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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

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Inorganics in sugarcane bagasse and straw and their impacts for bioenergy
and biorefining: A review
Djanira R. Negrão a, Adriana Grandis b, Marcos S. Buckeridge b, George J.M. Rocha a,
Manoel Regis L.V. Leal a, Carlos Driemeier a, *
Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR), Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Laboratory of Plant Physiological Ecology (Lafieco), Department of Botany, Biosciences Institute, University of São Paulo, Brazil


Keywords: Sugarcane is the base of a successful agroindustrial system in several tropical and subtropical regions of the
Herbaceous biomass world. This industry is evolving towards diversification of its product portfolio and valorization of the vast
Biofuel amounts of lignocellulosic feedstocks: bagasse and straw. These trends make the sugarcane industry a learning
Agricultural residue
ground for the utilization of agricultural residues and herbaceous biomass for bioenergy and biorefining. The
presence of inorganics in sugarcane bagasse and straw, constitutive of the plant as well as originated from
contamination, impacts several of the current and potential uses of the biomass. Although many studies refer
broadly to terms like “inorganics”, “ash”, “silica”, “sand” or “mineral impurity”, there is a lack of a coherent and
nuanced presentation of the inorganics of bagasse and straw: what they are, how variable they can be, and how
they can impact different processes and products in biorefineries. This review article aims at filling this gap.
Bagasse and straw inorganics are discussed considering their agroindustrial context and how they can impact
processes such as combustion, pyrolysis, production of cellulosic ethanol and biomaterials. Prospects for valo­
rization of the biomass inorganics are also discussed, beyond nutrient recycling. In the vision of this review,
inorganics are not a marginal concern for biorefineries, as the percentage of inorganic content in biomass may
seem to suggest. On the contrary, proper understanding and management of inorganics is key for the design of
processes for advanced biorefineries.

1. Introduction presentation focuses on sugarcane lignocellulose, it is key to recognize

that the fibrous residue left after crushing the stalks (i.e., the bagasse) has
Sugarcane is a major crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the always been part of the sugarcane processing landscape [3,4]. On the
world, with global annual production of about 1.8 billion tonnes (wet other hand, the leafy matter (i.e., the straw) is a relatively recent op­
basis) [1], Brazil being the largest global producer [2]. Historically, the portunity coming with the substitution of the manual harvest of burnt
main product from sugarcane has been the sugar obtained from the cane by the mechanized harvest of green cane [6,9,12,14–17].
sucrose-rich juice [3,4]. However, just about one-third of the While this industry evolution is unfolding, the inorganic constituents
above-ground sugarcane dry mass (and energy content) is in the juice. of bagasse and straw have been recognized as key elements for the
The other two-thirds are lignocellulosic matter from plant stalks, tops, introduction of new sugarcane processing technologies. In concise
and leaves, which have been recognized as valuable feedstocks for terms, inorganic contents are main attributes of bagasse and straw
bioenergy and biorefining [5–9]. quality [6,9]. The industry tradition, however, is to treat the lignocel­
The sugarcane industry is evolving to harness this vast lignocellulosic lulosic biomass as low-value residues, very often with little concern
potential as well as to diversify its product portfolio [6,10–12]. These about their inorganic contents and lacking quality standards. As a result,
two trends are progressively transforming the traditional sugar mills into inorganics in bagasse and straw are in most cases poorly controlled and
modern sugarcane-based biorefineries that can make sizable contribution highly variable [6,9,18,19].
to the decarbonization of the global economy [7,13]. As this The transformation of bagasse and straw from underutilized or low-

* Corresponding author. Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR), Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). Rua Giuseppe
Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 - Zip Code, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
E-mail address: (C. Driemeier).
Received 15 September 2020; Received in revised form 17 May 2021; Accepted 25 May 2021
Available online 1 June 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

value residues into valuable biorefinery feedstocks is requiring scientific Table 1

and technical knowledge to support the design of the biorefineries. With Mass and primary energy of sugarcane components adapted from the compila­
this vision, this review presents bagasse and straw inorganics answering tion by Leal et al. [5].
questions such as: What are they? Where do they come from? How Component Mass (kgdry/tc)a Energy (MJ/tc)b
variable can they be? How can they impact processes in bioenergy and Sugars: juice 150 2500
biorefining? Although this review is mainly based on Brazilian experi­ Lignocellulose from stalk: bagasse 135 2400
ences, the presentation aims at touching general facts, practices, and Lignocellulose from tops and leaves: straw 140 2500
trends of the global sugarcane industry. It aims at helping scientists and Total 425 7400
engineers in the timely mission of designing novel concepts and pro­ a
tc = tonne of cane = tonne of clean stalk.
cesses for the advancement of biorefineries. In addition, looking to the b
energy calculated for higher heating value (HHV).
broader context of biomass utilization for bioenergy and biorefining, the
sugarcane industry is positioned as a learning ground for processing of potential as compiled by Leal et al. [5], having tops and leaves grouped
herbaceous biomass, which encompasses agricultural residues and en­ under the denomination of straw. As one can notice, the proportions are
ergy crops [20]. Therefore, investigations of other types of herbaceous approximately 1/3 for each component, in either dry mass or energy
biomass may also benefit from the presentation given in this review. basis. With global annual production of sugarcane of about 1.8 billion
tonnes of cane (tc) [1], one can use the summation of stalks and leaves
2. Agroindustrial context of sugarcane bagasse and straw from Table 1 to calculate a lignocellulose potential of 495 million tonnes
(dry basis), or 9 EJ in energy basis. This is a sizable share of the current
2.1. The sugarcane plant and its potential global supply of bioenergy (~63 EJ per year) [26], which highlights the
potential of sugarcane lignocellulose (bagasse and straw) and its
Sugarcane is a semi-perennial monocotyledon hybrid that belongs to importance as a renewable resource.
the Saccharum genus of the grass family Poaceae [21]. Modern sugarcane It is important to mention definitions and nomenclatures that can be
cultivars are complex hybrids derived from two species: Saccharum found in the literature, which sometimes present variations. “Trash” is
officinarum L. and S. spontaneum. Breeding based on the classical genetic sometimes used as synonym for “straw”. Sugarcane leaves are discrim­
approach resulted in plants with higher levels of sugar, productivity, and inated in two groups: green and dry leaves. Green leaves are attached to
resistance to pathogens [22,23]. Additional species (S. sinense, S. barberi the upper part of the stalk and are living tissues exposed to sunlight and
and S. robustum) can contribute to breeding for the development of new contributing to photosynthesis. The dry leaves are attached to lower
sugarcane varieties [24]. nodes of the stalk and already reached the senescent stage (Fig. 1). The
Sugarcane is cultivated in various tropical and subtropical regions of so-called tops are the piece of cane starting at the last node of the stalk.
the world. Crop yield is typically between 60 and 100 tonnes per hectare Depending on methodology, tops can be counted as a separate entity [6]
per year, reported in wet stalk basis. Traditionally the plant was used to or included together with green leaves [16].
produce sugar from the sucrose-rich juice contained in the plant stalks In terms of dry matter content, the mass of dry leaves per hectare
(Fig. 1). The contents of sucrose, reducing sugars and minerals in the tends to be slightly higher than the green leaves (with tops included),
juice depends on a range of variables including plant genetics, soil, whereas most nutrients are more abundant in green leaves. This is
climate, agronomic management, and plant maturity [8]. shown in Table 2 based on the assessment by Menandro et al. [16],
Besides the sugars in the juice, the above-ground sugarcane mass which quantified chemical elements using plant nutrition protocols
comprises substantial lignocellulosic matter in stalks, tops, and leaves based on sample digestion followed by atomic emission spectrometry
(Fig. 1). The mass and energy contents of the sugarcane components [27]. Higher nutrient content in green leaves is a result of nutrient
varies according to the cultivars [25]. Table 1 presents their typical remobilization taking place during leaf senescence, which increases
nutrient use efficiency by the plants [28–30]. Changing nutrient levels in
sugarcane leaves were studied by Martins et al. [31]. They observed
intense remobilization of N, P, K, B, Cu, Fe, and Zn at the same time
other elements such as Ca, S, Mg, Mn and Al accumulates in the senesced
leaves. These processes are dynamic and dependent on specific locations
in the leaves. Noteworthy, a significant share of the leaves should be left
on the field for soil protection from erosion and water losses. The rec­
ommended amount of leaves on the ground is site-specific [9], but a
general prescription is to prioritize the green leaves on the soil for

