Tugas Reading 2 Laelaazhari 1202020081 PAI3C

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Laela azhari|1202020081|PAI 3 C|Reading Comprehension

The answer Part 1: page 31

1. All able, intelligent, and skilled individuals in an Islamic society are required in order
to be able to educate themselves.
2. Verses are saying about the importance of education there are Al Imron:190 [3:190],
Az Zumar: 9 [39:9], and Al Mujadalah: 11 [58:11]

State whether the followings are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) and write the line where
the statement is mentioned.

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True

The answer Part 2: page 32

a. All able, intelligent and skilled individuals

b. Islamic society
c. Every society
d. Scientific endeavors and the study of god signs in nature
e. Human beings
f. Prophet Muhammad

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