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1. Answer the questions stated below. Properly cite your references using APA 7th Ed.
Illustrate how the following phyla of medically important fungi are reproduce by discussing the


➢ Zygomycota reproduce without sex by producing sporangiospores. When environmental conditions

become unfavorable, Zygomycota reproduce sexually. Two conflicting mating strains must fuse or
conjugate to reproduce sexually, exchange genetic content and form zygospores. When the organism is
in the vegetative stage, Zygomycetes develop a thallus of coenocytic hyphae with haploid nuclei. The
fungus creates sporangiospores, which are produced without sex.

➢ Microsporidia are found in almost all species of animals, including humans. Multiple species of phylum
Microsporidia are associated with human disease in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised
hosts, and they are categorized as fungi. Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestines are
the two species most commonly associated with gastrointestinal disorders. Microsporidia can reproduce
in both sexual and asexual ways. Nuclear division occurs in asexual reproduction, resulting in the
formation of one or more pairs of nuclei, which are then separated or paired in a diplomatic arrangement
by cellular division.


➢ All members of the Class Ascomycota that reproduce sexually develop an ascus (from the Greek
“askos,” meaning “sac”) that carries spores. Unfortunately for taxonomists, many species of Class
Ascomycota do not reproduce sexually, and thus do not produce ascus unique to their taxonomic
group. Ascomycota phylum contains nearly half of all identified fungal species and 80% of medically
important fungi. Ascospores, formed in a special sack -like structure known as an ascus, are produced
as a result of sexual reproduction.

➢ Basidiomycota reproduce asexual by germination or formation of asexual spores. Budding occurs when
the growing parent cell divides into a new cell. Any cell in the body has the ability to germinate.
Basidiomycota are filamentous fungi composed of hyphae. Most species sexually reproduce by
producing four sexual spores from a club-shaped spore-bearing organ (basidium) (basidiospores).

2. Briefly describe how diseases caused by the medically important fungi phyla can be prevented.

• One of the most effective ways to reduce fungal infection is to maintain good hygiene. keep your skin
clean and dry, particularly the folds of your skin.
• wash your hands often, especially after touching animals or other people.
• avoid using other people's towels and other personal care products.

3. Examine and select a specific type of fungus and discuss how it can contribute to human economic

➢ Morels contain many antioxidants that are good at protecting your body from free radicals. These free
radicals are often caused by heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Type 1, and Type 2 Diabetes. The
antioxidants in Morels help remove harmful molecules from your body called reactive oxygen species.

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