Table 2
Range of nutrient contents in 312 samples of sugarcane leaves compiled by
Menandro et al. [16]. Green leaves include cane tops. Data for each chemical
element is reported in dry matter basis and presented as
Chemical element Green leaves (g/kg) Dry leaves (g/kg)

N 4.7-8.6-11.7 1.8–3.3-6.3
P 0.6–1.1-2.2 0-0.2-0.5
K 4.3-12.0-19.9 0.2-2.0-9.2
Ca 1.3–2.8-6.7 1.4–3.7-7.0
Mg 0.5–1.2-2.8 0.6–1.1-2.5
S 0.3–1.0-3.1 0.4–0.7-3.0
Zn 0.01–0.02-0.05 0.003–0.01-0.03
Cl 1.9–5.3-7.8 0.1-1.9-5.3
B 0.003–0.005-0.015 0.003–0.006-0.013
Mn 0.02–0.06-0.17 0.02–0.09-0.24
Fig. 1. Representation of the sugarcane plant showing the above-ground frac­
Cu 0.001–0.004-0.011 0.001–0.002-0.008
tions: the stalk rich in juice, the top, the green and the dry leaves.

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

nutrient recycling [16,32–34]. From a practical standpoint, with current contamination can happen by several mechanisms. First, the base cutter
technology this prescription can be partly implemented using the is usually regulated to cut the stalks as close as possible to the soil sur­
detopper of the cane harvester, which cut the cane tops that fall on the face to collect most of the stalk. The base cutter occasionally contacts
ground, recycling the nutrients from cane tops. and revolves the soil, and thus bring soil together with the harvested
As mentioned in the introduction section, sugarcane is positioned as cane. In addition, stalks may be occasionally pulled of the ground
a learning ground for processing of herbaceous biomass, which en­ without effective cutting at the base. In such cases stalks come associ­
compasses agricultural residues and energy crops [20]. It is therefore ated to roots and adhered chunks of soil. In addition, the heavy ma­
instructive to compare Table 2 with studies that analyzed nutrients in chinery moving on the field creates dirt (in dry terrain) and mud (in wet
other types of herbaceous biomass from crops such as sweet sorghum terrain), which will also add soil fragments collected with the biomass.
[35], corn and wheat [36], and energy crops such as miscanthus, giant Stalks with such contaminants are delivered to the sugarcane mill where
reed and switchgrass [37]. From this comparison, it is possible to learn the sugarcane is processed.
that variability is substantial, which is indeed represented by the ranges
reported in Table 2. Nevertheless, the orders of magnitude of nutrient 2.3. Industrial processing of stalks
content in different species of grasses are comparable, suggesting that
lessons learned from sugarcane inorganics can indeed serve as basis for There are significant advantages to process clean sugarcane stalks.
investigations of other types of herbaceous biomass. This is widely recognized and several technologies for cane cleaning are
described in cane engineering books [3,4]. In addition to separating
2.2. The trend towards mechanized harvest vegetal impurities, cleaning systems aim at removing soil, stones, pieces
of machinery, and other extraneous matter eventually delivered
The traditional harvest of sugarcane has been done by manual labor, together with sugarcane (Fig. 2). Traditional manual harvest of burnt
collecting the stalks after burning the leaves at the sugarcane field. This cane used to deliver to the mill the whole stalks. In this system, wet
traditional practice is intensive in low-cost labor, loses about 1/3 of the cleaning technologies (i.e., using liquid water) were the standard prac­
sugarcane energy potential (i.e., the straw) [5], and causes the emission tice. However, with billeted stalks from mechanized harvest, wet
of soot (particulate matter) into the atmosphere, which has been cleaning became troublesome due to losses of sugar leaching from the
correlated with the prevalence of respiratory diseases [38–40]. In this edges of the billeted stalks. Dry-cleaning systems then became the
context, the combination of shortage of labor, recognition of the value of preferred choice to associate with the mechanized harvest of sugarcane.
the straw and environmental law is creating, in several countries, a After cleaning, stalks are shredded aiming at rupturing the cells that
no-return tendency for mechanized harvest of green (i.e., unburned) contain the sucrose-rich juice. The sugars in the shredded stalks are
sugarcane [41]. extracted, either in a tandem of roller mills or in a diffuser. Most of the
In mechanized harvest, the machine cuts the stalks at the base. juice is contained in fragile parenchyma cells that are easily ruptured to
Leaves are stripped off from the stalks and are blown onto to the field release the juice, but most of the more robust thick-walled fiber cells
(Fig. 2). The fan speed can be regulated to tune the fraction of leaves left remain intact and still contains liquid after extraction [45]. With current
on the field or deposited together with the stalks in the truck load [42, technologies, industrial extraction efficiencies are in the range of
43]. Moreover, stalks are cut into segments, called billets. Billeted stalks 94–98%. The extracted juice is further treated for production of sugar
mixed with tops, leaves, and additional vegetal impurities are trans­ and ethanol [46]. The fibrous by product, the bagasse, is a heteroge­
ported and delivered to the mills. Mechanized harvest is known to in­ neous particulate [47] with particles having a porous system resulting
crease the mineral impurities harvested with the sugarcane [44]. This from the cells and tissues of the plant combined with the structural

