Writing Assigment 3

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Writing assigment 3

level 4B Technology
Vanessa Lopez Castrillon


As the human being evolves in the same way, technological development advances by leaps
and bounds, every day the human being tries to improve his life and minimize risks, this is
the case of remote surgeries ; remote surgeries come from small steps taken in the world of
medical technology, at first the surgeon did not have all the necessary tools to reach the
point of repair, which made it necessary to expand the field of action, that is, quite invasive
surgeries with a lot of collateral damage.
The path of improvement of the surgical technique has brought with it the use of
technological tools that guarantee fewer adverse effects and rapid recovery of the patient,
such as laparoscopic surgery, which only involves making three or four incisions through
which the surgeon operates through of a camera and super small tools , The problem with
this technique is the limited number of doctors trained in it and the cost of maintaining the
machines. However, the advantage is how cost effective it is for the medical system, seeing
it from the point of view of recovery.Given the lack of doctors trained in laparoscopic
techniques , the use of remote surgeries opens the opportunity for small hospitals to treat
patients who require emergency surgery or as soon as possible , reducing the risk of
All before sound perfect but all have advantages and disadvantages in this case the main
disadvantage is that its a expensive technology and need resources that they don't have at
all places for example a good network , stable power grid and the human resources to
respond in case of an emergency , because not all bodies are same and sometimes the
anatomy can change and it’s necessary use traditional techniques.
In conclusion I think that the remote surgery is a good idea maybe if I had to choose I would
prefer remote surgery especially specialities hard to find for example cardiothoracic surgeon
or neurosurgeon however I am conscious that Its necessary a lot human and physical
resources to have a good result.

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