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a) Report prepared by: Florence Lomilo

b) b) Title and duty station/Cluster: MIYCAN FACILITATOR, Amudat AP
c) Date of submission:24 th/10/2022
d) Location of activity: Amudat Sub-county, Amudat District.
e) Facilitators: Cosmas and Enoch
f) I) Target group(s): PLWs and Children under 5
II) Number of anticipated participants:500
iii) Number that turned up: 445

g) Dates activity conducted: 30th of September – 20 /October /2022

Objective/s of the activity
 To conduct continuous assessment of the community for MAM and SAM
 To provide ANC and PNC to the PLWs who come to the outreach.
 To provide YCC which include EPI, Vitamin A supplementation, Deworming and other ser-
 To provide the Nutrition Health Education at the outreaches to the community
 To conduct cooking food demonstration at the outreaches.

h) Give the key results achieved (Outputs / achievements)- include pictures if possible
 116 cu5 received EPI (56 males 60 females0

 Vitamin A supplementation 129 children got vitamin A supplementation (53males 76 females)

 Deworming 138 children were dewormed during outreaches (60 males 78 females)

 ANC 19 mothers turned up for the outreach and were attended to.

 TB 5 people were screened for TB during outreaches.

 5 food demonstrations done

i) Emerging issues (including questions raised) identified during implementation of the activity
 Farm activities ongoing currently affect the turn up of the community members for the outreaches.
 Lopeikerep ( traditional fund raising ceremonies) on going are also affecting the turn up of the
j) Constraints/ Problems/ Challenges (Describe challenges faced during implementation of activities
and how you plan to overcome them)

 Farm activities ongoing currently affect the turn up of the community members for the outreaches.
 Lopeikerep ( traditional fund raising ceremonies) on going are also affecting the turn up of the benefi-

k) Any further action needed: (be specific with the plan moving forward including responsibilities
and timelines)
 Early and consistent mobilization of the community by the VHTs to ensure turn up of the population
for the activities.
l) Pictorial

Figure 1 Children receiving EPI services in Chemintiri During Outreaches

m) Total amount of funds requested. 240,000/=

n) Supervisor comments:

Report approved by supervisor (Name, Signature & date)


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