Fig. 2. Sketch of the sugarcane agroindustrial system, showing the three main sugarcane fractions in the biorefinery (juice, bagasse, and straw) and the two
alternative pathways for straw collection: baling (bottom truck) and integral harvest (top truck).

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

ruptures due to shredding and crushing [48]. field and increase the fraction of the leaves that is collected with the
stalks. This cane is received at the mill and processed in dry cleaning
2.4. Straw collection pathways systems that reduce the amount of mineral impurities as well as leafy
plant matter and other vegetal impurities mixed with the cane stalks [9,
There are two main pathways to bring straw as an additional biomass 52].
to the sugarcane biorefinery: i) baling and ii) integral harvest [6,9,41,49,
50]. There is a third pathway based on hay harvester, but it has serious 3. Inorganics in bagasse and straw
limitations due to low density of the straw load [41]. In the baling
pathway, after harvesting the stalks the straw is left on the field for about 3.1. Scheme for classification of inorganics
two weeks to decrease its water content by natural drying. Then straw is
windrowed, baled, and transported to the industry [51], as depicted in There are multiple possible ways to classify biomass inorganics. In
Fig. 2. Soil contacts the biomass while it is on the ground (Fig. 3) and this review, inorganics in bagasse and straw are classified as in Fig. 4,
during windrowing and baling, which are additional sources of mineral which follows a sugarcane industry tradition to first discriminate the
impurities [9]. In the integral harvest pathway, cane cleaning by air intrinsic (constitutive of the sugarcane plant) from the extrinsic in­
blowing in the harvester is tuned to reduce the leafy material left on the organics (originated from biomass contamination). For a more complete

Fig. 3. Panel of inorganics in sugarcane biomass. (top-left) Pictures exemplifying soil contacts with biomass on the field. (top-right) Pictures of coarse contaminants
separated from bagasse in the LNBR/CNPEM Pilot Plant pneumatic dry-cleaning system. (bottom-left) Evidence of microscopic particulate debris in bagasse and
straw. A piece of straw after wiping with wet swab, showing reddish soil adhered to the cotton ball. X-ray microtomography cross-section showing high-contrast
bodies assigned to soil aggregates on the surface of a straw particle and 3D renderization of a bagasse particle and mineral bodies detected within. (bottom-
right) Scanning electron micrographs and associated Si maps from energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) showing epidermal Si distributed in the tissues as
well as localized in phytoliths.

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

Fig. 4. Scheme for classification of inorganics in sugarcane bagasse and straw.

and rigorous classification scheme, the reader is directed to the work of

Vassilev et al. [53]. Table 3
Examples of elemental composition of bagasse ashes after efficient and ineffi­
The intrinsic inorganics can be further classified considering whether
cient juice extraction. Data adapted from Ref. [3]. Bold numbers indicate higher
they are leachable in water or not. This approach is motivated by
presence of the constituent in the comparison between efficient and inefficient
practical purposes: in the industrial extraction of juice from sugarcane extractions.
stalks, most of the leachable inorganics end up in the juice. Due to in­
Constituent Ash constituent (wt%)
efficiency in extraction, residues of the juice remain in bagasse, together
with the structural (i.e., non-leachable) inorganics. An analogous after efficient after inefficient
juice extraction juice extraction
rationale is applicable to straw, although there is no consolidated pro­
cess for industrial extraction of the juice of straw. Concerning the SiO2 92.80 54.40
extrinsic inorganics of bagasse and straw, they are primarily particulate Al2O3 3.00 1.70
Fe2O3 0.50 1.70
debris, which can be further classified considering their main origins: TiO2 0.01 0.00
either machinery or soil. P2O5 0.27 5.02
CaO 0.40 9.10
MgO 0.70 4.40
Na2O 0.01 0.01
3.2. Leachable inorganics
K2O 0.70 13.09
SO3 0.50 8.00
After industrial juice extraction at sugarcane mills, most of the MnO2 0.02 0.04
leachable inorganics of stalks end up in the juice. Sugarcane juice con­
tains about 80 wt% water and 20 wt% total dissolved solids [54]. The
major fraction of the dissolved solids is sucrose and other organic be reduced by factors of 10–20 after leaching [59].
compounds, but dissolved inorganic salts are also present. For instance,
Walford [55] compiled juice composition including cations K 3.3. Structural inorganics
(0.77–1.31), Na (0.01–0.04), Ca (0.24–0.48), Mg (0.10–0.39), Fe
(0.006–0.04), Al (0.005–0.17), Si (0.02–0.10) and anions Cl Part of plant inorganics become integrated into the plant structure
(0.16–0.27), P (0.14–0.40), and S (0.17–0.52), where the numeric in­ and are non-leachable according to the classification scheme of Fig. 4.
tervals represent wt% within the dissolved solids (reported as %Brix, Although Si is considered a non-essential element for plants [60,61], it is
where ◦ Brix is the common industrial method to determine sugar con­ by far the most abundant structural inorganic element incorporated in
tent in aqueous solution). Inefficiency in industrial extraction increases grasses like rice, sorghum, wheat, maize, and sugarcane [62,63]. The Si
the contents in bagasse of the characteristic inorganic elements from the concentration in the plants is variable in a range between 1 and 16 wt%
juice. This is shown in Table 3, which compares the elemental compo­ (dry matter basis) that depends on the species and environment. Si
sition of ashes from bagasse obtained with variable extraction accumulation mechanisms start by the uptake of monosilicic acid Si
efficiencies. (OH)4 by plant roots and subsequent deposit by polymerization within
As for sugarcane straw, it is key to remind that this is a new feedstock plant tissues. Silicon stocks in sugarcane are found all over leaves and
in sugarcane biorefineries, and its processing is not yet technologically stalks (Fig. 1) with variable concentrations in epidermis, cuticle, hairs,
mature. Therefore, the discussion cannot be made in terms of a stomata and cell walls of certain tissues [63–69].
consolidated industrial process like the extraction of juice from the The main mechanism of Si accumulation is the formation of micro-
stalks. Nevertheless, an analogy with the extraction of juice from the sized silica deposits known as phytoliths. Phytoliths have amorphous
stalks is helpful. Straw contains a similar range of soluble chemical el­ structure (classified as biogenic opal) and variable size and shape
ements that take part of the plant metabolism. These chemical elements [70–73]. In sugarcane, for example, their size varies roughly between 15
include K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cl, P, and S and are usually more abundant in and 30 μm. Phytoliths are relatively hard bodies that cause wear on the
green leaves (tops included) than in dry leaves (Table 2). If water teeth of animals [74,75]. They contribute to plant mechanical strength
extraction is applied, such soluble inorganics can be leached [56–58]. and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses [60,61] such as attacks from
For example, in a laboratory study and assessment of the potential of the sugarcane borer [65]. As the biomineralization takes place within
water extraction from sugarcane straw, K and Cl contents were shown to cells, a fraction of carbon is occluded inside silica phytoliths. This

