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40 7.1 MAPRINGS Let Xand ¥be two ses Hot necessary dstne. A mapping of Vi a correspondence that sasociaes with each clement of X ‘with niga element of 'A snapping is usally denoted by a singe feller sueh as f 9.2 ce, The fat that F's @ mapping of X nto ¥ is often Indicated by the symbol fx IXY, then foreach x 6X, de corresponding element of ¥ ‘x cle the image of x under the mapping fand is denoted by (, The set X te called the domain of the mapping fand the set Yts Called ts image space. The subect of ¥ consating of those clements OFY which are image of some xe Xt ( y/ye ¥ end y = le) for some xe 21s called the range ofthe mappin If aay be noted that under = mapping fof % nto Y every x © X thas one and exactly ons image in ¥. Whereas the sme ye Y may “be une image of more than ane x © X and there may be some y © Y ‘snot the image of any xe X "A mapping of Xinto Ye defined fe know the image of ofeach xe X. The notaton {x fy Is wocd to indiate that apder the {napping of X into Y, x ts mapped inte fal, Ce fl is the image of x "A mapping J XY ean be prctorally represented by Hating the [emer oY ade to hed cures and raving eons 5 Fromeacnx® Xe canepoing mage ve = yet if Example : Let x = {1.2 3.4.5. 6,7, 8) and f : xX be a mapping dened as tows SWa1 fies St f0a)=8 f6=0 Si He7,—“F8)=2. Hence the domain as range oF fe the x: Example : Uc X= [l,2.3) and Y = fab, ¢ “The correspondence defined as. Tosa, tosh. 2-+h, Sse lent a mapping because under the correspondence, (vo distinct elemests Y correspond to the ements 1 of % CHAPrER-1 NUMBERS 1.1 The set of Real Numbers AeF ategore (oma )x The numbers 1, 2,8 ae known a8 the natural ot courting numbers. The natal rumbers, their negatives and sero form the tet of integers 2. Thue Fe ea eevee oe CF Rational mambers (ergyifes a1) # Any number which eam be expressed in the form £, whee p and gate invgers with qx, {8 called a rational” number, Clearly any integer is « rational number (corespo nding to q = 1). ‘Bcamples of rattoaal numbers ate 2, $, 7p 1.2, 0. e7 To decimal reprretation of « tational umber, the steps wileither terminate oF a certain part of the sep will repeat For example, = 0125 ; here the steps terminate, 03398 aaron = Oc ene the stepa do net terminate, ot Bs reposted which fs indiated by puting a dot over S = 0.142867 142957 142857 covet Land show that the patt 112857" ie repeated. lonal numbers (eesy acer); A number which repretenta a cerisin length on a ataight line tnt cannot be seven tat form (tet Fategom oO) the dots called a9 ixational number, In decimal zepresentaion f an inational number the steps Involved one non-termioatiog and non-recurring. J2, V3, % eete ae ational numbers ye All the iationsl and jpntional oumber together are ‘o form the continaam of Real number or the Set of real numbers, denoted by RR.v-+~ * Difecental Caleta ‘Allthe real numbers, postive oF negative, tational or ia. ional can be aepuesented_ on = straight line, say, the axis of Nowhich is called the real aziz Let XOX” be the axis of ( being the origin or the point of reference. Of area! number is never