Heat Integration Engineer

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Heat Integration Engineer


Refining of cracked Bio-naphtha

Engineers carrying out specialist function activities are expected to co-ordinate an aspect of the
design, or an activity that is important to the delivery of a successful design, across the entire plant.
To do this, they will need to work closely with all of the Area engineers and to highlight very clearly
how the work they do augments, modifies or otherwise uses work prepared by the Area engineers.

The final week of the project starts with a mandatory design review meeting. Groups are expected to
organise and co-ordinate this in the most effective manner. One model that could be used is for the
process co-ordinator to facilitate the meeting, and ensure that it runs to time, but for each specialist
function to lead the part of the meeting that is relevant to them. Engineers are strongly advised to
ensure that they go into the design review meeting fully prepared; the exact amount, and nature, of
preparatory work will be different for each activity but it is generally acknowledged that there will be
work that can be done during the first four weeks of the project. Examples of preparatory work include
preparing drawing templates, building and testing calculation spreadsheets, researching control
schemes, collating data from colleagues as it becomes available, etc.

Heat Integration Engineer scope of work

The scope of work for the HI Engineer is divided into two sections. The first section relates to defining
the objectives for the design review meeting and the second section relates to the structure and
content of the specialist activity report (please refer to page 4 of the ‘detailed organisation’ document
for word limits and report structure).

Objectives for design review meeting

After the first round of design work, it will be important to identify all process streams and asses their
potential for heat integration. The potential for heat integration should be analysed critically,
accounting for the location of the identified streams in the plant. Other aspects to consider are safety,
environmental performance and operational robustness. The second task for HI engineers is to report
on their findings and discuss outstanding HI issues during the Design Review meeting. Conclusions
from this discussion should be included in the HI engineer’s report (see below).

The HIE should cover the points listed below in their report (the approximate mark distribution within
the report is indicated in square brackets).

1. A summary of utility requirements for steady-state operation, for start-up and for shut-down.
Include suggestions as to how these utilities would be provided. [15%]

2. A summary of all streams (plant-wide) that have potential for consideration in an overall heat
integration strategy, ranked by value of the potential heat recovery involved. [15%]

3. A pinch analysis for three heat recovery opportunities, including a discussion of any inherent
issues relating to plant operability.


April 2023
Version 1.0
Heat Integration Engineer

4. A review of heat integration issues identified in the Design Review meeting, including for
each item suggestions for solutions/next steps (that would be considered in a second design


April 2023
Version 1.0

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