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

organic matrix-mediated biomineralization is known as phytolith the interaction of soil debris with bagasse and straw [81]. Understand­
occluded carbon (PhyOC). Besides Si, O and C, traces of many other ing these diverse mechanisms of soil contamination is key to rationalize
elements, like K, Al, Fe, Mg, Ti, can also be incorporated to silica phy­ the variability of inorganics in bagasse and straw as well as to design
toliths [76]. technology and management to reduce the content of mineral impurities
in the biomass.
3.4. Debris from machinery and soil
3.5. Variability
Machinery and soils are the main sources of extrinsic inorganics in
sugarcane bagasse and straw (Fig. 4). Pieces of machinery from agri­ Several studies explored the variability of inorganics in different
culture and industry eventually brake and end up mixed with the types of biomass [37,53] and in particular in sugarcane bagasse and
biomass. Since they are coarse ferrous particles, they are relatively easy straw [6,9,18,19]. All these studies show significant variability in ash
to separate in the industry using electromagnets [3,4]. Nevertheless, contents and elemental compositions. The purpose here is not to report
practical experience in biomass processing shows that machinery pieces all the variations in the obtained numbers. Instead, the purpose is to
and stones are commonly found mixed with industrial bagasse, as rationalize the origins of the variability in bagasse and straw inorganics. As
exemplified in Fig. 3. can be learned from the classification scheme (Fig. 4), variability of
Soil contamination is a more nuanced contribution. Several ways by inorganic contents in bagasse and straw is a combination of (1) the
which soil gets into contact with the biomass were described in section 2 intrinsic structural inorganics; (2) the intrinsic leachable inorganics; and
and represented in Fig. 3. Here, it is worth adding that, when the soil is (3) the extrinsic contaminants. Since the contaminants and the leachable
wet, soil fragments become stickier and it is known to the agroindustrial inorganics can be reduced industrially through cleaning and leaching,
practice that contents of mineral impurities increase when harvesting on respectively, it is instructive to start understanding the remaining factor
wet terrain. Moreover, soil contamination in straw bales may be (i.e., the structural inorganics), which provides a baseline for inorganic
aggravated by the direct contact of the straw with the ground, notably contents in sugarcane biomass. More specifically, it is key to understand
during windrowing [9]. the variability in biogenic silica that dominates the content of structural
To understand soil contamination in biomass, it is important to inorganics.
consider that soils have a multiscale structure, and the size of the soil Table 4 summarizes data from several Si accumulation studies in the
particles determine how they interact with the biomass. Soil texture sugarcane literature. Most studies investigate the effect of Si fertilization
classifies soil particles in terms of their size. Following the ABNT clas­ on the agronomic performance of sugarcane. Adding Si as a fertilizer
sification and terminology [77], one has clay (<0.002 mm), silt cause Si accumulation in stalks and leaves, bringing several potential
(0.002–0.06 mm), sand (0.06–2 mm) and gravel (2–60 mm) fractions. benefits, including prevention of Al and Mn toxicities, improved
Soil fragments rich in clay tend to be sticky, especially if wet, while photosynthesis, water use efficiency, P nutrition and protection from
coarse sand grains and gravel will hardly adhere to biomass surfaces but pest and fungal disease [82–85]. Evaluation of the Si ranges in Table 4
may be found as particles trapped to the biomass irregular morphology should take into account that most of the presented data is obtained from
or dispersed in the bulk of biomass loads. Moreover, the mineralogy of agronomic experiments of Si fertilization and, therefore, the maxima of
the soil particles depends on particle size and soil type [78,79]. If the ranges is often unrealistically high if compared to commercial
biomass is shredded (like bagasse), the smaller soil fragments, especially practices in sugarcane fields. With this remark in mind, it is noteworthy
in the clay and silt scales, are small enough to penetrate the ruptured that Si accumulation is higher in leaves compared to stalks, a
biomass tissues [80]. A comparison of the characteristic length scales of well-known fact in sugarcane [63] and other grasses [37]. In SiO2 basis,
the biomass structure and soil particles is given in Fig. 5. Noteworthy, which would be comparable to measurements of biomass wt% of ashes,
microscopic observations using X-ray microtomography and micro­ stalks often have <2 wt% SiO2, compared to <4 wt% SiO2 in leaves
fluorescence indicated that particle size and mineralogy of the soil (Table 4).
together with the wetness and the tissue ruptures are key to understand In comparison to the accumulation of structural SiO2 in sugarcane

Fig. 5. Comparison of characteristic length scales from biomass structure and soil particles. Cross-section microtomographic image of a bagasse particle showing the
cellular structure with trapped mineral particles (high contrast bodies in green rectangles) and tissue cracks (pointed by green arrows). Examples of clay (yellow dots
inside yellow rectangle), silt (orange circle) and sand (red circle) particles scaled for comparison with the size of the biomass features.