negats 2 eal axis), the point O Numbers a Sinco (—2)"= ate [2]? > 0, we soo that the square Ir is to be noted that @ v2 =|] ond Gi) [ef me. Ex. /3]=5, [01 =0, |—5| (25; [5] <5, but | -5] =5>-5, V9 = VET 9] 28, 1 the negative squate soot of 9 or any other positive veal amber is wanted then the mdieal sign shoald be praceeded = bya Je: P be any ppiat on the eal lie, Let, on extn Per thats, 2 > sign; eg. —v9= 13 Imaginary and complex numbers, Sic te step fm mesg are sign we ‘nvoduce the number, such that the point. P represen TEviden'!) O represents the number 0 ( For diferent positions of P, 2 takes diferent values and call ¢ 10 bea zeal varcbe, PY,Pyor P's, Prot P's, stivels then Pa, Pe, Pay Game By Fei 1 he estos) distances. of rweosuied from O be 1, 2,8, est the purbes 1,23, sepessent the sarcbere —1 espresed as 2m 2} iy ( where 9 complex suber. IF y= 0, the numbers ia putely seal; Lot i= vq vith Tid. is called the unit imaginary number. Any number vyare real) is called f 0, then sis purely itiaginary. —143,2— ¥35, voi oe 774i ar all complex numbers ‘The point Quhich f the midpoint « the lines segment P, Py denotes the sumber 25, In the tis OPM sighi-angled at P,, P.M drawn with OM 3 ss shown in Fi. 1 Sebati engs Bae ee ee acer eS ea fee sh a cca IE ate are aes Seon dedi a1 Cos te ‘ct hd. Proper of bua ale Co) tay wt oa i ne Ue Veal Sdelsish Front Tet t fa '5 0. The leis lastoe lob 19 ice 141. 2619] ogee aA a WEIS ep cn sone rala i inp Zl-sl=lsicnel-vi— Mee nay eae, Se aes ietyl eixitirl Dilferential Calculus By repeated application ofthe above result [atrbe: Lelel+iyl+ Bx @ | -5:7)—121=25 1-51-8171 =7% s47=12. Now 2<12=6|-5271<] ~814171- | 8-7] = [12 128] 41-7] 847-22 2-8-1) 1251-5] + 1-71 © Prove that (x71 =1=1—I71 Proof, Weare 4 TP Me-ntyi le-sleleimiyi Bx. @) 18-7) 25 15] SYS-TI>ISI— 17) Ce (725125 17] = 15 | a7 Un NT-8| 2 IT) 181 =2 dat ag] = 1zL 171 Proof ; Let, y'be both positive. Then 2y>0. So lay|=zy= [2119] (.12[ =e, when z>0, 1 |», when y>0.) 1 2,y are both negative, then p30 ad So | sy] way=(-a) (y= |=! Ll 1M, 20, y<0, then 2y<0 and bay| =—ayeao= Lal LL Similley, when 2<0 and y>0 Lay | =—2ye(—2) = 12! Ly t> Hence inary cae, 139 1 = 181 131» Art 14, Meaning of | x—+ | <3. iy Le sao. Then [x—« | =3~ [ene | cfoxncen orcas ‘Ablate Valves 5 Gi) Tha—4<0, thew [s—« | 4—B(H) Hence form () and (i), We have, enpcrect ws lee Gor, |2m<| 53) cheat While |x| <8ap—asr<% Ex, Give the equivalent of |.2+1| $2. By removing the absclute notation, [241] 2 ie writen as—2g24152 ore <2-1ss41ig2-1 or —3eect Bx. Give the equivalent of th statement 35.027 inthe term of the the ebelute notation, Let the relation be len<1g3 of <-3s2se49 If we compare it with— 3237, then we bare <-tm Sand c4307, Solving these <= 2 3=5 Hence the expression 32327 i eq L Draw the graph of y= | x1 y= [21 mene yoxif zp0 and y=—z if x<0 So, we ste to draw two graphs for the two equations, et os teerict our attention to the graph corres ponding to the imeral—Ss25. =| =5]-31 01315) srtaterstel 6 Dilferatial Calculus Absolute Valves For 221, Jett] ~22+2, yo2ehotetz—lasedz 2 segment AB in Fig. (1) ‘The graph of y= | =| iexiven by the