/F 2018 fe -14- (a) Figure 4 shows a section through the human eye. Figure 4. Seetion through the human eye ‘Table 2, which is incomplete, shows structures in the human eye labelled in Figure. their related functions. Complete the table by matching EACH labelled part of the eye to its function, Wri letter and the name of the part. The first row has been completed for you. TABLE 2: FUNCTIONS OF THE PARTS OF THE EYE Letter Structure Funetion Conjunetiva ‘The membrane that protects the comea. OPAC Nee ‘Transmits nerve impulses to the brain | Becomes more of less convex to focus | lend on the retina ' | Controls the amount of light passing thro iS the pupil Contracts and relaxes to alter the shape c Cilicgy muscles | Ea sa] OM | > Scleca Protects and keeps the shape of the eye relina Converts light energy to nerve impulses ' a cr : GO ON TO THE NEXT F se a ..01207020/F 2018 ee ett 5 even eee TT == aR { 213+ (b) Name ONE type of light sensitive cell found in the retina, (OBB. CONES ae mark) (©) Explain why eofours are seen less clearly in dim light than in light. (marks) (dA colour-blind woman mates with a man who has normal colour vision. Determine the probability of this couple having a colour-blind daughter by completing the genetic diagram below. Parents’ phenotypes: Normal colour vision man * colour-blind woman, Parents’ genotypes: wT x XEXS Gametes: & i) Oe © 8 ; : (x5 i x Bay Fertilization cross: SI Gametes —> = ¥ Xe exe | XY | ye yey’ XY Probability of colour-blind daughter Q 1, (6 marks) Total 15 marks + - aes [ . -16- SECTION B ‘Answer ALL questions. 4. @_ Figure 5 isa diagram of the human respiratory system, Name the parts labelled A. D, E and F in the space provided. Figure 5. Diagram of human respiratory system bye fe gee. © GO ON TO THE NEXT TMM aise ei7= “1 State TWO characteristics that the respiratory surface used for gaseous exchange in human beings has in common with the respiratory surface used in flowering plants. Explain how EACH characteristic makes the respi em ratory surface suitable for gaseous exchange. ove” Alea) hic ves... 1 a onthe. “Undeiside...of the @) (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01207020/F 2018 I ‘EA a a -18- (©) _ Advertisements for electronie cigarettes promise to supply nicotine to the body w. harmful effects of cigarette smoke. These cigarettes are promoted as ahealthier alte to smoking regular cigarettes. (@) Outline the effects of THREE named components of cigarette smoke, other th nicotine, on the human body. ToC. ANS... 18. tn GO ON TO THE NEXT & 01207020/F 2018 ‘ A -19- 74 a Sues TWO ways in which the use of nicotine in electronic cigarettes may be ful fo the human body. Bday” es f nd ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2018 T : : =20- 5 (@)_ Name THREE components of human blood that are important in protecting « ‘against pathogenie diseases and state the functiog of EACH. GO ON TO THE NEXT P* 01207020/F 2018 a 6 0 8 fi 221. 7] (©) Marianne, a one- month-old baby acquires immunity from her mother through breastfeeding. Marianne’s father accidently punctures his finger with a nail but does not need a tetanus antiserum injection because he received a tetanus vaccine the previous year. Explain how the type of immunity that Marianne acquired from breastfeeding differs from the type of immunity that her father squire from his vaccine. i your explanation, sate the name of EACH type of marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2018 I CAN A I -2- (© Theauthorities prevent children who are not immunized from registering in public se. may have a valid concern about immuniz. Suggest TWO reasons why some parents thorities maintain their position on preventing their children and TWG reasons why the aut the entry of unvaccinated children. \ (4 mart: Total 15 mar GO ON TO THE NEXT PAC 01207020/F 2018 oc vec AT -23~ 5 Process of mitosis results in the production of identical cells in asexual (-NAq Describe how the reproduction. Somenucy. (ells. yi. _cisakgidle 91207020/F 2018 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘A 1 (b) Plants that reproduc asexually. Outline a1707000/F 2018 -24- ce sexually have some advantages comp SAWO advantages and THREE disadv ared to those that repro antages of sexual reprod. 6 GO ON TO THE NEXT | 0 27 25- ei] species. Suggest TWO reasons why humans @ Scientists have successfully cloned animal may choose to clone animals. Gi) Outline TWO ethical issues related to the cloning of humans. “a 58..J8. ch @ marks) ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01207020/F 2018 I ea

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