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

Table 4
Ranges of Si contents reported in the literature for sugarcane stalks, leaves (or a single leaf), and the whole above-ground fraction of the plant. All contents are
expressed in dry matter basis and the Si and SiO2 weight percentages are related by stoichiometry.
Cane fraction Si (wt%) SiO2 (wt%) Reference Number of Figure/ Comment
Table in the Original

stalk 0.1–0.2 0.2–0.5 [86] Tables 4 and 5 Control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized with calcium silicate slag
stalk 0.5–1.0 1.1–2.1 [83] – Introduction statement
stalk 0.1–0.5 0.1–1.1 [84] Table 5 Control experiments and fertilized with Ca–Mg silicate
leaves 0.3–0.7 0.7–1.5 [86] Tables 4 and 5 Control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized with calcium silicate slag
leaves 1.0–2.0 2.1–4.3 [83] – Introduction statement
leaves 0.3–0.6 0.6–1.4 [84] Table 5 Control experiments and fertilized with Ca–Mg silicate
leaf 0.03–1.2 0.1–2.7 [82] Table 3 TVD leaf, control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized with silicic acid
leaf 0.3–2.4 0.6–5.1 [82] Table 8 Control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized with silicic acid
leaf 0.3–1.3 0.6–2.8 [82] Fig. 2 Control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized with silicic acid
leaf 0.1–1.5 0.2–3.2 [85] Fig. 1b Third leaf, control experiment (minimum Si%) and application of various Si
whole 0.7–1.9 1.5–4.1 [87] Table 7.3 Control experiment (minimum Si%) and fertilized Si
whole 0.5–1.1 1.1–2.4 [88] Table 1 Measured mass of extracted phytolith corrected for carbon content

significant, but clearly improvable [9]. Moreover, significant share of

Table 5 mineral impurities are sticky clayey soil fractions that adhere to the
Ranges of ash contents (wt%, dry basis) reported for bagasse and straw collected surface of leafy matter [81] and wet washing of the separated leaves is
at industrial sites. an attractive alternative for cleaning such adhered impurities [9].
Lignocellulosic Ash (wt Reference Number of Table in the Original
fraction %) Reference 4. Roles of inorganics in different uses of the sugarcane biomass
bagasse 1.1–6.0 [19] Table 1
bagasse 2.0–5.1 [18] Table 5 4.1. Nutrients for food, feed, bioprocesses, and soils
bagasse 2.2–6.5 [6] Tables 6 and 42
straw 4.0–9.4 [14] Table 1
straw 7.5 [18] Table 5
The sugarcane inorganics leachable in water (Fig. 4) are mainly
straw 4.2–29.1 [6] Tables 43 and 44 nutrients of the plant. As such, they also serve as nutrients in food and
feed as well as for microorganisms used in bioprocesses or back to plants
if the minerals are recycled to the soil. Although this review is focused
plants (Table 4), bagasse and straw collected at industrial sites shows on the inorganics of the lignocellulosic fractions (bagasse and straw),
higher contents of total ash (Table 5). In extreme cases, ash contents can this section discusses the inorganics of the sugarcane juice. Such juice
exceed 10 wt%. This demonstrates that, in industrial reality, the inorganics are already managed in current sugarcane mills and provide
leachable inorganics and the extrinsic contaminants make a sizable simple examples on the roles of inorganics in nutrition as well as po­
share of the total inorganics in bagasse and straw. Indeed, the extrinsic tential environmental impacts.
contaminants are often majoritarian, being factors that could in princi­ By processing the juice of sugarcane stalk into sugar, juice inorganics
ple be managed by cleaning technologies in the sugarcane biorefineries, will be summed up to minerals added in sugar production (e.g., Mg in
as discussed in the next section. clarification, Ca in carbonation and liming, and P in phosphating).
Furthermore, these inorganics mainly end up in the residues of sugar
3.6. Prospects for reducing inorganic contents production, the molasses. Molasses can be used as food and feed in­
gredients, where the inorganics are valuable as mineral nutrients. Most
Reaching baseline levels of inorganic contents in bagasse and straw Brazilian sugarcane biorefineries uses molasses mixed with sugarcane
requires cleaning (to remove extrinsic contaminants) and leaching (to juice for fermentation into ethanol fuel [46]. The yeast (Saccharomyces
remove the intrinsic leachable inorganics). Cleaning and leaching are cerevisiae) used in fermentation requires minerals in growth media,
critically affected by biomass shredding. Shredding is beneficial for including macronutrients (C, N, S, P, K, and Mg, in millimolar concen­
leaching, because it opens the plant cells and thus eases the extraction of tration) and micronutrients (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, in micromolar
intracellular components [3,4,56,59]. On the other hand, shredding is concentration) [89]. Cane juice and molasses provide these nutrients,
detrimental for cleaning particulate impurities, because shredding dis­ often in appropriate amounts. Moreover, these minerals incorporated by
rupts the biomass tissues and creates a sponge-like material with plenty the microorganisms can be further valorized by directing dried yeast
of irregular surfaces, tissue cracks and access points to the interior of the from the ethanol process to be used as feed ingredient [90].
biomass. All these features increase the potential for trapping of spurious Inorganics in the fermentation media that are not incorporated by
particles [80,81]. the yeast end up in the ethanol distillation residue, the vinasse [46].
Therefore, a general prescription for reducing inorganic contents in Vinasse is a potential source of nutrients (highlight to K) and energy
bagasse and straw is to perform the following sequence of operations: (due to its organic content), but inappropriate usage of vinasse can also
cleaning-shredding-leaching. Following this principle, one would pre­ be an environmental liability [91]. Current practice in Brazilian mills is
scribe, as an example, cleaning of sugarcane stalks instead of cleaning to return vinasse to soils, which has been dubbed fertirrigation because
bagasse that has already been shredded. Industrial dry-cleaning systems, it supplies both water and nutrients. Recycling minerals to soils, through
which aim at separating mineral impurities and leafy matter from bil­ vinasse, filter cake, ashes (see section 4.6 Valorization of combustion
leted stalks delivered to the industry, are crucial to advance in this di­ ashes) or any other means, is certainly interesting within a circular
rection [9,52]. In a recent assessment of industrial efficiencies of economy framework, but it is not free of challenges. Vinasse is produced
dry-cleaning systems in Brazilian mills, efficiencies in the separation in large volumes (10–15 L of vinasse per liter of ethanol) [46,91].
of leafy matter (17–49%) and mineral impurities (18–76%) were

