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Vocabulary and Grammar (page 1)

1 A Places around town; spider

B Food; wolf
C Jobs; forest
D Sports equipment; mouth
E The house; cottage
2 1. good-looking 5. ate out
2. disgusting 6. tiny
3. designed 7. rode our bikes
4. slept late 8. lazy
3 1. sixth 5. butterfly
2. pilot 6. Lettuce / Cucumber
3. summer 7. sandals / shoes
4. hit
(page 2)
4 1. Are … working out / going to work out
2. is putting
3. Did … hire
4. are climbing
5. Does … wear
6. didn’t receive
7. don’t … sleep
8. Will … win
5 1. mustn’t 6. Where
2. was 7. Was there
3. an 8. well
4. There is 9. Does … have /
5. as Has … got
6 1. a 8. can’t
2. Its 9. have got
3. saw 10. is
4. are planning 11. more
5. arrived 12. There are
6. are travelling 13. lives
7. won’t

 Way to English ESO 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

Written Comprehension (page 3)
Larry: How many birds are there now?
1 1. helmets Pam: There are about 2,000 birds.
2. (Viking) buildings, clothes, food Larry: That’s amazing!
3. bathrooms or toilets inside the homes Pam: Yes, it is. People wanted to buy the island and build
4. ate, sang, danced hotels on it, but Grimshaw said no. He wanted his
5. competitions island to be a beautiful natural place.
Larry: What is going to happen to the island?
(page 4) Pam: It’s a national park now.
2 1. They crossed the North Sea. / by sea Larry: Cool! So Brendon Grimshaw helped change the
2. long, narrow, usually had only one big room world.
3. cheese and butter Pam: Yes, he did. He was a real-life hero.
4. They were smaller. 1. 1. England 4. ten
5. They wear colourful Viking clothes.
2. 2012 5. about 2,000
Written Production (page 5) 3. tiny
Accept all logical and grammatically correct 2. 1. e 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
Oral Production (page 7)
Oral Comprehension (page 6) Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
(Track 16)
Larry: What are you doing, Pam?
Pam: Hi, Larry! I’m writing a report for school
about a real-life hero.
Larry: Who did you choose?
Pam: Well, the teacher said it must be an ordinary
person, not a famous actor, musician or
athlete. So I chose Brendon Grimshaw.
Larry: Brendon Grimshaw? Who’s that?
Pam: He was a man from England. He wanted to start
a new life, so he bought an island in the Indian
Ocean and went to live there when he was 47
years old. He lived there for about 40 years.
Larry: When did he die?
Pam: In 2012. He was almost 87 years old.
Larry: Almost 87, wow! Tell me more. What’s the
name of the island?
Pam: It’s Moyenne Island. It’s in the Seychelles and
it’s a tiny island.
Larry: What was Grimshaw like?
Pam: Well, I think he was very adventurous,
because there weren’t any people or houses on
the island. Then, Grimshaw brought a man to
the island to help him.
Larry: What was his name?
Pam: His name was Rene Lafortune. The two men
worked hard and the island became a beautiful
place to live.
Larry: What did they do?
Pam: They brought trees and animals to the island.
There weren’t any birds on the island when
Grimshaw arrived, so he brought ten birds. At
first, they flew away, but he gave them food
and they came back. Soon, more birds came.

 Way to English ESO 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

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