Fig. (1) The a1 [| legiven in Fig. 2 a) es leliseh, For 0<2<1, ye2)e¢1| [2] +) 211-3 ‘o2e$24.2—(e—l)—S=2e ot y=2z represents OA Fig (2) For -15250, i Jeet tf] + pent] 2042 yabh-54x25 sexes Fe@ 7 Fie @ x 1 Draw the graph of y=3( 2+ |= oy y=0 septents OC Por ene o ‘we reset our attention tothe era coneponding welt lebt ltl ie tenn poMet Drea Yaad, 1, yo —de 4 roprosents CD) Se re advo 3ep(atsi== @| yf eee See ao ecacaelh weet yoke! We daw four rhe forfour ogantons (1) [Ie The foot ‘graphs ace all straight Hines, The combined grsph is contin. ted isshownin i. xt (0 show hat Ex? (mar be expressed 0 @ ‘The gupbot y=} (e+ 1x1) for—Ss.255 is shown Ant. 16. Graphs of Inequalities (wma coat) ings Lato consider the following cats involving absolute vl Fie © Vorthe equation | =| = a thas ony two salons vy = 2 and rm 2 ese | 2 What will armen to |= | st ave jett| + Lett etl Birt, fa the interral—2e2252 Voriteeauation | 2-31 ©, 36 and 2-5 seins oly two solutions. = such a8 r—~ ter 8ande= 2 Hix Solve the inequality |x} [91 Bow Al) i Abwolte Veues ° Diferetal Calls 2, Find the equivalents of the following by 1 Let vs fist comider the values of ¢ and y in the fi shsoltesottons ‘uackant 20 that 2320 and y20. @ [e-310, 24931 ©) #20.920,24921 (a) £20,950, 2hyS1Ana (i) — () 220,920, etyR1 : vere : 2 Hiab) A aze obtained fom y=2¥ is Le}oja} O11] 1147 1 me ee see sen, Ste fayaijate| 2-98 hae eo Sheafey iemael “0.0, Ged. 8, ae 2,4) pean tiem fasction as no wo. 12 | 1Sf (Ste | 1st) fate When Ocal, © i positive or, negative’ th case tt tion, ya it always positives We observe that for #, past sides of (oe oFigits Dy Ee cof the cove When 220, yma" _ al (Fig, 16) (© Gragh of te fonetion ywtog,s, 30, 050. we can write yelog,sas.smat (Case When e>1, x's postive forall values of 3. + is monotonically increasing wth the increas of y, conversely ‘ineteases monotonically with y+ as evse, ‘When y=0, then xia", the poiat (1,0)48 on the curve, Ror ‘sepative vats of j, «is decreasing with the increasing vala:s ot] y| 46 9-92 a5 2-90. i.e. neative y ais ‘of the cuve, % ris ‘The eraph is the asymptote ‘The curve is monotonteally Increasing fro%—20 to 4co whea 42> 4 the graph of the function fe showa below ia fg. 18 Case Mt. When O Rig 35 Ree, Ri.) U GDR ix 7 Find the domain and range of Te anston th wndeind fr sm3s ey the monte 2x ey Differential Caloulos Domsia and Range ° Fon yar, —26x62, BD isthe straight tine y=—t fncludiag the point BQ,—D, D—2—) For yer3, x2. We get astraisht Ha, Jo3, i.e, EF whieh dores not contain the poist & (2.3) ‘The domain of fx), Dre(—<2,-2) U-22) U Goo) = ©, 7 Range of fa), Rr=(—) U-NUGI=(—4= 1, 3 Ex 8 Define the function f¢ AB where A, BSR, the: Ee 9. (a) Fig os neg 22 Fed the domain and ans off) [1+ IHU Sap. (fe) as stencaa BIaeetE GIR fin 721 2B ween ea} 6 a at Reais (9) Show that faye |x| + | xt pwaf pets x<0 ised 9 A o Reet yao Bo Ae FT| eat Then ¢ " Dash EEN meas at— ae xt |=21-11 iy Dian the aie ef D- 71 \ foo. NED, and (1, CT 1, |, Ie Thani city FRR 0, >I, 4 IDO and | x Thea > I may be expressed as ut otealnonters ty fade, Find te domain and cage of £0 Show tht fIsoveone ‘onto, Find « formala