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

Because of that, the viability of vinasse fertirrigation in areas sur­ phenomena such as the aforementioned slagging, fouling and corrosion.
rounding the biorefinery is limited by a so-called economic radius. These biomass inorganics also bring environmental concerns due to
Therefore, inorganics are recycled to an area that is small compared to volatilization of hazardous compounds and increased fine particulate
the area of sugarcane harvesting. Such concentrated application of in­ emissions from combustion systems [58], exemplifying that biomass
organics to soils can lead to overloads and caution is recommended due combustion brings its own environmental challenges.
to risks of soil salinization and presence in vinasse of phytotoxic ele­
ments (such as Al and Fe, concentrations between 2 and 15 mg/L) and 4.3. Pyrolysis
priority pollutants (such as Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn, concentrations below
mg/L) [92,93]. Pyrolysis is the thermochemical decomposition of organic material
Vinasse biodigestion has been considered a major alternative for at elevated temperatures in absence of oxygen. This thermochemical
production of energy (biogas) with the concomitant benefits of reducing process has been investigated as a possible use for bagasse and straw
the organic load of the waste stream [94]. While biodigestion maintains [107–109]. Pyrolysis of lignocelluloses fractionates the biomass into
the mineral value of vinasse, co-digestion with other solid (biochar), liquid (bio-oil), and gas fractions [110–112]. The three
inorganic-containing residues such as food waste and mill filter cake fractions can be used as fuels, while biochar can also be added to soils for
may be beneficial to the biodigestion process [95,96]. Nevertheless, amendment and carbon sequestration [113]. The bio-oil can be upgra­
added Na-based alkalizing compounds in biodigestion plants appears as ded into advanced liquid biofuels such as green diesel and bio-jet fuel as
a potential concern for soil sodification [93]. This serves as an example well as biochemicals such as phenols [110,114]. A common target in
on how inorganics added in bioprocessing can interfere with the pros­ pyrolysis is to maximize the more valuable bio-oil fraction and this has
pects for nutrient recycling back to soils. been achieved by the processes of fast pyrolysis performed at
400–600 ◦ C for less than 5 s [110,111].
4.2. Combustion The presence of inorganics in the biomass catalyzes chemical re­
actions and affects pyrolysis performance. Presence of alkali and alka­
Bagasse is traditionally used as boiler fuel to provide heat and power line earth metallic (AAEM; Na, Mg, K, Ca and others) components are
to the sugarcane mills [3,4,46]. More recently, straw has been intro­ detrimental to bio-oil yield and quality, while increasing the generation
duced as an additional fuel to expand the production of electricity by the of biochar [110,111]. In addition, solid metal oxides such as SiO2, Al2O3,
mill [6,9,97]. However, although bagasse used to be considered a benign Fe2O3 and TiO2 can also act as catalysts [111]. Such oxides are abundant
fuel [3], higher ash contents in bagasse (due to contaminants brought by in soils and, therefore, one can speculate soil debris in the biomass may
the mechanized harvest) and the addition of straw are bringing new act as unintentional catalysts.
challenges for the combustion of sugarcane biomass. Recent studies have investigated the leaching of AAEM from biomass
In the combustion of different types of biomass, extrinsic inorganics prior to pyrolysis as well as the mechanisms of AAEM interference on
coming mainly from soil (Fig. 4) are known to increase the formation of pyrolytic reactions. Chen et al. [115] investigated the leaching of AAEM
ashes, predominantly in the SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2 components from rice straw, cotton stalk and fir sawdust using aqueous solutions of
[53,58]. The increasing amounts of ash cause a range of problems to the variable pH, including the acidic aqueous phase of pyrolysis bio-oil.
combustion system including slagging, fouling, vitrification, agglomer­ Lower pH increased the leaching of AAEM and synergy with
ation, corrosion and the need for appropriate disposal of the ashes [98]. non-acidic components of bio-oil (phenols, ethylene glycol, furfural, and
The presence of alkali, mainly K and Na, are related to low ash melting others) was identified. Li et al. [116] investigated the role of AAEM on
temperatures causing slagging and fouling. In addition, alkali combi­ the pyrolysis of pine wood through assessment of reaction activation
nation with Cl and S is a cause of corrosion [18,98]. Moving to the energies and the role of AAEM was observed to vary with the extent of
specifics of bagasse and straw, chemical elements such as K, Cl, and S conversion. Wang et al. [117] investigated the role of AAEM loading on
may be present in bagasse, but usually in relatively minor and harmless lignin pyrolysis. The AAEM promoted improved char porous structure
amounts due to juice extraction (Table 3). In the case of straw, these and changes in bio-oil composition. Moreover, several studies
critical elements are present in much higher amounts (Table 2), being a [118–122] used quantum mechanical calculations (Density Functional
major concern for the use of straw as boiler fuel [9]. Fortunately, the Theory, DFT) to learn the mechanisms of AAEM interference with py­
contents of these elements can be substantially reduced if leaching is rolysis of cellulose and lignin model compounds. Roles of AAEM elec­
applied to straw prior to combustion [9,56–59]. tronegativity on bond lengths and energies were identified, revealing
It is also instructive to consider the role of inorganics in case bagasse catalytic effects of AAEM on pyrolytic decomposition of lignin and
and straw are densified as pellets to be combusted elsewhere [99,100]. saccharides.
Pellet specifications restrict the contents of total ash (<1.5% in most As pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse and straw is concerned, the pres­
specifications) and the contents of specific elements such as N, S, and Cl ence of AAEM in bagasse is much reduced due to juice extraction (Fig. 2
and the temperature of ash deformation (>1100 ◦ C, lowered by alkali and Table 3). Nevertheless, acidic leaching pretreatment applied to
such as Na and K) may be restricted as well [101,102]. Stricter specifi­ bagasse was beneficial for production of pyrolytic levoglucosan due to
cations may additionally impose limits to trace pollutants such as As, Cd, removal of AAEM interference, demonstrating that bagasse pyrolysis
Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni and Zn [101,102]. Therefore, because of the usual can indeed be affected by AAEM residues [123]. The concern for AAEM
high ash contents in bagasse and straw (Table 5), proper management of interference is much more severe for straw that is rich in nutrients
inorganics is key for the access of sugarcane bagasse and straw into the (Table 2) and is not leached in current sugarcane industry (Fig. 2).
pellets market [103]. Oudenhoven et al. [124] assessed the techno-economic viability of
A major driver to increase biomass combustion worldwide is the bagasse and straw acid leaching prior to pyrolysis, revealing circum­
substitution of coal to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions that cause stances of scale, co-products and process integration under which the
global warming [100,104]. Besides this environmental motivation, such leaching pretreatment could be feasible.
fuel substitution may be economically attractive because it uses existing
assets and does not require risky investments in novel facilities. Never­ 4.4. Cellulosic ethanol
theless, either complete fuel substitution or co-firing biomass and coal
comes with technical challenges because biomass and coal differ in their Bagasse and straw are composed mainly of cellulose, hemicelluloses
fuel properties [105,106]. In particular, biomass and coal differ in their and lignin. About 65–70% of the mass corresponds to cellulose and
composition of inorganics with highlight to biomass water-soluble in­ hemicelluloses, which can be hydrolyzed to the monomeric glucose
organics (e.g., Cl, S, K, Na, N, and P) that cause critical technological (mostly from cellulose) and xylose (from hemicelluloses). These

