Dewi Purnama - ELT Research

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Name: Dewi Purnama

NIM: 2003050009
PBI k1 2020

1. What is the function of “Calloborator” in CAR?

Answer: To collect the data
2. Why can need to involve “Collaborator”?
Answer: To collect the data researcher need collaborating with teacher or student in the
3. Who is the “Collaborator in CAR?
Answer: In Classroom Action Rsearch, Collaborator is person who helps the researcher
to collect the data

1. Analyze 2 article applying experiment methodology?


- Title
The Effect of Speed Reading Technique on Recount Text at Eight Grade Students of
SMP N 12 Tanjungpinang in the Academic Year of 2020/2021
- Research Question
Problem in this research, is there any significant effect of speed reading on
student’ ability in comprehending recount text at the eight grade of SMP Negeri
12 Tanjungpinang?

- Reseach Objective
This study aims to know the effect of speed reading technique on Students’ ability
in comprehending recount text at eight grade the SMP Negeri 12 Tanjungpinang

- Research Significant
The result of the study are expected to provide practical benefits for students
teachers and school
1. The benefits for students
This research is expected to increase students’ reading interest with speed
reading methods as well as improve students’ understanding pf speed reading
2. The benefit for teachers
This research is expected to develop the knowledge teachers to understand
whether the application of fast reading will affect the interest of students in
3. The benefits for this research school
This research is expected can increase the interest and enthusiasm for the
teaching process in the scjool

- Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this researcher hypothesis research can be devided into
alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis . The hypothesis as follow:

HO: null hyphotesis

There is no significant effect in average scores of using speed reading technique
to teach students recount text at Eight Grade of SMP N 12 Tanjungpinang.

Ha: Alternative hypothesis

There is significant effect in average scores of using speed reading technique to
teach studentsrecount text at Eight Grade of SMP N 12 Tanjungpinang

The p- Value of the pre-test and post test of the experimental class in 0.002 and
the signification rate is 0.05 it means that is higher than p-value (0.002<0.05) it
can be concluded that (Ho) was rejected and (Ha) was accepted

- Methodology
This research is Quantitative Approach, because the researcher wants to established
possible effect between dependent and independent variable. This research used Pre-
experimental research

- Result
The result of this study showed that the average pre-test score was 58.50 and the post
test average score was 72.58. The difference between the pre-test and posttest scores
was 14.08.This showed that there is a significant effect from speed reading technique
towards students in working recount text at eight grade studentsclass given by the
researcher. The paired t-test test, it showed a p-value 0.002 which mean it is smaller
than the 0.05 significant level which indicated that (Ho) is rejected and (Ha) is
accepted. So that it can be conclude that there is a significant effect of paired t-
test testing.

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