for ("1( fs A+B) ABM (ares es aa wrens Rea ore wee ay Pete wrt Ream ava atten fF" at a8 TN] {Deu nt ed Etter ap ta0 on seh ten sty, ylauedland Ca oh isthe subset Ix Ann, y= D4 Lett ets e tat wih I 3erT cy ante: aaa xis undefined fue 1-3 PinfLED, (YE x= ° real values of yx will Be foun Th eee YET TtTt Range of fx) of y is Re=(—co,c0} (1) =IR #(4) * we You! isa straight HreCB. ,C (0,1) Bl, 1) [Now for each value of the set A has» corresponding one Wess eeiiet x [xsl math, [ser > Le] eel [aetet late! ©) Domain €o aed. ZI Beller, Sta only one value of the set B» No member is unrepresented prese nsets._ So, the fugctioa f(s) {s one-one and onto. (8¥-a nt ‘nifem) The faverse formula, (#2 ts oe Z lise 2) 21 means all vals of ¥Biegeiss yg a) values of y beween 1 and +. bs aq (a ay Agninmy>1 or, y<—1 mass alae, gs Hess than =} sevalues are Between~ COtO —I-tijgy ce PED interval (=, Dns @) THE ETEDN OF ad, ig maxis expresied by two ster en upd$o ie “open interval and * nt the to pation (1, en. TF ye symbolially expressed a5 the unis tervals, From We raph ae theresa may be bling Ee 1M Expres the set A=Gite gy S11 an Nerval acd the set Bets | 12 Ry[2j5)) coats the talon of ho Intervals Indicate the set Ati; ye cartesian plane DU. 1984 Sole Ae(el2eR,) e/ <1 ste | re Rml21>1 6 Diterential Coleus Domai and Rance 3. Determine the domains (stg9¥3) of defiotion of the fate S01) ER, y-2>1 and—G-I>V 200] YER, D3 and yt lowing fanetions. ge SURO ee st 1 fern tEL gos, anatase of, except 20 2-0, 1 UB,0) mF ©) f09)— 5 as. alltve ea values of + asadig eo Sen e a 2 i eet comprbieg the ara vi ae (iy fp SE EEL ayy areal vaacs of exe! infinite planes by v=—I sed s=t excluding the area LMNP, bot snclsing ides £M, PNrexeluding sides LP, MY. tn, e200 | e Oy YeGow Ane © eocrs—i ands es1 yobs 22a, —2c0e2 (90 amon PE am, a (i) ME Net Ane Moet, te Koo (il) YPosin2e Ana Resi Hatem 2..) EXERCISE—1 ‘4. Find the odd and even fanetons of the following fanctions O fgeHe4Iy) An. coon 1) JOM LUFT —SU=Ss4 7) Aas, odd edd so aa 1 1s e)es fad AN), J 0. AOS T5312, SAE ABT eat Aa) (%) Fo" oy 2. Find the limit of the sequn sine ie each ease, 9) Formop (ee C04) An. odd 5. Show that Is not defined for Teese 6. Show that °7 fe not defined forall ne re values of x or pte 7. Show that the function, 5 POV {G—H(5-2))1s aon existent for every value of e 2 (Sxsi2-en or y Rerwastenn xa) tay (wos Ans. (1G) 0G 108 GW) 0. ying between a | pittesitial Calsutus S, Show that (GO=3E420 Bs defined Tor any value of we tying Between 0 and but usdstied for any value of in heed 9 foenyt « defined for 35 tet 10, Prove that £ Js not defined for x 3 (iy, Bxpst the sete a8 an interval: Ris the set of real amber. aces ui ee ss the union oft intervals saber, 301) (12) each of the Plowing cases, deide ahsther the (0. Us 1989) siven relation F and the Eoverte relation, BO? are foresiem o whether i isons 19.0 1988 Incase Bor Fis a function, Gh Feta ner? wt =H ome ii) PeteageR? y= toy Pets, ver? [47 Exercise (Domain and Rosse Find the domain asd Range of the © yates @) sect anes () Dera Gi) Die Ree—o2, ©) Domai and Range Is ian real number and febsk—s, nd the domain