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The 2003 Times


The Coalition of the Willing seize power in Iraq in the midst of massive criticism towards the United Nations
system, after the failure of the security council of ensuring a peaceful solution to the conflict

The Coalition of the Willing have secured Multiple human rights organisations, as
well as multiple states party to the Un
powered in Iraq, thousands of civilians dead - have denounced the apparent
uselessness of the Security Council,
report says claiming that this has been “the greatest
violation of international law since we
After a tough and continuous battle all Nonetheless, it is clear that the invasion started developing it”.
over Iraq, with continuous urban combat, of Iraq has been a military success in
the Coalition have managed to secure the terms of military results. However, the In that sense, experts from around the
de facto power all over Iraq, although human cost of lives in both sides can be, world have called for the council to
millions of Iraqis oppose the new regime. according to the Red Cross, counted by reach an agreement towards peace in
the thousands, with kids and women Iraq, and for the Security Council “to
“it is a clear imperialist imposition” says a being the most endangered collectives. put their sh*t together” as a famous TV
young Iraqi woman, who does not wish star stated.
to reveal her identity in fear of being Until this point, no WMDs have been
brought to “one of their concentration found in the territory of Iraq, some
camps” she alleges. sources say.

“You are responsible

for the war” - French
protesters allege

Millions have taken the streets in

France in order to violently protest
against the Foreign Ministry’s decision
to veto a resolution to stop the invasion
of Iraq. According to the protesters, it is
a direct responsibility of the current
government, and therefore the deaths of
those in Iraq “are in their hands”.

Saddam Hussein flees to Syria In that sense, the French government is

still weak, having had to apologize
publicly, and tensions have arised inside
NATO, due to the clashes between states
The Iraqi leader has not been found The Coalition seems to have failed to that have clear different positions inside
by the American authorities in the capture Saddam’s government, who the treaty.
ground, as recognised by the have been pressing its population to
Secretary of State, as a document rebel against the international “Is the Security Council dead?”
was released that Syria and Iraq authorities, claiming himself as the
agreed on protecting Saddam under sole leader and ruler of Iraq. Many experts on international relations
Al Asad’s wing in Damascus. and law have state that what happenned
in the recent UNSC meetings might
have meant the death of the UN system,
and that solutions are needed now to
restore its credibility.

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