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Berem Everman

Berem Everman, human, also known as The Green Gemstone Man. The Foundation Stone of
the Kingpriest's Temple of Istar was discovered in the Abyss by Takhisis, Queen of
Darkness. Takhisis knew she could create a gateway back to the mortal world of
Krynn via this, and forced the Foundation Stone out of the Abyss onto the plains of
Neraka, where it began to grow a twisted, evil version of the Kingpriest's temple.
This twisted temple was found by Jasla and her brother Berem, who decided to take
one of the large emeralds decorating the central pillar. Berem is overcome by the
force of evil emanating from the stones, though Jasla begs him to stop. Berem
refuses, claiming the brilliant gem will more than pay for their needs for years to
come. In his agitated state, Berem rushes Jasla and pushes her away, accidentally
killing his sister when she gashes her head open upon the jagged rocks of the
Foundation. The emerald fuses into Berem's chest, granting him a form of
immortality (he can die, but is always reborn, not remembering how he came back).
Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented
from entering Krynn. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to
them as the Everman due to his immortality. After being stopped by Raistlin in the
basement of the Dark Queen's Temple, Raistlin tells his brother "this happens
because I want it to happen!" Raistlin releases The Everman from his immortality,
and Berem impales himself on the jeweled column and spills his blood over it. His
spirit then rejoins his sister, who had been holding the Dark Queen at bay, and the
door to Krynn slams shut.Berem Everman
Berem Everman, human, also known as The Green Gemstone Man. The Foundation Stone of
the Kingpriest's Temple of Istar was discovered in the Abyss by Takhisis, Queen of
Darkness. Takhisis knew she could create a gateway back to the mortal world of
Krynn via this, and forced the Foundation Stone out of the Abyss onto the plains of
Neraka, where it began to grow a twisted, evil version of the Kingpriest's temple.
This twisted temple was found by Jasla and her brother Berem, who decided to take
one of the large emeralds decorating the central pillar. Berem is overcome by the
force of evil emanating from the stones, though Jasla begs him to stop. Berem
refuses, claiming the brilliant gem will more than pay for their needs for years to
come. In his agitated state, Berem rushes Jasla and pushes her away, accidentally
killing his sister when she gashes her head open upon the jagged rocks of the
Foundation. The emerald fuses into Berem's chest, granting him a form of
immortality (he can die, but is always reborn, not remembering how he came back).
Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented
from entering Krynn. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to
them as the Everman due to his immortality. After being stopped by Raistlin in the
basement of the Dark Queen's Temple, Raistlin tells his brother "this happens
because I want it to happen!" Raistlin releases The Everman from his immortality,
and Berem impales himself on the jeweled column and spills his blood over it. His
spirit then rejoins his sister, who had been holding the Dark Queen at bay, and the
door to Krynn slams shut.Berem Everman
Berem Everman, human, also known as The Green Gemstone Man. The Foundation Stone of
the Kingpriest's Temple of Istar was discovered in the Abyss by Takhisis, Queen of
Darkness. Takhisis knew she could create a gateway back to the mortal world of
Krynn via this, and forced the Foundation Stone out of the Abyss onto the plains of
Neraka, where it began to grow a twisted, evil version of the Kingpriest's temple.
This twisted temple was found by Jasla and her brother Berem, who decided to take
one of the large emeralds decorating the central pillar. Berem is overcome by the
force of evil emanating from the stones, though Jasla begs him to stop. Berem
refuses, claiming the brilliant gem will more than pay for their needs for years to
come. In his agitated state, Berem rushes Jasla and pushes her away, accidentally
killing his sister when she gashes her head open upon the jagged rocks of the
Foundation. The emerald fuses into Berem's chest, granting him a form of
immortality (he can die, but is always reborn, not remembering how he came back).
Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented
from entering Krynn. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to
them as the Everman due to his immortality. After being stopped by Raistlin in the
basement of the Dark Queen's Temple, Raistlin tells his brother "this happens
because I want it to happen!" Raistlin releases The Everman from his immortality,
and Berem impales himself on the jeweled column and spills his blood over it. His
spirit then rejoins his sister, who had been holding the Dark Queen at bay, and the
door to Krynn slams shut.Berem Everman
Berem Everman, human, also known as The Green Gemstone Man. The Foundation Stone of
the Kingpriest's Temple of Istar was discovered in the Abyss by Takhisis, Queen of
Darkness. Takhisis knew she could create a gateway back to the mortal world of
Krynn via this, and forced the Foundation Stone out of the Abyss onto the plains of
Neraka, where it began to grow a twisted, evil version of the Kingpriest's temple.
This twisted temple was found by Jasla and her brother Berem, who decided to take
one of the large emeralds decorating the central pillar. Berem is overcome by the
force of evil emanating from the stones, though Jasla begs him to stop. Berem
refuses, claiming the brilliant gem will more than pay for their needs for years to
come. In his agitated state, Berem rushes Jasla and pushes her away, accidentally
killing his sister when she gashes her head open upon the jagged rocks of the
Foundation. The emerald fuses into Berem's chest, granting him a form of
immortality (he can die, but is always reborn, not remembering how he came back).
Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented
from entering Krynn. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to
them as the Everman due to his immortality. After being stopped by Raistlin in the
basement of the Dark Queen's Temple, Raistlin tells his brother "this happens
because I want it to happen!" Raistlin releases The Everman from his immortality,
and Berem impales himself on the jeweled column and spills his blood over it. His
spirit then rejoins his sister, who had been holding the Dark Queen at bay, and the
door to Krynn slams shut.

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