aod the range of fe) Draw the raph (ht xa@@ arse mts 1, ciel TRF THATS TH SLD =iev aa stares axe aN fr a) gat crea a9 23) 1 0.0. vs7) Ae co) ert sae) 2 a). Show that s(s)alsin may also be expressed as (ena Sides te fear atan Fon| oan ate 3._1f te fanetion f(a is dened by Pye (2 bs yt Fd the domain and rage of the fanctionj(e) Draw she raph (0) Mh Stee Ica at RE, wrt AREA Ao) aH STEN S| ent feta ae) Ane Dem, #), Re =u 44. Pld the domain and function ro by Pet, re eh e fame ES Ae ee), Ress) 5. Pind vie domain and range otf(si—m | [44 Let an how shat f(s) may bs expeesied as CH. 1992 Ane Dy tea), RE =Ll, miei, x<0 fm (oT ogee dei, S31 Ineo the graph ofthe funtion. [y(e)=faf+ JH 9m ete seecane Nf foie ty come cxf.) cw Bes eae sate satay | Jo) ax ea aa | | ‘iecental Catealus [elin3sest, . Fig 44 1. Draw the graph of the following furetton oe auhts aa Hi 4 \: ee re ceerinen pe Ant Dem(—*, OL, 1] UU, =), mt) UL OL) U a.0=(0, Bd the domala and range ofthe functions (foyer Oss (CH 1958) wim beset Ae )-(o1)) =R-(-1, 1) G5) DreO, 3, Rew O11 U Lh 310,37 9. Find the domain and range of f when. eR 2eR 10.) Define the domaia of a function, of the function defined by yo? Find the domain function dered by the equation yage fiven relation F is & fanetion, Aetermine its damaia © ye LOA) fi) ye © vette) et in (&.U. 1970) Domsining Range o AW Define the rage of tarciton, Fad the tage of he = 3) ich hasan lavene Find the domain 20d rage of f when Gi). Give an exarple of fection whi in raF0= 2 208 sn ieee 4 Ex (12) In etch of the tilontng cise, Aecide sheer ne In each case Pics fuetton, Mé Tange and decide whether its one. vise, ® Paley eR? |yaxy Ant fanston, Drm Ri Rem R11 faction FG ye Rye Ans. tunetion, Deak, Reak™ GPa DER YH) Ans, No Dee CO) PAG NER | y=L%) hos, No DAR 413. Find the domsia and range of the following fusctia 1 Ast. O 0¥em.10 ot pilfeeetiat Caleutus Find Ax and sketen AB in cartesian plane i) Lit Ants |e R—tar<6) td define the eaion Bin A. Flod AXA and skotch Ax fn certian plane. 7. Daverbe which of the ration betow ace fenetions wich Into ed which are I=tt_alio It eeepondence, @) flee Re] pete +3) Aas It Corespoadence 0) F469) @RaR | yas RY bo the sofa noneneea- and f-* (ANB) @f-4A)g f-( B) , ‘See Higher Algebra, set Tacory AA Cee i Show thar the function OVA) acb fran ~1,5/23h8. (0 1 60 0 (40 10° to) 0. (a0 x= 00S x 4 790 WHI I xh AGE EAT heli ite unten newex es 1G OSxs1 = Rexed @) = Gexst meee Llexce kx Sx che + 9/2 (k= 04142 4 we dear inner ashen: , Bic pity hh Express the sets sean internal. Is the st ofrea a doe RIZE c. ( dewize 231s) (11) Eeprss as the union of two faterals ( 48S) 2 (4) Show that /(3)= 1x1 —x may also be exprettd as xiv fret ae) 3. Ithefetion/ (2) is defined by Beo3 <1 <8 paBl vat sare 2) (eIe# RLx-31>T} (12) Te cach of the falling cus, deide whether relation F and the invent relation Ft are fonctions: Ta oc Ft isa freon, dele aio whether itis one to (Rae Ft rans fer aft ere ea cree erat Find the deaiain and ‘ange, of the function/(x) Draw the (Se) aft BhaRreoree airs es, sre Rem IU) et onsen a fia wa) Aer Dynlmm, 2), Rpm iy oo. © Fey e Rist 4. Find the domain and faneton