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How To Be a Good Student

As a part of being a student, our parents instilled in us a variety of values. However, a rising
number of youngsters today act inappropriately toward their parents and teachers. It began to
overshadow the golden teachings or rules that our ancestors passed on to us. We've forgotten all
about the responsibilities we have to fulfill and the values our ancestors taught us to follow. This
is why i am taking this chance to advocate our fellow students the moral and value a good
student need to have showed in the following.

● Respect is a twin of the word doing good to others, having good manners, and showing
respect by valuing someone. It's important to respect the person you want to respect you
as they said "treat them the way you want them to treat you". One of the key components
of being a good student is showing respect for our friends and teachers. The teachers, ate
and kuya's, for instance, would feel the respect we have for them if we used the term "po"
and "opo" that we Filipinos use as a gesture of respect towards the elderly. 
● Responsibility is one of the moral values of us Filipinos. Fulfilling our responsibility as a
student is one of the ways we can learn to respect our fellows. It's like being responsible
to study hard for our future, and responsibility to help our fellow classmates and teachers.
It is our responsibility to help our parents by studying hard so that we can repay the
hardships they sacrifice for us.
● Gratitude or helping without asking for anything in return. Since we were young, what
our parents always teach us is to be grateful for everything we receive. We were taught
that things or food should not be wasted because many children do not have it. Be
grateful for whatever we have because all we need to be happy is to have enough.
● Collaboration like the "Bayanihan", for example, is the culture of unity that eases any
task through cooperation and sympathy. In "Bayanihan", each person will help to lift
"Bahay Kubo" that they will move. It shows that we can achieve more than just a one-
person can. If at school, helping with group projects, cleaning the classroom, and helping
fellow classmates who can't understand the class lessons is the type of "Bayanihan" that
we do. There are things that are impossible to do alone therefore collaboration is a must
for us to rise together.
There are still many morals and values that should be possessed by a good Filipino student
that we need to possess and pass on to the next generation of students who will continue in our
future. There is a strong belief in youth power in this country as the youth of today will be the
hope of our people in the future, so it is important that we become the youths who really are
knowledgeable of the morals and values that should be possessed not only by a good student but
also by a good person, as Dr. Jose Rizal once said, "The youth is the hope of our future."

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