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

monomeric sugars can be fermented into ethanol, the so-called second of abrasiveness may be a major concern for non-wood feedstocks such as
generation (2G) or cellulosic ethanol [125–127]. Since ethanol pro­ sugarcane bagasse or straw [147]. Nevertheless, this type of process
duction from sugarcane juice and molasses is already deployed in large with sugarcane biomass has not yet achieved industrial scale and
scale [3,8,46], expanding mill capability to produce cellulosic ethanol is currently these industrial impacts are only presumed, but not yet
an attractive technological alternative being pursued at pilot, demon­ demonstrated.
stration, and pioneer commercial facilities [126,128,129].
In the cellulosic ethanol production process, the first conversion step 4.6. Valorization of combustion ashes
is the so-called pretreatment aiming at disrupting biomass structure and
solubilizing part of its chemical constituents. For pretreatments per­ The industrial combustion of bagasse and straw generates ashes. The
formed at low pH, mineral acid (e.g., H2SO4) is added to reaction media most common industrial practice is to return sugarcane ashes to soils as a
and biomass cations (e.g., K, Ca, Mg, Na, Mn) can partly neutralize the mean to recycle nutrients. Nevertheless, other applications of ashes such
added acid through ion exchange reactions between the inorganic cat­ as use in construction materials and adsorbents have been considered for
ions and hydronium ions [130,131]. More acid is required to compen­ a long time [148]. More recently, using ashes from agricultural residues
sate for this neutralization. This is an issue for straw that has not been in construction materials have attracted significant attention and this
water-leached of its inorganics, contrary to bagasse that has lower research field is presented in two recent review articles [149,150]. A
mineral cation content due to leaching in juice extraction. In the next major driver for this use of ashes is the reduction of carbon dioxide
process step, pretreated biomass is directed to enzymatic hydrolysis. emission from conventional production of cement. For instance, Jamora
Although some metal ions may interfere with enzymatic hydrolysis et al. investigated the potential in Philippines for greenhouse gas re­
[132,133], at the reaction conditions this is usually not a matter of ductions by the utilization of sugarcane ashes as partial cement
concern. Concerning nutrients for fermentation and vinasse biodigestion replacement in mortar and concrete, estimating potential reduction of
as discussed in previous section (4.1 Nutrients for food, feed, bio­ 273 ktonnes CO2e yr− 1 [151]. In this context, sugarcane bagasse ash
processes, and soils), it is noteworthy that soluble inorganics from characterization and upgrading for improved properties as cementitious
cellulosic ethanol process can serve as nutrients as well, but concen­ material has been investigated to transform the ashes into sustainable
tration of mineral nutrients is lower than in juice and molasses [95]. building materials [152–158].
In cellulosic ethanol processes wear of industrial equipment has been Besides construction materials, bagasse ashes were investigated as
a top concern and minerals in the biomass have been blamed. The main feedstock for a diverse set of products such as adsorbents based on
problems have been observed in the feeder and discharge of pressurized activated carbon [159], silica nanoparticles [160] and catalysts [161].
thermochemical pretreatment reactors used to hydrolyze and disrupt the Noteworthy, in the development of a process or a product using biomass
biomass structure [134,135]. Biogenic silica as well as machinery and ashes as the feedstock, one should consider the sources of variability in
soil contaminants in the biomass may be responsible for the observed biomass inorganic contents, as detailed in section “3.5 Variability”.
biomass abrasiveness [81,134,136]. The nature of biomass abrasiveness Otherwise, there is significant risk that variability in ash characteristics
is a matter of debate. For instance, there is still dispute on the cause of will compromise attempts to generate products with consistent proper­
abrasion to the teeth of grass-eating animals, concerning the relative ties and quality.
contributions from biogenic silica and soil fragments [137,138]. In the
Mohs scale of materials hardness, amorphous silica from biogenic phy­ 4.7. Valorization of biogenic silica
toliths has hardness of 5.5–6.5 [74,75]. This is comparable to the
hardness of common soil mineral such as hematite (5.0–6.0), goethite Another approach for valorizing bagasse and straw inorganics is to
(5.0–5.5) and anatase (5.5–6.0) [139]. Highlight should be given to the design process that isolate and valorize the biogenic silica phytoliths,
higher hardness of quartz (7.0), which in relatively large (>60 μm) and without the combustion that transforms biogenic silica into a fraction of
faceted grains of sand could make a disproportionate contribution to the boiler ashes. Biomasses such as pineapple peals [162], rice husks
abrasion. Therefore, considering the variable ash contents in industrial [163], sorghum husk [164] and sugarcane bagasse [165,166] have been
bagasse and straw (Table 5), biomass abrasiveness should be thought as recently investigated as potential sources of biogenic silica particles.
a variable characteristic, often (but not always) dominated by mineral Methods for isolation of biogenic silica from sugarcane biomass have
impurities, with a highlight to the presence of sand grains. been recently proposed, including microwave-assisted ashing [167] and
combination of thermal and chemical steps [168]. Potential applications
4.5. Cellulosic biomaterials of biogenic silica phytoliths have also been investigated. Proposed ap­
plications include use in ceramics and glasses [168], harnessing phyto­
Sugarcane bagasse has been used for a long time as a feedstock for liths optical and encapsulation properties [73,169] and production of Si
production of pulp and paper, competing in the global market with pulp anode material for Li-ion batteries [167,170].
and paper obtained from wood [3,140]. Like in cellulosic ethanol, Furthermore, phytoliths have gained attention as an opportunity for
mineral impurities have been blamed for equipment wear out. Never­ carbon sequestration in soils taking advantage of the long-term (century
theless, the fact that bagasse pulp and paper have been operating at to millennia) stability of the occluded carbon, PhyOC [88,171]. Carbon
industrial scale for several decades serves as a demonstration that sug­ sequestration in soils has been recognized by the International Panel on
arcane biomass can be used for production of biomaterials. New families Climate Change (IPCC) as one important pathway for mitigation of
of biomaterials are currently under investigation with highlight to cel­ global climate change [113], but the potential contribution of PhyOC is
lulose nanomaterials: cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils [141,142]. still elusive. In pioneer work, the potential of carbon sequestration in
Production of such materials from sugarcane biomass has been sugarcane phytoliths was investigated in the context of Australia, where
demonstrated in laboratory scale [143,144]. Furthermore, these mate­ the bio-sequestration potential was estimated to be between 0.12 and
rials were proposed to be coproduced with cellulosic ethanol [145,146]. 0.36 tonnes CO2e ha− 1 yr− 1 [88]. However, these numbers are still a
Chemical fractionation to isolate cellulose is a first step for the pro­ matter of controversy and research is ongoing to establish the true po­
duction of cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils [141,142]. In this tential of carbon sequestration in phytoliths [172].
sense, inorganics in bagasse and straw can perturb the chemical process
along the lines mentioned in previous sections of this review: e.g., acid 5. Concluding remarks and prospects
neutralization by biomass cations [130,131] or abrasion of pressurized
thermochemical reactors and other equipment [134–136,140]. For the Bioenergy and biorefining have a key role for a sustainable XXI
energy-intensive mechanical fibrillation of cellulose [141], the problem century, delivering renewable electricity, fuels, chemicals, and

