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Nombre de la Materia


Nombre del Alumno (a)

Maria Guadalupe Mora Salazar
matricula 1822338092

Nombre de la Tarea
unidad 2/S2: Proyecto integrador.

Nombre del Profesor (a)

Dr. Ana Paulina Nájera Soto.

Effect of an osteoporotic fracture
prevention program on fracture incidence
in routine care: a cluster-randomized trial

One of the main problems in developing writing skills in English with a Genre
approach is to write an Abstract about articles or scientific researches. With the
objective to update the knowledge about this theme it was decided to do a
bibliographical revision about the most important elements related to this kind of
text. In this paper is described the ways of production of the abstract text, it is also
analyzed the relation between reading and writing skills, the text information, the
discourse information, the genre approach and the different kinds of abstracts,
basically medical researches. As a result of the revision done it is suggested to use
the model stated by the dutch linguist Teun A. Van Dijk due to its efficacy in
researches done by most of the authors consulted in articles and books about this
theme. It is concluded that the aspects that should be taken into consideration to
write an abstract in english are: the activities or macrorules, also called resunctive
operations: elliciting, selecting, generalizing, constructing or integrating, as well as
the linguistic analysis of the research articles: length of the abstracts, number and
length of statements used, voice and verbal tenses.

In the reviewed literature, it is evident how interest has been increasing on the part
of those who work in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in investigating the
communicative nature of speech. This is due to the great boom in the use of the
English language in areas of scientific research and the need to provide non-
English-speaking researchers with knowledge of the linguistic manifestations of the
rhetorical and organizational elements of discourse. One area of analysis with
great potential is the study of discourse regarding text analysis, composition
conversations, and cognitive models of schemas, which determine the activity of
writing and reading as a continuous process in relation to prior knowledge. In this
way, researchers of English for Specific Purposes have the opportunity to develop
an area in which multidisciplinary input can find appropriate answers to problems
related to English as a second language.

Through instruction and specific technical or professional knowledge, a

sociorhetorical secondary culture is acquired in which linguistic behavior is
functional, since its members remain linked to each other to achieve specific
linguistic objectives, above socialization and solidarity. The conventions derived
from the discursive community give rise to formal schemes at the communicative
level of language, and characterize specific types of discourses which have been
called genre. These formal schemes can be used objectively and instrumentally.

Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in

published maps and institutional affiliation

Received: 29 July 2021 Accepted: 29 December 2021


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