dened by sin) © 12) eo, a? GW Fe{(ay) ® I s=3) ron fh IS Ans. Dealt, ©) Rls @) 68) Fela) 2 Ry ) Fo((a9)2 Rlatestal) $ Flad the domaia and ravge of f(s)m4x1 413-1 | and What (0) may be expressed as eg “4H Gt [Exerc 1 (9)—Domeln and Range (steazsa 9 if a 1. Find the domain aod Range of te following bea ( yasins CW) yout? (i) y—sia ts, mot) Bt Ans () Dem(—n eh Reat—ts D Bak Dra(—e, ©), £ ={,29) aw the graph of ihe fasion [C= 1x1-b ral faa orn Dy=Rya(— 8, 2) 2. If feany real number and f(s) 11 sind and the roge of f(3) Draw the graph (aft x aad vey, ars) hem eeara hf |x =H 4 SeaTEA att al x cosfin ea Fa)! q ‘Ans. Dyes 2) Sy=(— ers 0) anf fda eas ewe 8) oe BRE aT sem lev) £9 en coax a5 2a) Find the ‘domain and renge of f(s)=3-[9]. ig 3¢x<3 5 sles integer that Is 70 Feveurn sh a (i Give an example of fenton wi 1 St dg ae ong AMC has an ves aS parr, Ant, Dy 9h R=.) Be. (13 each of ie following cases, the ven eaten Ft 2 function, Inenep eee whether DS Stine is man ‘and range ae gas enon, ° ae toe tosh Lars ae ne, funtion, "8," 1~ 1 fancton 1. Draw the graph oft follwing fenton WWF lc eR? w= ANS. Sncton. Dye egy we Bel, 200 (i) F le, ye RE | y? =x) Ans No, uae piel ees (os fe eR? | y= Vx) Ans. Na Oyo archaea 19, pe drs eo the Fi ancion Find the domsin and range of f(s) (S02) re (y= Vor - 2x 42) y= ty ‘exer £02) orem arfe Pf wa un Cod Vo2- ax +1) Ai om ac (0) sens SI oe nein R= fe.) UJ-=.-1] tay 2- V9sx52+ V3, @(-=- V3yy 8 Rrl™, 9) uj, ~ 11 14, Determine the domain and range op the foto, metions with dagram PARE WR OF Maarwy e frec a1 BoM 8 A) (a) y= be ini Ans. De OS¥<1. exc 9 » eR LAI. IB oes ustded ml-4a1 ton 9 fe y= -9/2.~712,-9/2, 8 9/2.5/2.712 8. Find the domain aed range of the functions ait @ aomv Ans. Dem(— =) 1) UCL), Bea(—e, 9, Find the donate and roge off wheo 4ep3 x eR AAT y 21K 10, (@) Defie the domain of a function. Find ‘ofthe function defies by y=3* (iy Define the range of a function. fonction dened by the equation y*=(3—2, (0-3) ‘fevcatiara eregra fo yeti tT is 6.8) drs. De Ais. (0) at Di (o yotern ind dnt. Dy dus. (@) at De 4-13.10, 163.3) co © sory (Fp) ( Sorex, osest cm Ba mSaited ih tect eerste Roche ona 04 om 2 Oth, $2) fog RE AXERCISE-1 (6) it A=(H,2,3.4)and Bal, 2, 3,4) 1, Wht of the folowing ealeetioat of ‘ordered unbers ae functions. Find the donaia and raoge of Lafers concgs saree whit es Gera eT? erences 0 Feare fe wa] © GD. 2% GD, GD 6) G02 63, 449) GD GY. ,28 20.8.2) G) O,34 (=D, 4, 0,3) 4 9) 2, Find thé set ofondered pairs which is (4s) @) and 1 (ats Laine cancge cab fie a) j ©) $8382 0,2), Cy Nand GH drs. 0,3), 3) 3): (0.19, 1) and (2) As. 0.1. (, aon 3 £02 (3.0, 29, U4 4) 80d 6) Ars. (2, 2) He) 62 2-D(HD, 5) and 21) dns. (2,8) (i) FE) He: (10,3), (4,9, @, 1 and A, 3 (3) is (5,1), (1,3) 2,2) and (10, 19) 4. Find the ordered pis of x2 above 4 Which of the following relations in 1 arefinetons ?