D.R. Negrão et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111268

materials, often integrated to the production of food and feed, enhancing straightforward approach, but relatively unambitious if one considers
rural economies, and contributing to carbon sequestration and climate that ashes have contributions from all sorts of biomass contaminants
change mitigation. Lignocellulosic biomass from grasses stands at the and, therefore, there are inherent challenges to reach higher-value ap­
core of this vision, considering the residues from major food crops plications. Transforming valorization of ashes into valorization of
(wheat, maize, rice, sugarcane, and others) as well as dedicated high- biogenic phytoliths is a research direction for the longer term, which
yield energy cultivars. Sugarcane is in a special position because it is perhaps finds synergy with novel processes being developed for sugar­
already deployed in large scale for bioenergy and biorefining and cane biorefineries.
therefore serves as a learning ground for new technologies. The practice To conclude, this review provided an organized presentation of the
with sugarcane lignocellulosic fractions — bagasse and straw — is multifaceted topic of sugarcane biomass inorganics and their impor­
showing that proper understanding and management of the biomass tance for bioenergy and biorefining. This work aims at contributing to
inorganics is critical for the advancement of bioenergy and biorefining. the advancement not only of the sugarcane industry, but also to the
Looking into the future of research and development, it is important broader context of bioenergy and biorefining based on a wide range of
to highlight the need for reducing the amounts of mineral impurities in agricultural residues and dedicated bioenergy grasses.
the biomass. Current agroindustrial practices bring high loads of mineral
impurities with bagasse and straw and these impurities, mostly debris
Declaration of competing interest
from soil, impede all sorts of biomass valorization processes. Most
notably, mineral impurities increase biomass abrasiveness and ash for­
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
mation, which impairs industrial equipment efficiency and utilization.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Reducing biomass contamination is mainly a task for the agroindustrial
the work reported in this paper.
sector, improving management practices and deploying biomass clean­
ing technology at the biorefineries. Nevertheless, research and devel­
opment are still needed to improve biomass cleaning technology. For Acknowledgements
instance, in section 3.6 Prospects for reducing inorganic contents, a
technological principle was prescribed: cleaning before shredding. This DN, AG, MB and CD acknowledge funding from INCT Bioetanol and
prescription came from the observation that ruptured tissues offer Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP
plenty of sites for trapping of particulate impurities, thus hampering (grants 14/50884–5, 18/07033–5 and 19/13936–0). ML acknowledges
attempts for downstream (after shredding) biomass cleaning. As simple funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the project,
as it sounds, this concept would direct efforts for cleaning intact tissues BRA/10/G31—“Sugarcane Renewable Electricity - SUCRE”—and
such as sugarcane stalks and contradict efforts for cleaning disintegrated United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for management.
tissues such as bagasse.
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