Matter Mind Map Page 6-7

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Matter: Is everything around us.

Atoms: Tiny particles that made out the matter.

Molecules: Groups of atoms.


Volume: Describes how much space matter occupies. We measure it in milliliters (ml).

Density: Amount of matter in a volume. We measure it in kilograms per litre (kg/l)

Density explains why some objects float in water while other sink.

Hardness: Is the scratch-resistance of a solid. Diamonds are the hardest natural solids.

Solubility: Is the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance and form a


Thermal conductivity: Is the ability of certain substances to conduct or transfer heat.

Metals are good conductors and wool and wood are good heat insulators.

Mass: Amount of matter in an object. We measure it in grams (g).


Pure substances: Consist of only one type of matter. Like the table salt.

Mixtures: Made up of two or more pure substances.

- Homogeneous: We cannot see the individual substances that make it up.

Example: sea water.
- Heterogeneous: We can see individual substances that make it up. Example:

Filtration: When we pour the juice of a lemon through a filter, the solids stay in the
filter, and the liquid passes through it.

Evaporation: When we heat a mixture of salt and water, the liquid evaporates and
leaves only the solids which crystallise and form salt crystals

Sieving: We use a sieve to separate solids of different sizes, such as pebbles from sand.

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