- Give the domain and range of each fusction. [ami Tan st Cora ‘erent Rercen cen @ can Fett 921) Fafee 91699 © 1h y*=3} An x0 fneton. Fe(II 9 © Pyar) dns. D=L; Raset of itcsen cexpresive as the cube of integer. Faffs,3) 1 (6.9) © P% * in certaia plant ( Let Amel x ® Rad tet <2) and Boiy|y ® Rand I2i>y Find AxcB and sketoh Ax fn eatesin pene. (i) Let Aare R~Esx<9) and dese the relation R in A. Find AxA and sistch d fin certsing plane, ‘1 Descbe which of the relation below are functions re into and which are [1 ao 1-1 comeponderce, () $29) © RXRLymded3) dns. 1-1 Correpon @) £2 lea) RXR yay, RF be the set of all ne tive real umber) DeZR, i is not foxetion, ©) Pe (9) © RXR yasiog} Ans, Into Fonction, ) FlGe9) © RXR 173%} das. one-one fusetion () f(y) ERKRISC)=s41) An. feastion onto, (© Sekar ® RUG)=e} Ans. fis one—one fonction, 6 (OF: lbc w eR xR 1 y= tan x) Ans. is onto. (2) f los w eR | F69 = log x. where xis real) 8 Let A and B sei of reat numbers S=(oc yeAxBl y Tod = Ge 32) faa Fah Fah 54 uB.6r 1. 8. ISOs = be yeR? | f Gaal ax 64 find 0, 0.5.03: ab) Shan 20 FE aaa Wy Ul3,2+V3) 10. I.ftx-+y isa function and AX, then what is meant by pale ‘Ans. See Higher Algebra, set Theory AM. 9.6 Show that f(A UBI=/! (a) US! (8) and P1498) = f(A) FB) fra-o8 see Higher Algebra. set theory Art. 9.7 11, find the domain ofthe following (Wt cw Fits So) = 22-1. g bd =e 41 ee 0 Seca % 69 ws 0 ws 969 ad. om al Hh m0) -F Is evo Eo) 2,09) CHARTER uss 2.4. Tae concept of lint i the most basi concept of Caleulus. In this chapter, defiaision ofa limit, propestics of and some standard theorems on limits will be dscasted 22, Defistlon A constant a Is safd to be a Timit of the variable x if 0< 1x-21 <8 ‘Whore Bien pre-assigred positive quantity as smail as we nother words, we say that “x approsches the constant fof ‘x tends to a", Symbolliealy, fis denoted by or Ks ea, Note that x->a never Emplies that x=a ‘When x approaches a bat always remaias less than a, we roaches a fom the left oa the real axis and we say that a re: Similarly, when x tends to a with values always greater than. ‘at x approaches « fiem the Tight on the real axis and tis is expressed as x-ra ‘For example, when x takes surcesive numerical valu, 39,399, 3999, 3999.7 6tends to from the left or Xo Smita, if assumes the successive values $1,401, 4001, 40001, a. e approaches 4 from the right or sot ‘Considering the to sets of values 0-9, 399, 399, 3999 Different Caleta n and (64,40, 4001, 6001.) sssumed by x, we say that +4 OF 0< [x4 | <8 where d In common language “im tx) tothe fixed aumber I sohenaver is very close 12 Jn term of mathematical analysts, we give the meaning of er Let $ be aset of sumbers and let fx) be defined forall nace bersin $ (tat is, isa subset of Dy, the domain off). We assume that Sis arbitrarily close to. ic given 80, there exists an lement x of $such that 0< | xa 0, however small, there exists a positive namber ‘sand fixed number f, satisfying. Og [xa 0 howeve Vette ee aes) ce te bt de SAI 0 ‘This micans that, lim (3x; 4)a19 es Ex 2. Prove mat Ho xtmat =a Let us consider an ait ‘ue we trary postive number e>0, however ke 0 orfetouend afafeeodce (axtay lanai 0, however small, 0< | a-3 | ¥ Tovestgate the fuetion at x=0 and xed Fer m0 Ex. 4. Forfiaest—3ei5, Sad 30 such that whens © 06 2-2 1 N Tor al se of x amnyng the negli O< 3-8] g8 ih >a oracrseed (©) nein fe snd to ted toca when x apresee 1x any hen pox