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Juridical awareness is an integral part of life as it empowers individuals with respect to their legal

rights and promotes equity and peace in a sovereign state. A basic knowledge of law has always been

necessary. Hence, change in the quality, content and complexion of the law is viewed as a great

social necessity a. Knowledge of the law differs depending on the student’s historical background,
education, and exposure to legal concerns. It is crucial to gauge the level of legal awareness among
students in order to detect what and where they lack in order to fill that knowledge gaps. Their ability to
make educated decisions and successfully participate in legal procedures can increase as a result,
making them a more responsible citizen. For students who aspire to be an accountant, illiteracy
somehow greatly affects their prospective outcome in life, as such that there is a need to bring
awareness regarding various legal

provisions that they could either benefit or would cause them a dilemma in this ever-changing society.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the legal awareness of aspiring accountancy students and the

impact on their decision to pursue the course in relation to the proposed amendment on the

accountancy law. The result of this study offers prospective researchers of this related field significant

data that encompass the degree of legal awareness that students possess in these certain universities.

Also, for universities to be stimulated and emphasize the relevance of juridical awareness for its


Research Instrument

To get the necessary data needed in this study, the researchers will use questionnaires

consisting of three (3) parts. Part 1 gathers the respondent’s demographic information that determines

their Age, Gender, Year level, and university they’re currently enrolled in. Part II is the use of “Legal

Awareness Scale (LAS) a tool used to evaluate the juridical awareness of the respondent. Part III is

the assessment on the respondents awareness and their perception of the current proposed

amendment of the accountancy law.

The data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed using statistical methods that answer the

relevance of juridical awareness and the impact of the proposed amendment of the accountancy law,

in relation to the aspirants' drive to pursue accountancy as a course.

The effective defense and promotion of human rights, along with the attainment of good governance,
are dependent on legal literacy. Juridical awareness plays a crucial role in empowering individuals about
their legal rights and fostering fairness and peace within a sovereign state. Having a basic understanding
of the law has always been essential; therefore, there is a pressing need for improvements in the
quality, content, and accessibility of legal knowledge. The level of legal awareness varies among
students due to their historical background, education, and exposure to legal issues. It is crucial to
assess their level of legal awareness to identify areas where they lack knowledge and to bridge those
gaps. Consequently, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions and actively participate in legal
proceedings can lead to increased civic responsibility.

For students aspiring to become accountants, a lack of legal literacy can significantly impact their
prospective outcomes, as they need awareness of various legal provisions that could either benefit or
pose challenges in this ever-changing society. This study aims to evaluate the legal awareness of aspiring
accountancy students and its impact on their decision to pursue the course, particularly in light of
proposed amendments to the accountancy law. The findings of this study will provide valuable data for
future researchers in this field, shedding light on the degree of legal awareness among students in
specific universities. Furthermore, it aims to encourage universities to prioritize and emphasize the
importance of juridical awareness among their learners.

To get the necessary data needed in this study, the researchers will use questionnaires consisting of
three (3) parts. Part 1 gathers the respondent’s demographic information that determines their Age,
Gender, Year level, and university they’re currently enrolled in. Part II is the use of “Legal Awareness
Scale (LAS) a tool used to evaluate the juridical awareness of the respondent. Part III is the assessment
on the respondent’s awareness and their perception of the current proposed amendment of the
accountancy law.

The data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to summarize the
characteristics of the sample of aspiring accountancy students, such as their age, gender, academic
background, and level of juridical awareness. This information can provide a baseline for comparing the
impact of the proposed revision of the law on the students and Inferential statistics to test hypotheses
about the impact of the proposed revision of the law on aspiring accountancy students. For instance, a t-
test or ANOVA could be used to compare the mean juridical awareness scores of students who support
the proposed revision to those who do not.

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