uate; Nowe rt, we can ct psn See “5PM, om ferc-n | i valas of sate he equality Oceans Ex. 6, Evaluate lim —3 ee Se a Bt hte ae Te tat of) cot x92 If bath e+ and feb) Be iia ane a ti ee le oe hy LO Uae ym BOS te ee Beh int ese a ee eS ore keen the value of the fuwtin /G) at 00 Ir casal the tint of te fantlon f(a) when #99. Hence J) Is continw axed Forsed Tien f+ HpmLion (1 +25 +8) te hag hag Ti f+ aL (1-20) Boje 1 +10, take fem — 1H hor hat Hin fdtimtin A+B) =0 hom ht 1 Hence the lint ofthe fusction fix) exists and is equal 10 2 §, Meaning ofthe symbols 030d —09 (45ANCHH if a variable x asonter all postive valuss aad it without limit auch that iis greater thin any postive nu ‘however blg which we may Imagine, xis sald to tend (9 ad symbolically is written a8 #925 ‘Sintlarly if the variable possesshue negative values Le 10 take flei=- creases without any Hint and Tess than any neget Hit ( switch we may imaging, x sid to tead t0 oi fod it fs denoted by 1-9. ‘These synbols-+00 aid-—9, by themelves do ot posse ‘meaning and the pases in which they ozcur donot ta lie f(248)=lin la—i)m00 ‘meaning fiom the tymbols. ot hes ty phrase -220 isnot Found from ‘Therefore limit exists and 3% 3, “The meaalng of the ps i yd from the fore init exists and J So ment x-9a by substituting a=0. 126 Meaning of © tinge tate) a ‘Art 206 Meaning of in fo) = jebave pac Lia /2+i)etin = Leta be any postive cunbers, that f(s) i defined for at ai oo GRRE ee hao Ce bets x a We say that fs) approaches! asx tends to + tase ty, acd we write Him fe) ere ‘he loving eonditlon {8 saled Given any €>0, there un 1 fin 4 postive number A, such that whenever XA. we. have te eo ot Vet I. Let e=148,0Zh<1 tet 20s tat fe) spose. tx dae then) os ieee sadly. Ut tends 10 fe) ce tnd ob aa, ewe take N-anysiven positive number, however Woon when sN. ite, et W be any positive number, such that >No, n>NPA. CTecefore > N where is any large nuber foc all s>N/b- 1 ‘As Nincreases, acerca Hence tim (eo x Wier lcegh a [21 cl M tettctctc bixiet. a 1 1 CF ee, <1 I=) + Lom) ales arene ee Hence Lin (fix)te(x)}altin...G) ‘Sipilarly we can prove that Lie (7)—9(9)) =! ‘Now coat ing 3) and (4), we have Lie (fs)t6))—lstm ‘Similarly we caa extend It toany mumber of funetions im (FOd::SDEWODE nd xe safion fo Lia $2) tim He) + hilt ‘Theorem 2 The limit of the prodact of any Gnite number of Aaactlons is equa to the product ofthe limits of these fontions ¢ lin F(sj—h, li ffs), then tim CGD AG) ha Proof 1" We prove the result for two fntions Set Let lim faye and tim (=e ‘Then fora given aumber €>0, however small, there exist a ‘positive number 5 sued that Limits LOH < ap. ite | L-tic-$, ano Wom l<- qrpas teeta foc 0<| eal Fon [FW-N SNOT Lateim—m i ei LEE <4) Spt lel aps mie she “Therefore lim f(x) g(x)—ln=stio f(x). Hea ef). Cort Ihe be a constant, them Tim ef(a)nel where lim del, ‘The theorem can be extented to aay number of fonction, Theorem 3, Iflim fis)ed, then tim 1 1 zea on eT provid AO, Limits 1 Proofs Given @>0 let; hs the smaler of tL nde Then there exists 3>9 such tat hens 0< | sa | <3, we havs [feo-11

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